What the hell happened

Can anyone tell me what the fuck is going on with Bioware?
It feels like their devs are more busy arguing with each other about various topics rather than working on games. With Andromeda and Anthem they didn't know what they were doing up until their E3 reveal trailers. And even with Anthem now it feels like they're too proud of themselves to listen to the people that play it to fix its issues.
What the fuck happened to this studio, why is everyone there acting like orangutans?

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I'm not sure if EA is to blame for stubborn and incompetent employees

You'd think, EA's been surprising lenient towards Bioware.
>Gives huge budget to make a Mass Effect
>Bioware doesn't want to make another Mass Effect (everybody else does though), they want to make a cool destiny-like mmo
>Send their best people to work on Anthem
>Both games come out
>Both games are terrible
I'm more amazed EA hasn't nuked them yet.

Too liberal management.
Game developing requires strong leader of a team, visionary, authoritarian game designer.
Most of successful games have some strong figure behond them - Miyazaki, Avellone, Kojima, Garriott - you name it.
And Bioware got none since ME3

they might finally pull the plug after Dragon Age 4, which so far looks to be going through the same issues Anthem went through

>respawn is in EA
>people love their games despite their shitty publisher
Gonna go ahead and say bioware just sucks, EA kills studios for underperforming not making shitty games that sell a ton, biowarefags are 100% responsible for bioware's demise.

EA sucks but they're not the ones to blame here
Bioware's upper management is comprised of liberals that don't know how to do their fucking job without getting their feelings hurt

>tfw the management said not to mention or reference destiny
It explains why anthem made so many fucking mistakes other games made and resolved. If I was EA I would investigate the fuck out of bioware's management and remove anyone involved with extreme prejudice and blacklist them from the videogame industry

>what the fuck is going on
They have been absolute vile garbage since 2011. Which was exactly the time when you were supposed to forget about this shitpile of a studio forever and you know what they say? Better late than never.

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>literally nothing has happened since 2000-and-when
>strong leader

delusion, convince yourself

at least his games aren't buggy messes

>Can anyone tell me what the fuck is going on with Bioware?
devs working harder on their twitter accounts than on games

Bioware is gone. Nobody who worked on their old games is even there anymore.

Where are they anyway?


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Dragon Age Origins and ME2 predate EA though. They show the beginning of the rot.

It fits

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sjws and feminists
the same to groups who are killing fun in gaming as whole right now

When will you daft people learn that a studio name is just that, a name.
The people working there are what matter, not one specific person but groups of people working together in unison.
And often it's a once in a lifetime thing. What I mean by that is even if you bring the very same people together who worked on great, legendary games chances are that it won't be a great game/guaranteed success. There are so many factors that play into everything (technology at the time, funding, mood and motivation of the people and so on) You can't replicate it even with the very same people working together.

Like the 360/PS3 SSX game, people wondered what happened. While it was EA Canada (EA Big before closure) most people are gone and don't even work in the gaming industry anymore. In fact, everyone who is clever enough doesn't, usually important key people.

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All the talent left.

Unironically SWTOR is holding BioWare above water. Server costs are minimal due to all the consolidation and they have dedicated subs and cash shop buyers