At what point did you realize you were playing a stone cold masterpiece?
At what point did you realize you were playing a stone cold masterpiece?
Other urls found in this thread:
walking into lady butterfly's arena
If it were a ps4 exclusive, Yea Forums would rate it higher than BB.
based and kinopilled
>still has shit camera
>bosses are reused multiple times
>literally fake boss and true boss, boss and boss again but with extras
>how to make miniboss "difficult": Lol just throw some extra adds
>NG+ is a joke
>main theme of this game is just DUDE IMMORTALITY LMAO
It's still an 8/10 for me
When it was almost as good as BB (Fountainhead).
At first I unironically thought it is a masterpiece but it got pretty boring after the first Owl fight. Every single boss is just some human or some animal that I can watch on bbc, why the fuck did they do this after all the bb pandemonium? Holy fuck, Myazaki such a lazy fatass...
Seven Spears
>At what point did you realize you were playing a stone cold masterpiece?
Senpou Temple, Mt. Kongo
got there before Genichiro, actually
Games journos identified.
lads am i not supposed to go through the memory in one go?
I got the bell and went into the memory, and the spear guy beat the absolute fuck out of me.
I got past him eventually and got all the way to Wolfs 'dad' who gave me a key.
But now i'm at the next boss and even if i take out all the adds without getting hit, the drunkard just fucking rapes me, i cant even deflect him more than once
Advance in the main game some.
You'll beat a boss and upgrade your attack. That's the cue to go back and finish the memory if you can.
I platted the game in 32 hours.
Sekiro has much better combat, but the package is much worse than BB.
Keep practicing. Persevere. This is what the game is all about. You can beat the whole memory in one go, yes.
whats the best way to beat up all the headless?
found 4 so far
>Best combat
>Best traversal/exploration
>Worst art direction
>Worst lore
>Worst soundtrack
>Worst enemy design
>Worst enemy variety
How did they fuck up so bad?
>muh swordfights with regular humans
Get to an aikido club already, fatso.
for jouzu
murder and run all his goons first
then backstab him and run to the npc who can help you
>still has shit camera
i never had any problems with the camera, what games do it better?
>bosses are reused multiple times
>literally fake boss and true boss, boss and boss again but with extras
>how to make miniboss "difficult": Lol just throw some extra adds
reusing bosses, having fake bosses and strong bosses dont seem like criticism, they're just things that exist in the game and they do them fairly well
>NG+ is a joke
havent gotten to ng+ yet but i wouldnt say its a fault for the game since its basically bonus content. at the very least, from what i've heard, its at least something opposed to ng+ in past From titles
>main theme of this game is just DUDE IMMORTALITY LMAO
dont see whats wrong with this either, if anything they didnt push the immortality aspect far enough
Yea Forums said the same about pre-dlc bloodborne
i feel like i'm doing it right but when i deflect i take way more posture than he does.
ah i see. that makes more sense
I played all the souls games and never had much difficulty so im not just bawwing about muhh too hard, it just felt like going to new londo at the start for example
I really wish fromdrones weren't as cringey as they are.
I mean, I like your games. But I have trouble respecting you guys when you actively try to shit on a fanbase as chill as DMC because you felt intimidated by another action oriented game releasing in the same month.
The base game of Bloodborne is blatantly unfinished and has hardly any content. The game didn't become GOAT until the DLC.
It's whole plot is also just a single BB plotpoint with some very basic character twist built-in.
I wouldn't even say the traversal/exploration is better in Sekiro, it's just different. Sekiro is built more like Tenchu levels sewn together and BB is more about confined space.
It’s alright, only weebs overrate it the best thing since 110 TIMES FOLDED NIHON STEEL
when I stopped playing this garbage and fired up bloodborne
Bloodborne was kino by base game but I agree that the DLC alone elevated it way beyond that
hence why I cant wait for sekiro DLC
I found the vertical levels a lot more fun to traverse. Also being able to weave in and out of combat with the grapple hook was a lot of fun. The reason why Ashina Depths was my least favorite level was because it lacked the verticality of the other levels. Ashina Castle, in particular, was a lot of fun.
Purple umbrella+purple gourd+divine confetti
It’s still easy without the umbrella but it’s good to have as a safety net in case you’re low on health and just need to deflect a couple swings to bring its posture down.
I liked it, but it completely lacked tension from enemy engagements. Regular enemies never made me sweat bullets in Sekiro.
The main battle music is great, but other than that nothing else really sticks out at all.
That's true, but I felt like the boss fights were a lot harder than any of the past games. Owl 2 and Isshin were a lot harder than any Souls boss.
Yeah, camera system is bad at times. Lock on mechanic can be wonky, at least with my playstyle.
Game has so much focus on the bosses, while the normal encounters were so fucking easy. Steamroll through zone, kill boss after tons of attempts, repeat.
>Oh oh oh oh ooh Sekiro!
The only bosses that gave me real trouble were both versions of Isshin. They were still great bosses. I would say they are more engaging, but I found the BB bosses more interesting in other ways, notably design and music.
>Lock on to a boss
>Boss backs you into a corner
>Camera gets caught up on the boss
>Can't see what's going on
Why was this considered acceptable?
Suggest an alternative that would be 100% objectively better that not one person could complain about
The camera zooms out behind you and the boss and provides a view of both you and the boss, rather than being zoomed up to the boss' backside.
i'm fighting lady butterfly now. died two times, but i think i got her down.
Isshin is a CUNT.
That is all.
Use the Malcontent whistle
Yes, I agree there 100%. The art direction and soundtrack are honestly a huge step down from the Souls games, even DaS2 was better in this regard. I'm kind of surprised the OST is so forgettable. I thought Kitamura did a lot of good tracks for DaS2, BB and DaS3, but I can't remember a single track from Sekiro.
>At what point did you realize you were playing a stone cold masterpiece?
Fighting one of the generals for the first time
Sekiro is söy repellent, lad.
Just finished NG+. I feel like I’m done. What should I play now?
but ironically
whats the furthest you can go without beating genchiro?
i know you can go past the gun fort without the key but what about the other areas?
can you get the mortal blade or beat the fake corrupt monk without genchiro?
When daddy asked me to kill Emma and betray the Divine Shota, and Miyazaki the absolute mad lad let me do it.
You can all the way to the temple and there’ll even be an NPC in the main hall, but the bell will appear only after Gen is down. Not sure about the Depths thoughs.
When all the Yea Forums shitters got cockblocked by minibosses like Ogre and Jewzu the drunk
You can fight both Ape and Monk before Genichiro, but not Folding Screen Monkeys.
>You can fight both Ape
don't you need the key that genchiro drops to get past the gun fort in the room with edward scizor hands?
that makes it a lot easier but her second phase is annoying and she gets out of that somehow still, and the fucking dumb roll she does
Actually, you're right, my bad. You can only fight Monk. I forgot all about the key.
Sekiro has the best
>SOME of the best music
>enemies (in my opinion)
My main gripes with Sekiro is that I wanted more confined and spooky levels, like the Abandoned Dungeon and Ashina Depths, and that I'm just not a huge fan of the Japanese aesthetic.
If the game was the same way it is now, but with the medieval Europe aesthetic of the others, it'd be the best in the series for me.
The story is also nearly IDENTICAL to Bloodborne's - just replace Great Ones with the Dragon. DS3 also did some similar stuff, so I'm starting to wonder if a generic "corruption" story is the only story Miyazaki can write. Overall, though, it's great.
DS1 = BB > Sekiro > DS2 = DS3 = Demon's is my new list.
You're underselling Bloodborne's story.
I know I am. Sekiro's story is just the "main idea" of Bloodborne (the blood causing corruption and beasthood) with none of the extra stuff that makes Bloodborne's story cool.
AS I BREATH, YOU WILL NOT believe what I do with my horse.
Yeah, Sekiro's story was pretty lame. I liked that they tried a more direct storytelling method, but they should honestly stick to what worked for them in the past. Genichiro and Emma were the only characters I found interesting.
never, it's literally just a boss run and half the game is useless garbage, the platforming/expooration is pointless, the stealth is a half-baked joke, normal enemies are all pushovers, the lore is generic boring sengoku shit, it looks okayish but doesn't have any aesthetic identity, it is in fact that worst Souls-era From game besides DS2. if I have anything positive to say it's that the posture system is pretty cool but it's bolted onto a snoozefest, I can't believe people are unironically liking this game better than the other ones somehow but whatever.
When I played Bloodborne
When i fought owl the father
Massively kino fight, pure skill. I just regret a lack of cutscene or just buildup for phase 2
Honestly, the lack of cutscenes makes it all the more kino.
I didn't find Sekiro's story that similar to Bloodborne's aside from the immortality which is going to be a staple on every From game that uses this format since you have to explain why the main character respawns. Sekiro's story is way different, much more focused on individual character arcs instead of on a big threat that puts the land in peril. In Bloodborne you're saving Yharnam by ending the night of the hunt, in Sekiro saving Ashina is not even an option. In Bloodborne the characters are just flavor and background setting info, in Sekiro they're at the heart of what makes the plot go forward and the different plot twists. I think they're very different, and it shows that Miyazaki didn't write Sekiro's story. They have a very different feel.
Fucking hell i love that fight. As opposed to the demon of fuck which is a putrid pile of shit coming from hell
>what worked for them in the past
Sekiro's storytelling is exactly the same as Demon's Souls storytelling. The only difference is that Sekiro's story is way more grounded aside from the mystical shit surrounding the immortality while Demon's Souls is full on dark fantasy mythology stuff.
>Dude, what if we put a Dark Souls boss in Sekiro
Absolute cancer.
>Thrusting at Owl
I kept being retarded against owl and going for thrust attacks as punishes because I was used to doing it and I don't think I got away with it a single time
Who did write Sekiro's story?
Absolutely no shame in doing that against that boss, i can die a million time against owl, isshin or sword saint with no problem but fuck that fight
Dunno, people say the combat is so good but I don't see it.
I mean I wouldn't call it bad, just kind of bland.
>The base game of Bloodborne is blatantly unfinished and has hardly any content.
What are you talking about?
There is a lot more content in any Soulsbourne than in Sekiro.
I don't think we know, there were several interviews saying Miyazaki just supervised it, but I don't think we ever got a name. I'd have to check the credits to see if it gives any clue.
its kind of pointless to kill them, the buffs they give are shorter than the candy anyway.
>filtered by ogre
Chalice Dungeons aren't content.
Maybe play the game further than chain ogre
>Be slow as fuck
>to my surprise kill lady butterfly first try
>genichiro rapes my ass
sheeesh and he even requires 3 deathblows
I regret that they threw away all the tools Owl1 had and just made him fast swordsman that kills you in 1-2 hits
His third phase is more of a victory lap than anything. It's really easy.
Case in point. You losers are all like robots, all programmed to say the same automated message upon critique.
I've beaten the game without ever acquiring dragonrot. How's that for a filter, nerd?
They are and even without them the point still stands
But I finished the game
When I noticed how good I was getting every time I faced lady butterfly. I actually dropped my controller in awe when Owl mikiri countered me though.
Where is the conqueror pasta when you need it ....
>camera is fine
>not a single boss is reused, the same CHARACTER is reused in boss fights sometimes but the second fight is completely different always
>he played NG+ with Kuro's Charm and without Demon Bell LMFAO
How pathetic are you? Not only you lie, but you even willingly played NG+ on easy mode and then pathetically cry about it being easy. Well then stop playing on easy mode?
Fighting the samurai mini-bosses and realizing how interactive the gameplay is. Sekiro now feels like a fantastic tutorial course for what will probably be a much more involved improvement on a basic formula. I can imagine in whatever fromsoft makes next we'll be able deflect, use shields, magic, jump punish sweeps, parry/mikiri thrusts, use multiple active skills in a row, and each persons playstyle can differ wildly. Those boss fights in Sekiro are so good I went to NG++ before feeling like stopping whereas I never bothered with NG in Souls or BB because it's a slog that depends heavily on gimmicks
Is he the most based enemy in a From game?
>not a single boss is reused
I don't know what that is, but did say that I like these games.
I don't know why you find it hard to believe that I would have done multiple playthroughs.
Once you get better, you realise that the amount of deaths it takes to activate dragonrot is quite forgiving.
I don't get why people even give him so much attention in threads. Is it because of the glitchy grab attack? Because he's not the only boss with a grab like that.
>>not a single boss is reused
Name one (1) boss that is reused.
>Worst art direction
>Worst lore
>Worst soundtrack
Sekiro objectively has the best FromSoft soundtrack so far. It's laughable to even imply otherwise.
>Worst enemy design
Literally has best enemy designs.
>Worst enemy variety
It has the most enemy variety.
BBfags are delusional liars, pre-DLC BB was a fucking travesty compared to Sekiro.
>mfw I learned you can avoid lightning chip damage entirely by also parrying the attack mid air
nobody here talking about the excellent DMC games, except for you, friend. :)
he's a filthy grab spammer
>I wanted more confined and spooky levels
No fuck that shit, I had enough with BB and DS3, I await the day From can make a living town/city/whatever and not just generic cave #459 or spooky cemetery #78
the frombabs were quite obsessed with dmcv for a while
Snake eyes in the sunken place is fucking obnoxious. Been stuck on him for hours.
>the best FromSoft soundtrack so far.
You called?
His 3rd phase is actually easier. You just have to get past first two with 1 or 2 gourds and youre good
>I can imagine in whatever fromsoft makes next we'll be able deflect, use shields, magic, jump punish sweeps, parry/mikiri thrusts, use multiple active skills in a row, and each persons playstyle can differ wildly.
Sadly it is very likely the next game has been in development at the same time as Sekiro and that's why people like Tanimura haven't worked on Sekiro at all, and the precedent of two games being in development at the same time is Dark Souls 2 vs Bloodborne. Instead of them sharing strengths, Bloodborne lacks about every QOL change introduced by Dark Souls 2, and Dark Souls 2 lacks everything that makes Bloodborne a good game. I don't know how much the next From game will benefit from things Sekiro tested, sometimes these teams feel so insulated from each other. I hope things are different now that Miyazaki is in charge but I am not very hopeful. There's also the thing with multiplayer, I suspect the next game will have a traditional Souls multiplayer and making that work with the deflect system is going to be so difficult.
>boring choreshit which mean nothing because you're too much of a hack to write good lyrics
God it feels good
to deal with her you need to perfect parry her hits and jump on her when she does her grab
>Sekiro is the good guy
Headless, Chained Ogre, the Generals, the Purple dudes, Snake eyes, Genichiro, Guardian Apes.
Within the first few hours I was immersed in the exploration and the story. Upon beating it, I was sure I was gonna do more playthroughs. Haven't had that feeling since Bloodborne.
seriously though, snake eyes are some of the toughest of the minibosses. My only advice is to start the fight with a stealthblow, then stay up in her face, jump away from the grab, get good at step dodging her shots and punishing with a slice, and parry everything else. You should be able to learn her movements to where you basically kill her in one big combo.
To even imply that Sekiro's OST even comes close to BB's is peak contrarianism. BB has the greatest vidya OST ever composed and arranged.
Eat a sneaky sugar and you can get a stealth deathblow on her.
You can make her fall tbqhwy.
Now, the one on the acid pool just Gachiin that bitch and you're set
>BB has the greatest vidya OST ever composed and arranged.
Wrong, Heroes 3 beats it and so does Nier Automata.
BB-fags are delusional and would drop this opinion the instant the game became non-exclusive.
>Not a boss
>Not a boss
>Not a boss
>Not a boss
>Not a boss
>One phase of a four part fight
>Unique fight that adds an entirely new enemy and takes place in a completely different arena
What are you on about, I have only seen DMC fags obnoxious come to every single Sekiro thread and try and claim DMC5 is better. Not to a single FromSoft fan it isn't, so why shit up the threads?
When I reached Ashina castle.
God I hope DLC for this will be as good as TOH.
>BB has the greatest vidya OST ever composed and arranged.
Play more games
>snake eyes are some of the toughest of the minibosses.
What are you talking about? Base Sekiro has way more content than any previous FromSoftware base game.
It's not even close. Base Sekiro is a 40-45 hour game if you 100% it, while BB, DS3, DS1 and DeS are 20-25h games.
I never really took the time to use sabimaru, is it really good or too specific?
also the monk and the drunkard (three times)
>civil Sekiro thread
>suddeny BBfags come in and start throwing shit everywhere
Yikes. Why so insecure, Sony bros?
>whats the furthest you can go without beating genchiro?
I went all the way to Mibu village and got the stone. I had 8 gourds when i faced Geni, lol.
Chained ogre alone disproves that faggot.
Only Genichiro and Guardian Ape of what you listed are bosses.
Genichiro isn't "re-used" because the first encounter is literally just a tutorial event for story purposes, 2nd is the actual fight and in the third he fights very differently.
Guardian Ape 2nd encounter is also very different due to the second phase having a new monkey with completely original movesets. Also optional fight.
You need to be 18+ to post here.
They can't accept the fact that a multi-plat is better than their unfinished crap
>Snake eyes in the sunken place is fucking obnoxious.
where exactly is she?
>sekiro thread
there hasn't been a single one on here.
Chained ogre. Same skin, same animations, same audio, same moveset. Different location
Drunkard is not a boss retard.
Monk second fight is different.
I agree that Ludwigs second phases theme is the best track FromSoft has ever made, in fact it is the best track in any game ever.
But we were talking about entire soundtracks. Ludwigs theme is literally THE ONLY memorable track in all of Bloodborne, while Sekiro has many dozens of memorable god tier tracks.
Sekiro soundtrack as a whole is the best.
I love all the reverse psychology shilling here trying to get the contrarians on Yea Forums to shit on this game.
Face it losers, Sekino is the game of the generation.
It's probably the worst prosthetic, but it does have some uses. You just need to know when to use it. Raven Feathers, Firecrackers, Umbrella and Axe are the best ones by far.
The realization came with the snake.
Seven Spears Ashina
Not a boss.
Where do you retards keep crawling out of? Minibosses are just strong normal enemies.
Basically this: Just like this user is sperging off: Name one BOSS that is reused. Not common enemies.
>b-b-but some enemies require two death blows
Doesn't make them a boss, faggot. If they don't grant a memory, they're not a boss.
Not only does Sekiro have a shitty soundtrack, the sound design in general is also trash compared to other Soulsborne titles
>the game of the generation.
You called?
Illusion corrupted monk is literally copy paste filler because they didnt have time to finish the mibu village boss
Sounds pretty generic and uninteresting to me as someone who hasn't played BB, though I'd probably say the same for Gwyn/Soul of Cinder if I didn't have anything to associate them with
Why did butterfly attack us at the hirata mansion? I dont really get it did owl send her to get kuro or something.
That would really suck if the next fromsoft game didn't have Sekiros mechanics but yeah you're right we're probably getting the alternate teams game next. I don't think online multiplayer input lag would work well with the new systems unless it was on LAN but people were already playing the laggy shitfest that souls online was so it can't be much worse.
>cheesing the most cheesable 2-dot in the game.
Why even waste the seals using Puppet ninjutsu (which you shouldn't have the first time you come through this area. Wtf you so behind for?). Just get him to stand in the poison.
Also post a webm of the other snake-eyes that you can't cheese.
Imagagine coping this hard, Sekiro sound design blow every Soulsborne game out of the fucking water, Perfect parry sound is music for the ear
>he hasn't beaten the game on NG+10
Game gives you an Ashina samurai costume to prove it
Sekiro combat is a lot more fun. BB is just dark souls but with different dodge animation.
Sekiro and owl were sacking the place
No it doesn't, as Chained Ogre is not a boss.
You still have not provided a single example of a re-used boss in the game, since it has none.
When you get to Ashina Castle and are able to take the side path to Abandoned Dungeon through the reservoir
Lady Butterfly was the first difficulty
spike but figuring out the shinobi hunters felt like the game was shifting into high gear and I loved it
You can do it but of course it's not required. I did it in one try.
You should take this is an opportunity to learn. Your reflexes will get better and you'll be able to parry Jouzou more than once. Remember you can parry multiple times, you don't need to parry just 1 attack per combo.
>Illusion corrupted monk is literally copy paste filler
>The first boss is the copy, the second boss with multiple extra mechanics and phases is the first(?) one
Wtf are you talking about mate?
The Shinobis were hired by Hirata to protect the Divine Child, but Owl/Butterfly may have been corrupted by Dragon’s Blood as seen by the fact that Owl had stolen a branch from the Everblossom (most likely in pursuit of immortality). While the Iron Code was a law of the Shinobis, Owl and Butterfly had clearly stopped following it, and it makes it even more antagonistic that they still pressure Wolf into following it.
Never, because it isn't.
Butterfly wasn't. That was a fake memory. Did you not get the true Hirata estate with Dad2.0?
genichiro fight
ludo as fuck
Owl is trying to get Dragon's Blood for himself, but knows that Kuro will never willingly give it to him. He initially tries to kidnap Kuro (this is what we witness in Hirata Estate), but Wolf thwarts that plan. He then fakes his death and returns because he knows that Kuro will Dragon's Blood to Wolf and his plan is to have Wolf side with him.
Lady butterfly was a dodging tutorial and dies like a bitch
Sekiro has FromSoftwares best soundtrack, and BY FAR the best sound design in any game ever I would say. The weapon clashing sounds are the best of any melee weapon sounds I have heard in any game, and the gun sounds of the Gun Fort enemies are better than in any game I have played, even first person shooters.
Not really. The game doesn't have much content and if it wasn't for the uninspired difficulty, people would finish it in 5-10 hours.
Locations are really short and there isn't that much to explore anyways
While I agree with you, Sekiro is fantastic. Definitely the more engaging combat of the two (though BB does everything else better).
>Not common enemies.
They're not common enemies.
>I haven't played the game: the post
Keep coping BBdrone
>uninspired difficulty
Lol is this the new artificial diffculty?
just say you hate it because it's too japanese; you'll still be retarded, but you'll feel better being honest
You are aware that the other games have soundeffects as well, right?
>first playthrough did the best ending but killed owl2 for sport anyway
>second playthrough did shura ending
>third playthrough I'm doing purification ending
>mfw owl2 in ng+2
should had done this ending on my first run and forget about him
I watched a boss fight on youtube today, I forgot how similar to dark souls bloodborne is. like really, the game could be called dark souls 2.5
Now sekiro is actually different, and a great gameplay improvement at that. If only it had the replayability of souls
What the fuck does this even mean you colossal faggot. It has the best designed difficulty in any game I have seen, literally not a single cheap death in the entire game despite how hard it is.
>Locations are really short
>Ashina Castle is literally the size of about 20-30 any zones in any Dark Souls game
You are a retarded faggot, the game is objectively almost twice as long as FromSofts previous games.
>see them multiple times in the game
>not common
You sound confused, user, but that doesn't change the request: Name one BOSS that is reused, please.
I just got to mibu village so i guess i didnt
And? They weren't nearly as good as the sound effects in Sekiro.
Sekiro has the best sword clashing sounds and gun sounds I have ever heard.
Why are people trying to say that Sekiro has less content than BB? Prior to TOH, BB felt straight up unfinished.
I'm there with ya. I got Divine Child and Emma endings my first playthrough and specifically went with Everblossom because I didn't wanna Dad2.0 on NG+3 lol.
Stop making these fucking shillthreads, you got like 10 threads popping up every single day about how Sekiro is the best game ever.
This place is worse than reddit these days, please don't make me go to reddit to avoid this boards retardation...
Corrupted Monk
>b-b-but they have a handful of different moves!
Fuck off
Most of the minibosses listed aren't common enemies by any means, they appear only as minibosses
>Ludwigs theme is literally THE ONLY memorable track in all of Bloodborne
You can't be serious. Did you even play it?
Oh well yeah, you can't have gotten it yet. Just make sure to talk to Emma a bunch after you find all the incense materials. You'll get a new bell that shows you what really happened at Hirata.
>Sekiro has shit atmospher-
Are you so retarded that you actually think video games are developed in chronological order? Monk was developed for fountainhead palace and a weaker copy was added to mibu village because they ran out of time to finish the original mibu village boss. Fountainhead palace is optional so they probably figured nobody would care
The moment i was able to cheese an entire boss fight of a cliff
>when all criticism gets shot down by throwing around insults in most threads
Sekiro threads start to remind me of DaS2 threads, except that the game this time is at least good
Dude loud orchestra! Lmao!
>post a webm of the other snake-eyes that you can't cheese.
you can stunlock her by jumping on her head repeatedly.
At first I thought I felt it only was an OK game
After Gyoubu Oniwa I felt it was a pretty good game
During Genichiro fight and onwards I realized it is a masterpiece
How is Owl 2 a rehash of Owl 1?
Sound levels are all over the place sometimes and other than your sound clashing there is nothing
On one hand I'd like them to do something different from the Souls games again, like they did with Sekiro.
But on the other hand, I'd really like to see them make another knight game, but with things learned from Bloodborne and above all Sekiro.
Imagine Dark Souls but without iframes. Where parrying deals posture damage and heavy armour adds to your total posture.
You could have charge attacks that instead of having regular super armour leaves you open for heavy posture damage.
Combat arts.
Magic with an actual button combination to execute them instead of having to toggle your item slots.
It'd be cool.
But what I really want is actually sci-fi. With 30%~ of it involving mechs.
>chained ogre is not a boss
Yes he is
100% brother. A timed exclusive would have exposed 97% of Yea Forums. It would have been months of yellow faces and never ever while they all jack off to the game. Then From announces its coming to Xbox and PC, contrarianism kicks in and they start saying it was never food. BB was always better. Would have been the best timeline.
Stop replying to retards that haven’t played the game.
I finished it yesterday, and it isn't that good.
>They're different fights
>But Fuck off anyway
>Corrupted Monk
is hardly repeated. You get Corrupted Monk 1.0, and then you get an EXTREMELY expanded True Monk fight that has 2 extra phases and a wildly more interactive arena.
Again, hardly the same fight. Completely different attack patterns in Phase 1 of Dad 2.0 (in regards to how often what combos are used), and phase 2 is completely different. No smoke bombs or anti-heals, throw in firecracker spam and spectral Owl bullshit completely changes the fight
1/3 of his boss fight is borrowed, and expanded upon given the black mortal blade, and used as 1/4 of another boss fight.
>b-b-b-but the same models are rendered on the screen! That makes the entire fight a copy-paste!
You sound autistic.
Is that trying to prove something? Just when I thought it would start getting good, I was already done with it
Sekiro has WAY more replay value than any Souls game actually, since it has actual increasing challenge in consecutive NG+ runs due to the optional hard modes you can activate.
There is literally no reason to EVER replay any Souls game again because of how easy they are after first playthrough, no matter what NG+ you are on.
Only Bloodborne and Sekiro have that increasing difficulty, and Sekiro a lot more than Bloodborne.
>oh no my criticism was shot down I better sperg out the whole thread
Jesus when will you Bloodbronies stop being so cringe?
After I realized it isn't another boring Souls game but actually a true spiritual successor of Tenchu, only taking the good cues from Dark Souls.
Mini-boss != boss
You are trying way too hard to shitpost, friend.
>why are you making threads i dont like waaah
>So cringe
Is the English language too hard to grasp on this board?
Cool, I'd love to see a video. I've never once heard of or seen anyone do that.
I do not remember a single one of those, only Ludwigs theme. Everything else sounded the exact same.
Sekiros OST however, literally like 30 god tier 10/10 tracks that are impossible to forget.
Bosses get shinobi execution/immortality severed after beating them.
which boss soundtrack is your favourite in sekiro? Which one do you remember?
When a better game is made.
Spoiler: There won't be.
What the... Can we parry the grab ?
Can you anti-air deathblow bosses?
I mean even if it doesn't kill them, is it possible to do it for extra damage or something?
These threads are the equivalent of ray-pist spam, nobody gives a shit and you look like a retard. Now fuck off.
What the fuck is wrong with BBdrones?
>these nigga's
That's gonna be a solid pass for me
>think video games are developed in chronological order?
I'm actually aware of how games are made, as I'm a programmer for a triple A studio. You're right that things are not always done chronologically, but that's completely irrelevant. What matters is the order in which they're presented to the player, and Corrupted Monk is the first of the two fights.
It's like the field at the end of the game. It's circular: Kuro at the Ashina resevoir -> field -> fight genichiro -> lose at the beginning -> return there at the end for symbolic parallels -> oh hey, who could have guessed, Genichiro rematch that is a completely different fight mechanically.
Corrupted Monk is repeated for narrative reasons (as the Monk is the guardian of Fountainhead Palace, and a spectral version guards the wedding procession gave, which is how people reach fountainhead palace to begin with).
Hope that helps your understanding, bud.
>EXTREMELY expanded
user, it's the same fight but with 2 skippable phases thanks to a couple trees. I liked both fights but come on now.
I'm sitting at 39 prayer beads ....
>those grab niggers that pop out of the ground
I'm trying really hard not to respond seriously to you because I know you're just being a faggot, so here's a no (you).
What's the lore behind the headless? It's the only ones I can find nothing on about, even Shichimen Warriors have some lore to them.
The worst thing about Sekiro, and Souls in general, is that any criticism or discussion is continually dismissed as being from butthurt casual regardless of how valid it is. The worst thing is these games aren't even that hard in the grand scheme of things. A lot of people take an undue amount of pride in beating these games. It's a bit like someone claiming to be a film expert because they watch a lot of David Fincher movies.
>the grab can be deflected
Are you for fucking real
Pay no mind to me, just posting cute pictures of my wife!
afaik it only works on shichimen warrior
cant disconfirm any others though
Deflect in Boss form. It's actually an easy fight.
>same fight with 2 skippable phases
>literally only the first phase is the same, which is one of those 2 skippable phases
>regardless, being skippable doesn't make the fight different, it just means there's a hidden way to beat it.
Your autism is weapons grade.
Can't tell if you're trolling. You're missing a lot of steps with your advice and your interpretation of the story is retarded. Hirata2 requires the eavesdropping shit, and it's definitely not "real" vs "fake" memory.
So the first time you fight the monk, and the last phase of the second time you fight the monk are exactly the same. Nice.
You realize you fucking shills are fairly obvious right? Whats next, you gonna call me a journo or tell me to git gud?
How much are they paying you? Or are you even more retarded and are you doing it for free?
Most unfun boss of all time, even if the underwater one is kinda neat
Its warriors that died for their country basically. They do something wrong and have their head cut off.
Doesn't a prayer bead have lore on them? I dont remember
Do they not drop those reusable items that have descriptions on what they are
they were "traitors" who were beheaded and not given a proper burial, which is a really big deal in sengoku era japan and led to their current state
>filtered by ogre
Filtered by Chained Ogre.
Headless lore is on the spirit fall items you get for beating them. They're old heroes that have been corrupted and turned into ugly evil fuckers.
The difficulty only comes from very high damage numbers, that's it.
Try fighting a boss when you don't die in 1-2 hits and it's shiteasy.
>inb4 cheater
I fought Lady Butterfly after Owl1 and by that time I had a shitload of health upgrades.
Owl1 was when I thought the game would finally do something other than deal heavy damage since he uses a lot of different tools and is probably the only boss where you finally have to watch for your position due to the poisontraps he throws around and other shit.
Checkpoints are really close.
Do you want me to post a map with items too or what's the point?
>filtered by ogre
Filtered by Norse Shrek
>"Lady Butterfly... Forgive me.."
It was at this exact moment I knew this game was maybe the best From Soft game.
We're gonna fight her in the DLC, right, lads? Not even Isshin could overpower her.
I'd honestly fight a room of the fountain head guys then any of these solo. The under water one isn't that bad other than their damage output, you can do some high movement stuff underwater.
I somehow stumble through the game without actually knowing wtf I'm doing. I'm just past the Abandoned Castle and I feel I lucked out on every difficult fight except maybe Lady Butterfly but that's only because she was pretty easy. Even the sumo lardasses tear me apart in a regular fight.
>Corrupted monk
>extremely expanded
>it's the exact same in phase 1 and 2 except it can summon ghosts, and phase 3 has like 2 new moves
>Genichiro is exapanded
>identical to his other fight except he uses the mortal blade instead of lighting
I'll give you owl though
Not sure if Isshin would count too, since you can't do both fights on a single playthrough
So many things in this game are aids
>it's definitely not "real" vs "fake" memory.
brainlet detected
And yeah, I'm not writing him a fucking FAQ, just interact with Emma / Kuro / Isshin at every opportunity and you're fine. It's what you should be doing anyway.
They’re sort of inspired by the Rokurokubi in Shinto, who are beings that look like normal people by day but at night they can stretch their necks. Also losing your head traps your soul on the mortal plane in Shinto belief.
Use the upgraded whistle, fire gourd and shield if necessary then just dodge counter clockwise.
He fucked my shit the first few times but I just cleared NG+4 and I beat him on my first attempts easy.
>filtered by ogre
I'm not even posting BBstuff.
I could say that Sekirofags are throwing a tantrum because their game isn't nearly as good so they try to make people hate BB but that shit doesn't make any sense and leads nowhere
Wasn't that the Shichimen Warriors though? There's a grave next to one in Ashina Depths near the Shichimen Warrior.
Makes sense, this always kinda irked me in Sekiro. I keep missing out on lore bits because I don't expect lore to be hidden inside mundane items (like Combat Arts for example). I didn't even know Tomoe was an Okami Warrior Woman until I read Floating Cloud Passage.
*Abandoned Dungeon
>New Lando Ruins
>bon fire
>new londo ruinskey
And later
>All editing and reprinting of this map is prohibited
>don't copy all maps
What a fucking nerd
>filtered by ogre
>Phase 2 is identical except for being different.
You don't seem to understand how this works...
Genichiro is also not a copy paste because the boss fights are, you guessed it, the whole fight.
Genichiro 1.0 is a 3 phase fight with 2 phases that are not Tomoe. Genichiro's second appearance has a modified Tomoe version followed by 3 phases of Sword Saint Isshin.
Are you trying to say Genichiro 1.0 Phase 1 and 2 are identical to the 3 phases of SSI? Because that's just hard retarded.
Go try it yourself. I'm sure it works for most minibosses really.
>completely different fight mechanically
Being a programmer would actually explain your player is always wrong attitude. Regardless of intention, if the player experiences the same thing twice, there's a good fucking chance they're going to notice and say "I've seen this before."
Hope you stop posting, bud.
Dunno man, i think threads got pretty comfortable due people discussing lore and shit but there isn't much to do with Sekiro, it's pretty straightforward and doesn't have anything to do after reaching the endings
>The difficulty only comes from very high damage numbers
Yeah, that's how videogames work. Especially Souls games.
Why are quoting things I didn't say? I'm not the same person you replied to. Either way, the 3rd phase is barely different from the first. It's not EXTREMELY expanded like you'd wish it would be.
Post stupid shit you did on your first playthrough
>Somehow managed to miss the grapple point around the blue samurai that is mandatory for getting to Genichiro
>end up exploring pretty much the whole game except for him before goin through the area again and finally noticing it
Can't imagine it does seeing as none of them give prayer beads.
My wife is off limits.
Eh, I don't buy it just cuz someone on the internet says it works. That sounds a lot like "You can play as Luigi in Mario 64 if you find the hidden 121st star. Trust me, my dad works at nintendo".
Tried googling it with zero videos of people stun locking with jumps.
Not for her son
Your argument is that none of the true bosses are recycled, when its obvious they are
>but they have 2 new moves! And a different arena! They're completely different!
That's like saying the Fountainhead Bull isn't recycled because it doesn't build up burn
>filtered by ogre
>Reach Fountainhead, starting to get bored of the game
>Force myself to play through it, beat Divine Dragon
>Can't be bothered to fight Demon of Hatred, cheese him off the cliff
>Get to Isshin
>Have no more desire to play the game, let alone throw myself at yet another boss time and again to memorize his attacks and openings
>Force myself to anyway
>10~ tries later the best I can manage is to barely get him to phase 3
I hate that this happens to me with every one of FROM's Souls games. I always either get distracted by co-op/invasions or just lose interest near the end. I've only ever beaten DeS and DaS2 because of this shit.
Is the ending worth forcing myself through the fight? I can't say I give a shit about any of the characters, honestly. Always felt Souls characters were weak and uninteresting.
Is he a casual filter?
Look, the game is only difficult due to high damage numbers, that's why I used the word "uninspired".
It's even less than in Souls games since those have stamina management and while you do get i-frames by dodging you can still fuck up the timing or dodge into the aoe/combo.
In Sekiro the parry windows are huge, you are completely safe as long as you pressed the right button (eg. jumping very late on a sweep, you still don't get hit even if the attack goes through Sekiro) and positioning isn't important at all since you clash swords anyways
Genichiro's phase of the final fight is SUPPOSED to feel similar to the first time you fought him, for narrative reasons. How is neo-Yea Forums this dumb? It's circular story telling. It's the guy that was hard when you first fought him now being easy to demonstrate how much you've grown.
Regardless they're not the same boss fight because you're intentionally ignoring phases 1-2 of Genichiro 1.0, and then ignoring all 3 SSI phases of the final fight.
That's like saying "Sword Saint Isshin has a spear in phase 2/3 and Gyoubu has a spear, so this similarity is enough to call the fights copy pasted".
Basically, please stop being so retarded.
when i stabbed a giant snake in the eye
You genuinely think the real version of events is that Wolf killed Owl three years before the start of the game? Think about it for a moment. Think at all. Blease.
Why does no one want to talk about the games shitty hit boxes. They're not all over the place, but when they happen you definitely notice them.
Then there's grabs, but that's a whole other issue
>I didn't even know Tomoe was an Okami Warrior Woman until I read Floating Cloud Passage
To be fair, I think she would be much more similar to O'Rin or the miko sleeping by the dragon, than the current day water infested okami warriors that we see in game.
Those are monstrosities like the mist nobles. I don't think that's meant to be their true/original forms.
When I put in the Nioh disc
Nippon autism is something else
delet this
>Jumping out several times out of the arena with Genichiro
>Accumulate only 1 rot and using restoration without realizing it was a waste
>Parrying the Corrupted Monk Forma Aparición Terrorífica
>Going to Mibu Village first and missing the double rape apes and several more apparitions, wander around forever trying to find Kongou when it was just ahead of the abandoned dungeon
I would say not eating the Ohagi in front of Kuro but that was some cryptic bullshit
They can't cope with the fact Sekino made their Bloodborne machine irrelevant.
Came to post this.
sonyggger keep posting
> > > > list is just fucking said
didnt they played Bloodborne at 20 fps?
With very few exceptions, the hitboxes are pretty great.
Yeah that goes without saying, it's probably also the reason why she might have left Fountainhead when shit started going south. You can see how normal Okami Warrior Women looked like in the Ashina Dojo (at the Lightning Reversal Scroll)
You're one of those people that would argue that DMC4 doesn't reuse bosses.
>the camera in the arena
Did you miss the part where they thought owl was dead?
your wife gives me this look every night
>Jin Hayabusa
>gets Izuna Dropped
That's just wrong, it should be the other way around.
More like a Vitality/XP check (mikiri and not getting oneshot makes it much easier)
I always though people where retarded when they thrust at him. It say in the lore how shinobi are taught to counter thrusts. Shinobi killers are literally thrusting spearman. What do people expect to happen?
Quite frankly, I don't care whether you believe me or not. You can do it but why would you? It's probably not close to the most effective way of doing the fight as it takes a long time.
>falls off
Bravo Fromsoft.
The only noticeably bad non-grab hitbox I've seen is Isshin's wind chop, and maybe one of Hatred's moves, can't remember which. Even the grabs aren't bad, only Ogre's and one of the Ape's grabs are really bullshit
I struggled to finish the game because I was getting really bored with it. A lot of the boss fights are really great, but I was sick of how obnoxiously hard all the minibosses were. I was willing to give no equipment variety a fair assessment, but I really think that it would have made the game feel fresher if you could find a new weapon and change your outfit a couple of times at least. It also had the effect that despite the levels being so open and full of nooks and crannies, you never actually find anything of value when you search them. It almost seems like they didn't anticipate this problem at all, because items are still placed around the levels as they would be in a souls game, but you go pick it up and it's just like, a ceramic shard.
I really don't like the controls. Maybe the PC version is better, but the PS4 Pro version just feels sluggish and unresponsive as compared to something like DMC5. Parry timing is frustrating, because unlike DMC royal guard parries where you press the button the exact moment the attack hits, in Sekiro it's like you have to press the button BEFORE the attack hits, and the sound cue doesn't line up exactly with your button press, which all makes parrying more mashy than it should be. The prosthetic tools mostly seem really situational, and it's like they're either completely useless or cheesy and OP. Nearly all the combat arts are completely useless and only being able to equip one at a time is ridiculous. Spirit emblems is an overly restrictive resource that discourages experimentation and is poorly balanced because some useless abilities require them and yet other very useful abilities(ichimonji) don't.
Overall I really liked certain parts of the game, but I have more negative feelings about it than positive ones.
>uses a katana
Fucking weebs
Emma is not for lewd.
The ending is like a 30 second cutscene like most souls games. It's not very impactful.
White women are only for lewd
I feel the same but it was only with Sekiro for me.
I only finished Isshin because otherwise anons would be right to reply with
I mean I still get that reply but at least I know it's not true.
Endings are kinda nice and I had a bunch of save backups because I heard that they get corrupted easily on PC so getting the other endings didn't require much replay
Didn't like the game that much but I'd say to give it a shot after a few days
Emma is half Dutch, half Japanese.
Divine Dragon maybe, also Guardian Apes is fucking amazing. Vast majority of the 10/10 tracks which there are dozens of however, are the basic battle themes of zones such as Senpou theme, or the themes of minibosses.
Lady Butterfly fight, I was literally on the edge of my seat for the second half
It's set in the past, you're basically teaching the Hayabusa's important techniques
It took playing Nioh to realize that Sekiro is a masterpiece? Is Nioh really that bad? I mean I know it's not good, but THAT bad? I thought they fixed a lot of the garbage gameplay that existed in the alphas.
The endings beside Shura and Immortal Severance were pretty BS
>You have to listen in on sixteen different conversations that only appears if you're for some reason leaning against a wall in a place where you don't need stealth
>you have to keep asking rice loli for more rice
I had both serpent visceras by the end of the game but had no idea what to do with them since I didn't read any guides on endings until my second playthrough
>filtered by ogre
DMC4 was so forgettable, I literally can't recall a single boss. Sorry senpai.
>The ancient teachings of our revered ancestor Hayabusa Jin when he crossed swords with a dumb Gaijin using anime moves
I just kept beating on her and she died before those illusions got to me.
>massive damage numbers
>janky as fuck animations
Fuck, is the whole game like this? I was thinking of picking it up on sale
So then she's at least half for lewd. Where are you getting Dutch from though?
The lore behind the two versions of the memories is really interesting (I haven't beaten Owl 2 so forgive me if I'm missing stuff you learn after but) is it possible that the bell charm communicates the knowledge of what the owner believed? So Kuro's charm shows you Lady Butterfly as the betrayer because he was lied to later on? I guess then the fact that Sekiro doesn't remember is just convenience? Why does Owl stab you in the back at the end of the first memory?
Fighting isshin and I'm feeling the game less and less. I don't even have the drive to try any more and it's not like I've died to him 30 times or anything.
what an ugly looking mess
yes, reducing her health to zero before she kills you is a great strategy for beating her
>Where are you getting Dutch from though?
Head canon.
>playing multiplats on ps4
Snoy niggers, ladies and gentlemen.
Is it like dark souls but with some mmo autism mixed in?
Nioh alpha was actually good unlike the finished game. They really fucked it up.
Nioh isnt a bad game its just hilariously repetitive.
Hell yeah I'll take that answer
What do you think the dragon's curse stands for other than lusting after gaijin pigs?
>People giving up on Isshin
If DSP can beat him, so can you.
I don't quite remember all the dialog but:
>You always tease that I'm getting senile, but a mother knows her own son!
>... Hmm, well anyway... Take this bell. It's a charm made with the young master in mind.
I don't know if the first bell charm was ever actually owned by Kuro. But yeah, it could very well be explained by Kuro not knowing who the real villain was.
Owl was seduced by the Dragon Heritage and that's what he wanted all along, Hirata was his first attempt at basically kidnapping Kuro. I believe the insinuation is that he killed you, but Kuro brought you back and you somehow lost your memories of those final minutes (I mean who knows, dying and only being granted the immortality to save you afterwards probably messes you up a bit).
Hirata 2.0 is pretty unambiguous though. Many samurai are replaced by the Ministry Ninjas that also appear when Owl infiltrates Ashina Castle after you get the incense materials. It's unclear to me if they're supposed to suggest that the Interior Minstry deployed their ninjas and hired Owl, or if those Ninjas were loyal to Owl over the Ministry the whole time. There's definitely a bit of detail that's murky there.
>Game has so much focus on the bosses, while the normal encounters were so fucking easy. Steamroll through zone, kill boss after tons of attempts, repeat.
What's the difference?
I only got to play the last chance beta
I play it on ps4 pro and never had problem with parry timing.
I'm sure I could beat him eventually, I just don't care to.
lol, that's so trash compared to Sekiro.
Is this WEBM supposed to look impressive? He literally just does a super that grabs the enemy. The supers in Sekiro are way cooler.
I stopped bothering even killing those fags at some point. Just walked/zipped from one checkpoint to the other
Make way for the true feudal Japan kino.
>BamHam combat
>Even more visually bland than Sekiro
Dumpster fire.
Never because nobody gives a shit about FromSoft games outside Dark Souls, despite Yea Forums's shilling Bloodborne has always been irrelevant despite it being superior to Dark Souls in every way
It's not that he's too hard, I just don't care.
Not feeling it at all
i kept checking in on the little girl because I liked her and eventually you got the option to give her a persiminon.
So I just kept checking in on her and she eventually gave me the option for returning the dragon.
>Fallout 3
I've always done this snake eyes first to skip the cancer that is the second Ape fight
>i platinum the game!! yayyy
shut the fuck up, can't fucking wait until everyone realizes this game is not hard. It's going to be hilarious, the one and doners can go fuck themselves.
Nobody has ever cared about New Vegas, it's always been considered a piece of shit. Fallout 3 is universally regarded as the best in the series
I don't disagree that New Vegas is a piece of shit, nowhere did I mention it.
2 is universally regarded as the best in the series, though.
> All that Nintendo dominating the top
Based Yea Forums BTFO'd again
Git gud
The camera is literally the only objectively bad thing about the game. It's extremely buggy when enemies run past you when locked on. I always lose lock when enemies run right past me, and the target switching seems to be completely random, not to the closest enemy in the direction you push
Why isn't BOTW on here?
I don't think you know what this word means.
the items they drop talk about them
I realised I was playing a Masterpiece when I went back to Bloodborne and realised all the shit that sekiro lacks
you sidewalk smeller
objective means that it can literally be measured, and is factual
I can literally see
that my camera loses its lock-on
when enemies dash past me.
I loved this segment. The coolest thing I saw was a purple kicking one of the burly fuckers into the water where you fight a headless.
More like a patience check with that camera
Isn't that just the whole game?
>forgetting the best boss of the Heisei period
man, going off the dsp death meter metric, sekiro is a fairly easy game.
>literally who
because the list is obviously from like 2008 or something.
The camera? No, usually it's open enough to not be an issue. The tight area was just especially bad
so he's too hard.
>unlike DMC royal guard parries where you press the button the exact moment the attack hits, in Sekiro it's like you have to press the button BEFORE the attack hits
This is offset by how much more lenient the timing for deflections are compared to just guards in dmc.
What ending is the middle option?
its credo
I googled a video of the fight. That looks boring AF. I can't tell if he only has one combo, or if all his combos just look the same with slightly different animations, but THAT'S the boss fight standard for action games? Yikes.
so why was ds3 harder for him?
> Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, The Last Of Us
It can’t be older than 2017
He was messing around with a caster build for most of the game.
He had like 100 deaths to champion gundyr
No one can stop The Champ.
Anybody else getting microstuttering on PC? I started getting it recently and it really kills my flow.
When my first play through was 40 hours, my second was 8, and my third was 4. Fucking amazing
Got platinum but I won't really think about this game anymore a month from now while I still replay Souls games once in a while
the rooftop genichiro battle music is actually kino as fuck. that was a special moment for me in the game. easily top 3 boss battles in all of miyazaki's games
I've already replayed it more than DaS2 and 3 because it's actually a good game.
Fucking amazing how little content there is and how its obfuscated by """"difficulty""""?
I don't know man, I can't fucking do it. Literally 40 tries and stage 3/4 always gets me. I just don't want to try anymore, I'm tired of being angry.
Sekiro has more content than any of the Souls games' base games.
Git gud for what?
Say I beat Isshin, what then? I'm not going to play through the game again, and I don't care about the paper-thin story, so whatever.
>the paper-thin story
Confirmed for skipping cutscenes.
Yeah it doesn't really have replayability once you have everything and I think the lore is the weakest of any From game.
Have you seen The Surge? It's a game based on the Souls formula. It's not the best, but it's a neat game.
Sekiro has fewer bosses than even Demon's Souls.
>Kid can make people immortal
>People wanna be immortal
>Kid thinks its bad, wants to get rid of it
>You do that
>Meanwhile some guy's butthurt that his backwater province is getting fucked
I sleep. Wake me when FROM gets writers that can come up with half-interesting narratives and characters.
Its not that hard if you just hug his left leg and run him down every time. I did it with the bell and didnt even bother whistling him. Making him cliff dive felt disrespectful
>the lore is the weakest of any From game.
Sekiro also has better bosses than Demon's Souls and even does Demon's Souls style bosses better than Demon's Souls.
Dude I love the fuck out of sekiro and nearly every miniboss is reused. The only ones that aren't are the kami ones and O'rin
It had interesting things but the problem is that literally none of these were expanded upon
The problem is that the game is a soulless cash grab that can't go two seconds without a cringey DaS1 fan service moment.
Enjoyment for games comes from challenge, fuck off movie fags
How many ng+ cycles are you on anons? I'm at 7 now. Game goes so fast after the first run, it's basically a boss rush
>If it were a ps4 exclusive, Yea Forums would rate it higher than BB.
Isn't that obvious?
>platted the game in 32 hours
i don't believe you. it requires 2 playthroughs (well 1 and a half really because of the shura ending) and at least 6 hours of EXP farming.
It's a sequel
No, because BB is a better game.
Not him but you can scum save and get the plat in the 2nd playthrough in less than 5 hours, half the fights are gimmick bosses.
That makes it ok to be soulless garbage that has no merit of its own to stand on and feels the need to constantly call back to an infinitely superior game?
Whatever happened to the centipied woman fight?
Wasn't there some character art in the sekiro book of a centipede woman who face was actually the shell of a centipeed?
Does anyone know or have the pic im refering too?
>glitchy grab attack
It makes more sense when you realise he actually grabs you with his hands, so any time he goes to grab, and he touches you with them it snaps the animation to show he grabbed you. It's the animation that sucks really.
>the better game
the better world, that's it
Favorite game I've played this year.
But fuck me if it isn't one of the biggest let downs from FROM.
Little to no replay value.
Story focused but generic & boring.
most bosses are either broken or just gimmicks.
Music is easily the worst the company ever did.
Map geography is DS2 esqe.
Lore setting for DLC is lazy at best.
>This is what DS3lets believe
why does she have a blade?
>He doesn't know
Maybe, but I'm playing through Bloodborne on PS Now on PC at the moment, and it's fucking great.
It's honestly tied with the original Dark Souls for me, and I have no idea how Miyazaki captured that special magic again.
>Sekiro also has better bosses
Moving goalposts. We're discussing quantity, not quality.
>I have no idea how Miyazaki captured that special magic again.
Blank check from Sony.
You can turn the damage numbers off, no idea why retards leave it on, looks fucking dumb.
Yeah whatever. Maybe I'm just getting old, but I don't care for having to throw myself at bosses time and again just to figure out when/how I should be attacking/dodging/parrying. It was fun for a while, but it gets to be a chore.
dont spoonfeed vaati, he cant figure shit out himself
Lol that looks like shit. I have no interest to ever play BB (not the same guy btw)
Sure you don't, PCbro.
Wait do you actually believe people care about BB? Ok let me laugh even harder.
>Do people care about the best game ever made
Playing this makes me want a television political drama set in Sengoku era Japan, but following shinobi. Sort of like what HBO did with Rome
>game ever made
Hardly. It might be the best game of the 2010s but that doesn't mean all that much.
It's the best game of all time.
Increased difficulty isn't replayability, you could always do a SL1 run if you wanted difficulty anyway. Replayability is incentive to do NG+ (+1/+2 rings), and above all having different character builds
Imagine being this plebian.
Only plebs can't handle the absolute kino of Bloodborne.
If people are comparing Bloodborne and Sekiro I'm glad I didn't buy a PS4. I like Dark Souls and Lovecraft but not Sekiro.
K cool. Take it to your BB containment thread, thanks.
Are you too pleb to handle true kino, user?
God I want to kiss Kuro and suck his little nip cock
>BB has the greatest vidya OST ever composed and arranged.
No thanks, I’ve already played Alice: Madness Returns.
Not that user
So you mean occasionally making the walls transparent? That could get rid of any purposefully claustrophobic areas
Personally I've always found transparent walls to cheapen the atmosphere, but it does offer consistent combat appeal
Sekiro gets criticized a lot for its soundtrack, but there are some standouts that I really like.
can someone explain this galaxy brain shit to me
It's being very good and I'm fully engaged in the world and gameplay. However, I wouldn't call it a masterpiece. It feels about on par with every Soulsborne game. Maybe I'll change my mind when I'm finished because I only just finished Lady Butterfly. I thought Nioh was better tbqh.
>Just got platinum, this is the last thing I will ever see in the game
That's the stuff
the music for the purification hirata estate segment is haunting as fuck
The fact that I spent about an hour on this fight, yet I don't remember this track at all about sums up Sekiro's OST.
Chalice Dungeons are based and solved one of the main original issues with Souls in that you couldn't use your end-game builds anywhere.
A bit halfbaked, but I got hours of enjoyment out of them. Doing the entire of Pthumeria as a Broccoli man was nice, if it was any other game it would just be a gimmick I never get to use.
>Behold, the Lightning of Tomoe
Or alternatively, Fountainhead Palace
I've killed Sword Saint, I'm at 34 prayer beads and 9 gourds, am I missing any before playthrough 2?
Was skintight latex invented in ancient Japan?
Dragon's Return is a happy-ish ending. Everyone's alive
I wish they would bring them back but with more variety and secrets.
6 prayer beads and 1 gourd
Seems like the chestplate is modeled after actual tits
>skintight armor
Who thought this was a good idea?
Oh well, at least it's fucking sexy.
Is she going to be DLC?
hitboxes are shitty but you can parry it all so fromsofts shit tier development actually works in your favor because now its easier to parry a huge disjointed hitbox.
they turned their weakness into an advantage.
Headless ape and bridge monk soundtrack stuck out for me
the moment i beat Genichiro for the first time.
I was pumped for getting him down after 2 hours of working on him without having to use a res and only 2 pots used. it forces you to learn the game play to beat certain bosses.
It's simple. Owl orchestrated the attack with bandits and ninjas. When he hears about you coming, takes advantage of the opportunity, sets you up to kill Butterfly, who might hinder his plans one day. Backstabs you since you looked quite determined to protect your lord and leaves you for dead. Kuro revives you and two of you flee(my assumption). The murky part is that we dont know that for sure. Then, you come back to the memory. Ninja remarks how you're supposed to be dead. Owl prolly told them you're a goner. Then you go back to temple and find Owl there because he returned too, maybe looking for Kuro and not finding your corpse
she is dead. her(and Takeru) grave is the Old Grave buddha
unless we get a memory from that time frame no.
>she is dead.
So was Laurence, the orphan, Maria and Ludwig, but we fought all of them.
so isshin genichiro's grandfather but what happened to geni's father?
maybe i should have paid more attention to the lore
I had more trouble with o'rin than almost any other thing in the game. For reference I beat both genichiro and butterfly on my second try. Im 20 deaths in and I still don't get what's happening. It's like my posture melts even if I nail perfect parries.
When I stopped playing this rehash and went back to Nioh.
You know you can get a free deathblow by jumping on her head at the start, right? Also, you just need to deflect all her attacks. She's basically just a deflect test.
It's very fun but I still like BB more.
>start game up
>no controllers work
how are they keyboard controls?
>I platted the game in 32 hours.
no you didn't, getting all skills takes FOREVER
>have to play on Low for consistent high FPS.
Fuck, it's getting time for an upgrade.
KBM seems decent to me from what little of the game I've tried with it. I found combat somewhat easier, since it's easier to click the mouse than press the shoulder button for deflects.
how do you beat the fire bull?
By Ysmir, post your mod list NOW!
mfw i'm using a comfy nintendo switch pro controller with no problems
deflect when he charges you. It stuns him. Whop in a couple hits. Repeat. Don't try to deflect anything else, it won't go well.
>positioning and dodging is hard
>kind of bland
what kinda games are you used to where sekiro's combat is considered bland?
bloodborne is a different monster.
you were teleported to the that nightmare realm when you have the item to access it.
so sure they could do the same thing in sekiro with the "memory" thing but they would need to find an excuse for you to have a memory of that time frame. we can assume it was 10-20 years ago.
corrupted monk
headless ape
almost none of those are bosses
sekiro is the spiritual sequel to metal gear rising.
The key difference being that Sekiro is actually good.
Pretty much the time when trailers hit and From didn't give a FUCK about gay customization and muh choice of weapons.
Literally based and redpilled game
on top of this guys advice.
if you REALLY want to cheese her run to the other side bridge in the area past her. her AI bugs out. she is not a free kill but she is no where as aggressive.
based and kino-pilled
Sekiro is how I imagine a Star Wars jedi game should play.
yep i just saw that today too. pretty good. i wish it wasnt censored.
i saw it because the artist i commission lewds from retweeted it. incidentally, one of my next commissions will be a loli x horse comic. my last one was loli x pig bestiality.
>helping a literal jew
>sending your brain-damaged friend to help the jew rob graves
you deserve it
>camera is fine
>your player is always wrong attitude
It's DUMBASS is always wrong user. And here, you're the dumbass.
Does keeping the NPC alive when fighting Jouzu do anything?
get a bit of lore.
he is dead either way when you go back.
>playing through the same game 10 times
the milking of tomoe