What was the purpose for giving androids the ability to feel pain?

What was the purpose for giving androids the ability to feel pain?

Like, I get that the androids are the children of humanity, they take after them, act like them and everything, but children are supposed to be better than their parents. Who was the putz who said, "Yeah, A4, activate the nerve protocol in all future yorha bodies. For science." The fuck?

Attached: best droids on the middle and right.jpg (1000x664, 496K)

So they don't just destroy their bodies without realizing they're being damaged, duh.

They could have had monitors for structural integrity, not pain, which would cause the androids to panic or prioritize certain things in the heat of the moment. Like screaming in pain or going into shock.

>monitors for structural integrity
I.e. the health bar, which already is an in-universe damage assessment thingamajig.

Then the monitor becomes their pain sense, only less useful as it doesn't pinpoint the exact location of the damage.

Still, structural sensors should outmode pain. It wouldn't be necessary for an android to feel pain unless they're just stupid.

If your android doesn't panic or act without thinking, they will be unable to respond quickly enough to an attack to avoid being killed. Taking out these things results in androids that are easy to destroy before they realize they are under attack.

t. Soulless robot

The original androids were built to feel pain because they were made to house human consciousness, so they were made like humans.

The others made aftewards are like that because they're humanboos.

pain and suffering is the only way to know if you're tuely alive


Imagine taking Nier's story or lore seriously lmao. I like the game, but if I take it seriously for even one second I doubt I can last for even two hours of that chuuni shit

Imagine this user being able to write in understandable English for once.

What is the point to give an Android boobs if she can't be a mother?

She is a sex bot.

Attached: f584b5029b610207337c1d91396dbf3a.png (866x800, 594K)

have a plot device so you can add le emotions and make le dramatic story, of course.

Now see, that, I can understand. But it could have been done better. A case of emerging consciousness that would have the androids being to awaken to JUSTICE, I mean, sapience, which would lead them to wonder and question about their mission and why they do the things they do instead of blindly following in the human's footsteps.

Like 9S was said to do time and time again, iirc. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. I just got the vague impression he was like the super-droid of them all. Regardless, instead we got, "They feel bro," but instead of feel-good, we got, "Nigga, it's time to feel bad for these poor androids."

Attached: A2_Weefuu.jpg (604x837, 102K)

it's possible that in order for an organism to act truly self conscious or human (depending on how wide self consciousness will go), feeling pain is a part of a complex network toolkit that's required

in that event you don't need to justify or explain anything, as not having emotions would result to androids not acting in complex manners

you could even argue that pain has been the strongest natural selection deciding factor to move species forward, forcing them to adapt and survive, as organisms who do not feel pain cannot evolve as they randomly die with less selectivity, hence falling behind comparatively to other organisms, hence being pertually slaves to them (parasites).

You're kind of equating pain with situational awareness though. You can be aware of your surroundings, your condition, etc., without feeling what we interpret as pain. A sensor that tells you where you're damaged and how severely and a ingrained sense of self preservation is enough to mimic what drives species to change their situation to improve survival via pain.

I think in the context of the story, it's as simple as the androids wanting to emulate humans and the sensation of pain being part of that. And as mentions, the first androids were intended to be replacement human bodies which is why they were developed that way to begin with.

Crap, I completely forgot we were talking about pain. When I said, "They feel bro," I was talking about human emotion and awareness, sapience, and directly from the getgo at that. As opposed to androids awakening to it during the events of the story.

But I do agree with you on the subject of pain - I just think that, as highly advanced machines, they would have found something better than that. After all, they evolved to release pleasure hormones in their brains as they fight to make them WANT to fight.

Given that the androids are at least in part, designed, you'd think there'd be some push to mitigate the need for pain. Unless it's a school of hard knocks approach in which the simplest solution, learning from pain, would be the best even for androids.

...And given that they are androids, of course they would arrive at that solution. You just blew my mind, user.

Why the fuck do they wear that gay black band over their eyes?

Because it's sexy.

It doesn't just tell you where you were hurt. It evokes fear, anger, sympathy, empathy, jealousy, etc.

Best girl. If you disagree and say anyone other than Popola, Devola, or 6O, you're wrong AND a robot fucker.

Attached: a2_1.jpg (1500x2098, 177K)

But none of that requires the sensation of pain. You can gain all of the benefits of pain just from being aware of your situation and having a sense of self preservation, like I said. You can still bring afraid to get damaged because you understand that it lessens your ability to survive. You can desire others' assets to improve your lot and comfort level. You can still empathize with others who are similar to you and may themselves be at risk in some way, and recognize the benefits of a comradery.

That is pain though. The physicality is there to strongly reinforce the feeling. If there wasn't such a strong adverse effect of pain, you would be less likely to not avoid harm.

Humans also have ways of reducing or negating pain too. Either through will or through normal means. When you break your leg on a hike or something, your body will tell you initially through pain and then dampen it until you make it to safety. Or in cases like monks who can will pain away and light themselves on fire.

Is Taro gonna make a new one now that his game wasn't a sleeper?