Best game of ps1 coming through.
Best game of ps1 coming through
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Thanks for the gag, here's the real best game.
Best? Haha, nah.
But certainly a good game.
post yfw
>The robots head can be destroyed
Musashi is excellent and I'm, at least, with you that it belongs on any Top10 PS1 games list.
It's sqaures best game for sure. Better than all those garbage turnbased rpgs
I keep seeing Brave Fencer Musashi on all kinds of top game lists, but why? I've never played it, can someone tell me why I should?
God dammit it makes me feel like a kid ready to go on an adventure again.
Games like BFM and Tomba are the true gems of ps1
>Brave fencer musashi
>legend of dragoon
>Twisted metal
>Abes oddysee
>Megaman legends
>Those fucking multi game demo disks
I wanna go back guys.. I really want to go back to that time.
This is the best game from Squaresoft.
It's a comfy action rpg. With charming overworld, cool setting, story, and dungeons. It's basically Zelda clone
It has good graphics and voice acting.
Like that guy said, does adventuring bettet than Zelda.
I know the word "comfy" gets thrown around a lot here, but it really is one of the absolute comfiest games I have ever played. The town feels homey and the inhabitants are all unique in their own way, and there is a ton of content you can unlock through exploration. Also the combat system is pretty neat- it sort of resembles what I imagine a Kirby game is like.
Combine all of that with a wonderful OST and passable voice acting and you've got yourself an unforgettable and wholly charming experience. Of all the games on my PS1 backlog that I've managed to get through, Brave Fencer was undoubtedly the most unexpected fun I've managed to have.
Thinking back on them, a lot of ps1 games would be considered a casual filter.
You're a pretty cool guy, user.
This game is so fucking good. It deserves so much more love than it gets.
A challenger approaches:
>that Wile Cyote sneak game
>all the reimaginings of old atari games like Frogger and break out
>weird experimental shit like Intelligence Cube
We didnt deserve the PSX.
Never finished it. Fuck that dancing minigame.
Brave Fencer Musashi is still my favorite game of all time to this day.
Gonna echo what this guy said but also expand upon that.
There's only one town, but it's a hub you return to all the time. Every NPC there is named and as the game progresses, the people in town will react to the events going on. There's also a day/night cycle and people have regular schedules, and many characters have mini arcs of their own throughout the game.
This all comes together to make a world that feels lived in with a lot of people you come to care about and feel invested in.
When it comes to the gameplay, it's a very satisfying mixture of Zelda and Kirby, for lack of better term. You get two swords as your weapons; a smaller katana that you can do quick light attacks with and a heavy broadsword that does slower swings but more damage. More importantly, the katana can also be thrown into enemies. If you manage to impale someone, you can absorb them into your sword and gain a power related to them, Kirby-style. This gives you an extra ability ranging from combat-orientated things like shooting gunfire at people, things that help you traverse areas like being able to use your katana as a pogo stick to jump over spikey terrain safely, or goofy/useless things.
The broadsword gains new, set powers as you progress the game as well, providing you with a range of abilities like being able to create small earthquakes or walk on water. The game gives you a lot of tools and powers to play around with.
The music is pretty stellar too, and the boss designs are great and a blast to fight against. The whole thing comes together to create a fun adventure to play through. It's oozing with things to see and do.
You were so close to the end, user. That's a shame.
There's like 40 minutes of game left after that user.
post fw rumparoni sp
staple ps1 fightan
Just play the game.
I wish there was a remake from this awesome game... or at least on PSN
It went up on the PS3's PSN in Japan ages ago, around the time SE was putting up al of their other PS1 games there like Final Fantasy 7-9, Vagrant Story, FF Tactics, etc.
It just never came overseas. In fact, it's the only Square game on the PS1 that wasn't put up on the western PSN, as far as I recall. I keep thinking it must have been some kind of issue with emulation, because the people who put Tomba 2 onto PSN originally had trouble emulating the localized western version due to some things being different in the code under the hood that was causing the game to crash and experience unnatural slowdown in their initial attempts to port it. At first they just put out the Japanese version to give the west something to work with, but later managed to figure out how to work around whatever the issues were and put up the proper localized version in its place.
If I'm right about Brave Fencer Musashi, I can't help but also wonder if it was also a problem that could have been solved if Square had bothered to spare more effort towards it.
Hey geezer
What the fuck?
Finally replayed to completion on emulator recently. Super charming and held up much better than I thought it would but the ending felt so out of place and dragged it down a bit. Still love it though.
There was a reason why strategy guides were so popular.
You can buy action figures of all the enemies and character and play with them in your room.
Jutah! Come in Jutah!