Is he patrician

is he patrician

Attached: https___upload.wikimedia.org_wikipedia_commons_8_8c_ProJared.jpg (362x390, 23K)

I have never watched his Sonic Adventure 2 review out of fear someone I respect will say irrefutable things about a controversial game I like.

Jared's about the only person doing this whose opinion I respect because it seems like he genuinely enjoys what he's playing and doing and not some dudebro fag here to make a buck because its popular now.
Fucker STILL looks like that kid that got bullied in school. i.e (You)

somebody post the sailor moon picture already, I got my dick out here

you should watch it if only because he won't ever make any more reviews, also come on it's projared, he would only harp on a game if it was misogynistic or something

Has he legitimately stopped doing everything but streaming?

>Hasn't posted a video in almost a year

Is he even still alive?

He's... ok. But then other times he kinda comes across as an insufferable faggot. Especially when he gives negative reviews, I just think he comes across as condescending

that face looks like a FO4 custom character where the wife is all battered and the guy is smug

>is he patrician
No, he is depressed.
I really hope he gets better soon, it's been hurting me to watch him deteriorate over the years and 2018 was rough for him.

I think he's living the dream, playing games on stream so you don't have to edit jack shit and getting money donated from stupid people

Look at the fucking schnoz and the smug fucking look on this goys ratface. I don't know if he makes good content but jesus christ.

what happened in 2018?

Did he Spoony?

he has an active let's play channel + streams
daily content is just the best way to do it these days

I guess but I'm kind of annoyed that whenever SA2 gets criticised some faggots will say "you only dislike it because ProJared does!"

what happened?

Don't worry, he doesn't say anything worth saying.
I like Jared, I've met him mutliple times and he's very nice. But his opinions are generally trash. Look no further than his MGR review and his appearances on Madness.

He's the one that started the "Sonic Adventure 2 is bad' meme so fuck no

Check his streaming channel.

Not that user but I think his big game room got flooded and completely fucked up

Something about a water leak leading into asbestos contamination of a bunch of stuff him and his cosplay enthusiast GF owned.

fuck now you gave me the itch to rewatch his vids

Nothing in particular stands out that I remember, but you can tell by the near total lack of content on his main channel and the constant suicide "jokes" that aren't jokes on his secondary channel that he's had a lot on his mind lately.

All those oldschool e-celebs still active stop doing their thing when they realize they make more money out of let's plays or streaming

I don't think anyone can really Spoony. Spoony was a manic depressive who had his ego stroked so hard that he wound up in a self-created death spiral. ProJared I doubt is in that dark of a place, it is a shame to see him where he is though, I still remember him from the ScrewAttack days.

Her boyfriend left him once he found out that she was a guy.

I don't know, did Jared run a red light and ruin someone else's car?

Post that picture

I never even liked SA2 much, but I hate his video on the game. Mostly because there's a few things he gets wrong (probably just to shit on the game more) but I really dislike that


dam hope my nigga gets thru this

Honestly, having crippling depression like that and streaming is a bad combination. He's just going to spiral downwards at this rate.

Mercury is the patrician choice.

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Are you underage? He didn't start that opinion at all. There were criticisms of SA2 way back on NeoGAF and Yea Forums, and even some Sonic forums.

Onions overload.

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He never devolved into doing 10 minute unfunny skits to pad out of reviews so yeah I'm thinking he's based.

Nah he has shit taste

>the depression jokes
>the needing money jokes
>the way he slumps down when comfy games get even slightly grim
>the different reaction he gives now when getting screwed over in a game

It breaks my heart, bros. I hope he recovers soon.

But fuck the main channel. Its nice and all but Megaman Legends playthrough and sweet randomizers are wayyy better.

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But it is bad, Sonic CD was the last okay-ish game in the series.

Those people are just in denial most women don't give a fuck about games nd would rather ignore reality.

he made it get repeated by everyone, it didn't become common and accepted to shit on it until he did along with egoraptor and somecallmejohnny

Why is he making the DreamWorks face

Doesn't he have a decent looking girlfriend too?
Just ask for her input and do duo vids or come at things from a different angle
I get what he's saying and agree in those posts but the way they are worded come off super cringey
>hurrr wimin dont watch me
Theres literally no reasoning behind this beyond his vids maybe not really appealing to females based on his format, also youtube demographics are probably never accurate

he's a soiboi and if he were ten years younger he'd be hahaposting and trapposting on Yea Forums.

ultra yikes.

I think he is just a slight step above the usual "vidya purchase recommandation" crowd on youtube, but his opinions still do tend to be pretty superficial. I can't really recall anything he ever said that was particularly interesting, but he's a nice guy who knows how to articulate his thoughts. It's just that these thoughts tend to be a bit shallow.

Why is this as common as it is? Guys willing to fuck over male fans in the desperate, DESPERATE hope that females will be drawn in by your white-knighting.

Has he not considered that he's profoundly ugly and most women are disgusted by the sight of him?

He's nothing, but a retarded Capcom shill. Fuck off retard.

Only nuzlocker I respect.

Although pbg's AS run is cringekino

>fuck over
Who is he fucking over there? I don't really agree with him, but he doesn't do any harm.

It's just a typical
>im old and don't like 3D sonic
Kind of review, nothing that others in that same camp haven't already said
SA2 is flawed but its still fun and a personal fav of my despite flaws
He probably played one of the buggy digital ports too so the quality can't be considered accurate

You nailed it, man.
I don't care enough about e-celeb twitter to worry about differences of opinion, I just know that my boy deserves better than this.

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I mean, he just heavily implied that he was going to block a bunch of his male twitter followers. At the very least that's throwing them under the bus to seem more progressive.

My god she is beautiful