What was Yea Forums's oppinion on this?
What was Yea Forums's oppinion on this?
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More like A Link to the Trash.
Way too expensive for a loose cart.
More like a Link to the Garbage.
Good when I was a stupid kid. Retard basic baby game now.
absolute twaddle
Wow that's a lot of edgy fucktards in one thread. A lot of opinions but no substantiation. Typical Yea Forums
Opinions don't need to be proved. The game is charming, but simple and shallow and easy. It's a good kid's game like I said.
I played the game when it was current. I'm 33.
Played it for the first time start to finish over winter break. Really liked the artstlye but I feel like some portions should've been designed better. I was stuck trying to chase after Agahnim when he disappeared and kept using the magic mirror to teleport outside the castle.
yep whatever you say zoomer
>I was stuck trying to chase after Agahnim when he disappeared and kept using the magic mirror to teleport outside the castle.
Truly thinking outside the box.
I'm sorry you have literally nothing to say besides calling me a zoomer, but it was my first SNES game.
I was too much of a fucking moron to not have just slashed around in the room a couple of times until I heard the secret sound.
It's worse than Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages, but still very good
Got that shit stolen from me when I was a kid. Lent it to a friend and they never gave it back. The motherfucker even moved soon afterwards
What you mean the 2.5% of us old enough to have played it on our super nintendos vs all the people here born after the N64 released?
that was me. I also took some of your marvel cards
Still the best Zelda game, puzzles are a bit too simple but other than that its great
OP here, i wrote "What WAS Yea Forums's opinion on this?"
See that? That's past tense motherfucker. That should answer your question.
Great game but I like every other topdown Zelda more
Was never a fan personally. Link's Awakening beats it out in every aspect, and I would always get stuck on the first dark world dungeon because of that floor bullshit.
shit taste
Clunky and basic compared to A Link Between Worlds but the atmosphere is nearly unmatched in the series
Super Fun.
It's pretty dull.
Better then Ocarina of Shit in every way.
It could be better.
Link's Awakening was the direct sequel that came out 2 years after. Naturally it's improved.
Sequels aren't better than their predecessors by default.
Played it on the GBA first, pretty damn good.
lmao this thread
Best zeruda, no concessions to waifufaggots or 3dincels
Having shit taste for 33 years. Truly you are cursed.
Dark World theme is great
I unironically think it has the best atmosphere of any Zelda game. The presentation is top-notch. There's a reason a bunch of its themes turned into franchise staples.
I genuinely didn't have fun with it. Something about how the overworld and map worked just gave me such a huge fucking headache so I dropped it. But I had a blast with ALBW.
Similar to Ocarina of Time when compared to other 3D Zelda, Link to the Past is the best jack of all trades but master of none.
>it doesn't have as much non linearity as the first
>it isn't as challenging as Zelda 2
>It doesn't have as strong a story and characters as Links Awakening
>its puzzles are weaker than the Oracle games
>its artstyle is not as charming as Minish Cap
The only real stand out thing about Link to the Past compared to the other 2D Zelda is that its probably the biggest game, it has the most dungeons, the most enemy types, the most trap types, etc
They used to be in the 80s-90s. It was a growing industry.
>it has the best atmosphere of any Zelda game
Ocarina of Time is untouchable in terms of atmosphere for me
Best Zelda game, all Zelda games should be 2D.
This is the entire SNES library now. We're in the middle of a nostalgia bubble that has sent the 16 bit generation skyrocketing in cost just like it did with the NES a few years back.
The best Zelda game made even better thanks to the Randomizer.
7th best game of all time
What are the first six then?
The Rainbow 6 games
The eternal Zoomer
> 1. Ocarina of Time
> 2. Panzer Dragoon Saga
> 3. Final Fantasy VI
> 4. Chrono Cross
> 5. Chrono Trigger
> 6. SoulCalibur (1999)
> 7. A Link To The Past
> 8. Metroid Prime
> 9. Super Metroid
Why are all the evil characters in Zelda games brown?
Does OoT really deserve to be the best game of all time on every list ever?
Good game
Radomizers are fun as fuck
Huh, I actually agree with this. I still think it’s better than all of the 3D Zeldas though.
Because the writers are B A S E D
Yes, even UK has it ranked at the very top behind Mario World. Despite them always preferring PC gaming & Sony consoles
Oy Vey!
It's a masterpice for sure but it has been surpassed. It was revolutionary and all that but it's 20 years old
The gameboy zeldas were better
The UK is the main character of the world
It's never been surpassed, no matter how much you spout that vague claim it will never be true & it will always be regarded as the best
My favorite childhood game.
Had to chain trade games in my neighborhood until i got one worthy enough to trade for this cart.
I used to play it every other year. Now i play Metroid/Lttp Randomizer
I think that Dark Souls is a better game for example even though OoT is one of my favorites
not really. the limited interface, and dungeon sequencing really blow. that final dungeon, too. talk about not good.
ALttP is better.
Every Zelda after Link to the Past has asked you as the player to do the same basic things. They just now ask you to do a shit ton more of it. I loved Twilight Princess but I'll be damned if the Zelda formula justifies a 40 hour investment. ALTTP is a perfectly paced game. Every area feels suitably meaty without wearing out it's welcome.
Was it ever explained why Link had pink hair in that game?
Dark Souls isn’t remotely as good as Majora’s Mask let alone perfection like OoT. OOT when it came out was flawless, nothing even could compare & this is still true today. It’s combination of atmosphere, pacing, level Design & soundtrack makes it untouchable. It’s the ultimate replay game, up there with Tetris.
>Now i play Metroid/Lttp Randomizer
I saw footage of a guy playing it, it seems like a fucking mess because of all the Super Metroid elements. Plus it seemed like you just play LttP as much as you can and only play SM unless it's necessary
>remotely as good as Majora’s Mask
This game is a snoozefest to be honest but I agree with you about the rest. I think that I like Dark Souls and OoT equally
>dungeon sequencing really blow
I feel the opposite way. Link's Awakening does a good job of keeping your inventory relevant throughout the entire game since it can expect that you've already gotten X item by the time you reach Y dungeon.
Dungeons also get tougher and more complex when they're not expected to be done in any order.
My best guess is it probably had something to do with all the palette changes that happen throughout the game. They probably wanted a color that wouldn't be affected maybe?
i had it when it came out
good game
should have been made 4x larger world and more dungeons
The best Zelda game until Breath of the Wild game out, which is the pinnacle of gaming achievement and nothing will ever top it
It was one of the few SNES games I never had or played as a kid, so I have no nostalgia for it. I kind of dislike the art direction and the whole 'dark world' gimmick. I prefer Link's Awakening, OoT, MM, and Wind Waker, but it's not a bad game, obviously.
Depends on your seed. Its been pretty balanced for me, very even item distribution.
Not sure why you think SM elements would make it a mess though. its pretty much the same game with some random items.
How can people like BoTW more than OoT?
>even mentioning BOTW as a comparison.
this game was among the first to make the "dark world" concept a gimmick, and the first to make it right. "Dark world" wasn't a cliche until this game made it a cliche.
I think it's because I don't have SM 100% memorized.
The lost good Zelda game before OoT and the N64 in general destroyed the franchise.
One time use of a trope does not make it cliche, that takes so many uses that the trope has become ingrained in the genre. Learn to English, fag.
Doesn't get the credit it deserves because of OoT. Probably the best Sound track in the franchise
Yea neither did I. I learned pretty quick though my first time trying. I tried doing just the Lttp randomizer and its way to easy.
>Probably the best Sound track in the franchise
Link to the Past's Dark and Light world was so popular it inspired all of the other games that used it.
>nostalgia inspiring goofy midi sounds
Great game, I beat it so many times as a kid that I could do it in one sitting (would take me 3-4 hours).
>nostalgia inspiring goofy midi sounds
>compared to ALttP
Aside from that, how does that make it bad? Most, if not all of the orchestrated versions of these tracks are soulless trash.
The only part of Links Awakening I miss is the active shield usage. Standing around waiting for rocks and lasers to plink into me is fuckin dumb
I saw ballsackhat when I was a kid until I looked closer at the booklet art