You trusted them. You were with them at their lowest and now that they're back at the top they betrayed you. Don't forget this. Anyone who supports Sony at this point is a shill.
You trusted them. You were with them at their lowest and now that they're back at the top they betrayed you...
commit suicide right now weeb
Well Nintendo and Xbox better start making some games that are actually worth a fuck, otherwise I will continue to keep buying Playstation games. And I hate censorship, but enjoyment comes before all.
listen you can make these threads till the cows come home but Japanese devs are never going to make games for Xbox.
>Nintendo and Xbox better start making some games that are actually worth a fuck
That's not likely to ever happen in our lifetimes.
>I will continue to keep buying Playstation games
With the announcement that they are going to have backwards compatibility (most likely kneecapped) with PS4 games, you should just keep playing your PS4, while hoping PS4 games will become even more discounted over time.
>keep buying Playstation games
What games? They are losing all their exclusives.
Yea Forums was still pro-Nintendo even during the Wii U/3DS era. Censorship isn't going to deter mentally ill people.
>You were with them at their lowest
I never bought a PS3; my PS1 and PS2 had the chip so I never paid a cent for games.
That's what you get when the main office moves to California I guess.
Fuck San Mateo.
have sex
I'm a shill and still will support Sony.
God I need to lick an anime pussy
>Oh no I'll have to venture into the darkweb for my pedo fix now
this place really became reddit
Wii was considered a fucking joke back in 2008. The threads were largely PS3 VS 360. If anything Yea Forums was mostly pro Microsoft because they had games that ran and looked good.
it's going to be hardware based.
Yea Forums is a subreddit
Kill yourself
Memes asides this really sucks. The only reason I stayed with them was because it used to be the go-to company for anime stuff, and then they pull this shit.
Hilarious and Original
They censored my games at home. Nothing is safe.
yes,with your mom.
This will do nothing and they’ll make money either way it’s best to attcept the reality regardless of how bad it is
Eat shit sonybro.
I literally will never buy any Sony game ever again. I had enough.
Or maybe you could stop buying shitty consoles and switch to PC
Most lewd Japanese games are smaller scale and cheaper to make. Won't they just snub sony and move to another console?
>Weeb kusoge gets light shafts
>The only game I played that was even mildly affected had its “censorship” patched out
Sucks to suck pedo but they aren’t hurting me any. And on the off chance they do in the future I’m an idort so I’ll just get it on a different platform. Stay mad. PS5 day one.
They're moving to the switch.
>Well Nintendo and Xbox better start making some games that are actually worth a fuck
>sony does this
Weebs BTFO as usual. Based Sony tbqhwy
So next gen when Sony is no longer ontop how long til they go on their knees and beg for forgiveness? And how long til Nintendo starts being puritan again?
I'm so lonely guys. Sometimes its hurts so much
love how snoys have done a complete 180 from bashing xenoblade chronicles x for not having a boob slider to absolutely worshipping censorship
it's okay when sony does it
Why are people like this?
>Anyone who supports Sony at this point is a shill.
Pretty much. And it's fucking depressing.
god I fucking hate this shit, it's that shit that's so stupid you can't even laugh, only frustration
Cry more over insignificant shit, nigga
you made me laugh
They seek it out on purpose and are mentally ill.
He probably thinks it's loli like that dumb britbitch did when they have developed T&A
Devs in Japan are happy. So idk the issue.
This was uncensored on ps4 with patch 1.07. Still fuck censorship it shouldn’t have been censored to begin with
I don't care too much about the censorship because most of the games I play don't require me to have a raging boner in order to play or enjoy. But Sony is really going to have to blow me away for me to be excite for the PS5, most of the games I enjoyed the most were multi-plats on the ps4 aside from Uncharted and Yakuza which were Playstation exclusive at the time.
Naked ass and boobies are never required to make a game good, nor unrealistic sexualization of 3d women or 2d anime girls but the fact is out of the 3 main companies Sony is practising the worst kind of business with censorship because a big amount of Japanese games developers like to put a lot of sexualization and innuendo in their titles and if Sony won't be accomodating those same developers will likely look elsewhere
>I'm not a pedophile I'm swear she's 18 in the canon despite looking 12
Or maybe I should give up on vidya and take up fishing or golf.
>This was uncensored on ps4 with patch 1.07.
Not in EU version.
Books are safe at least.
Women with developed T&A are post-pubescent, not pre-pubescent.
Pedophilia is an attraction to pre-pubescence.
I haven't even cut on my ps4 in months
I regret ever spending a penny on it, and will definitely be ignoring the ps5
>one dev was actually happy
>one dev
also here's the source:
>"ps4 is system for adults"
>can't even get adult content
I’m sorry eurobro I wonder why the didn’t change it everywhere Europe isn’t exactly prudish. Or maybe I am just out of date.
>one on the lowest sexual assault rates
>they need to do something about it
>playing eroge on console
>bought the system used for 20 bucks
>borrowed persona 5 when I wanted it
>only bought like 4 games for it
>one of which a port, one multi plat two exclusives
>spiderman was good yet other then the webslinging sucked shit
>JoJo game was decent
>Castlevania was good, but its 20 years old or some shit so that's like saying "I had fun with a virtual console game."
>DMC 5 and persona was the only fun time I had with my ps4
>now this shit with them restricting creators like this
I don't play these fucking porn games but Sony is pissing me the fuck off with this gay shit.
Ps2 will always be the best Sony console
>A sony spokeswoman confirmed it established it's own guidelines to ensure "well balanced content" on the platform. and so "gaming does not inhibit the sound growth and development of young people".
Low reporting is not the same as low rates. Japan is terrible about covering up crime to meet expectations.
When you need a separate women-only train car to prevent assault something's wrong (and it's not video games)
>and so "gaming does not inhibit the sound growth and development of young people".
so literally "I'm scared of people being straight."
I blame america.
If you take in the ratio of unreported crimes in the US for example and increase it to match this imaginary statistic of yours their crimes rates still shit on like any other country. Get over it.
Probably should take up fishing, you sound pretty casual if PC is too much for your console brain.
Nintendo fucking sureply to this post or your mother dies in her sleep tonight
>Nintendofags on leddit literally upset about people getting off on anime titties on their precious
>I agree with your main point but there's a small misconception
>Sony games
Boring walking simulators with politics and ugly trannies shoved in your face that are forgotten weeks after release? To this day Bloodborne is the only decent PS4 exclusive. PC and Switch are the optimal combo if you just want actual FUN gameplay.
This reads like something that a corporation in cahoots with the chinese communist party would write
I fail to see the problem with what the title of that clickbait is implying. If Sony wants to keep their Prudestation under their new "guidelines" then let other companies do as they feel is right. Not everyone will bend the knee to these SJW retards.
>I hate censorship
>but enjoyment comes before all
He's actually implying that they will. The gaming press as a whole seems to be focused on Japanese devs and don't really care about what western devs are doing thought.
Games, like... ?
There's none.
>go watch a r-18 movie in Japan
>rays of light covering tits
>"wait why did the director do this?"
>"didn't you hear, this theater chain censors anything they think is problematic. It's decided by some of their people in California."
>"huh, time to SWITCH to a different theater it seems"
So basically Sony realized that we can see Japan stuff with streaming so they go full on censor? How is Japan taking all this anyway?
We've already been over this, California. You can't just go banning games you don't like.
What games are worth getting on switch. Ive been playing pretty much only puyo since release.
Otaku consumers hate it. Devs that pander to otakubux hate it. Normal devs hate it because the whole process for submitting a game is entirely in English now (you read that right).
>Xcucks mad as fuck
switch is just wiiu ports and you can get a wiiu dirt cheap
So what, if you want to have a goob job in the real world you have to know english anyway, no matter where you are
It's gonna become harder and harder to tell if things have been tampered with. Games will be made with these policies in mind and all platforms will receive the same neutered product.
I knew this was coming so I never got a PS4
>nintendo game gets censored
>sonyfags "wow how can you people allow this? the nintendo treehouse is literally RUINING your games! and yet you still eat this shit up... lol..."
>sony game gets censored
To be honest, I'm actually a little envious of sony, because sony fans are the best consumers to have.
Imagine having consumers that will destroy their own beliefs just so that they can conform to the latest agenda that you push.
No critical thinking, no investigation, just put your faith in the big corporation and everything will be fine.
You wish. I'm a sonyfag and I'm so mad I hope Sony's HQ blow up tomorrow.
>le PC+ (whatever Nintendo console just came out p-please include us too )
PC fat here, we don't want you, Nint oddler.
Odyssey, Tetris 99, Octopath, ARMS, Star Allies, Smash Ultimate alone is better than any PS4 game. Upcoming Bayonetta 3 and SMTV.
Switch >>>>>> PS4 when it comes to gameplay
Oh boy, you've done it now saying that Sony has games. Just wait for the Nintendo defence force to come out praising their Wii U ports.
Nice falseflag and my PC has better specs than yours
>PC and Switch are the optimal combo if you just want actual FUN gameplay.
That is correct.
>PC fat here
Stop falseflagging.
Not if they pull another "599 usd" they won't
you're a fucking retard
kamiya doesn't know english, itsuno and miyamoto aren't fluent in it and I doubt anyone that works form them does either
sure, they might be able to hire a translator but your statement is fucking retarded as shit and so is sony's change
As opposed to Nintendo who were doing it at rock bottom on the WIi U, and are STILL doing it?
top kek
brainlet gooks.
They'll just call you a poorfag if you don't buy it.
>Switch >>>>>> PS4 when it comes to gameplay
How you enjoying that 12fps Doom port?
name one good fan service title on switch
>you cant
That's the exact argument I see to defend Switch paid online and anytime tendies defend their overpriced garbage.
I'm not trying to say they've 100% reversed their policy, but it's pretty obvious something like Xenoblade 2 would not have come out the way it did had it been a Wii U era title. The real test will be the new FE title as it seems like Treehouse is localizing that and we all know how that usually goes down.
Have sex, nintenincel.
Yeah, you sound like a board tourist
>Reviews are good when they defend my Switch ports
lol ok
Nintendo bonus
the difference between Nintendo and sony right now is that sony is enforcing this shit on third party devs
I fucking hate translation altering shit but forcing others to abide by your rules when you have no direct line in production is shitty.
Nintendo now lets japanese porn stars make games on the eshop, that's the difference.
>ignores the video
OK retard.
>get btfo by an argument
>"l-le have sex..."
I don't need to, because I've already just fucked your ass in this debate, bitch.
Yeah fuck off tendie, bring up Switch online and one of the responses will be WAT RU POOR LOL Don't feign ignorance, you fucking cunt. .
based asuka
>literally every faggot defending sony ITT
god i hate california
It's the cheapest of them all, what are you really that poor?
Imagine being in California right now and not thinking about killing yourself. Those people deserve death, if you're in california you should die, plain and simple, this is literally what nukes are for, why arent we using it right now to cleans that place
>having cute girls in games is bad
>giving AIDS to random people is fine
California in 2019.
Didn't expect one of you tards to do it in this thread. Would have thought you would at least pretend but congratulations, you couldn't help yourself and invalidated your own argument.
GaySexEra sure have some seriously mentally ill trannies
Gal-Gun 2
So let's see if I got this right
>Sony will censor even more games
>Sony fans blame Nintendo for some reason
>Barely any visual improvements
>Barely any improvements to the framerate
Not sure what you were trying to prove here.
I'm willing to bet thoughts of suicide is drastically up in california but not of the people who you think should do it.
>muh porn lewdy games
have sex unironically
I think every single """human being""" located in that area should do it.
>forg poster is a redditor
Showing you that game runs better than you claimed here? >inb4 that's not my post
indiegames and a "fighting game" for kids. Woooooo
cope harder underage porn fags
post more like these. I need more content for my SNOY folder.
Yeah uh, ok you sure showed me. Enjoy that objectively worse version while everyone else gets 60.
I have Switch AND PC, user.
Reminder, only Snoyniggers are loyal to one brand and one brand only.
>everyone else gets 60.
*targets 60 fps
You first tranny
Seething weeblet lmao
>2D anime girls inhibit growth and development of young people
>Gay prides doesn't
>I eat shit and I LIKE IT! You mad!
one's a pcfag and the other is a sonyfag you're retarded kys to gain back your honor faggot
Then why would you defend an objectively worse version of the game? Are you retarded?
yeah right
You mean cinematic over the shoulder third person sandbox number 963?
>Comparing small dips during glory kills to literally half the fucking frame rate on the Switch version
Why would you even bother?
based and senranpilled
Showing you that it runs better than you claimed is not ''defending''; it's ''correcting''. You dumb fuck.
>fanservice in not ok
what? turn off the screen and walk away what the hell?
>unrealistic body standards
I swear it was better when normies didn't like games, now their shitty wahmen are bitchin about what the normie males find attractive and not them
Cope more tranny, one is literally running on a portable that's fraction of a size of a PS4.
>I like midgets and somehow that's bad because people think midgets are kids
go have sex with tall people you freak
>Getting THIS pedantic over only very slight hyperbole
Pure, uncut autism.
>muh portability
There it is again. We've officially run out of arguments
Who are you quoting?
Stay mad, kid. See you at E3--but not this year.
Nuke California
>"actually 1+1=2"
>t-there it is again haha!
Post mouse pad, faggot.
8 hour long game
>tetris 99
fucking tetis
coming to pc
gimmicky shit that gest boring after 30 minutes
>star allies
73 with nintendo bonus
>Smash Ultimate
"""fighting game""" for people who dont shower
This is going to affect all weeb publishers very shortly, regardless of content. Fear of console boycotts is primarily why IFI and PQube seems to be going through with a more aggressive porting schedule as of late.
Oh no, kusoge are in danger.
I'm seeing no argument here beyond "It's alright when Nintendo does it". By that logic you would defend if Vita got a port of it and it inevitably ran like complete garbage as well because PORTABILITY.
>doesn't count
Read, faggot
>the Vita
What's that?
As garbage as weebshit like Senran Kagura is no amount of censorship that isn't officially required for a release in a certain market should be supported
literally does not count when you are trying to shill mediocre games
Sony needs to bow down to the Chinese overlords if they want to sell the PS5 in Japan
>Wii U
What's that?
Oh that's right, most of the Switch library.
Just buy a Switch and those problems are gone.
Can't wait for Prime4
I mentioned it in another thread, but I think Sony has the right to go above and beyond what ESRB/CERO allows. Nintendo basically did that in the 80's/90's. Whatever. It's Sony's console. Sony has the final say on what their console should be.
But Sony shouldn't be cancelling PS4 games days before they launch (or threatening to cancel them if you don't meet their new censorship requirements). They should be upfront about their position and nip these games in the bud during the "concept approval" stage. Sony knew damn well what kind of a game Senran Kagura 7 was when they courted Marvelous to make it a PS4 exclusive, and yet they were perfectly fine with this kind of content through years of wasted development, until days before the game launched. Then all of a sudden they do a 180 and attack the game with "Won't somebody please think of the virtual children!" And some people are okay with that, because apparently for some people, all questionable moves are justified as soon as anyone plays the "pedophile" card.
Also, more than a per-game thing, this is probably the sort of direction change that should be made clear around the launch of a console, not five years into it's life. And especially not coming after the PS Vita. People knew what they were getting into when they bought an NES or SNES because Nintendo was entirely upfront about it.
Whatever do you mean user?
grooming little boys into drag queens is wonderful and jasmine-scented, you bigot
If Sony is so proud about this why are they forcing devs to be hush hush about it?
Driveclub too, but they killed it. Let's see how ghost of sushi turns out, but it's probably god of bamham in japan
>otherwise I will continue to keep buying Playstation games
Why would you need more than one copy of Bloodborne?
PS4 has no games
Only overrated movies
Because developers frame it as censorship, which people hate.
Basedny frames it as "protecting the children" and "promoting wholesome values" which normalfags eat up.
It's only Nip devs though. Which Sony doesn't care about. So why bother?
This is very plausible. Didn't China just ban all new game releases because there was too big of a backlog for them to review?
Imagine the skekels Sony would get if they could win favors with the chinks so that their releases would be fasttracked through the review/censoring process
Because it's bad publicity.
Sony is still a nip company and shitting in their own backyard will only lead to trouble.
Is it? They can frame it so the devs look like the negative ones and Sony are the ones bringing them to heel. That would make Sony the bastion of justice. The promised one who got rid of lewds. The one they fear.
I'd say that's what they're doing by not allowing devs to speak about it, because devs certainly won't frame it that way.
I mean would it matter though? aside from some insurance shit which isn't even remotely the same market or people everything Sony is American. They'd gain more good will by going full out attack on nip devs.
Rural California is fine. I have family still living in the north valley, and they hate all the backwards pinko commie horseshit as much as anyone else. It's just the urban centers that are fucked beyond recognition and ruining the state & country.
Did I strike a nerve?
SIE literally isn't nip anymore. The only Japanese thing they have left is their name.
Just kiss already.
And all these names, apparently. All of whom reside in Japan.
>Sony is still a nip company
Hardly. If Sony is going to do this they shouldn't be cowards about it. They need to give the full details on what this policy is.
The issue is who they gave authority to. Fucking Americans. Californian Americans. The worst flavor of American there is.
Which is why I said SIE and not Sony.
Not gonna support this shit policy. I don't even care about weeb shit. If we had censorship there wouod be no GTAs, Mortal Kombat etc. Yes it's only sexual stuff now but where will they draw the line?
Switch has no games
Only overrated cartoons.
It's ok when Nintendo does it.