

Attached: blackface.png (709x624, 547K)

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Subway > Wendy’s >> Burger King >>>> Shitdonalds

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what game

Can banned streamers return with a different account or is the person itself banned?

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we sure live in a silly world

god i wish i were a cosplay thot

You won't.

>white girl cosplays as black character
>looks better than the character and all the other black cosplayers
ayy lmao

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Do people not know what blackface is anymore?

serves her right

Regardless of your opinion on the matter, she was retarded for thinking that would go over remotely well in [current year].

>retarded user doesn't realize that picture is of albino africans, something that's very common in africa due to genetic diversity/mutation amongst the population

You realize why they're blonde and have lots of visible eye issues and physical deformities right, user? It's not hair dye.

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Why would you even turn yourself black to cosplay a black character as a perfectly fine white woman.
She fucking deserved it.

Fuck off resetrannies.

someone post the black lifeline cosplayer

The person is banned. The ToS mentions ban evasion being forbidden.

>3 burger places
>but the other isn't
ok explain

I've only seen one other cosplayer do this character and I know that's not true, but it's subjective i guess

I think he does, retard.

So why is he saying that they're cosplaying whiteoids, and/or implying they'd make a poor lifeline? His pic is completely irrelevant but he posted it because MUH NIGGERS because he's a faggot who needs to fuck off back to /pol/. Like always some retarded, misinformed, uneducated nigger from some backwater country posts some random image that vaguely has a single black pixel in it and he assumes it's the One Pic To Kill The Nigs.

She's banned for a month I believe.
Regular person can create another account, those who make money sign a contract though. And they can't sign another one if they are permabanned.

>meanwhile in the netherlands

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black people have red hair?

lmao an actual seething nigger

>>looks better than the character and all the other black cosplayers
>wrong color gloves
>weird guido lips
>tiny nose bridge
>shitty marker pen headband
>obvious wig
>looks like fucking Clyde Cash
>used the wrong skintone makeup anyway
>didn't paint her lips the right color




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That looks worse on virtue of her being a nigger.

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excellent bait thread op, I'm almost proud of you.

>what is hair dye

This. I totally agree it's not a big deal personally but still I don't understand how you could think that other people wouldn't get all pissy about it.


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>getting this upset over an old ass picture that has already been shitposted to death

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Like I get that they didn't have the same minstrel show background that America did but if you're in the Netherlands why would you do this?

Like if you're on the left wing of the political spectrum it's incredibly insensitive, and if you're on the right side of the spectrum you're still dressing up like a nigger. So what's the point?

>What is shoe polish?

Shes Lithuanian. Not a retarded burgerclap so i can understand the confusion.

Lol he doesn't you brainless monkey
Go gnaw on your chicken bones tyreese

It's about Zwarte Piet, the helper of Santa Claus. It's an old ass tradition.

Minstrel shows and recent civil rights issues are literally the only reason"blackface" is more offensive than doing a silly accent.

So you prefer white girls cosplaying as black girls not because their cosplays are actually better but because you don't find black girls attactive.

People cosplay for themselves, not because theres guys jerking their dicks off online you dumb autist. It's a wonder that there are successful people on Yea Forums with these kind of beliefs.

That's not her flaw making that happen, it's yours

Hearing Yea Forums talk about good cosplay is embarrassing.
Have sex.


In Netherlands they believe that Santa is white yet all of his elves are black.

There is literally no point in cosplaying if the character and the cosplayer aren't hot.

isnt that just a guido/ganguro girl?

unless shes cosplaying a black character, idk

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show bobs lady

Does McDonalds taste really different in America or something? I don't think its amazing food of course, but I've always found it just fine for what it is, but the way people talk about it like the thought of it completely sickens them has always made me think it must not taste the same in some places. In my experience, it's just completely serviceable for what it is.

1) He and everyone else knows they're black albinos

2) He did not even imply that they were cosplaying white people

Are you black? You seem to be retarded.

If you don't find this attractive, you are actually gay

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this is why /cgl/ hates you Yea Forums incels
also /fit/ because they're short.


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Why would you cosplay as that hideous APEx character in the first place?

nigger seething he's ugly

>People cosplay for themselves, not because theres guys jerking their dicks off online
Why are most of those cosplays half naked then?

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I asked in the last thread, I just don't get it, and didn't get an answer there.

How is it a bad thing to portray the character the way it is? She's white, she has to do the blackface and black skin to be accurate. If she didn't these braindeads would just screech that she was white washing (or some other bullshit). And to tell her to not cosplay as that character goes completely against their entire arguments and ethos and whatever that women/people should be able to do whatever they want.

I just don't get it? Why be so mad over this?

I've had a big Mac in New York a few months ago, it tastes AWFUL compared to the few I've been to in my country.
Ingredients matter even though the name is the same.

don't bother wasting your breath, this is the mentality you are speaking to.
We have to accept that most people here are lost causes.

Who the fuck cares?
They are all fat.

>holding based euros to mutt standards

this was banned recently bro...

Nah, it's decent enough food, but it's the thing people think first of whenever they want to demonize fast food.

The name is "zwarte piet" and they are not "black" their faces are covered in soot from going down a chimney

but still we are not retards that get buttblasted about fucking make up

Its fucking awful in the US. I've eaten mcdonalds regularly until I ate a big mac there. From that point on, its fucking disgusting to even think about it

I would if it wasn't for the nose ring.

Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad. You can get a bad burger there and be "off" of McDonald's for a few years, then be hungry and order something from there that really hits the spot. They often put in too much salt, though, ruining the meal.
People that blindly hate it are just being asses.

>good cosplay
Wait, there are people who actually take this seriously instead of just making patreon bucks from horny people?
Now that's embarassing.

gay cuck



False, it's a minority selling their shit because they need money. They still only want to cosplay for themselves, they love being in cosplay.

t. girlfriend is a cosplay thot

It was? They still did it back in november.

Maybe I would if her eyes were a few miles closer to each other.

no it wasn't the fuck are you on about

A lot of the fast food in America is treated chemically and you can taste that shit. Places like Europe, Japan etc don't really do that.

As an italian im truly angry at this.
How dare this disgusting cracka appropiate my culture, totally deserved ban.

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>don't bother wasting your breath, this is the mentality you are speaking to.
Not an argument.


What an ugly baboon.

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Minstrel shows existed in 19th century America, therefore any white person anywhere in the world today in the 21st century who paints their skin black for a costume is an evil racist.

Ooga booga. Bix nood


Imagine living your life in easy where thirsty men shovel money in your face just because you wear a low cut top and tight pants.

Cosplayers are like actors, they are pretty much prostitutes meant to entertain us.
As such, their opinions have zero value since they are barely people.
People will jerk it to them dressed in slutty cosplays and then forget about them.

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>goes completely against their entire arguments and ethos
Imagine these people actually being consistent about their beliefs and not just applying them to whatever makes them feel good or bad LMAO


50 years of relief doesn't cover 400 years of slavery

White people 100 years ago made racist shows with blackface so therefor any white person darkening their skin for any reason is now automatically associated with that.

Blacks can do white face (Dave Chappelle) and no one cares because blacks aren't held to the same standard as whites.

Black people for example can form a lynch mob and murder white people in public, and no one cares.


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Man face.

>Imagine living your life in easy
Fuck no, as if my life wasn't boring as fuck already.

McDonald's > Burger King
Both not great but I like the nuggies and value menu sandwiches of Micky D's better. The Whopper is better than the Big Mac though.

Fair enough, septum piercings aren't great but it works on her


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There is no argument to make. There are fundamentally accepted facts that cannot be argued, such as that person A might find one race attractive and person B another. It's subjective and the only way to be wrong is to say "nobody can possibly like this".

Again, don't bother arguing with them. They will just spew their rhetoric back at you and laugh among shills being unwittingly used as pawns for a think-tank agenda.

And skin too dark.

>they’re black because of soor from going down the chimney

Is that way they have nappy hair, red lips and their face/neck fully covered in black? Wanneer stopt deze kankermeme nou eens.