Why do people play multiplayer games? Its all toxic man children/kids...

Why do people play multiplayer games? Its all toxic man children/kids. Even my friends that do dont seem like they're having fun. Never understood the appeal.

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>Its all toxic man children/kids

Stop playing popular shit multiplayer games.

Lana Rain.

It’s the good, close games that tend to make up for 90% of the shit ones. Plus, it’s satifying to stomp the shittalkers. Usually the more whiney/toxic/egotistical they are, the easier it is to beat them.

I just want to compete and destroy fucking everyone, low test people won't understand the feeling.

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Cuz they're fun.

tfw used to think LR was hot until she got an ugly titjob and I found out she's a coked up pedo whose boyfriend is legitimately one of the most insane people I've ever seen

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Can't just say that and not tell me more/source those claims, champ.

because i have no friends and im desperate for social interaction

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>low test
>i wanna epic win at call of duty
try again bucko

I like to compete and see if I can win.

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Have fun.

>Why do people play multiplayer games?
Because not everybody is a thin skinned tranny like you.

Has she done any Hardcore yet?

Because I enjoy competition and I'm not a mentally weak crybaby like you

I enjoy shitting on nerds what can I say

the only multiplayer games worth playing are the ones that still have server browsers and player-owned dedicated servers

What a ride

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multiplayer games used to be a lot of fun until pic related killed it

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anime really fucks your mind

Stopped reading there. End yourself, tranny.


Stopped reading there


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>using a buzzword made by one of Tencent's subsidiaries, Riot Games

>Issues get cured instantaneously when you're on Level 5 on shrooms.
Amazing, we've doing it wrong this whole time.

Is toxic a nu-male slang for 'any form of conflict and aggressiviness?'
what does it really means?

because competition breeds skill, go back to your single player games and pretend you're a badass alone

go home


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It was created by Riot to curb out wrongthink in League

Sounds about right, in reality none of this is real life and all of you are nigger faggots I'm a nigger faggots op is a double nigger faggot

How the fuck are you guys falling for this Bate?

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