Has there been a single more influential game in 2010s?
Nier Automata changed everything
Has there been a single more influential game in 2010s?
>Nier Automata changed everything
Hardly. But it's been great regardless.
The most influential is probably Dark Souls though.
And if it got released today Snoy would have censored 2B's glorious ass. If Yoko Taro is smart he'll get the game ported to the Switch.
Overwatch and Bioshock had similar effects on the internet.
Feet too long
Dark souls.
Feet are ok stfu
I hope you step on a lego.
Is it possible to beat last mission without online?
I'm a pirate
I read you're supposed to get help from dead people savegames or something
Hmm, yes. this will do.
For you.
Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Sekiro, BotW, RE2make, etc.
Nier is like Spiderman/Wahoo-level
>Bloodborne, Sekiro
Introduced nothing new of value
Literally a worse far cry 10 years too late
I disagree. I don't think Nier Automata changed anything.
It is possible, but it is very, very difficult.
Neither did Nier and it didn't introduce anything or have meaningful impact. The OP said influential... literally nobody cares about the game except a few weebs. The resonance of BB, Sekiro, and BotW will be felt.
>The resonance of BB, Sekiro
Sekiro sold 2 million lol
Shit like AssCred sold over 10
Toobie's Ass. How many has it killed? The numbers must be insane.
I enjoyed it even playing at 720p ~30fps low quality on my shitstation
ps4 can play on 1080+ resolutions though
Dark Souls
Influential in what sense? What did it change? It got a lot of press, but I don't see a bunch of games mimicking it, or even seeming to take any real inspiration from its mechanics.
So? Developers don't look at shit like Assassin's Creed and try to emulate it. Sekiro is influential because it shows you can have a AAA game as hard as balls, and if it's good their will be an audience for it.
>Developers don't look at shit like Assassin's Creed and try to emulate it
Look at botw towers
>It is possible, but it is very, very difficult.
Fuck me
I can't even imagine it running on the switch.
I'd be happy if they'd fix the PC port for once.
And when were those towers introduced? 2007. We're talking about this decade and current AC games. Yes, the first AC was very influential, but none of the ones made this decade had that impact.
Thanks for muslim sjw censorship
>I'd be happy if they'd fix the PC port for once.
Just use FAR mod
Yeah, changed the rigidity of my penis.
>Thanks for muslim sjw censorship
Of the past decade, Dark Souls 1 is easily the most influential. Tons of devs cite it as an inspiration, and it single-handedly responsible for bringing difficulty back into the spotlight post-90's. The fact that journos compare everything to it is proof of its influence.
I legitimately haven't seen anyone talk about Nier outside of Yea Forums in months. Even then, the only threads on it are just ass threads not that I don't like those.
>Nier Automata changed everything
Exactly what did it change?
Red Dead Redemption
Dark Souls
Candy Crush Saga
Starcraft 2
Those are 10 games from the last decade that, for better or worse, actually had an influence on the way people think about gaming.
Nier Automata influenced nothing and changed nothing. That's not to say it's bad, it just didn't have an impact beyond its own qualities.
heh... duh wai....foo? peepee go boing!
I wanted my game to crash every hour though
>Red Dead Redemption
GTA with cowboys
Legit new
>Dark Souls
Legit new
Just a battle Royale
Just an elder scroll
Literally a gta
>Candy Crush Saga
Quake shitty slow ripoff
>Starcraft 2
Faster harder metal slug
Eat shit faggot. Li Li is not for lewding.
Yes but don't forget it's prequel NieR.
I hasn't changed anything.
Can someone please tell me how she's supposed to fit in Soul Calibur? What's her story?
Wish this were me
Have you ever actually had balls on your face before?
not that i'm aware
I mean it influenced my dick and a ton of fanart34 and cosplay but other than that i can see this game getting lost in the sands of time real soon with it's derivative jap shit.
Try again?
How would you know if you'd like it?
stfu tranny
What exactly did it change
don't know, how exactly did Yoda, Spawn and Link fit into Soul Calibur?
They're just going to make her a character if they do include her.
if you're talking sperm then she's killed millions, maybe billions
FPBP. The rest of the posts are fucking SHIT!
You should give it a try at some point.
No it wasn't. It was a decent game but it'll mostly be remembered for 2B.
Others have said it but, the game was great but didn't change anything. No one emulated its style, its story, its aesthetic, its gameplay, etc. The game stands on its own overall. A good thing I think, since I wouldn't want to see its like normalized, but still your point doesn't make any sense.
even fucking fortnite was more influential
even though nothing about it was original
dark souls is likely the most influential and the last of us is more influential than Automata too
>Dark Souls came out in 2011
Look, I fucking orgasmed over Nier A. But it's influance is no where near Dark Souls.
My inner autismo wants to correct to Demon's Souls but Dark Souls was really what popularized the series/style and kicked off the bevy of Soulslikes, even though they were effectively the same game.
The base ps4 is 900p i think the pro is sub 4K.
>Nier Automata changed everything
I sincerely wish this were true OP, but we both know it isn't.
Demon's Souls had insane atmosphere but it's pretty much just the beta for Dark Souls.
Malebolgia sent him back through time
Evil wizard
Can't remember
It would be a beta if they fucking improved upon the tendency system.
After reading the choices of anons in this thread I'm surprised to find us in unison, almost. Yes, indeed. Dark Souls seems to be everyone's most influential game, and mine as well. Is Yea Forums an echo chamber? Maybe. Doesn't make it any less true, though.
Eeeeeh. Tendency is probably one of their worst mechanical gimmicks desu.
I want to marry and impregnate 2B
Still better than going through additional ng for more "difficulty".
But that was in Demon's Souls as well.