How many of the women will be trans?
How many of the women will be trans?
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Who cares?
none because trannies aren't women
So ... no real changes
>muh trannies
Lmao not video games
Have sex.
Clearly a significant amount of people lol
At least Protomagicalman won't be attending as this move made him drop speedrunning
It's like they made this event for Yea Forums
>Yea Forums
And then, he killed the dog
With her (him)
Not with a trannie.
You wish freak
I'd rather fuck my car's gas tank than a tranny
Is it bad that I would absolutely never ever fuck a tranny or date one but am 100% supportive of trans rights?
I think they have every right to exist same as everyone else, ill shit and piss in the same space as a trans man and ill treat trans women the the same as I would treat biological women but I just never find trans women attractive and that's why I would never date them
Is my logic flawed?
i would probably fuck one if there was 100% no one would find out and that it would just be that time. some are cute and anal is fine with me.
Dumb moralfag
Nah. Live and let live is a fine policy.
Your logic is flawed. They are sick and insane and need help, not enablement. They don't need to be hated, but they shouldn't be encouraged to flaunt their disease. Their disease IS spreading, socially.
Do you think people with a dangerous infectious illness should be allowed (even encouraged) to infect other people? Or do you think they should be treated with medical help, kept in quarantine until they are, at the very least, no-longer infectious? Should they be encouraged to practice safe habits that limit their infection, or should their infection be spread in the water supply, in the food supply, and fed to all people 24/7 to infect as many people as possible, in some deluded celebration of their disease because it's "who they are"?
I just don't see any reason to stop others from existing the way they want to as long as their existence doesn't hinder mine, makes perfect sense
I just never find them attractive and its usually always grossly proportioned dudes or bony twink transers
find my a tranny with a body like Siri the porn star or some variant of and id totally fuck
Ive just seem some crazies assert that not wanting to date trans people if they align to the sex you are attracted to is just as bad as being transphobic and I don't think that's right because people should date whoever they want to and not be confined to standards like that
It's like when people say you're racist for not wanting to date black people simply because you don't always find them attractive
why only women ? it makes no sense its not like one is better then the other at speedrunning
>sick and insane
perhaps because society chooses to label them as such, they just want to live in comfort, i cant see whats so wrong with that
What exactly is disease like or infections about transexuality, no one is forcing you to be trans or to date trans people, you don't even have to have transfriends and may never have them but that doesn't mean you should stop them from living their lives IF their lifestyle does nothing to inhibit/endanger yours and last time I checked it doesn't
>tfw I can make Yea Forumsirgin heads explode simply by existing
basically all of them
But are they hot?
So the womyn are degenerate now?
not with a tranny you fucking abomination
it means youre fucking retarded
You know very well it's going to be all trannies.
i can't right now, my mother's fuckbuddy's daughter is currently undergoing dilation week.
All trannies should be killed.
Id rather not
sex turns you into a tranny
If they had followed the 3DPD way of life they would still be men
trans rights = psychopath rights
depends how bad do you define virtue signalers.
if you truly support trans as a legitimate human state, you also should have zero kneejerk reaction/bias to doing humane things like falling in love or have intercourse with them.
you can very easily achieve value consistency by addressing real transgenderism (that is, excluding the trendsgenders), as a mental or biological disorder. That way, you'd be justified in not wanting to have a relationship with health deficient people as that's widely accepted, say, to refuse dating a cripple because that implies a very hard life of work for the partner, which is a real, tangible differing outcome
so is having a pig skin dick or a wound in your crotch, by the way.
gender roles are a 100% consistent behaviour in every species anatomically divided by genitalia. you're gonna have to wait for CRISPR to grow your little army of biologically gender-ambiguous branch of humanity to even begin claiming that transgenderism isn't at large a trend adopted by psychopaths.
>b-but that life is humiliating, it's impossible it could be a fetish and not genuine-
Furry guy bites face off man he kills in his home.
Furry guys have shiting in diapers group sessions.
hyperBBW fetish people only get hard by 800 pound landwhale lardballs.
anorexia fetish people actively make their partners starve and many deaths or life-long health problems came out of this.
body integrity disphoria makes you cut off your limbs.
diet anxiety makes an insane large amount of girls develop ptsd over eating anything and starve themselves to physical illness.
suddenly, pretending you're a girl like your animes doesn't look too far off a possible disorder.
no sex is icky
>trannies so triggered
>muh based and redpilled.
It would seem Yea Forums is more "triggered" considering you keep making this thread lol
you seem triggered
Good goy
Most of them
Daily reminder that women aren't special and that any man can become a woman if they want to
You dont understand mental illnesses. They have no idea they have a problem.
.t actual schitzo relative
I'm legitimately curious
Pretty sure lack of sex turns you into a tranny.
>implying it's not virgins that are so desperate they think it's a girl with a dick and not a man
Don't respond to the tripfag
Really? We can change a mans genetic make up into that of a womans?