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Be honest with me, user.
In your first playthrough, did you open it?
I did.

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First playthrough was about a month ago, maybe a bit less, and of course I opened it. You're supposed to open so you can say "don't open it". Otherwise, how would you know?

That's one thing I don't remember. I probably did, but it was over 10 years ago and I've played a few times every year since, so I don't remember everything from my first playthrough.

everyone tells you not to, why would you open it?

no because im not DUMB lmao

Saved shortly before, opened it, went back to savefile and left it alone so I could pretend of course I never opened it.

Manipulative bitch. Nobody actually fell for her, right Yea Forums?

>implying she doesn't actually like you
VV best girl

If she was just manipulative, why would she keep contacting you after you finished everything she needed you to do? Obviously she manipulated you a bit in the beginning, but it's not different than what Jeanette does. Most people in the game manipulate you too, but you don't hate all the characters either.

Torries are masters of social manipulation but VV does like you.

Shes obviously using you but she gives you exp so it doesnt matter

Yeah, the only issue would be long-term she might start getting bored with you. Not because she never actually liked you, but because she'd just want something new that she can feel more passionate about.

>be a nosbro
>get to VV
wow what a bitch

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>why would she keep contacting you
she sends you 1 email

Post her pubes

would she forgive me succin them tiddies tho

>Most people in the game manipulate you too

No, most people in the game USE you and they are pretty upfront about using you and it's quid pro quo. Only a handful actually manipulate you, e.g. La Croix, VV, Jeanette, chink whose name I forget, etc.

>a walking Masquerade violation isn't a cause of concern to Kindred
Nossies, everyone

she sends two

>being an fugly nosferatu
>surprised she'd want you to be seen as little as possible in a club about selling bodies
Fucking Noslosers, I bully every single one I meet.

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VV is a cumdump, not wife-material

I want boob physics, I want big tiddy goth player characters, I want jiggly titties, I want big vampire knockers.

Why can't nos just get plastic surgery? Or at least wear a hoodie and not dress in bdsm gear

>literal cluster b vampire rape babies

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It's part of the curse

I got a little disappointed actually

Fucking bitch kept saying I was being too loud when killing the hunter even though I used a silent discipline. It was only until I started smashing the hunter with a sledgehammer was she satisfied

Will there be an option to make a Nosferatu undead incel?
Actual wizard strigoy powers.

>Jeanette basically forces you to do her quests and sends a squad of gangsters to wack you.
>VV asks you nicely to help her out.
Fucking VV reeee

Bdsm gear is part of the curse?

They can use Obfuscate to change their appearance in the PnP version, it's not just invisibility, but the game just wanted to show it that way. Even if they got plastic surgery, they'd change back to what they look like with the curse every night.

You can't use Disciplines that cause Masquerade violations on her, even if you got rid of everyone and it was silent.

Damn right I did. *dabs on superstitious cucks*

those fucking hunters are lighting my ass up. how the fuck do I beat them?

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I knew it was a bad idea but I wanted to know so I did.

Anyone know how modding will work with this game? On a semi R.N thinking about the goth slut outfit mods.

>>VV asks you nicely to help her out.

That's only because VV can't actually tell you to do anything. She's not in charge of Hollywood. Isaac is. If I remember correctly VV is 100% optional. She doesn't have anything you need.

>have a baron that tells them what to do

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>Go into autistic nerd rage when you point that out

When can we expect any news from VtMB2?

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I wanted to open it, but my game was bugged and I couldn't get into the Chinese temple. So I joined the eastern vampired and she made me wet.

At this stage I can identify trannys by the anonymous comments.


Which ones?


She straps you to the sarcophagus and dumps you in the ocean. user was referencing that with "she made me wet" you fucking retard.

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Still didn't hire thugs to shot you.

the ones at the mansion or castle or whatever. the fucking giovanni inbreds were easier than them.

I did Strauss' ending originally because every other faction leader is a fucking dumbass
Kinda funny in retrospective

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You know, the sandnigger ain't wrong on this one.

Try to sneak around, there are side entrances you can use to go in so you don't attract all their attention at once, and multiple paths through the later parts of the level too.

reminder that no RPG is allowed to contain any female that looks as hot as VV any more, even the sequel will have all female characters be tumblrfied

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They had a big tiddy character in the trailer but I think her face looked kind of unattractive.

the wait is killing me

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Mommy Lou proves you 100% wrong until now.

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>normies with healthy looking skin

That’s sad, I wanted pale grey goth freaks like the first one ):

Why must they destroy all that is comfy?

anarchs is a dumb name, most anarchs aren't anarchists

Tremere truly is the superior clan.

Tremere are Jews that killed the vampire equivalent of Jesus.

I went full Straus but I was Tremere then

>gets bodied by hunters
>clan founder gets bodysnatched by the guy he ate

Best ending. Max is based and best boy and has VV sucking his huge vampire dick on the daily while he doesn't give her the time of the night any other time.

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yes but by accident
I went for the independent ending and I in the last dialogue I wanted to taunt Lacroix with the "everything you have is mine, the sarcophagus ect..." I thought I would have the choice to take it from him without opening it, I think it was a really retarded reasoning, so I blew up


Strauss Camarilla ending > Lone Wolf ending > Anarch ending > Kue-jin ending

Ten million people and three of them smarter than the rest telling you not to.

The only right comparison.

I did but I was convinced I was going to die. I just wanted to see what it would look like if an Antediluvian came out.


>dat femmalk physics

Manipulative but caring.
Probably the vampire most in touch with humans (in more ways then one) and not actually desiring any ill-intent.

Toreador are Anne Rice faggot vampires, fuck them.


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I did not

Brujah are inspired by the Lost Boys
Toreador are Anne Rice
Nosferatu... Well that's obvious
Ventrue are classic Dracula. Hypnosis and being a corrupt aristocrat.
Gangrel play into old folklore vampires and werewolves
What the fuck are Malkavians?

Yea Forums

>hating on based Anne

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I want a What We Do In The Shadows type movie, but it's VtM

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is vision of death supposed to do 0 damage to bosses?

Women ruined vampires.

come on

>No ADS for guns

Its shit.

I did a power hungry Ventrue that was Lacroix's lapdog up until he finally loses it so I got the Tremere ending.

I want it to do damage, not kill

No, it should just do like 20-30 damage. Are you using the Unofficial Patch? I noticed before that the UP made random changes to the Disciplines for no reason, even in the basic version.

I did. I mean it's the final nights and the end of the game anyway, what was the worst that could happen? I didn't even reload a previous save file to see what the alternative was, that was for the next playthrough.

I simply refuse to believe so many people wouldn't sate their curiosity, it's all lies.

Women ruin everything so VTMB2 is bound to suck which means we truly live in worst timeline

>it should just do like 20-30 damage
yea I thought so. I don't remember what it's called but I got the basic version of the thing that also has a plus version

What class should I play as?

Honestly didn't gave half of shit about it

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Malkavian and nosferatu are probably better off as a second run clan, everything else is fair game depending on who do you wanna roleplay as.

What boss are you trying it on? I'll compare to the regular version of the game to see if it's a change.

>want to try celerity
>don't want to be a Brujah brainlet or Toreador faggot

kuei jin in santa monica and bishop vick. there's some sparkly visual effect and they stand still, but no damage

*noclips through the warrens*
heh, nothin personel

>Malkavian and nosferatu are probably better off as a second run clan
Although if they sound the most interesting to you, it's fine to play them your first time too.

Pretty much my thoughts, oh I wanna try this cool power out but my choices are nigger or faggot. Glad we get to make our character in 2, I hate games that give cool abilities but tie them to boring or shit character designs

I pissed her off apparently, so I don't even know what you're on about.


Sure, but they might be too much actual roleplaying for a beginner.

>playing as a male
You sure you are not the fag?

just play the fem brujah

tranny has arrived

Why E3 though? Has Paradox ever had a presence there? I think it's more likely to see some actual new shit about the game, gameplay or character creation or something, at Paradox Con which happens in September IIRC.

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I don't have fantasies of liking dick or having an axe wound so no I'd rather play a character I can somewhat relate to

I just checked in the unpatched game and it did 15-20 damage to each of them. Sounds like the UP fucked something up. You can email the creator and ask him to fix that problem if you want.

[email protected]

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is unarmed viable?

What are the hopes of having big tiddy goth vampire gf in the sequel?

B-but you make my heart go doki doki Damsel-sama...!

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I did melee just fine, so just using hands should only be the same but even worse damage. It's fucking shit either way.

i really really really like this webm

Guys If I buy the game now on GoG who gets the money? Will I be supporting activision (cancer dev who shut down the overhaul mod) or the new owners of the Ip (paradox)?

Just give up

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Gangrel gets Protean which gives you claws and is technically unarmed. Gangrel, Nosferatu, and Tremere can spam Burrowing Beetle or Blood Strike while punching which lets you do quite a bit of damage if you have the blood supplies to keep it up. Otherwise melee is better.

Worst part of the game, glad I did the same

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no, i told everyone to fuck off and went on my merry way

I think Activision still owns the original, so they'd get the money.

Is melee viable the whole way through?

When I play the video game I always pick the mailman

I had a decently strong gun build my first time playing so the sewers never bothered me. I still find it fun to go through sometimes.

Even if you want to mostly focus on melee, you should probably put a few points into Firearms to use guns on tougher enemies. It probably wouldn't bother people so much then. Jack even recommends doing that.

Absolutely. Go full matrix mode with Brujah Celerity + Potence or Ventrue Fortitude + Presence

I'd like to say it get's easier, but this is just how the cookie crumbles

Nope, I helped put my fellow Je-I MEan loyal Camarilla Elder Strauss into the position he so long deserved on his own merit.

With ventrue you can use trance, which makes the endgame a lot easier too.

Damn, I really wanted to buy non-pirated version.

If Tremere then go full Jew and help Strauss
If anyone else then go lone wolf like a true Chad

just bee yourself ;)


When did she even manipulate you? She straight-up tells you what she wants and how she prefers things to be done and never really promises you anything more than you get. The whole reason you do it is for xp anyway, which you get.

she a ventrue right?

she never pays you or rewards you in any way unless you explicitly ask for it
she just swoons and acts "oh so grateful"

Looks Toreador to me.

Toreador are more artistic. She screams high-class aristocracy.

I did it because of the vampire tiddies

Going by the decors, the "wine", painting, and the poor fucks who is probably a ghoul playing the piano I'd say a Toreador.

She never promises to though. And your reward is xp.

I did but by accident, because I didn't want to leave the key with LaCroix.

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While the guy in the skyscraper scene is prob a Ventrue. Some things never change.

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my thoughts exactly
i pinned the guy for lasombra

I want to play lasombra, they're basically ventrue but cooler in every way.

No, didn't side with anyone and walked into the night at the end.

The guy who supposedly created the Baali?

A lot of Toreadors are redheads.

I think I ended up with Humanity 3 and had to.

A Lasombra would look a lot more shady. They might be the opposite side of the same coin as the Ventrue, but a Lasombra would never nest in such an obvious lair for all to see and now.

A secluded, lavish estate in the suburbs is most likely to be a Lasombra haven.

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>Toreador with Malk bf

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No, wait, I was a Malkavian, they had this option that read something like "I WONDER what 's inside the box", I thought it was just goading LaCroix and twisting the line further, not open it.

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>local man outskill himself

What vidya studio would you trust to do a VTMB remake? Dead or alive

Remake? Probably Troika in their prime, but with a better director to make sure they meet deadlines

Troika if we can guarantee less jank and internal bullshit.

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Of currently active studios? Unironically CDPR. They'd honestly be the most suitable among the lot that wouldn't butcher the oWoD feel to the game.

Dead? Troika, obviously, if they were given enough time and funds to actually finish the game.

Can you imagine Japs handling the character designs for VTMB characters with near total control? I won't say whether it would be based or not, but it would definitely be a sight!

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I’d say toreador. She has a fireplace, and iirc you can resist the frenzy associated with fire by having a high humanity score. Only a vamp larping as a human would drink blood out of a glass anyways.

I'm trusting Hardsuit Labs at the moment. It's not like there's any RPG studios left that you could trust not to fuck it up in their own special way.

wouldn't be a fan. would be too out of place considering it's 2004 los angeles and not a high fantasy setting

Overdesigned sameface bullshit

i was thinking now that theyre part of Cama they want to accentuate on that
but ya my first thought as ventrue

Some no-name studio that's never made a licensed game before

Japs can make normal characters. Get some westaboo artists on it and they’d probably be fine.

No, fuck off. Japs can't write stories worth shit 9 times out of 10. That 1? It's just decent, nothing outstanding, nothing in particular that really excels at anything.

Westaboo Japs are the best. Combines the best parts of western games and jap games.

What is this haircut called?

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>get cucked by mages
yeah no
then again EVERYONE gets cucked by mages

Except Reality.


Reminder that the first playthrough determines your canon "opened it" - status for the rest of your life.

Who talked about stories? Leave the stories to the westerners. We're talking designs only here.

So what are the starting Clans for vtmb2?

My first playthrough was the based Max/Camarilla ending. Thank Caine for that.

>Bullying Mitnick.
But why tho.

We don't know but there's five plus one free one.

Yep. Although I was roleplaying a lacroix loyalist, so for the character it made sense.

This. I was doing the anarch ending and the only option was give the key to lacroix or open it myself. Why couldn't I just take the key and fuck off?

that's not hair

*blocks your path*

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So I know nothing about WoD. I know a bit of Vampire lore beyond what the game has but that's it.

Is a vampire doomed to hell the moment they're embraced or could a pious one immediately kill themself and be granted access to heaven so long as they drank no blood and were turned unwillingly?

>That 1? It's just decent, nothing outstanding, nothing in particular that really excels at anything.
But Ghost Trick is literally the best written adventure game of all time

>Is a vampire doomed to hell the moment they're embraced

Because Anarchs have brain problems.

Yeah, I noticed that crouching negates damage from Andrei's monsters. I might go toreador + Anaconda for my next run to see what happens

Some vampires can even use true faith.

They are cursed from the moment they turn so no

Mmmm, not much, hope I can play Toreador

I may be wrong in the case of vampires but there is some "true faith" fuckery that may influence things

The guy who forgot to take his meds and revealed to you that he is a vampire.

You have to drink the blood of a vampire to turn. Modern interpretations show vampires dribbling blood into the mouths of the dead/unconscious, and that working, but that's not how it was imagined.

the would make the second games premise of forceful mass turning make no sense though

take a wild guess

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I didn't.
Played it 2 years ago for the first time and had seen a dozen posts the box.

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fair but you're not really consenting to it usually. They kill you and then drop it in. Some clans the person knows beforehand but others like the gangrel typically just embrace people who put up a fight

The guy on the cover art has the Toreador rose on his suit, so you probably can.

I thought that was vandal?

Is there any stated reason why Cain doesn't just admit murdering his brother was wrong and apologise for being a cunt? Does he have any endgame but wander forever as a spite fuelled outcast pissed off God punished him for being naughty?

but theyre so boring

only women like Toreadors

He's angry at God for punishing him super hard and for the flood. We know little about his character and motivations in the modern day, just that he hates the Lord for the past.

>ask God to bring Abel to him to end the dispute once and for all due to guilt and regret
>kill Abel again just to spite both of them and laugh in God's face
yeah no he's just a cunt

well he did invent murder

for men?

Nope, first ending I got was the Strauß

Obfuscate lasts a scene, and does not work on cameras.
And the cost is kind of too high to keep doing permanently

Good for conversations
Plus they're the Chads and Staceys

Are you talking about the crazy ghoul that sold you blood packs in the first game?

>Not seeing putting a .44 in your foes brain as an art form.

An Anarch is to the anarchist what a monarch is to the monarchist

>and does not work on cameras.
wasn't electronic interference something highest level obfuscate had? I know, it makes 0 sense but I remember something like that

>Zao Lat the liar

The closest thing to real vampires out of all of them. Visit any vampire forum on the internet, it's all Malkavians posting and the occasional vampire hunter.

That's just What we do in the shadows

He's an angry, spiteful manchild

We aren't mad, we are delightfully mad.

A .44 magnum opus one might say...

What's the most essential fan patch that I can install that doesn't add unnecessary shit to the game?

The Unofficial Patch (Basic)

>not ripping and tearing motherfuckers frozen in time with your bare fists

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How do you get Romero to fuck you?

I'm a female Toreador and have three points in looks, is that not good enough?

Alright thanks I just vaguely remember years ago there being some fan patch that added "new" content or something that didn't mesh with the world, people really hated it.

With Yea Forums telling me not to open it for years and finally opening it, thinking there would be an ancient vampire in there, I thought it was gunna kill everything. Was disappointed.

I'm pretty sure he asks to fuck as long as you're not a Nossie when he offers the zombie/prostitute quest.

Wasn't it a BLASTING experience?

He didn't, just wants a prostitute

You can only fuck him if you decline to kill zombies

Fuck off Jack

I did, he just asks for a prostitute

They send you an email that tells you to not open it.
You never checked your computer, didn't you?

>Beckett, the only bro one can truly have, tells you not to open it three fucking times
>Grout tells you not to
noone ya

So what exactly is a laibon? How are they different than kindred?

You're too much of a roastie even for him.

I was undecided for a good 5 minutes.

I didn't. Had the neutral ending where I tell the anarchs to fuck off. Best possible ending. Fuck vampire politics.

>So what exactly is a laibon?
African bloodlines
>How are they different than kindred?
Different curses and MYSTERÃŒOUS ORIGINS

>believing kuape jin lies

>play as the most beautiful clan
>still gets rejected


What's the best mod to start with a first playthrough?

we wuz vampires n' shit

Can you all shut the fuck up and post more vampire titties?

It would be fitting if he could devour souls, he was so very hungry for enlightenment after all

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Not what I had in mind, but I cannot complain.

well why dont you fucking contribute you fucking whining cunt

oh fuck

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It is a Vampire's nature to see others as opportunities to be exploited and manipulated. The only characters in the game who do not manipulate the player or withhold information are Beckett and Mercurio.

ERADICATE ALL GANGREL except Beckett maybe

Pisha doesn't either

She's just having that Toredor obsession with you which will will eventually wear off

>messing with the bear gangrel
Oh son. NOBODY messes with the bear gangrel...

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There is severe lack of huge pale milkers in this thread. Let's fix it.

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does good sfm/blender bloodlines porn exist

UHH what the fuck is this lads ??

She fell for me

>Beckett doesn't manipulate you
Toplel. But yeah, he is probably the mildest.

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Here's my contribution.

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Post more pale tiddies niggers.

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Camarilla for unlife

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unironically my jam

Yeah, but she's total mommy-tier.

Not saying I wouldn't, but let's review:
>Tiddies: not pale
>"Judge me not" tattoo

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Face is too ugly compared to VV.

>blood sloshes around like a normal drink and doesn't stain the parts of the glass it sloshed into

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>how bad can it be?

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>actively encouraging assaulting people for having different views
As insane as these people are, the fact they talk about how powerful it makes them feel is a reminder of how they're all pretty pathetic.

Gangrel best clan

He doesn't have any info to hold, Beckett is a supernatural creature who doesn't believe in the supernatural, he's ironically the dumbest person in the game

That's Mass Effect Andromeda, my guy.

flat top

Vampires are monsters, imagine that.

>male Nossies in the game look like gross ugly monsters
>Imalia just looks like a hot bald chick with face/body paint on + spooky halloween contact lenses but is apparently supposed to be hideous
not that I'm complaining

There is literally nothing wrong with assaulting someone for having different views.

she must smell like raw sewage

This. The only wife material girl in this game is Heather, and she is literally addicted to you so I am not sure it counts.

I'd still waste gallons of blood smashing glasses pussy tho

That's that move where Tom Cruise fucked Brad Pitt in the ass right?

Who is she? I want her to be my mommy.

She reminds me of Christina Hendricks.

Cool, I hope you're fine with getting assaulted for saying that.

I'm absolutely fine with that.

felicia day

So final fantasy 8 with fangs?

Only as a Gangrel

>Nos dancing
>Meanwhile everyone is pic related
Good feel this feel.

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>brujah bad

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Never played the game, can you romance Damsel? She cute

You get told not to open it several times in the game. If you found the game here on Yea Forums you probably saw people telling you not to open it. Even if you ignored all that shit, its clear that nothing good could come from opening it, it was either an antediluvian which would definitely kill you or something even worse. Lacroix was fucking insanely stupid to even think he could diablerize an antediluvian with no effort, and you're even dumber than him if you thought you could do it.

looks like him
also his full name is Vandal Cleaver, hence the cleaver

so you must be the male version of the basic bitch


They're better off using a melee weapon, protean is better than potency for unarmed.

yeah but like, in the setting

WRYYYYYY leave us alone

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Why does resetera love these threads so much?

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>felicia day
fuck that. i'd rather kill myself.


I'm politically exactly the opposite of resetera trannies and I still think there is absolutely nothing wrong with assaulting someone (like resetera tranny) for different opinions.

You realize it would be impossible to have any society at all if everyone did that?

Her lisp makes me diamonds.

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He'd be a malk.

thats a yes

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