Ufffff why is mipha so breedable?

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you cant breed fishes you idiot

Because Nintendo realized they made a too sexy of a fish so they had to kill her in BotW before you even start the game so people would be less likely to waifu a dead fish.

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Why would that stop anyone

Furfaggotry detected

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>being a furry

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Honestly, it is more xeno than furry. Unless you consider xenos furry then I don't know.

Mipha was uninteresting and bland. She's about as interesting as Kairi from Kingdom Hearts (and they're both red-heads no less). I felt nothing for her bland death. I don't care about any of the champions. But Yea Forums always spams Mipha because Muh Beta DICK NEEDS TO MASTURBATE. Fuck off already. Shit character, she's not even better than Ruto.

if you like any kind of mostly animal-like character, you are a furry. It's usually a quick way to spot who's the furry when they start to say "Lizards are not furries, they dont have fur!" or some shit like that.

If it has a hole you can fuck it and breed the eggs inside retard
Also she is a shark

Mipha is such a healthy girl

So if I want to fuck Mipha and Katt from Breath of Fire but they take up


Some sharks give birth to live young user

I don't see für you degenerates

You know how those space marines ended up right?

You just know some Jap furry on the dev team is responsible for all of the furry characters in BotW.
>rest of the team are normies basically
>selectively forward all of the furry concepts to the producers exclusively
It's the only explanation

trying to define and name every branch of furshit is pedantry of the most autistic caliber. better to just call all of it furry and be done with it. it certainly deserves no more than that.

I don't care nigger
If it errects me I fap to it

botw zora are based on dolphins and sharks. both of which have vaginas

Why humans/ elfs look so ugly in botw?

why still post this
e621's reaction is positive to the video and people are having laughs.
literally nobody is getting triggered over this


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Zelda looks floof and cute in Smash. The same dude that added all of the furshit probably had a hand in making her wear thotpants.

I want to FUUUUUUUCK and come insideeeeee

See for yourself if you dont believe me

You wish dude

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You sure are.

>avange me brother
The absolute state of trannies and jsw

Who is baiting who in this thread anymore? I think I got lost in reading this thread.

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Furries wear fursuits and have fursonas. Xenophiles fuck anything with tits and ass. Stay a closet queer yiff-in-hellfags.

Stop being obsessed with the labels that liberals, sperglords and other assorted breeds of belligerent scum love to slap onto people.

They are just chimps instinctively attempting to push others down the social hierarchy in order to boost their own position for mating rights but are too stupid to realize this negative behavior for what it is, not to mention the futility of it as these instincts are worn thin on attempting to belittle a mass of millions online compared to the small tribes they were originally intended for.

I just want to fuck mipha
I don't care about tranny fud and furry wars

Furries are rapists who regularly target domesticated pets. They're vile, awful monsters.

who care? straight shit is shit regardless

She's a video game character therefore she doesn't exist and by extension cannot be bred. What was the point of this shit thread?

it does not work like that, the eggs hatch inside the shark (and then the baby sharks eat each other) iirc
but how metal is that: when you were a little fucking kid you ate all your siblings because you are the strongest one there is

yes they are but mipha isn't furry

Where my r/yiffinhell bros at?

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why does she have breasts

This but white people instead

But user she is dead, not only fucking a fish you also wanna fuck a ghost? A fish ghost?

>EU cuck
Fucking yikes.


I'd fuck a ghost girl desu
I'd fuck mipha too
so yeah

That I want to fuck her and cum inside her
Now fuck off to ledit


I fucking love futurama.

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>same could be said to every waifu thread ever

what's with the double-standard here?

do you really think that...

miphafags=furries=raped your pet dog you noticed was bleeding out its doggiepussy one day

bit of a stretch, honestly

>bit of a stretch, honestly
What did user mean by this?

>liking monster girls makes you a furry

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Its an anthropomorphic fish, user.

>ugly fish feet and retarded proportions with tiny little legs and hips with a fucking long mid section.

Nothing about this fish is aesthetically pleasing.

you are and who gives a shit.

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>Using a reddit meme
This site has gone to hell.

>Monster girls
>Not largely made by furries to start with

even if i couldnt fuck the fish

id cuddle the fish

this is the kind of baits that get threads started.

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I thought it made me a slight Teratophile
Especially considering there are tons of monsters that aren't based on animals like every plant girl
But OK I guess

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liking Mipha makes you furry but it's not as bad as liking breathotw Zelda because liking big brows 'n braps makes you a scatman.

I couldn't care less. If it's cute and sexy I will fap to it.

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denial is one hell of a drug, ya furry bitch

What about Zelda in BotW makes any of that true? Nigger, you're literally lusting after a fish woman made by a dude that probably gets off to pic related.

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