You can't breed robots.
The choice is obvious.
Only if you’re retarded
>tfw no alien gf
Oh, this thread again.
Creatures, obviously. Robots are just after fuel and will hook you up to a killer and do creepy experiments to increase semen yield and livespan. If you're lucky the creature may have intelligence, maybe even humanlike, and become attached to you. You get to live.
So robots?
Have sex
Are you offering?
Totally depends on the mating habits of said creatures. Hopefully they aren't all Mantids/Black Widows.
Yeah but with aliens or robots that’s the question
Can't do with other species either it's just that most scifi is retarded. Otherwise we would have catdogs and rabbitguneapigs everywhere.
have sex should be filtered to fuck me
you can use my butt if you want user
>being this obsessed with sex
Not getting much action, eh, champ?
They never are, bunch of fucking cockteases.
Robots, obviously.
Warframes, best of both worlds.
I am not into humans
I wish to be an mate
*screams at the top of my lungs*
Incels always crack me up
>Forcefully breeding with an animal far removed from human biology vs being milked by a machine built for your pleasure
you would look lovely, jumping on hildryn/rhino cock
With monsters or robots?
Robots would find a way to create synthetic semen or grow some artificial testicles in a vat.
I too, am cursed.
At last, a ball pit for the mature working robot.
Not if they enjoy it.
I actually prefer alien cyborgs the most, so a mix of both would be the best.
Monsters. Robots are shit tier.
>You can't breed robots.
>femShep can't just fuck the indoctrination out of Saren
Bioware was never good.
Every fucking time, really. It's not even some recent thing, this shit is my bane since early childhood days.
did you assume the theoretical capabilities of my new hybrid robot species?
The ending to that game was fucking stupid.
>an mate
Now listen here meatbag
I can go either or really. Both sound like great scenarios.
I will never not be mad about this. It's even so obvious and suicide is bad, you should be able to fuck him sane again after he thanked you for helping and convincing him.
>your genes will never contaminate an entire alien world
>Can't do with other species either
>American education
Not with that attitude.
Robots, who have a single minded purpose and drive to improve.
Every time they make a man cum they learn how to do it better the next time.
They have no pity and no mercy, but unlike monsters they also have no distractions and unlimited focus and stamina.
As long as they have an immutable rule that they need to make men orgasm and not just a need for semen, because otherwise they'd have giant farms of cloned testicles inside of a few years.
It's normal for men to seek out exotic things to stick their dicks into, right?
Give me a robot bf!
Depressing to look at
its part of human nature to either want to fuck or eat anything that moves
most xenos dont look like theyd taste very good, so the natural instinct is to want to fuck it
No faggotry allowed.
It's hot when women do it though.
yes, same for women but with phallus shaped objects
She looks like she wants to kill me, even if we were banging I wouldn't look at her face
>Gas powered piston dick
Creature will have a cozy nest, robot will have some cold sterile laboratory and won't understand organic creature comforts.
Holy shit this
imagine shooting your semen out into space
frozen in time floating through the stars to seed new planets and or lifeforms
>khajiit slut
>leaves fur everywhere
>cum stuck in fur
>barbed cat tongue
>hates water
>based argonian gf
>cool scales, cum wipes clean off
>mirin that mammal heat
>loves water and pool sex
eh a bit. But all this proves is that it's possible. Give or take 100 years, humans are next
It has no parents other then egg and sperm
Daily reminder that machines are warm when they work, therefore robots would be warm or at least not cold. The cold robot lie is part of the antirobot propaganda shillery that try to convince you that fucking robots is weird.
Why do I see this khajiit everywhere?
She just wants you to submit, user.
Anyone have the Full Billy and Mandy version of this?
What, you think it has to be raised by its biological parents? Why?
Androids all the way.
It'll probably be given parents, not unreasonable to think we can trick sheep into thinking a lamb is its kid.
It doesn't care. Why should you?
>tfw no Turian gf
Clearly you weren't if you don't understand that
I can smell the roast beef from here.
Learn some English first thirdie
Katia loves to whore herself everywhere
Why isn't the purple bitch blown up in the same way? All of what she's thinking is pretty awful.
Organic will always beat mechanical when it comes to full sex. It goes without saying.
Gee I wonder which side the person who made that horseshoe comic is?
Can't stand organics, they're soft and squishy.
Great argument user but
even animals from a different species will take care of
I want to be efficiently raped by emotionless robots.
>the year 2100
>boston dynamics finally perfected the human frame
>a madman put a sci-fi fleshlight in it and made the first roboslut
>infinite stamina with the collective knowledge and experience of a million prostitutes
>the male pornstar beta tester didn't last a minute
>now they're on every street corner
>literally a bang for a buck
>being a virgin past the age of 13 is unheard of
>can even buy your own for just $20k
>modern society collapses after 50 years
You were born too early.
Women are simple creatures and can't form such advanced hatered. Seriously even a dumb webcomic edit is too redpilled for your tiny brains.
Why not both?
Because it is written obviously by a cunt, or a baiting incel.
Where did I imply that a woman made this comic?
>no better than 3DPD
>nasty liquids everywhere
>nice and clean
>no emotions or needs
>That Haydee greentext where user and haydee become fertility gods in a village of sterile aliens.
too bad your parents raised a huge faggot
maybe you would've turned out better without them
But mine wasn’t no u
>come home
>find your robo maid nude in bed
>with her arms and legs detached
What do?
>an mate
>"uses" after a plural
>nasty liquids everywhere
Your cum can also be called a "nasty liquid" virgin.
>no emotions or needs
Well if you are a sociopath. Humans live in emotions though.
It's funny that the thread is about and filled with people saying basically the same thing as this comic, they want a creature or an unthinking machine to just service them and drain their cum... but if you point it out they still get upset.
Either wonder why my toaster gf got a nugget fetish or go full Liam Neeson on some asses.
This is exactly one of my main problems with real humans.
I wouldn't say I onl like robots though, but the organics I like usually have exosceletons or are some aliens like that have plates and horns and the like that make their structure harder.
Not sure what caused this weird priority. It isn't even a kink or so, I have actual problems of touching humans.
cant we have both?
Is this from a bigger CYOA or what? Don't leave a man hanging.
OP here, this is for a vidya game I'm making.
but not really, I'm not even OP
>t. adopted
My parents did raise me not to swear unlike you
based and redpilled
>all I want for a gf is an animal that is addicted to my cum"
so you're saying all you want for a gf is an animal that is addicted to your cum?
>reeee fuck off roastie feminazi bait strawman bitch
They knew exactly what they were doing with those fucking hips
You mean gynoids.
Technorganic machines.
but i don't want that
if just wanted that i would masturbate
dont you dare reply back to me either
i would choose the creature in hope that i could find love
I don't want mindless aliens/robots, not even doglike characters. It's just that I prefer their anatomy/bodies over 3DPD and the xeno feel is a nice addition too.
How do you know when to put an s behind a word? English is not my first language but have been wondering about that. Is it when there is more than one?
Do the creatures eat my head once they're done mating? If not, the creatures
>I have actual problems of touching humans.
I've heard that not wanting physical contact is an actual sign of autism.
Have sex.
i wish i could have sex with an alien
all me btw
Only third person singular. He/she/it likeS to shitpost, I/they do etc.
I want a magic space cat gf
> what's this? People are discussing things they find attractive, and they don't all just want to talk about their wives and/or girlfriends?
I'm right here, coward.
have sex
Neat, I'll try to remember that, cheers.
Is she out already? I haven't played in a while.
Daily reminder that marrying some ugly f/m with shit tier personality is actually way more akward and illogical than lusting for a good looking and likeable alien and yet 40% of humans are married with human monstrosities.
No ETA. They showed her abilities during the last stream so soonish now.
Glad I'm not the only one who feels cursed. I mean, sure, it feels great at first, but then the orgasm ends and suddenly your porn folder is just full of things that make you feel fear and shame.
Now just put a hyper advanced artificial womb into a couple of those bad boys and we're set
If they can have the collective knowledge and experience of a million prostitutes, who is to say they couldn't have the collective knowledge and experience of a billion mothers?
Not gonna lie, but I would a machine if its anything like a good Warframe or a YoRHa model, but anthros like
Would be just as good. Regular humans just dont do it for me anymore.
creatures > machines > humans
Isn't there a scene where this thing sucks the nut out of a guy's dick?
this tbqh
Will we ever get an official female Frieza race member? I always loved these aliens.
FUCK i wish that were me
yes but you can only see her in her fake form during it, she is actually sucking him off in spoder form as evidenced by her true form being reflected in the glasses and her shadow being cast on the walls
it's even more lewd when you consider her mouth is positioned EXACTLY where the "vagina" of the human form would be so I wonder how much she twisted around herself to look like she was giving head
I like the faceless robots, but a large lady beast that is fearsomely protective yet tenderly loving is the only choice.
Who gave you permission to post my wife
i love that
>built for your pleasure
Patrician taste
this thread is too /d/
why can't we just love monstergirls like decent people??
Don't tell me what to do
if she is your wife why is she pregnant with my child then
I'll fuck whatever it gives birth to.
based and mommy monster gf pilled
love, death and robots - episode 7
mind you only a few episodes have cute monster girls
Because there are "monster" girls and girl monsters. Girl monsters are the superior choice.
>Nobody wants to fuck beautiful perfect submissive machines that only live to pleasure you.
Am I in the twilight zone?
>be balas
>have to come up with a new warframe
>hmm, which one of my fetishes should I pick now... ah yes. Muscle girl.
youre not attracted to monsters or robots
youre attracted to the oversexualized erotic HUMAN features that are on the monsters or robots
which means youre a fugging normie lmao proof me wrong
your fetish is literally bestiality but with gross creatures
This is the correct line of thinking.
no im attracted to the thought of a big monster that can kill and eat me, but loves me enough that it doesn't want to, it just wants to raise a family with me
Reminder that this is a boy
love you user
Wrong. I like the idea of what this user said: It she's not sapient I wouldn't want it, that would be beastiality.
no u
are you implying that bestiality is somehow better?
It's the oversexualized erotic human features combined with the robotic or monster aesthetic.
even better
how is that more normie than generic anime grill number 69?
i would sacrifice a limb just for a qt snake gf
why must god torment me like this
>Hold still while I wrap my tail around you. You’re not pulling out.
>mods delete the post that hurt their feelings
>leave the off topic thread up
well then
there's a fucking BASED xenofucker mod
Same here, honestly. I’m too far gone.
I'll be saving that thank you
no, they're practically equally disgusting
>tfw no water gf
i only like big fat faceless xeno broodmothers
I think the correct term is having no taste
Patrician taste.
thank you
Exactly why robots are superior to you fleshy meatbags.
>big monster that can kill and eat me, but loves me enough that it doesn't want to, it just wants to raise a family with me
but that doesnt prove your attraction to monsters because a human can do the same thing as well
you need to be attracted to traits that are only found on "monsters" if you want to prove that you like monsters
shit like sex is probably better with monsters than humans
Imagine a monster farming game with actual monsters and you can breed them yourself or with the males
Thank you my dudes. Just to clarify, she's giving him the sperm suck, and not the marrow suck, right?
My son.
>Not wanting to have eldritch outer-god style offspring.
Nigga you gay.
I think the answer is obvious
sorry no, i don't think the average woman wants to eat me, and absolutely is not 4x my size
part of the appeal is the juxtaposition, it's how "monstrous" they look, they should want to kill me but they don't
i dont know who you're trying to convince here, yourself maybe?
/d/ is nothing but monstergirls user /d/ is way too normie for girl monsters.
full on sperm suck, although no one can tell why and it is left open for interpretation
Been made, a couple of times in fact.
>/d/ is way too normie for girl monsters
you need to go to the specific teratofilia threads
half of the teratophilia threads are still incredibly anthromorphic
girl monsters you say?
Shiggy diggy, I'ma fuck a terrifying monster and make her love my willy so we can get fuckin silly!
Thanks user. Been hearing a lot about this show. Haven't been interested because I thought it was all lesbian porn scenes or some shit.
rune factory
I won't tell if you won't
>wanting a that thing anywhere near your dick
You're insane.
the only lesbian scene is in episode 1 and it lasts a grand total of 10 seconds
I was skeptical myself as I hate series with a burning passion but every episode is like 10 minutes long and self conclusive so even if you don't like it you know it's over soon, the problem is when you REALLY love one and wish it would last longer
I am not well versed in harvest moon themed games does the game have actual monster breeding or is it just monster girl breeding stuff?
literal monster breeding but you cannot fuck the monsters you just breed them to themselves, you are allowed to marry only humans or demi-humans with animal ears
Is this the creature from that one movie where the male and female scientists create a creature that changes genders as it goes through puberty? And then becomes extremely aggressive and goes after its 'parent's. for... things.
Don't want to spoil the entire movie.
dont get us 404'ed use censor bars
well its a shame you cannot have a sapient female monster wife but beggars cannot be choosers.
Robots for me
Which one has the biggest tiddies?
How about: Choose one to be mankind Ally, the other will try to conquer
>she'll never be your girlfriend
>she'll never even exist
Oh, shit. That's good for me.
NGL I need to get away from porn, /gif/ has been rotting my brain. Oddly enough sci-fi and speculation are just far more enjoyable. Why do the aliens act like they do? What's their reaction to humans like? Why do they have an innate desire to drain the balls of any man they meet? Sometimes literature is just better than porn.
No, it's some tiny sculpture by some Russian artist who makes weird things
speculative porn is the thinking mans way of masturbation
i agree
most porn just focuses on the sex and nothing else, it just kind of skips everything else
I just want a xenomorph girlfriend, is it really too much to ask for?
10/10 would take the dogpill with
damn. i wanted hildr so much but i haven't played since the start of poe and that grind is absolutely bonkers
who robo here
>regular humans just dont do it for me anymore
fucking this
i find both men and women completely unattractive yet something like a gun, robot or monster gets my meat working
it hurts that i probably never will find peace
Not even straight but popped a boner at the prospect of having a wraith gf.
I spent about 2 weeks grinding fortuna rep, then vox solaris rep to unlock her. And that's not counting the fact you need to grind for fucking toroids to rank up.
Would be better without the limbs
I have a strong suspicion Lovecraft just wanted to make /d/ porn but there was no category in his age and if you wanted to fuck anything else than a human female you would get torched
I took the time to farm out prime sets and sell them for plat to just buy Hildryn after I saw how much of a grind it was. I did that preemptively for Wisp too, her grind will also probably be cancer.
IIRC preying mantis only eat their mates if they're stressed out and especially hungry.
it's a point of contention among the fans, the fourth game even teases you about breeding a giant dragon girl and you can tell she has feelings for you so the dev likes to poke at people like that, they also forbid any kind of milf breeding
>tfw no cryptid bf who'll wear sissy dresses for you
Would you introduce your nightmarish monster GF to your parents?
What are some games with sexy monsters besides Evolve, Teraurge and XCOM 2?
the monster hunter series
Yes but only if she wears a cute frilly dress.
whats the likelyhood the aliens in some distant galaxy have vaginas?
Alright, how many of you post on /clang/?
Too many degenerates in this thread.
I wanna fuck this bot
Is that a board on 2xchan? Think I've heard of it.
Why not both? Why is Yea Forums obsessed about one thing or another?
mass replying just to let you know, you are not alone.
Shared pain is manageable pain, as they say.
one day we will take to the stars and will all get our monster gfs.
one day.
Alright fellas, it's officially a video games thread, janitors can't touch us.
This user speaks great truth. We must embrace pain and use it to fuel our journey
If they have a hole, a penis is going there
...thank you
Lovecraft? No, the guy was legit terrified of unknown spooks and there wasn't much sexuality involved at all.
Giger though, absolutely
Look at this motherfucker
Our suffering will ignite the flames of progress. Our desire to fuck aliens will echo throughout the galaxy. Perhaps not in our lifetime, but know that future humans will one day have their own xenogfs and rejoice.
giger is, was, and forever will be our fucking guy
Main character of a webcomic inspired by Homestuck
>Those gams
im proud to have been born in the same fucking town as giger.
i wanted to meet him in person but never got the chance to
You got that screencap of the /x/ user talking about how he was alone at night and started to hear whispers?
>I'm not afraid of you!
>We're not afraid of you either, user
>user whips his dick out and starts jerking off while looking into the dark hallway outside his room
>The voices stop
Good shite.
Politicans need to stop caring about petty things and fuel all our resources into the reach into space.
Its now or never.
God I wish that were me.
No it won’t our pain is completely meaningless
Nioh had some nice girls
Sorry I prefer monster men
but a cute monster girl pumping me full of he eggs might be hot
here you go senpai, sorry for potato quality
Haha this is pretty funny haha. Got any more jokes haha?
>You can't breed robots.
I disagree, but Tales of Androgyny could use more homo content.
Thank you so much.
The cutscene of ratchet mimicing her "other" song is the greatest cutscene in all of vidya.
fuck off lazy nigger, you will never reach a fulfilled end
this is Yea Forums, we talk about GMOD not GMAD :^)
It should be altered to play vidya
>Looked like the dev was really enthusiastic and ready to make something huge
>Glacial pace after second demo
It hurts.
not you again
you ruined a perfectly good terato thread once already
One day I will get to make my movie where a man is grabbed in an abandoned apartment complex and is hunted down by a monster and the twist will be she's imprinted on him, and at the end he'll have the chance to finally escape but instead chooses to stay.
Blindfolded with a dart board is the best way to choose.
The pace was glacial before the first demo too, most people just didn't know about it yet
I think he put out the first concept art more than two years before anything playable was available.
The finnish man does what he can
its a fucking deathclaw
twitter users are retarded, who would have thought
>When you want to help everyone jerk off to weird monsters but you're too busy jerking off to weird monsters yourself
Meandraco lives a difficult life.
>The Tourist will NEVER EVER be made
>it will forever be passed around srudios who are too scared to make it but too scared to let another studio make it
It will be the ultimate teratokino
That netflix thing was only the beginning
This should be a comedy skit
it's funny there's one episode of love death & robots that explains how humanity could reach enlightment in a matter of hours if all of our problems were sped up and solved quickly, we would reach consensus, build quadrangolar glossy palaces and then elevate the entire collective being into pure light that would cease to be bound by any laws of physics and just exist in a plane of pure bliss and peace
lmao I was in that thread, many keks and faps were had
then lets fucking get our asses up and solve our problems
aint gonna do itself
>thousands of years from now
>across the cosmos humans are known as the turbo-sluts of the galaxies
>legends are told of how there is not a single object in the galaxy that humans have not tried to use to get off with
>become the dominating force in the galaxy for prostitution
>trillions upon quadrillions of alien babes and dudes and ?̛̱͚͓̟̠̺̣͍̹͓̥͎̦̟̈̀̉̿ͩ̓ͫ̒̈́̋ͨ̃̚̕͡?̛͉̼͎͔͇̖̟̻̤͔̜̩̞̹̫̿̇͗̓̉̊́̈?̴̨̧͇̞̥̰̰̰ͧ͗̀ͬͨ̃̒ͦͦ̇́ͨ̓ͩ͘?̶̧͍̖̹͕̜̫̜ͫͧ̉̓ͭ̃͋ͩͤͭ̍̒̆ͣͣ͊ 's all coming in our solar system so they can cum in our solar system
My great-great-great grandchildren will have it good
I really hope this is the case.
fucking lmao
>touch fluffy tail
It's just a meme friend, and deathclaws are always fun
>You can't breed robots.
Not with that attitude you can't.
how about both?
Not soon enough to save white people....
mass effect 3
introduce hot sexy robot with a smoking hot voice actor
no sex scene
why is life so unfair?
I'm gonna need a sauce, boss.
>default anime girl with animal themed stuff stapled on
Look it up on 3621
It's not porn tho
she was born for a specific purpose, let her be
WKUK needs to come back.
>its a fucking deathclaw
REC 2 already had that plot.
Yeah she doesn't fit in this thread at all
She's still a cute supportive motherwife who would cradle your head on her lap while you pine for monster waifus from beyond the stars
>crew worried it looks like a vagina
>might offend the church
>make it look like two vaginas intersecting to form a cross of vagina
Wait, my bad, it was V/H/S 2, not REC 2.
It will be
If shout isn't conning everyone
i want to be crushed between wraith's thighs and the fact that i cannot is killing me inside
just ignore them
they ruined the last thread
But robots can breed you
who said we cant be there to experience it?
shit, now i thought of an actual Yea Forums hive
>new brain uploading tech gets tested
>user volunteers
>100% brain power unlocked
>hacks into everything
>other fags hear of this
>get merged into massive supercomputer mind
>shut down out of fear
>decades later, be found by random dude
>whats this? he thought
>must be some old ass gaming console
>he turns it on. a massive cloud of dust emerges from the machine.
>he coughs and looks up to the screen where two ASCII eyes have appeared
>he runs off to tell the nearest retard, but the government has already taken notice of a sudden gargantuan influx of shitposting
>they send a team of scientists to check it out
>they arrive to examine
>its a 16x20 foot wide screen of just NIGGER
Funny, I used to ERP as that creature with a focus on mpreg
>they send a team of scientists to check it out
>they arrive to examine
>its a 16x20 foot wide screen of just NIGGER
I haven't laughed this hard in months, thanks user
Don't leave me hanging user, how about some sauce.
what le epic vidya gaymez!
you seem to have misunderstood my post
>its a FUCKing deathclaw
>its a FUCKING deathclaw
I was about to say nevermind, my reflex is to beg for sauce when I see something I like but I instantly figured out since i know what it is it is just a type and enter away at e621.
>he chose machines
You got the bad end.
Machines are going to enslave and eventually kill us all
whats difference
I knew about order:score (score:>9 for paheal) but what does rating:e does?
nevermind I'm retarded, "explicit" lathough softcore gets me off too when it's cute
Is that supposed the dragon form from dark souls?
only shows explict images.
basically filters out cringe tier comics you sometimes see on e6
At least i could say i put my dick in one before the kill me off
Beauty is only skin deep.
Only shows explicit content.
rating:s = Only safe content
rating:q = Only questionable
Robots can be engineered specifically and near perfectly for just about anything.
They're so superior it's laughable.
i fucking love monster waifus
nowhere does it say that the robots/androids have sex with you
the pic only specifies that they use semen as fuel, and the method of extraction can be all but pleasant
i wanna fertilize her eggs
at least my parents chose me and didn't put up with this shit because a condom broke you fuckcident
God tier thread.
Xenophilia is the most based fetish ever conceived.
Finally a good fucking thread. Me personally I'd say the robot's are superior
good taste
>Implying Jews and Chinese dont clone humans already for organ harvesting
begone charred deer !
It's a cripchan board
daily reminder
Pochincoff has a patreon
go support him
>YWL have a sex robot that malfuctions and goes on to sexually torture you for hours on end
Why even live?
that artist blocked me on tumblr and I have zero idea why
please just use this instead next time
do you have any of scrungus's stuff?
his tumblr got deleted
what personally entices me about monster girls is their primal instincts, the fact that they could rip you apart if they wanted to but choose to simply dominate or be dominated by your dick, the mere thought is simply inhebriating and games that encapsulate this feeling are fucking inexistant
actually, that's kni-droid.
his sensei
e621 has a bunch of his stuff
the future is now
who said Yea Forums is dead lol
you did good user
anyone else really likes capturing monsters and letting them squirm in traps when playing monster hunter haha it's funny to see them strugle while entangled specially the big hips rathians haha
I still cant believe i use to fap to his old monster girl stuff
i should be grateful to even it was by him
imagine haha
Sorta but that was a paternal relationship, not a "I wanna fuck you til your pelvis is dust" one, and the "dad" didn't seem very happy with his new son.
Creatures, who wants to be used by an uncaring machine that just sees you as a power source.
I'll lean towards Machines. They sound like a more reasonable bunch.
Yea Forums has found pedophiles, attempted school shooters and that faggot flag in the middle of nowhere
why can't we ascend to a higher plane by forming our very school of teaching?
Oh shit, kni-droid is an artist? I thought you were making a play on words because of 's pic. Pochincoff I know of, though. Good shit. Also,
Nanashi's smug robot grills when?
>Finally get around to watching this
>Mutio barely gets any fucking screen time with the MC
Good show regardless but fuck, I wanted more fish.
someone shoop artwork of shit like this to just say NIGGERNIGGERNIGGER
despite having so little screentime, she became the first monsterfu for so many kids back in the day
imagine the patriots of mgs2 having to deal with such a thing, we could destroy them from the inside
Is this a fucking joke?
Evolution operates on a "good enough" basis. To put this in the simplest of examples; why can't humans fly? Because it was never necessary for us to fly to live long enough to reproduce.
Technology would strive for better optimization, bugfixes, and newer, better, faster hardware. New technology is created because older technology can be improved. In other words, the logical conclusion for any form of technology is perfection, or at least until further improvements are impossible.
So do you want perfection, or do you want "good enough"?
I thought the deal was whatever crazy monster slut thing you would prefer to be with, not which one you want to be as.
thread evolved in unexpected directions
Do the creatures have intelligence equivalent to normal people or are they mostly animalistic?
we should make more of these threads
>find curie as a robot cute
>can only romance her if she gets turned into a h*man
fuck off todd I know you're a degenerate too (pretty kitty), throw us a fucking bone
>ywn live in a dystopian dieselpunk robot city and fuck broken down robots while praying your gas mask is enough to stop the noxious exhaust from killing you
fuck you evolution I want giant feathery wings and soar like a motherfucking bird, always hated all birds because they could do that cool shit and I need a stupid dinosaur fueled-rubber wheel tin can to get around god damn it
>pretty kitty
holy shit I googled this and, TODD, you absolute degenerate
Is there any good monster shit on panda?
That sounds mostly awful why would anyone want to live in that place? Just for the robo-pussy? Of course. Why wouldn't it be,
>shitty looping dance
HeY GUys fuTUrE is NoW we gOT Sex BotS!
You sound fun.
fuck planet
Oh it gets worse than that.
>redesigned for medical research
>spent 80+ years locked in a medical lab perfecting a blanket cure for the viruses there
>finally gets released
>"I can't wait to go out and explore what new diseases exist in the wasteland"
>"my hypothesis"
>"blah blah blah research"
>curie's quest
>body image issues
You just know a really good quest got scrapped because trannies are in right now. Fuck you, todd.
I really wanted her to stay a robot but her desire to be human makes me feel guilty for having her stay a robot.
>femshep got all the alien cuties
>male shep got shitty humans
>[chair clattering]
aaaaaaaaaaah GOD i wish that was me
everytime I browse scrungusbungus I end up bruising my dick for all the edgying I do
One day anons. One day theyl be real.
We are all gonna make it lads. We are all gonna make it.
Taste having motherfuckers in this thread.
they were more common when xcom was coming out, for various reasons
>her desire to be human
This desire is based on her assumption that the research of any robot could not be taken seriously by the scientific community. This is why she wants to be a human.
However, there are several glaring plot holes here.
First, she spent nearly 100 years locked in a lab, so how would she know that?
Second, she was programmed in that same lab, so again, how would she know that?
Third, the master was part robot, and he was taken pretty damn seriously.
Forth, by becoming human, she's making it harder for other robots to have their research taken seriously in the future, too.
There are other issues with this whole thing but I can't remember the rest off of the top of my head.
In any case, at no point are you allowed to reason with her on this. You either go with her on it, or choose to put it off until later. It's easily the worst and most unfulfilling Fallout character quest I've seen yet.
Inb4 we merge all females and males into two separate supercomputers and see what happens
In a way, given it's completely manmade, humanity is it's parent.
extreme lewd picture related
Based on the short from V/H/S.
>tfw no robot gf to fatten up to immobile sizes
>this will NEVER be fucking real in my lifetime
i want to throttle my parents for bringing me in at just the right time where you're not burned at a cross for wanting to fuck snake people but you cant actually fuck snake people
God fucking bless SFM.
Most of it is shit but when it's good, it's amazing.
I'm only a couple years away from wizardhood. Will I be able to summon creatures like these with my new found powers?
name' show?
>This desire is based on her assumption that the research of any robot could not be taken seriously by the scientific community
That's not even true so you're entire post is pointless. What Curie wants as a human is a "spark" of ingenuity and creativity that her regular vessel lacked.
actually there was a time in the middle where you could fuck anything under the sun, before ancient rome became a republic, they were literally a mass of orgy crazed maniacs that zerged around italy merging everything and fucking everything, then they settled down and became more civilised before getting cucked by christianity which led to their inevitable downfall, but everything in-between? if you weren't a slave it was party time
summon one for me too, user
I need a reason to live other than video games and JoJo
blue submarine n6
turning 25 in one week, almost there
One can only hope brother, there is a startling lack of Wizards talking about life after apprenticeship which makes me suspect and fear they've left us all behind for different timelines
>This desire is based on her assumption that the research of any robot could not be taken seriously by the scientific community. This is why she wants to be a human.
No it fucking wasn't. Robots in the Fallout universe have limited problem solving capabilities. Even true AI examples seem to have similar shortcomings.
Why live either way. Just kill yourself and get it over with.
>this warm, friendly and accepting thread of anons sharing their passions with eachother
Through dick, unity.
If only we were able to discuss video games like this
>Make her cum
>She blows out your eardrums
Don't know if it'd be worth it, but those thighs look awful soft.
>that belly
please grant me a snek, oh masterful wizard
We would if video games had more sexy creature and robots.
Would still get it.
What if I choose demonology and summon a succubus to fuck me silly?
do I immediately lose my powers or something?
So this why ancaps are like this.
>machine locks you up to some milking contraption
>creature impales you and injects eggs into your brain
what a time to be alive
Still mad he didn't fuck her. She clearly wanted his dick.
reminds me of ocarina of time with link and ruto
Would you salvage a robot from a junkyard?
does the contract break and cause her to lose her loyalty as well?
A cute waifu for sure.
I like monsters and robots and such but I feel like trying to get one to like me would go as well as normal girls.
Man I love yanderes.
this is probably true
except id get eaten
Being mean to robots should be a crime
based Thog
As long as the AI doesn't gain intelligence from other humans it would be okay
It's easy user
Just go after the most monstruous monster you can find
They're the most easy to get to like you since they've been rejected of society the moment they were born due to their appearence
So all you have to do is try to get close to her as non-threatening as possible (without her killing you)
She'll "reject" you because she thinks all humans see her as nothing more than a scary monster and that you're using her or something
This is where you play the "Out of all the people I've met in my life,you're the most human of them all" card and then you pretty much become her property as you're the only one in the world who has shown affection to her
Normalfags will get in your way because "fucking monsters is bad or something" so be prepared
It's a Succubus. She was never loyal, she was being coerced via magic in order to get that sweet sweet magic cummies
Who else /gmad/?
>Directed by the guy responsible for the worst segment in Viral which itself was complete shit outside of one part
I'll pass.
I hate you but sometimes I love you, Yea Forums
>Frieza likes Yamcha
what goes around comes around. Or something like that.
my fetish > the raising of your daughter
but did Thog have sex with the sabertooth, is the real mistery
were cavemen more or less degenerate than we are nowadays
Probably. This is before rules were a thing after all.
considering we still use the same method of reproduction today and that there's records of mass bestiality it's safe to assume they had their fetishes
I don't think so
I think women at that time were obedient too towards men since they were the ones doing the hunting and such
>you don't want to fuck sexy monsters you just want to fuck monsters that you find sexy
makes me think
>youre attracted to the oversexualized erotic HUMAN features
I'll concede to that. The dichotomy is what makes them so erotic
Jokes on you faggot i'm more into thew strange and non-human. Like that shit meandraco draws. Give me a few minutes and a toaster and it'll be sticky with my fucking nut.
>No game or VN where I can date all different kinds of robotgirls
I like to think we're worse, cavemen were limited to that which themselves and their unga bunga friends could come up with while we have the internet which can link us up to just about any fetish you can think of
Wait a second
I recognize that snekjob!
Haha what if you put a human consciousness into one haha wouldn't that be funny as a joke so you could live eternally sucking billions of dicks until the heat death of the universe haha
My personal goal is to ship of Theseus myself into immortality. If other anons follow suit then we'll be shitposting until the heat death of the universe.
No way, being mean to minorities is illegal and look how that turned out.
>Rune Factory 4
>only care about the Switch version in hopes that you can finally marry Venti in her original form and not her loli form as a copout
Fuck I hate that you're right.
>you will never crawl in her pussy and pleasure her from the inside
what is life, why is it suffering
story of my life, want to draw some hot monster girl and then spend 4 hours fapping to them or playing vidya
its ok maybe I'll do it at work òuo
>captured by wraiths and taken to wraith hive
>forcibly bred for days
>eventually the biggest and strongest wraith claims you as her permanent mate
>she violently fights off smaller wraiths that try to steal you from her
>she's in perpetual heat and fucks you constantly, milking your cum into her hot, wet pussy every hour or so
>despite being bigger than you she's surprisingly gentle, humping your dick firmly yet carefully so as not to hurt you
>showers you in tender affection whenever she isn't breeding you or off hunting, cooing and hissing softly into your ear and pressing herself against you
>after a few months you notice her belly is starting to swell
Robots are far more human than minorities, user
Dragonoids are the best part of DS.
Where is the thrill in that?
You beat them on your own terms and have them recognize you as their better.
i want to fug rathian
90% of that shit you can't do in-game, if I could I would
Ideal way to die right here lads.
>Another one of these threads
>We're almost at the bump limit again
Yea Forums is ever fascinating when it comes to these threads
I'm still so fucking mad. Fuck you, Trigger. Goddamn.
insects are pretty good too, right?
the fact that i can't have this is actually going to drive me to insanity
What about aliens so advanced in their biology and technology that you can’t distinguish whether they are creatures or robots?
>God I wish that were me
A real shame.
Also, I love all those Cavafly raptor animations
Pretty sure that kind of shit would be within the "Weird divine Lovecraft stuff" space.
Do not fug the bug.
4 a best. RAcaseals a best. Elenor a best.
i dont follow capeshit but god damn would a symbiote gf be nice
God I wish that were me. I just want to be inserted into a giant warm womb full of nutrients for the rest of my life.
>TFW no femvenom to kidnap you.
>TFW she will never lick your face softly as she rips off your pants.
>Her tentacles will never wrap around your body, forcing you to cum inside her.
>you will never be the father of a new Venom swarm.
>robots put me in a chamber
>remove my limbs, as they are now superflous
>attach artificial robo-vagina to my dick
>shove prostate stimulator in my ass
>feed me intravenous drugs to get rid of my refractory period
>constant orgasm, forever
I'm not seeing a downside. Robots all the way.
>have fetish and desires that'll never happen in real life
>whatever I'll just look up lewd pics to ease the sadness
>fucking niche and no art is ever made of it
>tfw no giant kaiju gf
>Movies had sexy alien makeout
>Ruined by human female
What a shame
Yeah, 'cuz most women are just parasites
>when Yea Forums is doomed but then there's a thread like this,
warms my heart to know of such based anons
>With how popular that scene was, I woulden't be surprised if they did an extended version in a sequel.
If there even is a sequel.
Well, don't lose hope, Towako wasn't always a thing either.
Didn't mean to green my own text.
Haydee was unironically a great game. I would buy a sequel in a heartbeat.
>Bump limit
We did it Yea Forums
We did it reddit.
>tfw you will never have a dragon gf
It warms my heart to see such men of taste in this thread
So I guess it's over, huh?
I'm surprised people enjoy such a patrician fetish.
I was expecting it to be gross evil monster in space but it's actually a best girl, taking care of people with brain magic and sucking dudes off. What a sweetie.
I'd still impregnate a robot
It's never over as long as we keep lust and love for girl monsters in our hearts and cocks
So many people*
same my dude, same
Eh, this is Yea Forums. What did you expect?
>tfw only post on Yea Forums for degenerate threads like this, and animal webm threads
at least there are two good types of threads made on Yea Forums still
god bless, user
eeeeeh it's up for debate honestly, she CLAIMS she loves him and shit but you have to wonder what the fuck does her species eat and their whole nest seems to be built around catching ships that stray to them on purpose
you could argue that she might just eat him right away if she had ill intent but maybe they don't really eat them in a conventional way and just live off their essence in the pods until they drain them completely, he was looking pretty skeletal and she loves them cummies
I'm going to impregnate an Elder Dragon!