Battlefield Bad Company 3 reportedly coming to next-gen consoles

> A European developer has posted an anonymous listing over at Pastebin that suggests that DICE is hard at work on the long-awaited third chapter in the Bad Company series. The listing notes that Bad Company 3 is in the works, set for release on PlayStation 5 in 2020. That could suggest we’ll see it for whatever the “next Xbox” ends up being, should it be announced at E3 this summer.

> That said, there are some questionable parts to the listing. First off, the anonymous nature of it suggests that it’s not from DICE. Secondly, this person also previously reported that Grand Theft Auto 6 would release next year – and we’ve seen zero evidence indicating that’s happening. It’s difficult to know what about this will be true since it could be a mix of other rumors with some fabricated ones. Take this all with a heavy grain of salt. There have been multiple rumors and “leaks” over the years pointing to a possible Bad Company 3 but nothing has come from DICE itself.

>Still, a return to Bad Company territory wouldn’t be the worst thing for EA right now. Despite the fact that Battlefield 5 is doing well, it has its fair share of critics insisting that it could’ve been better. And finding a “looser” approach to the Battlefield series could bring back the fan base in a huge way.

Attached: 65573_10_battlefield-bad-company-3-coming-next-gen-consoles_full.jpg (1280x720, 208K)

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>10 years for a squeal to a game no one remembers and no zoomer has played
It's gonna be a reboot with stronk female-identifying persons, boys

That was Battlefield 4 user. Bad Company was always a boys club...I hope they don't fuck that story up.

Reminder that DICE have no idea what are they doing

Attached: bad company.png (688x767, 417K)

DICE seems committed to staying full retard.

People liked Bad Company precisely because it was Battlefield-lite, but they really can't market the 24-32 players matches along with more compact maps, compared to 64 players and ass large maps.

This isn't the first time by the way. Reminder that BC3 was leaked alongside with BFV two years ago, by the same dude that leaked Battlefield 1 months before its reveal.
Don't be too optimistic about it being a sequel, but rather consider it as a completely new game.

Battlefield has been dead for years. Let it go

Yea the reason it was like that was because of the console limitations. Now they can handle it so I wonder if they would still keep it at that player count. I think it was more of a structured combat

after bf5 who could get hyped for this

I believe they would have to keep the original four for the single player. A reboot would defeat the purpose.

I think the naive that hold out hope that DICE will go on some sort of apology tour and backtrack from their current standpoint.

The name itself is a fucking cashgrab. And as usual the retarded fanbase will fall for it for nostalgia.

Attached: l-9959-you-cannot-fast-travel-when-enemies-are-nearby.jpg (700x526, 190K)


Hardline was amazing and I hope all the reddits responsible for the "n-not real batlefild!!" astroturf, enjoy playing the abominations that are bf1 and bf vag

Hardline was made by Visceral studios...Which EA closed last year despite being one of there better acquisitions

>Not 2143
yeah fuck you too dice

They gave you a taste in BF4 DLC

>wow, they are using the name because they know it was popular, because they want more money
>how exciting
its just flaying off another layer skin of the dead beast, just let it go.

Attached: 1511087170722.png (877x839, 889K)

Not really a surprise, they release a new BF game every two years, next year will see them releasing another game in the series whatever it may be.

What it WILL be is fucking awful though.

Ladies and gents, this is next gen.

you are right, the prototype weapons and vehicles were cool.
Too bad they went for ww1 instead which although at first sounded refreshing as a concept it also severely limited them in what they could do, and even with those limitations they were able to fuck up the setting

Hopefully they ditch the fucking terrible live service model

BF1 was the most grenade spam I have ever seen in a game to date.

>Implying they won't change it to Star Wars: Bad Company

All the guns in Battlefield have been lasers since BF1

>All the guns in Battlefield have been lasers since BF1

>Despite the fact that Battlefield 5 is doing well,




Yes I'm pissed at what happened.

>BFBC3 with modern progressive EA

No thanks. Its not like EA was ever good but I especially couldn't care less for anything these fucks put out now. No way its better than BC2 either even if they actually gave an honest try.

>nobody posted the pic with DICE attending the fag parade
As a big fan of BCBC2, I wouldn't want EA to have anything to do with the game.

It has good aspects but the way the game has been handled since launch is abysmal. And the lack of maps being added is essentially killing the game. Firestorm was dead on arrival

What a hyperbolic post

>Bad Company 3

It'll suck.

I felt in the late 2000's early teens they were turning things around. Then they went full out jew. Closed multiple studios that people liked and have boring IPs from once exciting franchises.

There are lots of reasons to like BC2
>Smaller more focused maps
>The best balance of destructible environments in the series
>Straight forward non-political military style with action movie dialogue
>Vietnam Expansion

its dice that is the problem

what is exaggerated?

Daily reminder that Rush is a better gametype than Conquest. Since Battlefield 3&4's map design is based on conquest, people think rush is garbage because of that. But in Bad Company 1 & 2, the maps are designed around rush, and because of that, the gametype stands out as magnificent as it really is.

I felt like the guns were more weighty and the gunplay felt more satisfying.

Titan is much, much better than 'meatgrind through the narrow corridor to the MCOM'.

This sucks but its true.
Ive fond memories of Bad Company 2 on the 360. The multiplayer demo was great even.
But after their passed few games and the way they've handled them and changed their focus, I really dont have much of any hope for anything they shit out these days.

Map design has been a fucking mess the last couple of games. Hardline had good maps but gets shit on because of cops and robbers.

>Since Battlefield 3&4's map design is based on conquest, people think rush is garbage because of that
Maps in BF3/4 were horribly designed to be playable for multiple gamemodes (especially BF4), hence some maps were either better on Conquest or Rush.
Another thing is that certain gameplay mechanics that weren't present in BC2 aren't balanced properly on BF4/3's Rush such as UCAV, Attack jet, and Commander mode.

>we want the casualized, smaller playercount, less vehicles and classes game

Oof, no thanks. A new battlefield with actual scale and player numbers would be nice though. Daily reminder that the bad company spinoff was always shit tier and made for casuals

BF2 and BC2 are two of my favorite MP games ever but this franchise is dead and not coming back. I don’t want nu-DICE touching BC again.

at least they'll be remembered for fighting and dying on the right side of history.

i thibk thats only part of it.

the gameplay was simple and satisfying and the game seemed realistic on the surface, appealing to normies, but in reality it was gamey as fuck, which is why it plays great. lots of freedom of what you can do, they managed to make classes less restrictive but still uniquely useful somehow (which has been missing for the past games) and gave every class of each team a distinct personality that shone through when playing in a passive way.

it was just made to be fun and play well and not for any other pretentious shitty reason.

this is always why a game is great

It will suck, I guarantee. I have no hope for any future battlefield titles or literally anything from DICE