How to stop gaming?

Hey anons
I want to stop playing games for personal reasons... i feel very addicted to entertainment, been playing games for about 20 years now

Are there any useful alternatives? Now and then i do some reading but it is very boring and i go to the gym about 3 times a week

Any suggestions?

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what books have you read?

Just moderate your game time and use the rest of your free time on a productive hobby.

Ever take up board games?

why do americans start dressing like children again once the become adults?

Most of them religious, i know its sounds boring from the get go but its the only thing im really interested right now

Im alone most of the time, so no
Not really

Why Eurocucks start obsessing about Americans the second they enter any thread?

What kind of games Do you spend most of your time on or feel addicted to? Substitution with similar activities in a social contect can help make the time spent about more than just feeding the itch.
Try for a start.
But playing person at a local game store or with friends, not online.

read some classic american literature
one flew over the cuckoos nest

I relapsed when sekiro came out. Was going on 2 months without viddygaems but i blew it

Maybe you right, the jack nicholson movie was awesome

Idk user this also seems like a huge waste of time


finding a way to turn your solitary pastime into a way to make friends and get out of your house couldn't be further from a waste of time

Whittle down instead of quitting cold turkey.

The problem probably isn’t videogames themselves but how you’re using your free time. If you want to be more peoductive focus on being more productive, not on substituting entertainment with something else.

If you want to read more books then audiobooks are an easy way to do it.

Good luck with your stuff user.

>Open a game
>Fuck around for 30 minutes
>Close the game
I guess I'm finally free

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I unplugged my pc and put it away somewhere safe so i wouldnt use it. Worked for awhile. Reorganized my room so my desk isnt the only area i use. Stopped being in my room all the time, hung out in the living room if in lounging.
Used campus computers for studying and my phone for business.

Then i fell off the wagon and went back to my old ways. Reeee

>hey people that play videogames I don't want to play them anymore.

Why come here, go somewhere else to bitch about it.

Do you live near nature or a lake/ocean? Go camping or like I did, I bought a decent kayak I can car roof to the beach on weekends and spend my time paddling about, exploring the marinas and beaches. Plenty of nice girls out on the water too.


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Just stop, you weak willed faggot

It's quite simple, dumb Yuropoor: outside of a professional context most people prioritize comfort over fashion.

You forgot the grave that comes after

Thanks to all of you guys, i guess i try some of the stuff out you suggested me

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Only way to be comfortable is being naked. You just have shit fashion sense and enjoy looking like a manchild.

>Only way to be comfortable is being naked.
Yeah, but that's tough to do in public you stupid Arab.

I really want to know what it feels like to get knotted.

So you dress like you have given up on life? lol develop some self awareness.
>manchild is a xenophobe
lmao why am I not surprised

read infinite jest

Past a certain age, a man without a family can be a bad thing.

Will you still be laughing after we turn the rest of the world into a smoking nuclear crater, Mohammed?


>Only way to be comfortable is being naked

Christ nigger your skin must be more sensitive than a tranny's feelings.

>the only acceptable way to dress is in a three piece suit, or totally naked

How cute, it thinks it’s important.

>he is not an insecure manchild therefore he lives somewhere I hate
Stop being so insecure and maybe you will stop being such a little bitch.I'll make it easier for you, I live in North America retardo.

inb4 some more retarded assumptions from the manchild

i'm happier now than when i was a teenager desu

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>oh no he doesn't fit my narrative
>I better start making up shit


>Eurabian pretends to be American
I can smell the goat piss on your breath, Mohammed. You aren't fooling anyone.

So sad it's actually hilarious.

>direct quote
>making shit up

If you literally can't be comfortable unless you're naked, you've got some sort of skin issue. See a dermatologist.

Where does it say it hurts my skin? Stop making up shit retard.

>Where does it say it hurts my skin?

Around the point where you say "Only way to be comfortable is being naked". Normal people are pretty comfortable in their clothing. Once again, you might want to consider seeing a specialist for your skin if you cannot wear clothes comfortably. Or better yet, see a gynecologist for the sand currently irritating your makeshift vagina.
