>Zen 2 8 Core CPU
>Backwards compatible with atleast PS4
>Navi 7nm GPU
>Ray tracing audio
Ok did Sony already win next gen? This is all they had to do and then some.
Playstation 5
Other urls found in this thread:
Even when Sony did everything wrong with PS3, they still outsold 360 which had everything in its favor.
By now it's time to just admit Sony will always win.
but when does it come out Yea Forums ?
You forgot the best part.
>banned all sexual content effectively kicking out all white pervert incels from the gaming community
Next year I'm betting.
Repeat after me: prohibitively expensive.
Fall next year for $499.
Fuck everyone saying this. Consoles SHOULD be expensive day 1 because otherwise we end up with yet another gen of consoles running trash outdated underpowered hardware for another 7 years. This is the only way to "future proof" a gen. By actually giving it some muscles and pricing it a bit on the higher side to ensure longevity.
Let's not beat around the bush. The only good thing about Sony's next console is better models for SFM porn.
That's because they tried their damnedest to salvage the thing. PS4 is much more competent but less interesting.
Xniggers will come in here to screech about irrelevant bullshit, so yes they did.
>All they had to do was release a powerful console with absolutely no library for the third generation in a row
Unless it is some piss poor 500GB SSD it won't be 499 like the leak said.
>absolutely no library
>has literally all games of note of this gen available on it
Do you even read the shit you write?
>Ray tracing audio
you mean basic audio tech that existed since the 90's?
>A sony spokeswoman confirmed it established it's own guidelines to ensure "well balanced content" on the platform. and so "gaming does not inhibit the sound growth and development of young people".
>backwards compatible with PS4
SSDs are falling in prices like a motherfucker. 1TB SSD today is almost what 1TB HDD was in 2012. Also Sony will take a loss on each console sold offset by PS+ shekels all the retards are paying for.
while I agree, sony should still be aware of the price tag and get a reasonable one. the ps2 was a piece of shit hardware wise right out launch but it still had many amazing games.
They just need to fire that bitch who came up with this new censorship policy and then I'll be interested. Here's what it needs for me to buy it:
Physical game copies
Full PS4 backwards compatibility
FromSoft + Japan studio exclusive
Gravity Rush 3
Other good Japanese exclusives
3rd party Japanese support as usual
Free online multiplayer
Good specs
It looks like it has some of that but this may finally be the first time I don't pick up their next console. As long as this censorship policy is in place, that negates pretty much anything else.
>8 cores
And it will suck shit because console devs have no idea how to optimize for muti-thread/core processing.
Oh, so that why they call you sony niggers...
Do you guys think the backward compatibility will also include digital games ?
I've gone full digital only have a few physical games.
I'd be a little mad.
>no PS3 BC
enjoy my loss of sale
Nice, this will have good implications for multiplatform games. Still not going to buy one for two exclusives and pay for online though,
I'm just waiting for preorders to open. I turned my back on Sony temporarily last gen with the fuckhuge PS3 and that sticker shock. I came around eventually and won't do it again. I've been playing consoles since the NES and unlike Nintendo, Microsoft, or Sega, Sony has never released a bad system with no support. PS3 took a while but it was great.
Plus this is so far along it means Kaz still had a hand on it. And he was the best. Now go ahead and get pissy, Nintenkids. Reggie kept us from a ton of great games, Iwata released extremely outdated systems for children. Microsoft shat the bed so hard they're turning to Windows to save them. Only Sony stayed the course.
$450~500 next year, around March. Base model.
There might be a PSVR bundle at $700 too.
>Also Sony will take a loss on each console sold
The leak said only $100 loss on each unit sold, so it should cost $599, it still doesn't seem like a feasible price for a decent large storage SSD.
With PSN, yeah, no reason why not unless they're that fucking greedy.
The fuck? PS2 was a monster at launch. Sony took a massive loss on each console sold. I remember seeing MGS2 for the first and realizing that it was the true breakthrough gaming was waiting for. To this day, no generation leap has been as substantial as from PSX to PS2. PS2 actually made 3D games viable.
with those specs it can't be $499. Certainly not if the 4k/8k thing is real. $750 is roughly the cheapest the PS5 can be unless they're really cutting corners where it matters.
>tried their damnedest to salvage the thing
No they fucking didn't. Almost every game on the PS3 was an unoptimized piece of shit that should have never gotten released in the first place. The PS3 is one of the prime examples of a fanbase buying a product solely because of the branding power and not because of the product itself.
True. I spent lots of hours in fps mode shooting each individual limb to see their reactions. It was magical.
No because Microsoft has access to the same hardware pieces. Should be interesting since the only big things which will make a difference is GPU configuration and CPU clockspeed maybe in terms of Zen 2 CPU and Navi GPU variations.
>I've gone full digital
The PS3 outlived TWO Nintendo consoles, the fuck are you talking about? Sony supported the shit outta the PS3 when most other companies would have dropped it instead of absorbing the losses.
>The fuck? PS2 was a monster at launch
Not that guy but I do have my take on "piece of shit hardware", the PS2 release units were completely fucked and prone to be defective, there was a huge recall in many stores.
Why would you need 8 cores anyway. I might make sense on a PC where the operating system is already demanding enough, but consoles don't need that many cores. A faster 4 or 6 core CPU would make much more sense.
This. They really cemented their position in this generation though. This generation was the point where it was confirmed that they will just keep winning.
>still 30 fps
>now they will have 8k checkerboards and add other buzzwords to their repertoire
Being a dump for shovelware games doesn't count as "outliving", snoyboy.
>anything topping the Nintendo Switch
The Last of Us came out long after Wii was long dead.
And this is a system that sold only 10% of what Wii did first year of sales. What does that say about Nintendo and Sony?
theyre trying to push 8k? most PCs cant even push 4k and consoles cant even do 1080p at 60fps most of the time
the fuck are they thinking
The leap happened a year before with the Dreamcast. PSX-DC was a massive leap. DC-PS2? Not so much.
>SSDs are falling in prices like a motherfucker
user, they're still like 100 a piece and that's if you go with cheap chink shit that'll break in an hour. That's not a feasible price.
sony's biggest console fuck up turned around and became the best console of that gen, nothing can stop he ps5 at this rate
PS5 will support HDMI 2.1 which by default supports 8K60hz and 4K120Hz.
It's like how PS3 could output at 1080p but games were still 720p and sometimes less.
it's all marketing fluff. The console will be able to "output" 8k just like the PS3 is capable of outputting 1080p.
One launch game will actually do it and everything else will be at 1440p-2160p.
it's called marketing talk, any GPU from like the last 5 years supports 8k but that doesn't mean it runs a game well at that resolution natively
diminishing returns. back then, generational leaps were impressive but now it feels like we're going by increments.
>PS2 was a monster at launch.
only marginally more powerful than the dreamcast. it was shit compared to the xbox and gamecube which came out a year later.
Both the PS2 and OG Xbox were very, very respectable game platforms out of the box. They werent underpowered in any sense other than PS2 relying on memory cards. Imagine if the stock ps4 at launch was the PS4 pro, and thats about how proportionally strong the ps2 was
>turned around and became the best console of that gen
You can't possibly be talking about the ps3 because it failed in literally every area.
it's confirmed brainlet
why do marketers have to lie to me all the time
>. it was shit compared to the xbox and gamecube which came out a year later.
It's almost like those consoles came out...years later!
He's not lying though. PS5 can theoretically output 8K resolution.
It wasn't that powerful, GC and Xbox had way better millage, few games actually used the features that actually made difference for platform.
Also shit was awful to develop.
like what? It had the highest amount of quality exclusive, was the strongest console of the gen, and managed not to get 3rd in terms of sales after an abysmal start and 360's one year head start
Care to elaborate?
PS3 was literally the best console of last gen. Not to mention it having free online (RIP).
sorry sweaty the PS2 was more powerful than the Gamecube.
>Both the PS2 and OG Xbox were very, very respectable game platforms out of the box
Television market dumbass, they do this shit to push the 8K tvs, Sony and Microsoft have been trying to make video games be more like media centers than just a "toy", why do you think consoles became all black and sleek designed? They want to push it as something every household, every TV, should be hooked into.
Those consoles came out YEARS later you idiot. Of course they would be more powerful. The comparison isn't fair at all.
oh and this was the biggest failure of last gen
that’s gonna be expensive.
what are they gonna do to make it more reasonably priced? Stick a 240gb in it?
>PS5 can theoretically output 8K resolution.
so can my 3 years old mid-tier PC
>Stick a 240gb in it?
Even on a PS4 you can only have 5 AAA games at most with this setup, I can't even imagine how bloated the game file sides will be on the next PlayStation and Xbox.
they'll sell a base model with 240gb in it and an enhanced model with a bit more
It's cheaper, especially with Zen 2 chiplets. It's highly likely that 8 cores means two partially defective chiplets (each of which has 8 cores at the most). Also, despite what retards say, games are not inherently difficult to parallelize.
Be retarded if you want but the PS2 gpu was, at the time, fine and it was the cheapest dvd player around. The og xbox used one of the strongest graphics cards available. It'd be like the One X rocking an nvidia 1080.
The last 2 gens have been disappointments, comparatively. What held the ps2 and xbox back was largely limited networking (marginal online play and updates), and the architecture was such that porting was a bitch and a half
>Ray tracing audio
Will it auto-censor old games, so I can finally play Tomb Raider without needing to compulsively jack off every 3 minutes?
Drop dead sonybro.
>highest quality exclusives
>Was the strongest console of the gen
No, that's the Wii
It's pretty amazing how the PS3 managed to throw things around at the end of it's lifespan, but Sony lost a shitton of money. Both Microsoft and Sony sold their consoles at a loss. But Sony fucked to things up worse by having an expensive as fuck Blu Ray drive. Both the rrod and yllod were extremely expensive as well.
The only winner was the Wii. Selling extremely well and selling at a profit
literally a single year later. presumably they had a similar window of development with the ps2.
I wouldnt be surprised if its a 240 gb ssd and 1tb hdd. When you go to play a game it maybe loads it onto the ssd? That'd be some engineering to work quick and seamless though
>Was the strongest console of the gen
>No, that's the Wii
>highest quality exclusives
by every objective measurement (review/award aggregates) the ps3 wins
>Was the strongest console of the gen
>No, that's the Wii
did you misread my post? I said strongest, not highest selling
> Both the rrod and yllod were extremely expensive as well.
don't try to combine these and treat them as the same, the RRoD was a HUGE shitstorm that caused microsoft over a billion dollars
Yeah even now some AAA titles are reaching 100gb, I can only imagine what 4K is gonna take up, it’ll be like 200gb and over per game.
In sales he's right
A year and a half. In those times, that time mattered.
Actually, it already exists.
They have some sort of custom ssd for ps5
That's not how you define console strength you absolute retard. Also Wii sales tanked like a motherfucker in later years because normalfags got sick and tired of the waggle meme. The ones that wanted a real console also went a bought a PS3 but most fucked off elsewhere.
Exactly. Anything will top Switch.
Those fat PS3s did have a 39% fail rate, not as bad as the near 50% fail rate of the 360 but still quite serious.
About 20 years ago dedicated sound cards used to be fairly popular and they included fancy audio stuff, but then CPUs got better and made sound cards superfluous with all standard audio engines like OpenAL including those features by default including simulated bouncing based around actual geometry aka ray tracing, saying this needs a dedicated chip and calling it a feature is just another marketing meme.
That is magically cheaper? Mark Ceny says in the Wired interview that the read and load time is supposedly ridiculously fast, new tech is usually expensive.
>It had the highest amount of quality exclusive
It really didn't, even Sony's own development struggled to make games that performed well on the system and even when they did get a game running well it was always something basic or short. Even a few ps2 ports didn't run well as well as the originals.
>was the strongest console of the gen,
Sure, no one is denying that but no one could make use of it because of the retarded architecture that's why almost every multiplat performed worse than their counterparts on other systems and why the ps3 initially didn't get a lot of them.
That's a dead link or at the very least it's not directing me to whatever you wanted to post. Anyway, if you're going to look at costs then the ps3 was hit almost twice as hard as the 360.
Then there's the whole thing with OtherOS.
The thing was a colossal failure in every regard and burned the money Sony earned with the ps2.
I had no idea hybrid drives even existed.
>as the same, the RRoD was a HUGE shitstorm that caused microsoft over a billion dollars
user, the ps3 cost Sony almost five billion.
If im a member of Sonys board and we're talking strength, sales and net income is absolutely the end measurement. If Sony went back to 2003 and was told "this path (the Wii) will outsell these paths (Xbox 360, ps3)" which do you think Sony would choose?
Hint, they'd make the Wii. They make consoles based on percieved demand and what they think consumers would want. The physical power isnt their goal
The wii tanking later is irrelevant. The money was already made
Didn't everyone say 8GB GDDR5 was also impossible back in 2013? Yet Sony still pulled it off somehow.
> Backwards compatible with atleast PS4
Its like to say that my new ryzen is backward compatible with my old amd fx-4300. Obviously it is. They dont even need to change software much.
>If im a member of Sonys board
But you're not you absolute cocksucker. You're someone that plays games. Maybe.
>The wii tanking later is irrelevant. The money was already made
Nevermind it seems you just specialize in sucking Nintendo's jew cock.
That would only make it more expensive because they had to develop a new one rather than bulk buying generic ones.
>Those fat PS3s did have a 39% fail rate
source? Highest I can find is around 10%
the one billion is off RRoD alone, not other costs
> here’s your specs for censorstation 5
>focusing on 4k
Another generation i'll skip
Have fun with that 18FPS dips, consolefags
I do play games. and i actually do have stocks in a few things. Sony does happen to be one of them but not cuz of their games but their conductors (they make a LOT of that stuff) so they get in that index
This post proved very fortuitous.
>The thing was a colossal failure in every regard
Not in one aspect, being enjoyable to the end user.
This is something Nintendo failed terribly with the Wii and Wii U was how they paid the price of failed gimmicks. Sony's investment in keeping PS3 alive paid off with the PS4. The two are connected. Sony had a lot of good reputation by the end of PS3 lifecycle as they were supporting consoles in a way nobody else would.
I read your point as strongest in terms of sales.
If you are talking about power, it's a different story. The cell processor was a powerhouse, but only in theory. Actually programming for it was extremely difficult, and most programmers didn't manage to do it. I forgot what the actual technical explanation was (might be because of cache size iirc), but just Google some developer interviews.
Also the 360 had twice the ammont of RAM.
I'd say the best looking PS3 games like uncharted were slightly better looking than the best looking 360 games, but I'd say at least 90 percent of multiplats looked better on 360.
I had both an 360 and a PS3 and bought most games for the 360 because of that.
Yeah the Xbox fail rates were worse, but I don't really buy the percentage. If you play long enough, both the original PS3 and the 360 will die. The PS3 survived slightly longer but at some point it will die. My guess would be that many people didn't play enough for that to happen, or just didn't bother to get a refund.
>not other costs
Which still didn't exceed that five billion according to this user's link Why are you guys suddenly trying to act like the ps3 wasn't trash?
Right before Nintendo could reveal the Switch "Pro" aswell.
More and more the timing of this reveal looks genius to me. This completely takes the air out of whatever announcements MS and Nintendo had planned. Nothing else can compare.
the gamecube is literally weaker than the dreamcast.
People liked PS3 enough to go buy a PS4. And now PS4 is making Sony billions because they kept goodwill throughout last gen. Who looks like the loser now?
360 and ps3 had the same ram
Bros... it's the friggin' future!!!
>being enjoyable to the end user.
If that were the case then people wouldn't have complained about the low quality of games being made for it.
>Sony had a lot of good reputation by the end of PS3
Not really, everyone was making fun of Sony and they were the joke of the industry. It wasn't until what E3 2013? That they managed to turn things around on Microsoft's fuck up.
HDMI supports 8k broski, VGA is ancient.
Of course, it already won the position of normalfag console, otherwise it wouldn't get anything aside for the no games thing.
>People liked PS3 enough to go buy a PS4
They're two different fanbases and Sony abandoned the former when they made TLoU and their other cinematic based games.
>n-not really
yes really nincel. PS3 was loved by fans which also explains why PS4 did so well so quickly. Deal with it.
last known numbers from both companies have the 360 ahead in 2016. anything other than that is just speculation. also the 360 was only successful in the usa so the fact it sold so much compared to the global name of ps3 was very impressive. the xbox 360 had literally nothing going for it outside of america.
i'll just wait for ps5 pro and Xbox Two X
your memory is shit, 360 and wii shit the bed after 2009/2010 with no games, ps3 was the only relevant console in the second half of the generation because japs got their shit together with HD development
TLOU was released on PS3 you retard.
>Backwards compatible with atleast PS4
not good enough. If I can't put my ps1 copy of metal gear solid or tomb raider in and play them, it's not enough
Oh its just Eric. No wonder you're trying to revise history.
Yes, that's a thing
>It wasn't until what E3 2013?
try 2009 with demon's souls and uncharted 2. These combined with the price drop was the turning point last gen
You confuse PS3 with Wii. It was Wii that became extremely hated and sales tanked like a motherfucker as normalfags fled in disgust.
Just look at this literal garbage Nintendo was releasing. It disgusts me.
How does that change anything when it was a game that didn't appeal to their core fanbase?
>nincel has to resort to his boogeyman card when called out
Classic. Hey maybe the Switch "Pro" won't be yet another underpowered Nintendo turd.
Oh wait.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought the PS3 only had 256 MB of actual video ram while the 360 hat 512?
>censored games
>blocking crossplay
>blocking crossplatform
>late 2020 release with these specs already makes it way more obsolete than even a current gtx 2080
seems to me they lost if microsoft can actually realize it and hit em where it hurts
It obviously did considering how many millions it sold.
But it's you that speak for who its "core" fanbase is right? Just kys.
Don't lie. The most powerful GPU from 3 years ago was the Titan X, which had a 2048x1536 resolution cap on VGA.
It couldn't even do 4k, which is 3840 x 2160, let alone 4k/60fps which requires a much higher bandwidth output like HDMI 2.0 which only came out like 1 or 2 years ago. So a 3 years old high-end PC theoretically couldn't do shit let alone a mid-rage one.
Nice. I'll buy it because I buy every games console
actually it was both the wii and 360 with that kinect shit
You do realise that if we were to swap the positions of the wii and ps3 that would mean that Sony is losing this gen right?
How so? PS4 gets all the games while Nintendo gets yet another gen of rehashed bing bing wahoo shit. Nothing has changed.
360 had 512 shared between the CPU and GPU, ps3 had 256 for the CPU and 256 for the GPU
>It obviously did considering how many millions it sold
You do realise that game gave a last minute bump to ps3 sales right by a substantial amount. That means they attracted a new fanbase.
PS3 is 256 Work RAM/256 VRAM, and it cannot be changed. 360 is 512 unified system memory, and therefor is superior. Any game that requires more than 256MB of work ram absolutely cannot run on PS3
they win me if it has 1440p/165hz support
>at least $499
Dead in the water price.
>ray tracing audio
also the console price will be 700-800$ ? + the price for the a 8K TV
no? PS4 has a constant stream of games, both exclusive and multiplat. switch has exclusives but not multiplats, xbox is the other way around
I have no reason to buy this. It won't have any games, again.
>worse than the next xbox
dead before arrival
>How so?
What do you mean "how so"? You're revising history and swapping the performance of the wii and ps3. Using that logic the wii flopped and the ps3 succeeded but Sony somehow failed this gen and Nintendo took their place.
But that's clearly not what happened.
>duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh some old cables don't support it, it doesn't matter if the GPU supports better cables!!
Fucking dogposters man
>people are actually trying to say the ps3 wasn't a black hole of failure
I never thought I would see the day. Not even hardcore sonyfags would defend that trash.
Anyone's tired of console wars and console vs pc?
Every gen since ps3/360 is the same, first between sony and MS to reveal specs blows everyone away with their numbers above any current consumer pc, then the consoles come out, everyone is amazed by the graphics, only to be disappointed by the actual performances because in the time between the reveal and the release technology advanced(even just one year can make a huge difference), some games will perform better on one or the other, some will be on pc too, some wont, in 2 or 3 years pc will avance again and consoles will struggle, and near the end of the gen developers are finally able to use the full potential of the console to finally deliver what was promised at launch while mantaining good graphic(with this gen it was 1080p 60fps stable), and then ready for the next gen.
And in all this mess people will fight on who's better when in fact there is no one who's better and it's just an endless race against each other with no real winner, PC "wins" only in the early stages, because that's the only moment where building a pc at the same cost will give u AT LEAST the same performance of the consoles, but when it comes to the end of the gen thats not true anymore(building a PC from nothing nowadays, even resorting to ryzen + vega without dedicated GPU will cost $350-400 and while it can beat a PS4 and XBONE, it cant beat PS4 Pro and XBONE S, and both consoles cost less than $350).
Play the games on whatever, but fighting against each other on which version is better or looks better or performs better is pointless.
not even close, poorfag
The fuck are you talking about? Why would you ever limit a Titan to VGA?
The GTX660 can output 4k through HDMI and DisplayPort and is 5 years old.
What exactly are you arguing? Best in sales? Or innovation? How powerful the console is? Because if you are talking about sales, yeah Nintendo is without a doubt number 1.
Look at what they released the past years. DS, Wii, 3ds, Switch. Everything sells extremely well. And they actually make a profit on sold consoles. Their first party games are bestsellers on their consoles. Say what you want about Nintendo but they are showering in money. Their only fuckup was the Wii U.
prove it
2.0 came out in 2013 (18.0 Gbit/s which means 4k/60hz or 8k/30hz)
2.1 came out in 2017 (48.0 Gbit/s which means 4k/120hz, 8k/60hz or even more ridiculous resolutions, it's also backwards-compatible with older GPUs)
You're retarded, both PS3 and 360 lost billions of dollars because they sold at a loss. Sony lost a good $250 on every single PS3 sold at launch. They can't please customers when they're bleeding money, you fucking idiots. PS3 had the fewest exclusives out of all three 7th gen consoles.
10 fps
I would not say 3DS sold extremely well, it's the lowest selling nintendo handheld. Switch also got outsold by the ps4 in 2018, not a good look when nintendo consoles drop in sales after the first two years
>PS3 had the fewest exclusives out of all three 7th gen consoles.
no, that was 360 easily. It lost almost everything come 2010 and didn't have shit after. Wii and PS3 are arguable
I'll wait for pro version this time.
the lowest selling sony console has outside all of Nintendo's consoles except the wii
>he thinks making your own SSD would be cheaper
nigger all the flash memory on the market is made by 6 companies who then either make their own SSDs with it or sell it to other companies to do it.
Then they have to design the SSD controllers which is a shitton of R&D in its own right.
No, PS3 actually had fewer total exclusives.
>187 games
Obviously they lost a bunch later when the next consoles came out and some games got ported but you get the idea.
And for comparison, the Wii crushed both of them.
>328 games
console companies done fucked themselves
now you have 2 options
>buy console at launch, get no games
>wait for the pro edition, get better performance and have more games
how many of those do people actually give a shit about? Xbox's list is inflated by xbox live indie shit
And yet Sony somehow lost money doing it
you forgot
>extreme censorship
don't care about hentai weebshit
even if they used top of the line hardware that made them cost 7000$ they would get outpaced after 6 months by new computer parts
How far does Nintendo's cock go up your ass?
Just accept that you were incorrect and move on, without the goalposts. PS3 had the fewest exclusives, deal with it. No one wanted to make exclusives for it for a long time, because it was hard to work with and was selling well below the 360 and Wii.
they are censoring ALL forms of sexuality retardo, like being able to have any allusions to sex what so ever
enjoy your abdullah console pajeet
>dude just make your own SSD lmfao
In home consoles they always tanked compared to Sony, but they made a lot of money with the handhelds.
Why the fuck would anyone play on console? Not trolling, serious question .
ok sure, ps3 had the least amount of exclusives. But it had the highest amount that people actually gave a shit about hence why the ps4 is so successful. Happy?
>No one wanted to make exclusives for it for a long time
yeah, that's why I said there was a shift in 2009/10
>start of gen
>playstation has the weeb games!
>end of gen
>who cares about weeb games! Censorship is fine too
The demographic shift is pretty funny
Actually epic
Why are Nintendo controllers always so awful?
Reminder that flash memory is a mafia and they use all excuses possible to drive up PC SSD prices even though literally every single cheapo product comes with flash memory nowadays.
Yeah man, the PS3 had HIGH-QUALITY exclusive titles like High Velocity Bowling, Derby Time Online, Magic Orbz, Invizimals: The Lost Kingdom and Buzz!: Quiz TV! None of that indie or shovelware GARBAGE that other consoles were plagued with :^)
If there's BC with PS1 and PS2, then consider me sold.
Even though I would love it to have PS3 BC, I'm really not expecting it.
to get you to pay for an overpriced pro version
End of the gen, Playstation still has all the weeb games.
Nigga I only listed one other console except the Wii and it isn't even out long enough. Again, Nintendo makes profit each console they sell. Sony doesn't. Nintendos worst selling handheld sold about the same as Sony's best selling handheld, and production is still ongoing.
Nintendo is fucking rich. The switch is probably going to be their best selling consoles right after the Wii, they can sell cardboard for 50 bucks, they can sell overpriced dlc in form of amibos and are out of stock in a few days.
Listen you absolute retard, I never defended Nintendo in any way, I didn't even bought a Nintendo console since the GameCube. But you have to have a sub 90 IQ to actually believe that Playstation or Xbox are in any way making more money than Nintendo.
>people throwing these specs left and right not actually knowing what any of it means
Are Snoys the biggest shiteaters and tech illiterates on the face of the earth?
No, they're not, only weebtrash hentai bait is getting the cut, which is good since it's a pedo demographic.
if ps1/2 are emulated, there's no reason ps3 couldn't be either
>Again, Nintendo makes profit each console they sell.
no they don't, this is only true for the wii. Every other console is sold at a loss
Really? Cause I'm pretty damn sure no PS3 exclusive fucking touched the popularity of stuff like Halo 3, Mario Kart Wii, NSMB and Gears of War until TLOU.
the ps3 is significantly harder to emulate
it all depends on the cpu
>But you have to have a sub 90 IQ to actually believe that Playstation or Xbox are in any way making more money than Nintendo.
Pretty sure SIE is projected to do higher than Nintendo this FY. Last year they made the exact same amount.
>unironically buying hentai games
It will not have BC, at least not in the true sense.
It will emulate them at best.
But considering how badly the PS1 classic emulated games, using an incorrectly configured open source emulator, you're better off just running them on your PC.
It's worth noting that PS1 BC on PS3 is also emulation and not perfect even though it's not at all bad like PS classic.
What is the point?
Every single Playstation besides 4 plays PS1 games.
and what does 360 have aside from halo and gears? fuck all
at this point, not really. Raw power of the ps5 can easily overcome the hardware difference to emulate the ps3, just like with the ps3 emulating the ps2
I thought ps1 was native on ps3 and ps2 was emulated
Uncharted 2/3
Gran Turismo 5/6
God of War 3
>Nintendo tries to innovate, for better or worse
>Sony makes the same console four (4) times, just with shinier graffix
>inb4 PSN generated more revenue than all of Nintendo despite 90% of what it sells being third-party games, movies, TV and music Sony only gets a small cut for
ps3 did a terrible job emulating the ps2
even the ps4 is bad at it. see the J&D rereleases
Sony said no and you said yes master.
my PS3 sounds like a jet engine just on the home menu (yes I cleaned it out and reapplied thermal paste) so I'd rather not use it.
I currently use my PS2 but a wireless solution that doesn't require an external scaler would be preferable.
You can pop in the disc and it will run but it's still emulation on all models including the ones with PS2 BC.
>no they don't, this is only true for the wii. Every other console is sold at a loss
The only console they've ever sold at a loss is the Wii U. You are 100% factually incorrect.
>Nintendo tries to innovate,
More like tries to sell you trashy gimmicks for an overprice.
But the specs in the OP are already outdated hardware mate.
PS3 emulation improved a fuckload just in the last few months, the problem isn't power but rather figuring out the ass-backward cell processor architecture.
Don't project your filthy erping on me, freak.
>PS3 had the most exclusives!
>No It didn't, here are the numbers
>Yeah, well, it has the biggest ones people cared about most!
>Halo 3, MKWii, NSMB, etc. all sold more, were more popular
>*Snoy fanboi head explodes*
None of which sold anywhere close to what the above sold. Again, TLOU is their biggest one and that didn't come until the end of the console's life.
Just stop.
zen 2 architecture isn't even out yet
Neither Navi or Zen2 CPUs are out you tard
Because you have a Phat Lady. Get a Super Slim or even better a slim for 25€ and be done with it. They are quiet.
Whatever you say, sweetie.
nice dodge, halo and gears were the exceptions for the 360, not the rule. PS3's exclusives pool was larger
Bullshit you nigger. Those games I mentioned sold above 10 million in some cases. And Sony was releasing games like TLOU when both Wii and 360 were long dead. That says something about their support.
and all for only 499
seems legit
still not as good as pc l0l
>ray tracing
have you Sony fanboys not seen the benchmarks? You better pray you can turn that shit off. I'd be fucking pissed putting all that money into a console with decent hardware for once only to have a gimped 30fps "experience" thanks to this meme technology
Feels good being a Sonychad.
stop parroting shit you hear on /r/masterrace
but dude
a 8k ray tracing PC can totally be made for 500 dollars
>ps5 will be able to be considered a budget mid-tier PC by the time it comes out
if pc is so good, where's PC2? checkmate pcfags
>Bullshit you nigger. Those games I mentioned sold above 10 million in some cases
>Can't count
Sounds about right.
Halo 3 sold over 14 million. NSMB sold over 30 million. MKWii sold over 34 million. Get fucked, Snoiboi, PS3 had the fewest exclusives and the most popular ones were also on the other consoles.
24fps will be the non-ray tracing experience
TLoU sold 17 million
>187 is a bigger number than 217
PS3 had the fewest exclusives. This is a fact, deal with it, you insipid muppet.
i've missed this
>one Xbox game
>bing bing wahoo shit
No wonder people are getting tired of Xbox and Nintendo.
>comparing a videogame made for a specific audience against one made for all kind of audience
i agree with the sentiment, but your example is fucking shit
We're on the topic of sales now, outside of halo/gears the pool of sales are nothing compared to the range of titles ps3 had
And I believe I mentioned it by name twice, stating it was the only game that sold anywhere close to the other hugely popular exclusives on other consoles.
Try to keep up, retard.
>Ray tracing audio
I really don't see the point of ray tracing.
It eat so much for so little.
damn I just bought a ps4, did I waste my money?
>Be objectively, factually wrong
>Try to change the argument
The first was so good there never needed to be a second one. Like Lada.
This. Ray tracing is the new 4K. bullshit and buzz to sell overpriced shit.
>Halo counts
>but Gran Turismo/TLOU/UC2 don't
Shut the fuck whoreson
Nope just play the games you like. Buying late is the smart thing to do.
the argument is the same, halo and gears sold a lot but outside of that there's nothing. PS3 had a far larger pool of multi million sellers (MGS4, Uncharted, GoW3, Motorstorm, heavy rain, LBP, Resistance come to mind)
It can't, i9 at 5ghz gets rekt in PS3 emulation, the PS5's Ryzen is going to be a joke compared to the i9
I mentioned TLOU like three times you fucking muppet, and it wasn't exclusive anymore fucking two years later.
PS3 had neither the most exclusives, it had fewer than both 360 and Wii, nor the most-popular ones, the Wii had those by a fucking country mile.
You're fucking wrong, just move on with your pathetic Snoiboi life, you fucking shitwit.
you know how raytracing works with light?
now imagine the same concept, but with audio.
instead of having baked sound being mixed and level adjusted by approximation of their source, their source will be the actual output(in game), and what you hear will be calculated in real time according to how sound waves bounce off the environment.
Zen 2 & Navi are not going to be better than Intel & RTX
So they are outdated
and what does this do for gameplay
TLOU is at 17mil due to the PS4 re release, many people purchased it again
uncharted 2 and 3 sold the same amount as gears 1/2, gran turismo 5 sold double gears
if they ever make a fourth thief game (they won't) it might be as good as the first two
Is it me or is PS3 still the most useful system? I still use my fat ps3 to play blue ray and stream pirated sports events on my tv. I have the harddrive full of movies.
meanwhile ps4 collects dust...
Has anyone here jailbroken their fat ps3's??
>they still outsold 360 which had everything in its favor.
That's because M$ went full retard with kinect and at the same time Sony pulled their head out of their ass.
The Wii still existed, and unquestionably had the most-popular executives according any/all objectively measurable metrics.
Just stop, next to nothing on the PS3 came close to the popularity and pervasiveness of games like MKWii, NSMB, Wii Sports or SSBB.
No, fuck off, you're fucking wrong.
that's great, not explain the xbox
nothing, just like regular raytracing "looks good" but most people barely notice it(most, not all) besides reflections because the approximation is good enough, this will be the same, some audiophile will be able to tell the difference, the majority wont, and in both cases it changes nothing in the games.
>why does a game need good audio??
How retarded are nincels?
And Mario Kart Wii sold 34 million copies, you fucking faggot.
there's no reason not to install cfw on your PS3
Nothing for the console games at least because so very few console gaymers use headphones where it would matter
It will not have ray traced audio, he said that ray tracing audio is used during development to simulate situations. It will have a dedicated 3D audio system where today is used a software solution that costs performance and latency.
It will accept 8K content, but it doesnt say if games will have 8K resolution.
The Wii was a glorifed toy normalfags forgot all about by 2010 KEK
Fucking morons holy shit, ray tracing is a complete gamechanger and the holy grail of rendering, current real time rendering relies on shitty-ass fakery.
>comparing it to gears which you brought up as being more than anything on ps3 except TLoU (grossly incorrect)
>brings up mario kart
autistic screeching is not an answer
will i be able to play PAL ps2 disc games??
The games already have good audio, this only makes it better for headcrone / headphone users, which nobody on consoles fucking use
you're literally fawning over something you'll never experience in your day to day use of the console
It sold six (6) million on PS3
NSMBWii sold that five (5) times over
that doesn't explain what it does for gameplay
That's because the piece of shit Wii had no multiplat games of note. Just bing bing shit, Wii Fit and shovelware. The secret of Nintendo's first party sales is being multiplat poison.
>shitty ass fakery
at least the shitty ass fakery doesn't require you to buy 1000 dollar GPU and games can still look good without ray tracing
If they come out with a new Motorstorm ill buy that shit day 1
I don't know if you'll be able to play them from discs but you'll play them from ISOs fine
don't fucking bother unless it's a fatty though, emulation sucks on the ps3
>No, it had neither, here are the numbers
it's not about good or bad audio
is the same difference between in-house rendered reverb and echo in music production and professional one made with non-consumer high end devices.
you, the average consumer using low to mid end speakers and earphones won't be able to tell the difference.
Oh yeah all of that is nice and all but
into the trash it goes...
>muh bing bing shit
Everyone knows Nintendo is multiplat poison so all their game-starved manchild fanboys are forced to buy Nintendo's rehashed diarrhea instead .
>dude 256x240 2D with 8 sprites max is perfectly fine, why would you ever want more?
Dude I can't even see those goalposts, bring that shit back you fucking faggot
why do you keep ignoring there were several games on ps3 that were more popular than gears which you brought up?
Enjoy your 12fps movie games.
cool thanks user. Yea, i got a fatty from the spring of '08. good times man, i love ps3.
>ps4 launch + 6 years
still no games, lol
Hey Yea Forums listen up. If you want Sony to change *ANYTHING* regarding their platform. Don't EVER give them money. That means Get rid of your PS+ Subscription (unless you already have a Prepaid due to last year or what ever then its pointless because you got a months to use off of it.) Don't make ANY future purchases on the platform because you are getting a singnificantly inferior product compared to the other stores providing the same game. This isn't just for japanese games either. Western games will be affected to not only their design but the writing will be pro-women from here on out. This is when Women start to fuck up your hobby from a stressful day at work.
Its about time to show them how much money your salt is worth when not buying any more Sony products. OK?
So, you're objectively and factually wrong, then? Got it, you fucking Snoiboi cocksucker.
ain't nobody wanna spend a thousand dollers for something that'll run like shit
3d took over when 3d became affordable and viable. no sooner and no later. raytracing is only gonna gimp another generation with shit performance.
yeah, the PS5 will come with all that shit,8K/60 FPS only for 300 $ and with a free blowjob from OP.
>resolution doubles
>framerate gets halved
every fucking console gen I swear
haha try making this argument for VR
In an era where people will glady spend £1000+ on either a phone or laptop, I'm suprised consoles aren't pushing £600+.
You're supposed to own a vidya console for around 6 years, whereas people swap out phones every couple of years.
yeah this is fucking awesome, but the devil is in the details. This Quake 2 demo wasn't even breaking 100fps, so the hardware limits (as of right now) should be obvious.
I hope they change the design to something like the Xbone. The WHIIIRRRRRRRRRRRRRR is fucking annoying.
>Physical game copies
>Full PS4 backwards compatibility
At least partial backwards compatibility confirmed, maybe emulation all the way back to PS1
>FromSoft + Japan studio exclusive
>Gravity Rush 3
>Other good Japanese exclusives
A given, considering Xbox basically doesn't exist in Japan
>3rd party Japanese support as usual
>Free online multiplayer
Lol no
>Good specs
Objectively correct about Nintendo's happy meal toys not even having basic multiplat titles. I feel bad for the manchildren forced to buy Mario Kart just so they can play a racing game.
Noooooo I need my switch
>PS5 hasn't even been announced yet and Sonyshitters are already completely insufferable with +5 shitposting threads
If Moot was still here he'd have banned you to /trash/ where you belong by now.
Raytracing is a stupid fucking meme
Now can we see its lineup please?
>that Kiketendo versus Valve score
Yea ForumstendoGAF is real
>xbox beats out bioware
this has to be old as fuck
it's fake
Because we're not just talking about Gears, you fucking muppet.
Argument was that PS3 had the most exclusives, that was proven wrong here
Then the goalposts got moved to it having the most popular ones, that was also proven wrong here
Now you've resorted to comparing TLOU (which only sold 6 million copies on PS3) to ONE 360 game. Just stop, holy shit, you were wrong, get the fuck over it.
Phones are sold on contracts. No ones paying £1000 for that phone, they are getting jewed for £40-60 a month instead with added minutes/data
Those phones are also, you know, phones and are basically required to exist in the real world. They're not purely entertainment devices and are mostly sold on contracts and monthly payment plans, most people aren't dropping 1k straight-up on a brand-new phone every year.
Agree. Fuck that dumpster fire safe as shit CPU we had to suffer with this gen, $500 day 1 baby.
Leave and never come back Nincel
I look at sexuality in games as a choice I would like to have, but I don't want it thrown in my face. In MGS4, you can press r1 to try and look up Naomi's skirt. In MGSV, Kojima directs the camera at quiet's crotch a lot in a certain scene. I prefer MGS4's approach.
I think RDR2's complete cutting of player-npc romance and consensual sexuality is a far worse problem than some softcore H-games getting some censorship.
What's more embarrassing, making children's toys or having children's toys outsell and outearn your serious, mature products for serious, mature adults?
>another weak laptop cpu
>some slow ass cheap ssd
>backwards compatible because it's a fucking locked down PC at this point
>GPU that doesn't even exist yet that will get lower clocks than the desktop version
>ray tracing audio, literally what?
Where's the win in this?
It isn't, because once we have hardware that supports it everywhere game development becomes faster and cheaper.
Microsoft might actually get their shit together this gen because they're desperate so I wouldn't be surprised if the next Xbox is more powerful and at a better price point with a focus on games.
Priorities. This isn't what should be focused on right now. Games don't even hit a solid 30fps anymore, and we want MORE visual fluff to exacerbate that? No, thank you.
>game development becomes faster and cheaper.
You don't really believe that do you? Look at all of the tools developers have at their disposal now and how easy it is to create assets and animate them but it takes longer to make a game now than it did in the 80s and 90s.
>censorstation 5
yikes, that's a big NOPE from me
No it's not, Metro Exodus with RTX on at 4K is mind blowing
And they cost as much or more than a fucking Hollywood blockbuster movie
"Faster and cheaper" development just means "More corners we can cut during development while pushing visuals the hardware can't handle and spending $100 million on marketing"
When will someone do a blind test of 1080p vs 4k and raytracing on vs off? I bet the average gamer won't notice the difference
>while pushing visuals
They rarely ever do that. Instead of making fantastic visuals and worlds that would be impossible in our reality like older games they just try to recreate reality in a game.
In Metro Exodus it's huge
A GTX 2080Ti is 13TF, the PS5 is rumored to have 16TF.
Try playing better games than weeb trash.
Not this shit again, nvidia & amd flops are not comparable
You are a moron, it's a completely different rendering technique and what you think raytracing is is just very clumsy demos they did during the RTX's release which only used ray tracing for minuscule details, look for demos that actually 100% use ray tracing and the difference is obvious.
That's what they think pushing visuals means though. I'm so fucking sick of everything being so grounded with photo-realistic art direction, its beyond boring.
You act like they buy the ssds at consumer pricing user
>The thing was a colossal failure in every regard and burned the money Sony earned with the ps2.
>Still managed to outsell the 360 worldwide despite getting raped in NA
>Still outsold the Wii U which unlike the PS3 was an under-powered piece of shit gimmick with next to no third parties saving it and killed Nintendo's relevance in the dedicated console market permanently (see Switch hybrid)
Here's your L
>mfw they will hide their anti piracy motive until release
>mfw they will cock block it like they did vita
I still think the average gamer won't notice unless they are actually looking out for it, same with 4k
>PS4 backward compatibility
>Implying they won't rerelease UHD remakes of PS3 and PS4 games instead
Delusional. Especially when they released three different versions of SoTC for their last 3 consoles
I can't wait to buy the Sony branded 500GB SSDs to upgrade my 160GB PS5. They are so cheap too, only 300 dollars for a 500GB SSD
>still caring about console gaming
PC gaming is superior in every way, convince me otherwise.
>incels still made because they removed their waifu shit
Based Sony, I will buy PS5 in launch for this.
It's going to be the same fucking console but with stronger hardware. Kinda like if you upgraded your PC except Sony decides what you upgrade and how much
You don't get it do you, sales are worthless if you don't make a profit on it.
The ps3 cost Sony almost 5bn while the 360 was about 2 and the wii u eventually became profitable earning money for Nintendo which the ps3 didn't do for Sony.
To top it off the wii u wasn't even competing with the ps3.
By why metric are you saying it won?
I feel pity for Xcucks.
>all this nintendie cope now that their bing machine will be even more outdated and never get any kind of third party game ever again
How BASED Sony can be?
>1tb SSD for PC costs 200 bucks
>0.5tb SSD's for consoles are 300
it just aint right
To be fair the Wii U was not profitable and Nintendo lost a few hundred million around 2012-2013 as a result of it both selling at a loss initially and software not selling well enough to make up for that. But you're correct otherwise.
I wanna PS5, I wanna pretend it's the good old days before the PS2 came out, PS5 FUCK YeAH, HYPE, it's coming, it might might be difficult to get at launch like PS2, it might be more successful than PS4, it might have better games than PS4, we may be living in the 1999 era, end of PS1 had a lot of great games and the PlayStation Meeting, always announced new PlayStation hardware, I hope PS5 gives a true graphical generational leap and becomes the best PlayStation
I hope you donuts remember to always wait at least a full year before buying any new console
That's one colossal run-on sentence, ESL shill
it would be laughable if it didn't have an ssd 2bh
>buying consoles
1TB for PCs now cost $140
its nuts
Your information is out of date, they managed to cross the bare minimum of profitability with Splatoon and Smash but it wasn't stable hence why it had a fairly short life.
You do realise run on sentences don't use punctuation, right?
Dude, the VGA cable was invented in 1987. GPUs today don't even have a VGA port.
I dunno user, being an idort feels pretty good
I always wait a year or 2 to see if they got the games I want
>Nintendo lost a few hundred million around 2012-2013
They recouped that in later years because of the Wii U's surprisingly high software sales.
I mean, if this is legit sure.
> 2016
Reeks if desperation from Sony to me, personally.
They dropped out of e3 because they haven't got any games to show. Microsoft & Nintendo are slowly working into a cross platform deal. Expect to see Halo and Gears on Nintendo & Mario and Zelda on Xbox within the next 5 to 7 years. Sony is desperate.
But it will be a mistake just like Dreamcast and Wii U being so quick to jump the gun on next gen backfires as the leap forward often isn't big enough and then your competitors launch a year or two later with a much better machine.
Is it more powerful than a 1080? No? Oh well
>new console releases
>it's either not that powerful or is only slightly more powerful because it released right before a new gpu generation
Every single time for the past few decades. Will you faggots ever learn?
I'm fairly certain the Wii U was still not profitable as of 2017, but I'd love to be wrong.
>resolution cap
Honestly consoles shouldn't really strive for power. Nintendo had the right idea when they went for control innovation both because it keeps costs low on the consumer and company side and because it means the system has something the pc can't easily replicate.
jesus christ
>you know how raytracing works with light?
Ok so about 20 fps
>now imagine the same concept, but with audio.
So we're looking at a 10 fps standard?
The thing that got people excited today wasn't really the power (it's just numbers) but the BC confirmation as well as the SSD stuff
Also whatever happens in the PC space is irrelevant, we don't care
>We don't care about PC
>But we want it's tech & battle royale games please
This is not fucking fair, fuck consolefags, they're not supposed to get good hardware, what the FUCK.
>We don't care
>8k, raytracing, navi
>reddit filename
>it's the schizo spammer too
They don't.
Also if Sony wants to keep this affordable they're going to have to cut corners literally everywhere.
>did Sony already win next gen?
so compatibility with first 3 consoles is cancelled or?
>we don't care
you obviously fucking do
Thank FUCK. Thanks bro. You support Valve and think Half Life is BASED too right?
I'll get one when they stop making PS4 games. By then it should have a decent library
PS4 still has a few years of games left according to them, even though it will be the inferior version
It's incredible to me that people believe these specs. They couldn't do half of this and charge a realistic price.
it's going to be expensive af
No, fuck valve.
Fuck Nintendo and microsoft too.
Shut the fuck up shitposting glow in the dark nigger. He's not wrong though, these specs are ludicrous. You'll get a shitty SSD, 4k 22fps with backwards compat and you'll like it, because that's not the worst deal for 500 bucks for know nothings
Its cross-compatible with PS4 whats the point
There's no way that will happen though, remember how much they charged for the Bone initially? Sony immediately undercut them and they were wrecked for the whole generation. 90% of console focused gamers arent there for power, otherwise they'd be on a PC, cost effectiveness is a real issue for these machines
>>Ray tracing audio
can someone give me a retard-level explanation of what the fuck this is? I've heard of raytracing but not this shit
One of two things will happen.
1) They'll take the costs on the nose and sell it for an extreme loss. This is extremely unlikely.
2) They'll pass the cost on to the consumer which will make the system cost a metric fuck ton or double sub costs.
>90% of console focused gamers arent there for power
they are there for buzzword resolutions like 4k
think about how audio propagates and what a ray trace is
it's just basic bitch bounce simulation that can be done in far more efficient and advanced ways nowadays
it's basically this
Nobody cares about your turboweeb trash.
Hell if I know exactly what they are marketing, but presumably simply raytracing but with sound instead of light as the name implies? Calculating reflections of sound waves from surfaces in the world?
I doubt it, companies want to remaster ps1-PS2 games. If it gets announced it would be the greatest of all time, even with PS4 confirmed there's quite a few PS1-2 3 remasters ports available, unfortunately not everything, but I also wish we could get Sega CD and Dreamcast BC,
The Xbone situation is specific because the reason the system was more expensive was Kinect which nobody wanted
The Xbox One X apparently sells well for its price and maybe that's what Sony is aiming for, except this time it will actually have games
Just apply the concept of ray tracing to sound. Sound bounces off of surfaces which changes how it comes out. Hitting something metal in an enclosed space gives off a totally different sound to hitting something metal in the open. Now imagine that kind of process having to run every single frame ON TOP OF having to do normal ray tracing.
What about the price?
>"doesn't matter"
Except the price literally broke the PS3 early on, and saved the PS4 at the start. So what would the price be?
>"I don't think it matters that much.."
Except its literally the difference between PC and console players. Price is more important then any other aspect of a new console.
>"Well in that case, it will be extremely cheap like only $500?"
Try again, that is extremely expensive for console players.
>"uhh that's unrealistic"
No, you just don't understand console history at all.
PS5 is doomed before it even launches.
>90% of console focused gamers arent there for power
You what?
That was Sony's entire marketing campaign until the xbox one x came out.
Nobody outside of professionals even owns an 8k display. What the fuck is the point of 8k support? It's not like any game would possibly reach that resolution anyway.
And navi is amd's new low-mid end line, how the fuck is a mid-tier gpu going to be more powerful than high-end ones? That doesn't even make any sense.
oh. Thanks Anons. Doesn't seem worth the performance investment to me
it's not true 8k support. it's going to be upscaling and by them saying 8k support it means they're going to be using hdmi 2.1 like in the latest PC gpu and the xbox one x. hdmi 2.1 also supports variable refresh rate (freesync/gsync).
also sony have been showing off 8k tv's in the last 6 months so it will be related to marketing those tv's too.
>power and peer pressure are the main reasons people bought a ps4
>fun was never a factor
I'm not surprised
obviously those specs are bullshit but 500 dollars is not completely unreasonable.
The ps1 was 472 burgers after inflation.
>Now imagine that kind of process having to run every single frame ON TOP OF having to do normal ray tracing.
it's far from being as intensive as rendering ray tracing, you only need a few traces per sound and it can be pre-baked if the geometry doesn't change and can be done with any mainstream GPU
500 is a fair price in this day and age though
Sony already had a strong following coming out of the ps2 days and it spawned a lot of the rabid fanboys that didn't buy xbox on principle because it was "the dudebro evil corporation no weeb games" console, so they were sticking it to the man by not buying xbox.
>ps3 has free online!
Xbox live was a much better service and didnt go down literally every other week or leak their users credit card information
>ps3 has more exclusives!
It didnt
>ps3 is more powerful on paper!
Yet every game ran like dogshit, ESPECIALLY multiplats
>ps3 has weeb games! Xbox has no weeb ga,es because they hate them and it's the dudebro console!
Japan is simply stuck to sony like glue solely because they're a japanese company. They've always been like this and are just now beginning to realize the mistake. Realize that ps3 had nearly 90% of the advertising in japan
This console generation will be exactly like the last one. The stronger console wins. The PS4 won because it was better.
Both Microsoft and Sony are going to make the strongest console they can at $500. And the only reason the Xbone was expensive was because of the 100 dollar kinect they added. They could have sold it at the same price as the PS4 if they didn't include that garbage.
The xbox one x proves people are willing to pay a premium for better hardware. The problem was the xbox one was weaker and was more expensive with the kinect.
>he thinks normalfags care about power
I seem to remember charts comparing multiplata on pc, ps4 and xbone and the ps4 was nearly always last in performance, with rampant framerate drops
>The stronger console wins
Power never really mattered though. The only time it came up was when Sony forced it as a part of their marketing campaign. Prior to that it was the weakest systems that ended up winning.
zen+ is already better than intel at the same power usage.
zen2 will beat it.
it wont beat "RTX" but thats a meme anyway.
>a $500 console isnt faster than a $1300 GPU
what a surprise.
see they might not directly care about power but they care about buzzwords like "4k" and "hdr". that's why sony and microsoft are very careful with their advertising. i saw a days gone advert today and it says at the bottom "game outputs in 4k" with a giant 4k logo. they won't know it's probably checkerboard 1440p or whatever. marketing sells. it's why apple is the biggest company on earth despite having literally the shittest phones on the market hardware wise.
>>Ray tracing audio
BASED my friend. Have you spent $2,500 on your GPU yet?
Let me re enact what would happen then
>*PS5 revealed*
>"Now for the low low price of only $800!"
>*audience is dead silent*
>Articles come out after the event
>Sony releases a statement in response:
>"Gamers, please stop being entitled and actually get a job. $800 is cheap for this great and amazing product, plus it comes with PSVR absolutely free! Please go out and work two jobs to buy our not expensive at all device please!"
>Articles come out in response:
>Sony: "Ok, ok, look, we will lower to $750, but that's still a great deal p-please just preorder it o-okay?"
>Article comes out in response:
>"NEWEST XBOX PREORDERS ARE NOW FOUR TIMES AS MUCH AS THE PS5! WHEN ASKING PEOPLE WHY THEY ARE PREORDERING THE NEWEST XBOX TO THIS DEGREE THEY STATED "I don't even know what the new Xbox has or does, but its just $400, so I am buying it cause I can afford it and out of spite for Sony. I will be buying three copies of the system and throwing them in my closet just to spite Sony.""
>Sony: "Ok, fine, we give up, we will now cater-"
>*Sony fires its staff*
>*Sony releases statement saying they are moving their headquarters to a new location*
>Sony: "Ok are you happy now? The PS5 is now backwards compatible, no PSVR, PSVR has been abandoned, and its $400 now. We decided that we need money more then morals, so here, everything you wanted gamers, you will buy our system now right?"
>Gamers: "Too late now."
When the price rises to "just buy a gaming PC", that's when the console becomes obsolete.
>ITT rscottyg getting mocked just like he was in high school because of his sexual maladjustment, autism and undersized genitalia
>In the distance his mother's muffled orgasmic screaming is getting louder and louder
>Now he's going mad and dumping his sperg folder he got off the huehue retards at Xbox Milgrau and Twitter
Fucking LOL. Go ask Mommy for some tendies when she's stopped taking Tyrone's dick in her colon. After that prep the noose and kill yourself so the world doesn't have to put up with your stench anymore. Just die already
>it can be pre-baked
Isn't the whole point of ray tracing that nothing is baked and its all done in real time? If not then why the fuck put in this tech when it can already be done by the devs by hand?
Great, so potentially the last game console ever before we get butt fucked by streaming and we're still gonna be locked to 30 fps or lower.
Give me fully backwards compatibility with every Playstation and I'm down.
I just want native 1080p and 60fps without drops.
If you cant beat em, join em.
>sonyshills still haven’t recovered from the PS3/PS4 no games memes
Bloodborne 2 is already confirmed to be in development for ps5 my man
>someone posted this webm in a previous thread
>actually implied that it has good visuals
>everything is covered with console fog, every single game in this webm
>because console garbage cannot even work without shitty console fog with at least 30 fps with dips.
gosh look at how cinematic these games are
now my hobby is mature enough to be taken seriously
Holy fuck guys. I just got the specs for the PS6!!!!!!!
>2 HDMI slots!
>Intel 7th gen cpu (nice)
>Integrated graphics with 78tb of VRAM (capable of running 16k at a stable 34fps or 1080p at 48fps)
>Dualshock 6 controller
>Headphone jack
>Dolby 5.1 sound drivers
What does this even mean like, if gta 6 has titties it won’t be on ps5 or just shitty anime avatars or backgrounds
>eric angerly screetches from his cuckshed again
oh dear...
>Isn't the whole point of ray tracing that nothing is baked and its all done in real time?
All pre-rendered 3D is ray traced, rasterized graphics also make use of pre-baked ray tracing for several techniques.
>If not then why the fuck put in this tech when it can already be done by the devs by hand?
Sound is complex and hard to get right and honestly current audio libraries are a fucking shitshow and I hope this marketing meme by sony encourages engine devs to make their audio tech less shit, there are currently several competing solutions each with their own problems and limitations.
goddammit every one of those games is so laggy it hurts.
I have seen it posted at least a hundred times, I hope to believe that it's ironic.
if theyre gonna add bc at this point it would need to be ps4 and ps3 for me to but it
bonus for pstv
It did help Sony that XBONE shot itself in the foot, repeatedly
christ, just buy the same components and slap windows onto it and it will be 300 usd less.
>good hardware
>a gtx 2070 in Q4 2020
Good old PS3 memes.
>fog everywhere
>sub 30 fps
>stuttering out the ass
So how the fuck is Sony going to sell the PS5 running it's games in "8K" at sub 15 fps?
Power matters now because everything is third party. When everything was just exclusives people would go the games they want.
Oh so sales of the ps4 and xbone completely nosedived when the upgraded versions of those consoles came out?
>ray tracing
>SSD confirmed faster than PC
>Navi next gen GPU
>Ryzen 8 core CPU
All for $499
PC fats on suicide, watch
How can they even cope?
Niggers pay $1k for new iphones, they're going to buy the PS4
Yes. Didn't you notice how the more powerful Xbone have massively outsold everything else.
No, but the base consoles became cheaper allowing a lot of poorfags to buy a console as well.
Everyone else who didn't buy a PS4/xbone at launch and were waiting for the library to get bigger bought up the revised console straight up.
>Niggers pay $1k for new iphones
no they dont, they get monthly service plans and use ebt, student loans, and other benefits to save money to pay for it
Now you're just making shit up.
Exactly at launch its not unheard of to take a loss to establish your base.
>Power matters now because everything is third party
Those things have nothing to do with each other.
Most based post gets no (you)s
If this thing cost more than $499 it will be PS3 all over again.
are you retarded? were you not around when everyone was laughing at the xbox for not being able to output in 1080p while the ps4 was? being weaker and the games looking worse is the reason the xbox one tanked.
8k output. Not 8k render resolution. Welcome to 2015.
>ray tracing
neat but it's gonna be a fraction of what's available on pc. Still nice that it'll help push it to become a standard.
>SSD confirmed faster than PC
It's a goddamn sata SDD. It physically cannot beat the fastest on PC.
>Navi next gen GPU
A little stronger than the xbox one x. Pretty cool.
>Ryzen 8 core CPU
it's not 128 cores like you could get on pc, but it'll do. Now maybe consoles won't bottleneck like a motherfucker.
pretty neat package for $699
No they don't. Consoles only exist as a cheap alternative to PC's. Take that price difference away, and people go to PC instead, or whatever cheaper alternative can be found, such as if the competition's console is cheaper. Like when the $100 difference between the PS4 and Xbox One caused people to give a standing ovation to Sony for charging $100 cheaper.
They are going to try to bundle their $400 VR headset with the PS5, of course its going to cost more then $499. I can see it being $799 easy.
And were you not around for the 30 or so years when power didn't matter?
How about the modern age where most casual video game consumers don't know what resolution even means?
>being weaker and the games looking worse is the reason the xbox one tanked.
Pretty sure it tanked because of the whole "no second hand" and always online thing.
It also tanked because in addition to being weaker it also cost $100 more, that was a killer combo.
>have PS5
>would rather emulate older games
whats the point
expect ps4-ps5 BC and nothing less.Oh w8, you can use PSNOW ofcourse :^)
>yfw they incorporate Now into Plus and make the whole package $100 without fixing the stability issues or giving players dedicated servers
>yfw sonyfags would defend this