What games does Yea Forums play while hitting the pipe? Me personally, I have to be high to play fighting games...

What games does Yea Forums play while hitting the pipe? Me personally, I have to be high to play fighting games. I somehow turn into a god at Smash when I’m faded.

>inb4 DUDE posting ensues

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All of them.

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None of them. I just listen to music instead.


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I wish I had weed

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Is this fake or some sort of Christian propaganda.

It's the truth
Same happened to me
I was 100% straight and then I smelled some weed on a dude and I just knew I had to suck his dick

Are you sure you didnt just get a whiff of his balls


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Yep. I once smelled some weedsmoke in the air and I knew that the only thing I can do at that point was to suck the dick of the first guy I saw.

At least he has a job

Balls don't have the power to turn straight men gay.
If they did, gays would be running around fanning at their naked balls to turn everyone gay

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you know vapes exist right?


I smoke the cheeba tops once a week so your pic is bullshit.

had the displeasure of playing with a stoner yesterday
the monkey literally wouldnt shut up, nothing that he said made any sense and dragged the whole team down with him
these people arent welcome irl so why do we allow them in game?

There are different levels of addictions.
A person who uses alcohol or benzos every day will literally risk death if they quit. Someone who uses opiates everyday will be sick for a week straight.
When you quit smoking weed you get a little bit grumpy but life moves on.

I love how posting shit like this always make you guys so defensive lmao

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Objects in Space has been kino lately. Floating through space delivering food and ferrying folks in a chill haze occasionally interrupted by wild panic when the pirates come knocking or I drift into an asteroid field cuz i was reading the news instead of watching the screens

>breathing hot smoke/vapor isnt bad for your lungs
the absolute state of vaping mongrels


I like getting high and playing Engie in TF2 and doing the maxo relaxo taunt while my sentry cuts down gibus scouts that run into my sentry literally every single time
Occasionally I'll say "Good work"

>please don't make fun of me
>bro I am pretty fucking sick when i'm high anyone else like weed??????? DUDE just SPARJK UP

I don't even smoke weed, but stoner culture has done more to drag us out of Nixon's bullshit drug war than literally anything you've ever done in your whole life. More power to them.

Not really defensive, I just point out bullshit when I see it is all. Its an American thing to be all DUDE WEED, i've literally never met a person like that in real life.

Also, have sex, incel.

>36 lines
>none are "high on life"

This, this is why I don't take showers.

athletes prefer it so it can't be that bad

I actually do smoke weed, honestly weed and vidya are like pb&j. I just like shitposting to rile up the retarded smelly stoners

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Sorry if im shit guys im smoking a bong lmao

I wonder if DUDE posters have realized how they've become the edgy teens.

The world was a different place in 2010.

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>I have to be high to play fighting games
I don't smoke, but I once was over at a friends place and we started playing Injustice 2, never played it before and was only the 2nd fighting game I've ever really played.
Some strangers came over, friends of my friend, and they had all played Injustice 2 before, for many months now. Some people started baking Pot Brownies and I got a big fucking piece. One hour went by after I ate it and suddenly I got hit by a freight-train of fuck you I'm high. Then we played Injustice 2 again after some had played Mario Kart and Wii sports and shit, and then I got the controller, I couldn't really perceive everything, felt weird as fuck suddenly I just had a controller in hand and I started playing the game against these dudes who have played it for months now, and I fucking destroyed them all and went on a 10+ win streak everyone cheering loud as fuck every time I won because I had never played before, I just used memory from Tekken and fucked them all, I think I played Superman or something.
Put me in the zone but I didn't really feel as if I were there. It was weird as fuck being extremely good at something while being damn near unconscious because I was so high.


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an herbal vaporizer like volcano or mflb is different than a vape

These threads are shit though. I smoke but i dont play specific games desu.


it is great puts your instincts and fundamentals on auto and you stop overthinking reads.
NRS is trash though your tekken skills carried you fo sure. the majority of players outside fgc scenes are scrubs who never play nip fighting games.

>what games do I play while Farting? Me I have to be passing gas to play fighting games. I somehow turn into a good at Smash when shit particles fly out of my ass
That's what you sound like.


i've never met a person like this in my life, must be a 'murican thing? also im not retarded so i don't go to weed conventions or some gay shit like that, just smoke a joint with my mates on club nights.

>your tekken skills carried you fo sure
Nah they didn't, I had only played Tekken for a couple of weeks and was in like bronze ranks or whatever it's called, the very low ones just after the 1-10 Kyu ranks and had a super hard time progressing because of Smurfs(?), What Tekken taught me was more like the motion-inputs like down-forward and so on which isn't really used in any other games outside of fighting games except some input sin Devil May Cry (down-up).

same thing happens to me when i play dota high, feels good to combo some shitters with invoker while having a cheeky blunt,


whenever i play fighting games high, it makes it seem so much more fucking important. I hate to say it but it fucking feels like im in an anime or something fighting. I fucking love playing smash high and its so much fun with 5+ people playing it at the same time.

how did you manage to find a bong smaller than your dick op?


I don't smoke, do drugs or drink alcohol. What advantages will I receive for abstaining from all of these.

+50 Constitution

>trust me bruh, I smonk dank like those guys in the rap videos do!
You sound like one of those “incel” posters that’s never actually had secks before