*becomes asian due to sjws*

*becomes asian due to sjws*

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I prefer her Asian

I wouldn't mind her being Asian. Just being a sexy voluptuous Asian.

Sadly, MK is totally normie/reddit tier when it comes to fighting games from all aspects

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Wasn't she always Asian? Also I though Yea Forums said sjws hated Asians and that's why we ignore when they turn white characters Asians?

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Asians are the one non-white race sjws don't give a fuck about

so you and most of the community fit right in. sounds like mk11 will be a huge success.

Until MK11, Edenian physiology was pretty ambiguous and Edenians have been portrayed with both Western and Eastern characteristics. Somewhere in between.
That's why many were surprised on turning Kitana full-scale Asian all of a sudden. Fucking NRS doesn't even know the racial portrayal of their characters.

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>no sorry this design you made based off designs you made is wrong and as a guy who plays the games you make I am right instead
I thought incels liked Asians anyways, what's it matter?

You anti-sjws are just as ready to be triggered by non-issue shit as sjws themselves. You should both just fuck and get it over with.

i like her being asian but shes flat as a board and her design is so vanilla

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If you like trannies that's on you buddy, I'm happy with this Kitana

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I don't understand what you imply.

How the fuck is that "flat as a board?" Do you actually see women on a day-to-day basis?

Are you having a stroke?

Most real life Asian women are flat board.

Don't ask stupid questions you already know the answer to. Makes you look like an asshole.

It is flat. It's B cup at best. You can't even feel them with your whole palm

Kitana isn't Asian. She is Edenian.

You're right. Forgot where I was for a moment.

You should google asian trannies mate, she looks like one too.

>becomes even more manly than in MK9
Seriously look at her fighting stance, shoulders wider than her hips. That's no female.

>wanting realism
>in a fucking video game
you're retarded

and Jade is a nigger now.

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I think chinese with chinese fans makes her boring. She lost her unique touch

Why the fuck are people complaining about this? She looks great. If the game didn't have dogshit animations I would've bought it just for her

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Never said I wanted realism. I just don't get why neckbeards are getting triggered because her tits aren't as big as her head.

I would be ok with her being asian if she actually looks like this

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Why she looks great?

You are the biggest bitch on the planet Earth. Literally nobody cares.

>due to sjws
*due to the chinese market

They're just ass-pained snowflakes who are mad that the game isn't catering to their anime titty expectations.

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Dumbass doesn't know what "snowflake" means, why the hell would we entertain anything else you just said?

Nice user.
I would also be super ok if she looked like this. You know...REALISTICALLY, right?

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Asian is fine, but western games always make us look
as if we're all super chinky. The women in Yakuza have different, more realistic facial shapes.

I can practically hear you crying into your body pillow over videogame boobs. Get your shit together.

asian women boobs are disappointing

Wait I thought we liked Asians???

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The retardation is reaching critical mass.

who do you think you're tricking, weeb?

well, that IS a real Asian woman so...

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Originally, yeah, it's pretty obvious. You can tell Kitana's features from her eyes. Interestingly tho, in the ending of MKII, her face looks mixed to Western (and certain features of her eyes completelly vanish).

Never said I was Japanese, just asian

westerners can't into character design
everything they made are either super generic (see typical chinky face) or some ugly cartoon style

I mean yeah, it's not like NRS hadn't a lot of nice realistic Asian samples to choose from right?

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>Character looks asian
>get upset for some fucking reason

oh no! the world is ending! It's only a matter of time before we are forced to have gender reassignment surgery!

Edenians are based on chinese and should look chinese, i also doubt plastic surgery is a thing in Edenia

That's a guy isn't it?

Does china play mk?

>Edenians are based on chinese and should look chinese
Citation needed.

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>i'm not into trannys
>i just like asian ladyboys
That's a big Yikes! to me

what make you think so :^)

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She looks like an angry chinese woman

Don't you neckbeards love dickgirls?

We DO like asians. Just not the Chinese, the Chinese are terrible

Not OP or a "neckbeard", but don't you understand how retarded you look when you accuse others of being nerds, "incels" and the like while you are browsing Yea Forums yourself? Does the irony completely eludes you?

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futa and femdom are the biggest cuck fetishes besides actual cuckoldry, only pathetic weak betas enjoy being submissive humiliated masochists

The problem is that they keep changing a bunch of shit.
Same thing applies to the people complaining about the lack of cheesecake. Saying that people are only complaining because they want sexy characters is incredibly disingenuous, and ignores that all of these changes represent a shift in tone for a franchise that a lot of people liked.

Don't jump to conclusions. I will be the first to admit that I'm a nerd/geek. No doubt. But their is a large divide between being a "nerd" and being a socially inept manchild. Looking at you, bud.

Self-crit is popular among socialist circles

I love this post because in one fell swoop the user admits to being a complete and total loser, and also asserts intellectual dominance over another loser who is not self-aware.

I don't know user, even Sub-Zero while being played by a white guy was supposed to be Chinese from the start.

It's so weird seeing Yea Forums call MKX Kitana sexy when at first this place hated her and called her sjw. Not saying you did it or anything user

Her being asian only adds to my fetishes. I wish Mileena appears somehow and is also asian, going full Kuchisake-onna.

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Jade always had brown skin you stupid fucking edgy zoomer faggot. Go to bed.

There are some anons that only want cheesecake and they ruin it for everyone else. Look at Billy the OAG calling this Boner Culture and making it seem like past fans are just sex crazed idiots

>in the ending of MKII, her face looks mixed to Western
That's because in MK2 she was portrayed by a very white looking cuban girl.

The Lin Kuei and the other clans have a deliberate and acknowledged reference to China, Japan, etc. Edenia is supposed to be a paradise aka a heavenly type of society. It's not based off any race or their history/lore. If there was an argument to be made about having mixed mutts with no distinct racial features, it would actually fit the Edenians the best.

Western devs wanting realism* . They could make her a 10/10 female but nop lets go with the average woman look.

Does it matter? Are you fucking gay?

This. Really gets the gears going of how MK11 really dropped the ball.
I, for one, always found both MK9 and MKX Kitana sexy. MK9's Kitana was the most lewd, but MKX's Kitana was the most beautiful and well stylized.

Now if only MK9's Kitana was as beautiful and bodily-shaped like pic, she would be without a doubt being the sexiest Kitana in a lot of years. Including MK11's one.

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asian, but average asian, not hot asian

wheres the webm of her being carried

>There are some anons that only want cheesecake
That shouldn't even be a fucking problem though. It's a series that has always had it and embraced it. And now you have changes that are alienating a portion of the audience that has been supporting the franchise for years and years and what you're often getting online are knee-jerk or gut responses. But God forbid they have an opinion, better shout them down as incels. Who cares if a series they've enjoyed is showing off major shifts in tone? Again, it's what these changes represent as a whole.

He was Chinese in the first two games. Once unmasked in 3-Deadly Alliance, he was white, but they said he was half-Chinese. Now they seemed to have gone back to asian. I wish they would have gotten their shit together from the start of the "reboot", because I'm annoyed at them changing things every game again.


>QA Analyst

been seeing a lot of bullshit jobs like this showing up lately
basically they hire someone to look progressive

>everyone with brown skin is a nigger
Coming across as pretty ignorant there, user.

What a great design, sexy, but still respectable and not hardcore MK9 porn.
Boon, hire this asshole who drew this.

Not this guy, But her characteristics look very similar with a Middle Eastern in MK11. While she is just a brown-skinned Edenian.

But "Edenian" doesn't mean shit race-wise. It has all kinds of fruits of different colors calling themselves "Edenians". It's a very lax racial description.

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its not fucking fair bros

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>It's a very lax racial description.
Because Edenia isn't a race or continent. It's a realm. Earthrealm has how many asians, whites, and blacks? Safe to say it's the same deal with Edenia.