it's a bit late, but happy Golden Sunday to those who give a damn. Did anyone else start a new file to celebrate?
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I mean TLA, sure, I'd be down.
1 and DD are trash, though.
I don't want to delete my old saves so probably not, but since 1 doesn't save anymore maybe.
TLA was good for sure, 1 kind of felt like just a big set up for the big events in the sequel, that and getting a big chunk of exposition out of the way. Loved Colosso though.
Could always emulate, that way you could enjoy the Reloaded romhack.
That setup didn't need to happen though. Shit, it'd be better if both games followed Felix.
Golden Sun is trash, you can do better in terms of Nintendo RPGS on the GBA
> Mother 3
> M&L: Superstar Saga
> Tomato Adventure
> Magical Vacation
All of these shit on Golden Sun, get some better taste retards.
I bet you were waiting to post that pasta again trannyfag.
>0 Days Since Yea Forums bitched about Golden Sun
I don't really care, I like TLA.
i'm so glad smash speculation introduced me to this series, honestly. the first two games look like they're right up my alley and i'm in love with the character designs. i'm gonna be starting a file of GS1 soonish. looks like maximum comfy.
This is the 3rd time I've seen this verbatim. Go away and stay go. Magical Vacation sounds neat though.
It absolutely is, when I play, it's like I'm playing an rpg about a anime about a fairly standard rpg, stylistically and thematically.
>literally waiting for any thread related to GS to post this in
Here's your (You) you poverty striken bastard.
Stop falseflagging you pathetic fuck.
>Evoke Djinns
A couple of hours after I broke the game, I quit, I would have gone on could I deactivate random encounters, they just were a waste of time by that point
Sacred Feathers do turn them off
Also the avoid Avoid psynergy.
Completely forgot about them, not going to replay the game, but I'll consider it would I be extremely bored or the series becomes relevant again
Imagine being such a cuckold that still clings onto this shortlived series that you force an unofficial celebration by telling people to start a new file on an ancient game theyve played numerous times in a series with only literally 3 games to its name
Imagine also doing the biggest mental gymnastics ever by attributing a green plant symbol item in a Wendy promo for Smash to a leak of Isaac being playable
It would be depressingly sad if it weren't so funny
Music is great too. Hope the stretched out beginning won‘t scare you off.
Use Golden Sun Reloaded rom hacks for 1 and 2. It‘s a really well made hard mode. Still gives you one thing to exploit later on if you really look for it, but it‘s not immediately apparent and you shouldn‘t need it.
Also really makes class changes viable and rewarding.
Here‘s a mega:
I thoroughly enjoyed the world of Golden Sun when I played the game last fall. I wish Nintendo would make a Xenoblade/BotW style game for Golden Sun.
>Golden Sun fags are also meme spouting DBZ niggers
yeah that makes sense
Anybody that thought anything other than a direct confirmation was a sign of a character being in the game was a bid dumb. I'll admit that I fell a little for the grinch leak, as it seemed pretty well put together though. Anyway, this isnt a smash thread, and you're a big meanie bo beanie.
Please, this. I've been begging for this for a while.
get out of here, rosterfag
My nigger, thanks
No problem. Just remember that stat buffs are actually really good now and summons only become available in the turn that equals the number of djinns they take.