All I ever wanted was a Guild Wars spiritual successor.
Guild Wars 1
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I miss Guild Wars.
Anet had one fucking job and they blew it
Come play it, niggers.
gw2 is better in every single way
And now their studio is in ruins, veteran devs were laid off and the diversity hires and trannies will finally rape the franchise into fucking oblivion.
Fuck this gay earth.
maybe later
got to gym first
gas yourself, furfag.
>not obsi with blindfold
The company is dead and buried. What it remains nowadays is an empty husk filled with ultra casuals and rampant diversity hires. The saga ended with Gwen in her wedding dress. Eat shit fags.
>For the first time, ArenaNet is participating in the Mox Gauntlet, an annual board gaming tournament held at Mox Boarding House here in Bellevue, Washington! The Mox Gauntlet raises money to support local charities, and this year’s event will benefit El Centro de la Raza, the Center for People of All Races. This Seattle organization describes itself as “A voice and a hub for the Latino community as we advocate on behalf of our people and work to achieve social justice.”
Most KINO desert ever!
Remember when Mox was cool?
Eat shit.
Wow you look like a turbo faggot.
Get on my level, scrub.
>Legendary Cuck of Ascalon
>Hiding your name
>Calling others faggots
wew lad
>not making billions of billions of gold in pre
I bet you run FoW SC.
What exactly was so special about this game? I started playing after everyone left it for GW2 and it became a ghost town. The multiclassing was cool, but doing everything singleplayer was not. What was so great?
Honestly? The community. What people remember about Vanilla wow is pretty much the same that people remember about Guild Wars.
Other than that? The Class Design and Freedom you had to play the game how anyway you wanted.
Esports -tier pvp scene before twitch was a thing
It was a PvP-oriented MMO. A well done at that.
That's why you can choose to start with a top level character. And said top level character being just lvl20.
Great music, visuals, community. To say nothing of the no-bullshit pay once and play forever policy.
It did a lot of things right.
GW was good until Nightfall released
Post ebin guild names:
Beta Tested Ur Girlfriend [----]
I Swear She Was Eighteen [GWEN]
Even Captain Of Titanic Said [LaG]
I Didnt Know Gwen Was [Ten]
Not Suitable For Children [PRON]
Digital Pimp Slap [DPS]
Stevie Wonder Needs [RC]
It was a different time...
Guild Wars was is and always will be dogshit. GW2 is better in every way.
yeah, you did nice cope, furfag.
>falling for bait
GW was strange.
And it will never be reproduced. Probably top 3 best MMO's I ever played.
>I was only pretending to be retarded
It aped every possible medeival lore while shitting on it in the process. every expac was shit. og GW, factions aka an inner look into chinesw politik, Nightfall aka niggers rise, eotn aka eye of the jew, beyond aka beyond money
>GW was strange.
Exactly. This is what I still can't understand. The closes thing to Guild Wars is Diablo 3 ironically. Only because you have player hubs.
I mean, where else do you have
>dude that death-scream turns forest into stone and sea into solid crystal with wildlife encased in it
>two races of mortal enemies, one looking like your typical aayyyys second being fallen angels
>unironical nuclear holocaust of 1/3 part of the continent being glassed
>fallen God scheming for revenge against those who imprisoned him (#VareshDidNothingWrong #PraiseAbaddon)
>other kingdom being blown to smithereens by desperate advisor that turned him into Undead Lich lusting for power
And many more great things.
>What exactly was so special about this game?
It was enchanting. I don't know quite else how to put it. It was like being a kid and watching Star Wars for the first time. It was like playing Skyrim for the first time. It was like listening to your favorite piece of music for the first time. The soundtrack was lovely and the landscapes were lush and there was magic there.
I played GW2 for fifteen minutes and uninstalled. The magic wasn't there.
Damn straight.
>ywn see Proph opening cinematic for the first time again
>No chaos Gloves
Lmao are you poor?
>a guy getting run through with a pointed stick and his voice changing drastically as he crumpled to the ground
dont forget that one
>two races of mortal enemies, one looking like your typical aayyyys second being fallen angels
Mursaat did nothing wrong
I liked Guild Wars. But it's a Wheel of Time Rip-off Any one who read it knows this
Of course!
And all we got was a roleplaying shitshow with no endgame
The problem was their pants-on-head retarded "let's subvert the MMO conventions! Different = good XD" design philosophy, it was doomed from the start to be a boring piece of shit with these niggas trying to reinvent to wheel
I'm sorry, have you not heard of GW2? It happened 7 years ago
>monarchy abandons kryta and fucks off to who knows where
>5 'gods' do literally nothing for them
>chad mursaat intervene, beat the shit out of the charr and make kryta great again
but the mursaat sacrificed people!!!! (to stop the apocalypse from happening)
Leveling is overrated and stupid. Guild Wars 1 is proof of that.
>no endgame
What is FoW?
What is UW?
What is SF?
What is DoA?
What is HM Dungs SC?
Gee user, I get it that you are unskilled pleb, buy please...
He's talking about Guild Wars 2 you idiot.
I don't even remember the opening cinematic. I just remember running around the newbie area for fifteen minutes and being captivated. It was comfy. It was like The Wind in the Willows meets LOTR.
And then, unexpectedly, it gets stripped away and you need to endure this assbusting series of quests to get your people out of harm's way. The king dies, the queen dies, and you're on your own. Again, captivating in a terrible way.
>buy please
I already did years ago and it was a huge mistake. The game has almost been out for 7 years now and you can only list 5 specific singular items of content which is very sad and again proves my point. That's why everyone just roleplays and plays dressup because there is literally nothing else to do.
>it happened 7 years ago
I still had a small little, glimmer of hope that MAYBE, maybe things aren't as bad as they really were.
Turns out, player character was the bad guy all along...
>holocausted mursaat
>released titans i
Nightfall was really where the long decline began.
>you never fight alone!
>only, the heroes we introduced mean you and everyone else pretty much play everything alone or with one other friend now
And that was just for us PvE shitters.
There's of course also the fact that they cut drastically back on the GvG scene, and the really high end players pretty much all left.
There was a Deep Inside Gaile [Grey] at one point.
Don't know how long that went on before getting b&d, but considering Super Kaon Action Team [SuKa] got banhammered pretty quick, probably not long.
>player's objective was to help ascalon
>leaves ascalon
>destabilizes kryta (who were trying to help ascalon and for sure would have succeeded)
>unleashes the titans, which proceed to attack all of the player's allies
>mursaat, powerful race of hyperintelligent niggas get wiped out
>ascalon in a worse position than at the start
Today I will remind them!
WARNING! High chance of PTSD after watching second clip! You've been warned.
We've failed our Homeland...
Heroes were really cool, both as a concept and how they operated,
But I'll be the 1st to admit that they fucked the game the game entirely. It was downhill after that. No reason to play with others. Hell, they were even better than players on certain professions.
Oh yeah, that one happened too!
prophecies characters are essentially the perfect villains if they were trying to destroy humanity on tyria
Yeah, hero mesmers and healers were fucking ridiculous
Triple Necros too. Most retarded AI combo I've ever seen.
Charr did nothing wrong.
>13 years
Heroes were an answer to a problem that had been building for years but accelerated another one. It was becoming harder and harder to run old instances in the story without them as populations thinned out in the towns. The way I see around this would be limiting where heroes could be used but that would probably be tricky to program and just piss off fans.
Nightfall otherwise was a good expansion with the classes.Nail in the coffin was FoTN with the shit PvE only skills. The split came too little, too late and just made skill collecting more annoying while allowing people to bypass the old rules.
I am honestly willing to listen to what you believe it does better. Let's hear it user.
>was FoTN with the shit PvE only skills.
god remember old Asuran scan? It's still overpowered but before it was retarded
I only play Guild Wars for human on Charr fucking
>there are no other MMO's that allowed you to pimp out your UI to the extent that original GW did
well there's WoW but still
We are of Ascalonian descent, among other things.
>when GW 2 first launched groups of afro niggas ran around the starting areas before they put an end to it
Wow that faggot game was "no fun allowed" from the start
Fuck cukrena-net.
Pool's closed
There's a mission in Guild Wars where you need to fight through a Charr camp and... kill a boss or something at the end. After you do whatever it is that needed doing, you have to run all the way back to the start as hordes of Charr chase your party. One of my fondest memories is telling everybody else to run while my w/mo stood fast and fought them for as long as he could.
I think they spawn from other points on the map as you get closer to the end making it a pointless gesture but whatever
people would get banned for making forum posts giving suggestions on making the game better and having actual complaints
mods and anet cock suckers would tell the posters to deal with it or dont play the game if they dont like it
>I want to be a paladin starter package
thats the very first mission in the game post-searing, find the camp and need to run back on a timer to warn the NPC about it
gimme uhhhh one big tiddy goth necromancer gf
if you were Isekai'd what class would you want
Me/Mo here shit would be OP as fuck
Are there any mmos right now that have a somewhat similar build system for skills like GW1? Wildstar attempted to but that game was awful and it missed the mark completely. I think TESO kinda does but the combat inthat game is absolute dogshit. Are there any others?
Same here brother.
I still don't understand how it never got one. The formula is ripe for success in the same way that MOBAs were. GW1 was a game that could run on a toaster, super low skill floor with a high skill ceiling, the deck-building nature of the skill system meant the meta was constantly shifting in interesting ways and there were several different pvp formats that were each fun and interesting in their own way. Extremely customizable UI right out of the box with great communication features like minimap drawing and pinging chat with every action you took and the assist-target thing where you could ping your teammates with your target and they just had to press a button to swap to that target made it perfect for the early age of VoIP where not everyone bothered with a ventrilo server. The game's pacing and visuals made spectating easy to understand and enjoyable, and the game had a fucking amazing spectator mode where you could rewatch pvp matches in-game and swap to any perspective you wanted throughout the match.
And then you take all of that and add a big PvE mode with tons of hours of content ontop of it. How has no one else made a copy of this shit yet?
You mean mixing 2 classes and having lots of skills but only having a few slots to mix and match?
Secret World has exactly the same build system, and when I say exactly, it is exactly the game. I don't know about the f2p version, but I played the b2p version and the game was more or less GW1 on present day.
>synchronized full party build crafting
>uses discordway as the example
The class mixing i can do without because I know most games dont even attempt to fuck with that. I just meant your class having a large pool of skills you can pick from but only are able to use a small number of em on your bar
What I don’t understand is how not a single fucking company picked on this yet.
The ranger spirit that did dmg to x race when x race died, you could kill that whole charr army before that spirit was nerfed to require mobs needed to be damaged before the spirit would work
Yes, SW has exactly that, the exp you get for doing quests or killing monsters wasn't to get stronger, just getting more skill points to unlock more skills, and those skills aren't stronger, just more specific for some roles.
Instead of classes you equip weapons, and that weapons have a pool of skills, and you can have 2 weapons equipped at the same time, for example, blood magic and assault rifle, or hammer and pistols, etc.
As you unlocked the inner ring for each weapon, you got a mix of different skills for that weapon, and once you learned all the inner ring skills of that weapon, you unlocked the outer ring for that weapon, with each section having "themed" skills.
As a claw user you could deal damage or heal, and the claw heals were based on HoTs, but on the outer ring of its skills, you could find a group of skills based on individual healing, other for group healing, etc.
Dunno if this screenshort and my explanation would make things clearer or more confusing.
>before that spirit was nerfed to require mobs needed to be damaged before the spirit would work
and thousands of rangers cried as they couldn't solo trap farm elites anymore
Unfortunate that they removed the amount of build diversity in Legends.
What exactly did they do? I just played legends for a few hours when it was released but can't remember anything. I remember exactly how the skill system in SW works, but nothing about Legends.
I will never not be mad,
Passives are now locked to specific weapons, so nowhere near as much to play around and experiment with, also not as many active skills. No auxiliary weapons either.
Khilbron did nothing wrong.
Shiro did nothing wrong.
Varesh did nothing wrong.
Abaddon did nothing wrong.
hurts somethin fierce
I remember working on this set and thinking I was a badass with my dragon gloves and asuran spectacles
I was secretly jelly of my friends obby armor tho, too much of a pleb to raptor farm as a kid too
Pure A. I want to be edgy