Do games make you depressed?
Do games make you depressed?
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How do I get distracted from depression?
Ive never been depressed in my life
I dont give enough fucks for that
>chronic depression can hit you at any time
I'm reading about it but it's not distracting enough
>creator is retarded
what other games do this?
Accept Jesus into your heart
I have nothing besides cookies
Nothing infuriates me more than muh depression idiots who have everything a human needs yet stil are abloobloo woe is me
>that picture
I guess 1 out of 5 isn't bad, r-right?
Isn't a big part of depression like feeling guilty about feeling so down when you know you have a pretty decent life? This comic just seems insensitive. *dabs*
I notice an odd similarity between this image and "some people are just the journey" image.
Is this just one guy who likes to rustle people's jimmies or does he just phrase shit poorly?
depression is the quintessential 1st world problem
So.. too much good thing is abad thing?
I have someone that loves me but I don't love her.
This. When I think of all the infuriating things in the world, the worst is sad people. They need to get some perspective!
>no friends
>slaved for diploma, is worth as much as toilet paper
>live alone
>no tea and cookies
>pet died
If you are depressed when you have all those things then maybe you should kill yourself, because there are plenty should would do it for less
>have none of these
>not even depressed
I have literally none of those.
>no friends
>only high school grad
>live at home
>always alone
>can't bring myself to do anything with my life because alot of personal issues i can't deal with
they never said it would be this bad at only 21
fucking end me already
>That green gas
No games but the fact that I'll never amount to anything more than I currently am and no one will ever remember/care about me when I'm gone - and no one will notice
But you know what....that's ok.
Not everyone is meant to be great and remembered and go into history. The moments I'm the happiest is when I do what I want to do - for me.
Your loss
just go outside ecks dee
Working out helps at least temporarily. I had a hard time trying to be depressed and feel sorry for myself while trying to stay alive lifting something that will kill me if I don't put all my attention into it.
>thank you Jesus
Like how can depression even be a real thing, like just pull yourself together.
Why is it so hard for these faggots to fathom that depression isn't a "mood", but your brain going haywire and processing thoughts incorrectly?
But my goal is to go on whimsical adventures with a group of colorful characters who complement each other and grow to have an unbreakable bond, all the while uncovering the mysteries of creation
MGS 1-5
>not the chadit
No, but i am having a hard time to find enjoyment in games anymore. Most of the games i've played this gem were really subpar with only a few exceptions. I used to like fighting games too but now i just get stressed with it because i am too shit to get good at them and people make fun of me because of it.
Also, out of that picture i have only some good friends and a diploma.
>finally beat a game after several hundred hours
>watch through all of the credits because those mother fuckers just gave me an amazing experience
>the credits music slowly fades out
>the menu music I've heard a thousand times fades in
I hate when things end
>you're not depressed, you just have the symptoms of depression
Wow faggot. I'm extremely disappointed that you posted the version without chad.
>Goal achieved
My sides.
user, I'm proud of you for reaching this point of enlightenment. Good on you.
You are the only person who can change that.
Seek help.
>Have friends
>Have gf
>Have loving family
>Have no money problems
>Have degree
>Only happy when i play videogames or watch shit YouTube videos
I can't be the only one, right?
>processing thoughts incorrectly
Depression doesn't make people irrational, it just disables certain biases and favors certain kinds of brain activity.
This actually brightened my day. Thanks, user.
>It doesn't make people irrational, it just disables certain rational impulses
Journey bros where we at?
this but unironically. today is a really nice day. perfect weather; I went on a nice long run so now I can shitpost all day without feeling guilty
>Get to the last stretch of a game
>Never finish it
I have none of the things in that picture
free will isnt reak
No you're just normie
>talking to someone who only cares about u as long as u throw money at them
no way as soon as u can't pay it they don't care if u kill urself the next day
Standards increase the more developed a civilization becomes. The needs of old won't cut it to bring about happiness to current age people.
You fucking retard
Optimism bias is a well researched irrational bias that vast majority of humanity has.
No, realizing this world sucks does.
>everything a human needs
Evidently not, that's why they're sad. There's much more to life than basic needs. Actually, life is worthless if you're a survivor based on said needs.
literally me except for the pills, fast food, weed, and i dont watch 3DPD porn
B you’reselve
There's people in real life who are unironically like this. Fucking normies, I swear to god.
>have none of those
thanks webcomic
And fucking there it is.
I tried checking out events and shit when I first moved to a new city but going out alone fucking sucks.
>someone who loves you
>points to a dakimakura
That's just about everyone, man. Just gotta enjoy what you have. We're all gonna make it
that's a cute kitty. I'm going to save it to my folder
Almost as if depression is an actual illness and not a state of mind.
Finally broke my journey streak at 26. Just can't quit user. There's someone out there for you, you just have to be right for them as well.
>depression is your brain going haywire and processing thoughts incorrectly?
the fuck? no, it's not. depression basically means you're high IQ enough to understand how absolutely fucked you are and how much better off you'd be dead
You better have actual reasons, not just
>le trannies and le niggers, muh white genocide
Wait, who's the real cuck in this comic?
Thanks doc, it's a light dose but it'll do
You don't know what depression is, you retard.
>no friends
I wish I was alone so I can focus my time on what I want to do.
>>slaved for diploma, is worth as much as toilet paper
Same, but diplomas were always meaningless, get certifications, they're easy and actually useful.
>>live alone
I'm jealous
>>no tea and cookies
Sorry bro, buy some milanos at the store and genmaicha online
>>pet died
Good, another distracting money and time sink is out of the way
I wish I was in your position so I could study and work out all day.
you're not depressed just b urself
>Have none of this
Scrach-a-people fo real. I hope the creator of this strip hanged himself.
I feel like the message here could have been portrayed a little better.
>t. cuck
Akshuly, normaltards with low IQ can have depression too.
And drugs can prevent depression in the high IQ.
if the world didn't suck those things wouldn't exist
>its artist girl thinks she is sharing helpful information or being "Deep" by displaying yet another false idea in picture form
Oh my haven't seen this before
This is fake, right? Nobody can actually raise such a self centered child.
>No idea about what depression is
>Calls others low IQ
Based retard
>Akshuly, normaltards with low IQ can have depression too.
they think they do, but they don't
Why would you study and work out all day? What do you even gain?
black shirt is the cuck cause he loses the woman permanently, now stuck alone on the cuckboat
purple shirt would be the cuck if the woman was still seeing black shirt behind his back
>Not everyone is meant to be great and remembered and go into history. The moments I'm the happiest is when I do what I want to do - for me.
This is why I'm feverishly studying Japanese. I can comfortably go to the grave knowing I accomplished this for myself because kanji makes me happy, happier than I've ever been while gaming.
>I wish I was alone
>I wish I was in your position
No you don't you delusional fucking larping normalfag, hang yourself
>someone who loves you
At least I got tea
just realized a woman drew this is and is passive aggressively insulting her boyfriend for being unhappy while dating her
oh please. lmao
women & relationships in general don't deserve the pedestal this artist puts them on. if someone breaks up with you, you just move on and find someone else that better suits you.
>be depressed
>ignore all the good advice because it's from normies
>one day decide to just b myself, lift and chat up random people on the street
>depression gone, made million friends, face turned handsome, dick got longer
They literally do you low IQ moron. You have no idea what depression means. Just being sad isn't depression
My standards for happiness just skyrocket up and are never going to be fullfilled because one of the conditions of my happiness is never being forced into being a productive member of society or just being productive in general.
Is this supposed to be profound? It's just upsetting. Most of the time I can garner the intended meaning from these sorts of comics, but this is just lost on me. Poor boat guy.
>Just can't quit user. There's someone out there for you, you just have to be right for them as well.
>Newborn infants prefer attractive faces
>It takes 13ms for people to differentiate attractive faces from unattractive faces
>Your face heavily affects your entire life
>Love at first sight is real
>Study: Unattractive Men Not Viewed As ‘Dating Material,’ No Matter How Great Their Personality
>Strong Inverse Association Between Height and Suicide
>Height is extremely important
>Halo effect
>How Important is Physical Attractiveness in the Marriage Market? (tl;dr very)
>Bottom 80% of men compete for the bottom 22% of women, top 78% of women compete for the top 20% of men
>Women care about face much more than body
>when surveys are done. Men place attractiveness in their top three. Women place it lower on their scale-- five, six, seven, eight. But in fact, when you evaluate women's behavior, it's no different than men. So women say attractiveness doesn't matter, but, in fact, when you evaluate their behavior, it does.
>teenager thinks because he is sad for being a loser he has depression
Reminds me of this.
>Just being sad isn't depression
Yes, exactly what I've been saying all this time. Thanks for your valuable input. I'm glad it only took you 3 posts to come to the same conclusion as I.
to real.
My cat is the only thing I love.
Me on the left
>be female artist
>make OP pic and others to cause controversy and get (You)'s
>OP falls for it because he wants to talk about his feelings
It's actually fucking sad how many retards pretend to have an idea about depression and think shit like having a gf will cure it
If you're a full on NEET shutin, do go outside. It really helps you a lot to do a walk everyday for like 10-30 mins.
This belongs in a museum
>blackpill depressedfag pasta
spare us your doomer retardation and bad vibes. not everyone is this pathetic
Nice pasta (double gave you away) but these "facts" cannot explain how "ugly" people have more kids than "attractive" ones, especially in poorer countries.
An arabic woman will be more faithful to her husband than some dime a dozen white bitch.
That's not how depression works.
Being in social situations gets me depressed. All conversations I have always end up with the other person prying on my business wanting to know what I do for fun or if I live at home.
>are like new clothes
huh...... why would u buy clothes unless its something u want to wear??
also really dumb because people usally buy like at least 10 pieces of new clothes at month at least but usally probably near 30 at least lol
and u get rid/sell the stuff u haven't worn in awhile
it would get boring wearing the same clothes all the time
>Nobody can actually raise such a self centered child.
sweet summer child.
No you idiot, you're saying normals can't be depressed. That's objectively wrong. You have no idea what depression is. Literally everyone can be depressed, true depression is when you feel like shit even though you have no real reason to
>t these "facts" cannot explain how "ugly" people have more kids than "attractive" ones
fake news
There's more to the human condition than having all basic needs met. In fact, the struggle to meet needs is often times the best thing for someone who's depressed because it gives them something to do and gives them a defined goal to work towards.
>blatant reddit spacing
Go back, nigger.
Natalism is cope
And what do you use them for?
no, people can play games too much to try and deal with their depression, but they don't cause the depression.
>dual spec'ing contrary disciplines
Enjoy your absolutely fuck gear selection
I took the virginity of my gf. Then we broke up. She was still good looking but I wouldn't want to date used goods so her new bf isnt that lucky.
Says someone who has obviously never been without one of the basics needs. If you had ever experienced being without you would really understand depression
Nah bro, being a loner makes you cool, just like in all the buddy cop movies.
Yeah, a bit.
>All conversations I have always end up with the other person prying on my business wanting to know what I do for fun or if I live at home.
it's just small-talk. they aren't actually interested -- seriously, no one gives a shit about anyone but themselves, let alone a stranger. most people are just as self-involved and self-absorbed as you are and I am
Reminder that sex is a basic need.
Natalism is the future. A hundred average babies are worth more than a few presumaly handsome ones.
So prove me wrong, how do monkey looking africans manage to have more kids than the most developed countries on the planet?
Statistically, handsome couples are a gamble. People who spend any considerable time fousing on that are malcontents.
Look at this reddit nigger using line breaks and calling others reddit rofl
This 1000 times
It is definitely selfish and unfair to want this, but God damn is it ever true.
>An arabic woman will be more faithful to her husband than some dime a dozen white bitch.
Not surprising, in an arabic country if a woman cheats on her husband she gets executed, no wonder they're more faithful
Guess you should go have it instead of shitposting then.
>enjoy long periods of time alone
>go for months without communication
>feel stressed out in crowds
>enjoy peace and quiet
>get heavily invested into things but don't take interest in most things
depression is for losers i'd rather smoke crack
That picture is literally me. How do I get out of it bros.
I don't disagree, I literally said life is worthless if you're a survivor.
>10 new pieces of clothes a month
>a month
What are you doing to your clothes that you need to replace them monthly? Lose some weight. Or better, just buy cloths that fit you so they don't split when you move. I have clothes from 15 years ago that I still wear regularly.
>make bullshit claim
>"p-prove me wrong"
Do you have any evidence that ugly people have more kids than attractive people?
>how do monkey looking africans manage to have more kids than the most developed countries on the planet?
Oh you're just a retard from /pol/.
I've lived 30 years without sex but I can't live 2 weeks without water so I'm not sure what your definition of "need" is
You can just masturbate
Going by this, yeah, I'm depressed. You cunt.
>Not everyone is meant to be great and remembered and go into history. The moments I'm the happiest is when I do what I want to do - for me.
Thank you. I think you helped me realize that just now.