Open for business!

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how much for bareback?

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>no option to have the loli customer prostitute herself in exchange of your precious wares
Recettear is such a shitty unrealistic game.

Remove boots

haha can you imagine how much her feet would smell after a hard day's walking with that heavy backpack on

Jut beat Galdera the other day, is there anything else really to do?

Attached: cover3.jpg (1330x748, 108K)

she looks too much like sora in this pic

>my irl friend actually offered to have sex with me for money
>any and all forms of sex
>no protection as long as i get tested first
>shes a virgin
dont worry guys im saving up the money for it as we speak

How much?

she's in love with you but too shy to admit it.

Bout three fiddy

three fiddy

Wait one goddamn minute...


She wants to get knocked up and drain your bank for child support.

>400 lbs

If you pay her you'll run any chances of getting with her. Just get her drunk and fuck her and you can be bf/gf

You're an idiot if you fall for this.

This game kinda sucked no idea why Yea Forums sometimes circlejerk about it. Are Switchfags just that desperate for games?

>shes a virgin

If she resorts to that i doubt it.

5k. for a weeks worth.

i know. well, kinda. as much as she can anyway.

shes infertile. i know this for sure because of a unique genetic condition she has that renders everyone born with it completely infertile regardless of gender.

>5k. for a weeks worth.
Are you rich or stupid?

>i know this for sure because of a unique genetic condition she has that renders everyone born with it completely infertile regardless of gender.
Down's syndrome?

Nice blog post bro. Where do I upvote?

>5k. for a weeks worth.

You stupid motherfucker.

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>5k for a week
She better be a fucking 10 user

5k for a week with a virgin, unprotected? That's a good deal, specially if you can close the deal when she's ovulating.

that only affects males with it and shes female, user. so no.

she sounds like a terrible person and so do you
imagine lying on the internet only to make up such a shitty scenario

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How much for you to suffocate me with your sweaty boots?

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>no protection

surely you're not this retarded

>no protection

enjoy your yeast infection, user

>shes infertile. i know this for sure because of a unique genetic condition she has that renders everyone born with it completely infertile regardless of gender.
>user, it's a miracle!! I'm pregnant!

Just a thought experiment but what would you do then

Octopath is a failure because Tressa will never get the smut she deserves.
There's all this OFFICIAL art showing off her hips, thighs and butt under that dress but everyone is too much of a brainlet to notice.

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It's sad, really.

It'd make that initial 5k look like a drop in the bucket lmao

Just look at it. It's right there.

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So is this what people who like smelling feet do?
Just treat the boot like a bong?

Its a girl(boy) that's the condition

oh thats a fun question. hmm. well lets pretend she wouldnt just abort it or whatever.. i'd like to help her raise it if i could. i believe in taking responsibility.

good man, user

>good man
>pays his virgin friend for sex instead of talking her out of this retarded decision

post more primrose

thats what marriage is though
just more formal, with a signed contract as well

yeah if you're a fucking loser thats being conned
kill yourself tonight and make the world a better place



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I want to knock up Tressa!!

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chinese support

Attached: OCTOPATH_PR D4KLLYEVUAE3vDY.jpg orig.jpg (800x533, 72K)

You're getting robbed, you can bang hotter escorts for a much lower price.

that would definitely not include all of the things offered by her.

Fuck off

this artist is god tier

Attached: image.jpg (1453x2048, 555K)

Have you ever even looked at escorts?
If you're going to save money and least save it for AIKA or some other JAVslut

>willingly paying to forfeit your wizard powers
get the fuck out

paying for sex is pathetic
having sex for the sake of having sex is pathetic

how many of these escorts are virgins?

im sorry but i lost that when i was 14. the game was rigged from the start.

I'd rather stay a permavirgin than ever resort to whores or one night stands

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>how many of these escorts are virgins?
Good, then pay for some stupid shit that isn't worth anything.

Why is that?

Hahahaha yeah~
Alot prolly

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because its like masturbation but even more pathetic
if you cant see you will never see and you will always be inferior to me

>if you cant see you will never see and you will always be inferior to me
So basically, you will not accept any arguments/opinions.
What kind of a dumb cunt are you?

I just wanted a topic where I can discuss Tressa Colzione but you fucks had to fuck around.

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hes a typical Yea Forums user. and incel


next time dont make a stupid fucking porn bait OP you dumbass

I had a friend offer for £50. Granted she wasn't a virgin, but 5K is ridiculous

Sounds more like a female desu

>5k. for a weeks worth.
>shes infertile. i know this for sure because of a unique genetic condition she has that renders everyone born with it completely infertile regardless of gender
Child prostitution ring, huh?

well yeah. but its not "5k and lets have sex once" its "5k and lets spend a week together and have as much sex as you want and whatever else you want to do"

>implying children are infertile
fucking brainlet

>this thread

Attached: 1479154809674.png (1280x960, 2.22M)

Right, but it's still 5K. What you plannin on doing anyway?

everything including holding hands, kissing, and cuddling

Is she Northern Italian?

Attached: tressa_the_merchant_by_koudellka-dco8sbz.jpg (887x900, 146K)

Colzione is not an Italian word, closest is Coalizione (Coalition)

She's part calzone.

Goddam loch ness monster


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>she's already pregnant and she wants to scam you into an early dadhood

coming to PC*

This game was mediocre, PCfags will probably realize that now that it's not an exclusive.

>Have sex
>Lose wizard potential
Bad deal

Worst traveler with the most boring story.

>Still very little porn of the girls in this game

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Colazione (collation) is closer.

Aside from rare exceptions yes?

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>Colazione = collation
Colazione means breakfast

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She's the speedrun choice.

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Primrose > H'aanit > Tressa > Ophilia

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Alfyn is best boy

Attached: alfyn.jpg (1024x576, 152K)

Hahaha i was thinking the same thing hahaha imagine her rubbing her feets on you

PC fags will buy it and never play it.

What a wholesome lad.
>vows to save everyone he can
>one of his patients is a scumbag and kidnaps a child after his recovery
>Alfyn fucking kills him to fix his mistake
Absolute Chad