>character creator doesn't let you make a loli
Character creator doesn't let you make a loli
>character creator lets you make a loli AND the gameplay and character interactions change to reflect your size
Megumin is not a loli. She is petite.
Dragon's Dogma is great isn't it
>game has a boob slider
>gets removed in the English release
Fuck Treehouse and fuck Xenoblade X
That's my wife you're posting
>character creator puts you into an oven
She is?
THis. Loli is a body type, not an age.
Name a game besides Dragons Dogma that does this
Isn't Dragons Dogma pretty much the only game that lets you make lolis?
Onigiri let's you create a loli character, but it's pay2win bullshit. It's a bad game, but it has hot characters! It's free too.
fuck off you daft cunts.
Shit didn't change name... Fixed.
>game has character creator
>you can't give a girl a dick
>you can't even make a cute boy, let alone a girl(boy)
I want to fuck Megumeme
Other way around dipshit
>Loli is a body type
Post some delicious explosion-tan.
You bet your ass she is
>little lupe
Most people aren't pedophiles.
no curves, no ass, no tits. Imagine having such shit taste
Cute wife.
Did you seriously just list Midna? Really? That just proves that you really don't understand what that word even means. Imp Midna isn't her true form, and if you had to use a word to describe her, "loli" isn't it.
I think it's kind of a mix of age and body type. If you have some elf that's like 100 years old but has the body of a 10 year old human, is she a loli? If you have a 10 year old but she ages like an old lady, is she a loli? What about a grown woman who acts like a kid? Is she a loli? Or what if you had an older woman and somehow put her mind it's a kid's body? Does she become a loli even though she has the mind/personality of someone older?
shortstack =/= loli
midna is great too though
Get off Yea Forums, Kazuma.
>character creator only let's you make a loli
>character creator doesn't have boob sliders
loli a shit
90s shojou designs were the peak of anime high school girls
name eleven(11) games
>Or what if you had an older woman and somehow put her mind it's a kid's body
Still a loli
>game lets you make pear-shaped bodies
>game has thief class
>let's you steal unique gear from bosses
> Game lets you become the loli
>game has loli enemies
Have sex.
Have sex.
Loli is a body type, don't @me
You can't stop me fcuker
You're wrong fagit
>game lets you marry and impregnate the loli
For me, it's Darkness
>Semen demon is the protagonist
>Best girl is actually the petite joke character who rarely shows up
Why is this allowed?
This, I can't stop fapping to 140~cm javs
Shes 15
They hated Jesus because he told them the truth.
more games should let you do this
She's a perv though
this, if it wasnt a body type fetishes like lolibaba wouldnt exist
As if this shitty isekai series couldn't get any possibly worse
Don't be rude.
>character creator lets you make lolis
>can't make shotas
that shit should be bannable desu, its the lowest quality shitpost there is
but user I only replied to one post...
She is though
I want to BE the little girl getting fucked by a nasty old man user
Factually wrong
good thread
nice, a new wallpaper
Nice ass
>game lets you get wasted
>character creator lets you put on girls clothes regardless of gender
>game has foot slider
>character creator lets you remove clothes
So what games with character creators are actually good?
>You can play like the Loli.
>can only customize panties you currently wear
>can't customize entire panty drawer that your character automatically swaps between by date
Very Prime.
>character creator is a nigger
No, but it's the the only game (that I can think of anyway) where making a short, petite (loli) character actually affects your character mechanically.
Sayaka is such a healthy girl
I like cute and dainty feet, what about you fellow feetbro?
How long until this thread is deleted
oh god please have sex, have sex with me im a lonely gamur girl and normal guys dont even look at me im fat and have massive zits on my big nose please incels have sex with me ill even do it with multiple guys im dripping in my granny panties i just want a guy to cum in me
please have sex
I like boisterous and rowdy feet.
Share me some codes please
>character creator is a nigger
"Yo gansgta homie wat kinda cracka you wan be, fucka? Yu man or bitch?Yu tall or short homie? shiieeet.
>darkness lover telling people not to be rude
What's even the point?
How do I fast travel other than using Ferrystones?
Where can I find legal loli wife?
>character creator lets you make loli
>they're all ugly
You tell me user.
Countries with low age of consent.
They look smelly. To each their own, I guess
Saber is probably the character Darkness is supposed to parody the most.
>White pantsu
>oog fanart is better than ingame characters
God I want to plow an Elin
I love Elin thighs
>Implying me, the king of manlets (5'8"), the king of uglies and the king of virgins, is capable of having sex
I believe in you, user
Good thread
For me is Yunyun.
She is my wife btw.
Good. Lolis a shit, especially your shitty reddit loli.
midna is unique and an entity of her own but otherwise I agree
Get brined.
Go to college. Nearly every girl in here is min. 20 cm lower than I am, and they are all pretty. Some of them even play vidyas. So go and habe fun user-kun!
imagine being this much of a tard holy shit
>see this
wat do
Me on the left
why'd megameme turn into a tiny puddle of slime?
Give her my stick to rub on
Midna isn't a shortstack either. Shortstack applies to short girls with big tits, not big hips. But you're right, she also isn't a loli.
Big hips is close enough
Pretty sure I saw a dragon loli ten thousand years of age once.
This isn't loli in your retard brain logic.
Those aren't asscheeks, they're tumours
Anyone know when the new series is?
I'm willing to take that risk.
No, they're not. Having big hips is great. But people need to stop co-opting the shortstack term, which applies to a specific other fetish. Create a different term for girl with a flat chest but big hips. It will also help the people with that fetish. Searching for shortstack now will yield tons of girls with big breasts or oppai lolis. Which is not what you're thinking they are.
What else are we gonna call Midna then?
homie its all good yo what kinda hair u want? short? ait bet, yo u wanna be a lanky ass nigga or like uhhmm yuh know like a big buff ass nigga? or fat? shiiiet bro yeah make dis nigga a michelin man azz boy yeh he bout that action huh? arright homie click continue to name ya nigga and start tha game nahmean?
Her movie is some time this year, probably in the summer
>game has boob slider
>it barely makes a difference
Asia. 140cm women that look like kids well into their 40s.
t. Yunyun
Pear shaped, thick loli, phat ass goblin, take your pick. Feel free to make other suggestions. I'm partial to the slang term "brick house".
>tfw shortstack general on /aco/ taken over by impfags
>character creator doesn't let you make a ginger
She blurs the line. A borderline loli. I think "hebe" (as in hebephilia) or JC is a better term.
She is 13/14/almost 15 depending on the volume
is this the perfect body for sex?
I don't think thick loli would work. Either way, I'll probably just keep calling her a shortstack since she's two feet tall.
>enemies can use Taunt
Say, what is going on in this thread?
Dead Rising
And I'm out
But that's just short. You can call many girls who don't look like Midna short. Do you see the problem? If shortstack is applied to any short girl, then its a meaningless term.
Shortstack should only apply to short girls with huge tits. Image related. But do you notice anything about this girl? She doesn't look like Midna or a Gnome.