Have sex
New 50 cent game looks pretty neat.
Is gameplay trailer any good?
dont spread lies you idiots, I've got 20 black friends and none are violent!
t. Scared ytoid
How the hell do you get access to a machete in the UK? Sickening.
Daily reminder that /pol/ opened the floodgates for reddit and other outsiders to flock here in droves, effectively accelerating Yea Forums's downward spiral in quality.
pick a sex
Did you know, Batman, in my world, 13 is 50
Bong confrontations are so much better than murrican ones since they don't have guns. I'd rather watch two dipshits in a knife fights over two slack jawed retards compressing their index fingers to shoot high powered firearms, fucking easy mode ass Americans, how about you git gud.
What the fuck are they holding? Gladiuss or what?
So do /pol/cels even know what they’re saying any more? On one hand they hate the government because it’s not looking out for their racist interests and support terrorists like the Australian Mosque shooter and in another hand they want to obey the laws and vilify people who are essentially doing what /pol/cels want to do?
Talk about a confused bitch.
Have sex
>Machete fight in the middle of the street
>White hood vs black hood
>sex before marriage
>implying Yea Forums ever had quality
The new Dark Souls looks great.
based nignog protecting himself from that kkk member
Stfu trannoid
>tfw accelerationist
>tfw always vote for the party that wants to bring in more immigrants and refugees since that’ll being down society faster
Getting U.S. statistics confused with bong statistics.
You can make a lot of people look dumb if you misrepresent them.
>support terrorists like the Australian Mosque shooter
So a person did something. . so what?
Mad cause no cowboy blood in his veins.
So nothing of value then
why wouldn't any of them bring a shield?
Unironically it's the only option. I don't know what the fuck the conservatives think they are doing fighting a losing war. Literally just learn a new language and prepare to emigrate to a better country. You have to learn to think like your enemy.
London must be cleansed.
>yfw it turns out that actually slows the process the degeneration and nationalism and other “puff your chest” ideals are actually the ones that bring you down faster than a brick.
Case in point: US and UK in last few years.
Native Europeans are subhuman
>Implying it was GG when The Fappening happened around the same time.
And the solution?