Why do Fallout fans fantasize about living in the Fallout universe?
That's just absurd. It's literally one of the worst universes to choose to live in.
Why do Fallout fans fantasize about living in the Fallout universe?
That's just absurd. It's literally one of the worst universes to choose to live in.
It's better than this reality, for sure
Actually being a man in legion land would be heavenly
Wow, wanting to be a slave to the ideology of one man just to get shot over useless and barren wasteland territories this badly?
That is unironically a cuckold move, my dude.
Same reason why anyone would choose skyrim. Adventure is just a couple mile journey and you fight just about anything along the way
What these people forget is that in those games you are pretty durable with all the healing pots and what not, but if you're there for real, just dropping a few feet and breaking your ankle is a death sentence. Might as well be playing 1hp mode
the fallout universe in new vegas has more in depth lore and story than real life
user, living on Tamriel is different from living in post-apocalyptic America. At least you get cool shit like magic and a sense of a normal, if medieval, life in Tamriel, but you gotta deal with radiation storms and scavanging for food and ghouls and giant radiated dinosaurs in Fallout's America.
Don't be delusional.
Just like pigs, the thinking of rolling around in shit or trannies going from wanting to be a girl crossdressing. Soon, pigs want to live in shit and the trannies cut their dicks off.
I want to live in a universe when women can genuinely love a man for who he is, not what he does. Combine that with the fact that most of these game worlds ignore macroeconomics, disease and hygiene, and chronic disease.
They're not ignored retarded they're just not present in gameplay. There's nothing to suggest that the normal people in the fallout universe aren't stinky and diseased.
pathetic post
Because we just want something different and thrilling, i'm not some edgy sadboy that constantly says shit like "bruh life has no meaning :((((" (even though i had a phase like that) but daily life is pretty mundane
Get a job and work out you pathetic neet.
Have sex.
>live in fallout
>you can do whatever cool shit you want, wanna be an explorer and colonize hostile lands? you can do it. wanna live a simple life as a farmer without having to go to fucking tractor school and drop shit tons of money on some land? you can do that. wanna be a lawman without having to go to gay training to just do paperwork 99 percent of the time? you can do that. etc, etc.
>Real life
>Want to do cool shit? Sorry lol the entire earth has been explored, documented, and searched with a fine tooth comb. There are no great evils to fight. wanna buy some land? Sure just work for 20 years and burn up all your savings on just one purchase. Oh BTW the only jobs open to anyone now are retail and fast food jobs that are so mundane you'll be driven suicidal by the boredom. Have fun kid!
It's not even a vidya exclusive thing. Book people wanna live in books, movie people wanna live in a movie. Etc. It all boils down to escapism from our shitty modern world.
How the fuck did Fallout 4 turn out so fucking bad.
Even Fallout 3 with all it's problems it was a shitload of fun to just walk around and run quests and get xp. New Vegas is like crack.
I dropped Fallout 4 an hour or two in, the fucking on-rails opening mission, getting the fucking power armor and minigun right off the bat, preston fucking garvey, that mutilated leveling system.
I genuinely considered Fallout my favorite "vidya junk food", and 4 dosen't even taste good.
You first
>if you'reeven a remotely competentshot, you're a wealthy merc
>can buy as many slaves as you can afford
>can wear power armor and tank fucking missles
>go around corralling feral ghouls to add to your harem
Seems pretty neato if you ask me.
It's like what happened with Invisible War after Deus Ex. They forgot that the game was supposed to be an RPG first and an FPS second, put all their efforts into making an FPS and blew the rest of the budget on voicing the protagonist. The gunplay is better than 3 and the power armor is kinda neat, but beyond that the game is a goddamn chore to play.
Blow it out your ass.
>Ghoul fetish
This entire board is either fucking gay or they have some disgusting fetish. Why?
maybe you're just boring
Get some professional help.
You do realize that's a human with no skin, right? Like it was literally burned off of them by radiation. Have you seen a burn victim in real life?
>ghoulfags wanna fuck this
>It's better than this reality, for sure
You can experience this in some third-world shit hole like South America or the Middle East retard
Technically being gay is a disgusting fetish so that's a little redundant.
I really want to try Psycho and Jet.
Fair point. I hate faggots so god damned much.
Proven fake lmao
>Be a minuteman
>BoS flies over my property, violating the NAP. Hold off because i could potentially sell crops and goods to him
>Dude in power armor says he's not going to pay me for the crops he wants and i have no choice
>Obliterate him with recreational fatman
>Shoot down his shitty blimp with allied artillery strike
>Scrap wreckage for hundreds and thousands of caps
>Reclaim boston airport for ammunition factory using raider slave labor
The closest equivalent to those would be meth and crack user
lmao what are you talking about. another victim of intense radiation. wow that's really sexy I'm so turned on right now.
What will give me a +25% damage?
>some faggot with a hipster haircut and pretentious bomber jacket walks up to my fucking castle
>demands we hand over all our supplies or he'll kill us
>throw an artillery smoke at his feet at watch the fireworks
BoS is so fucking retarded.
Well it'll definitely give you a damage resistance bonus. Once it wears off, though, youre ded
Meth or crack. My methhead stepmom punched a whole in her and my dad's bedroom door when she was high one time.
you can probably get away with rape
woah badass you sure showed em
Holy shit I remember that thread top kek
All theroastiesands*yboyswill look up and shout "Have sex!"... and I'll look down and whisper "No."
All he had to do, was NOT skimp on crop payments and everything would be daisy. Literally all he had to do.
You can't be big dick johnson without a big fucking dick.
I'm curious, are these people still capable of reproducing or are they effectively sterile? Hear me out. Massive doses of radiation have probably destroyed their bodies down to their DNA, would the sperm from such a destroyed body produce mutant babies?
Of course they're sterile, you dumbass. They mention it half the time.
They'd be totally fertile, the radiation bonded to Hisashi's DNA and literally destroyed it.
I would love to live on a garden or pleasure world in wh40k. I would make slaanesh proud
because we get to do things in the Fallout universe that we aren't allowed to do in real life, like kill raiders and take over their camps
A lot of the Japs that got bathed in lethal radiation doses didnt die instantly and still gave birth. Its just a matter of whether or not the spunk parts of the dna unspooled.
So how are the porn mods of Fallout 4?
Like the F3/NV mods but less optimized.
Because they think they'll be the PC in a Fallout game when in reality they'll be a generic wastelander NPC that gets owned by a Mole Rat in a random encounter.
Survival is as attractive as boobs.
Some people want to fight to survive and bring purpose to their lives instead of bing bing yahoo.
I'd fuck that molerat right in the pussy.
>not wanting to be a mercenary purging the land of all mutated freaks
only post-Bethesda Fallout (aka neo-Fallout) fans think that
>being a merc
Good start
>but basically a BoS lackey
You would be a NPC in a world like Tamriel. If you can't see opportunities in real life why would this change in any other place?
If you're a protagonist level person in those universes it would be pretty awesome. You'd master skills that take people lifetimes to learn in like a week. But if you're a generic background character it's horrible
>be a bandit, camping with your bros and occasionally robbing travelers - the good life
>some big-tittied dunmer slut calling herself Dragonborn tries to attack you
>you quickly subdue her and take turns on her with everyone in the camp
>tie her up, ready to be reused whenever you want
Oh no, life sure would suck huh.
There are more opportunities for a normal person in Tamriel than there are in the real world. Behaving like a "player character" in real life just gets you homeless, arrested and or killed.
>theoretically have sex in the fanatsy world okay, sounds good to me.