Uh-oh! Watch out, Sonyboooys!~

Uh-oh! Watch out, Sonyboooys!~

A BIIIG pair of milky breasts with no fog or sunbeams to cover them! You better avert your eyes or else you'd be going against those pesky "global standards"!

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Other urls found in this thread:


I fucking love blonde hair and big titties

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Quick. cut off her head to make it acceptable!

Built for non whites

I love blonde hair and big titties too! It's a real shame our sony friends can't enjoy them.

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Can I get some wide cat hips, bro?

This shitskin LARP is hilarious, but

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I like lolis better, so why should I care?

>gets censored for smash
H-haha, joke's on them, I like this version better!!

California just needs to sink already.

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Publishers will bow incel. That character design will be retroactively hated

>average nintěndrone

>sonyfag has to censor his post, just like his console

user you aren't even trying anymore, we all know this is star wars shit(that the GOW creator definded)

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A character in one game having a different appearance in a different game is not censorship..

WTF is wrong with this faggot?

A tad bit too big if I'm being honest here lads.

So men are more mentally ill than women?

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he's a star wars loser who played up a reaction for clicks, little did he know that his natural ugliness would make him the butt of all jokes

What the hell is with the california elite’s obsessive hatred of cargo pants/shorts? Is it because it reminds them of the working man that they claim to fight for while simultaneously loathing with complete and utter contempt?

I kind of agree. A little

Gib loli Mythra

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>breasts so big and perky they have Xboxes to hold them down


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Did the number went up?

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Real talk, when are we getting another Xenoblade?

I love that he is on vacation with his wife but he has two separated beds

As soon as women have to prove they were responsible in marriage before being entitled to alimony or whatever those rates will swap.

Big Boobies :D

what's wrong with his face

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>honey c-can you go fuck your bull in the next room I need to get up early tomorrow morning for the Magnificent Beast trailer
>what you call me honky I'll beat yo ass nigga
>n-nevermind you you have fun I'll just go sleep in the Minivan


Attached: sony_scream.jpg (610x761, 26K)

>20 years ago
>Sony is viewed as the "mature console"
>Nintendo is kiddy shit

>20 years later
>Sony might as well be kiddy shit
>Nintendo is embracing titty and has shit like Doom and Wolfenstein

what the fuck happened

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Delicious c-word

I don't know, but this is truly the best timeline

>implying you would not plow a tsundere until she drops the facade of tsun on her face into a teary dere and leg locks you

Attached: ereshkigal.jpg (664x982, 249K)

>wh*Te """"people""""

I feel uncomfortable

Who would be more receptive to anal, Pyra or Mythra?

Rite on mah brotha
we should move ta israel where they can't take advantage of our work no mo', ya dig?

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You DID get dem milkies in PVC form, right? RIGHT?

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shittiest taste
Tsunderes are the shit especially if they have twintails, even more points for red-hair

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>literally the only reason why people still remember XB2 is because of the tits
Sad state of the franchise

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...what about Xbox?

Why was a SFW image deleted?

This guy knows his shit. 20% tsun 80% dere makes for the best girls even, and especially IRL

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Still a laughing stock that exists to collect dude bro money in the form of CoD and (formerly) Halo sales.

Is the janny being retarded again?

I have her and Pyra, but I'm a faglord and haven't opened them yet.

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All women IRL just want a man with the balls to take the lead. There's nothing complicated to their behavior.

Yeah they cry for attention more

I prefer the term "generous breasts"

Was he in the wrong?

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They always are.

Pyra is literal waifubait, so her. Mythra would be more fun though.


I actually remember the addictive exploring and battle system. I want Xenoblade 3 or X2 already.

>be a god
>could be a cool guy
>be a dick instead


yes he was

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He was only 50% dick.


don't care about hentai weebshit.


Nintendo consoles have always had violent games on them though. How old are you?

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I deleted my post because it wasn't thread related


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The battle system in XC2 was really fun, and I'd like to see a bit of what was introduced in Torna make it in XC3, fused with XC2's system (mainly the switching system, but definitely keep the combo/orb system of XC2, in Torna it was too easy and you ended up spamming those too easily).

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> body transfers halfway to another universe, loses most of its sense of self, only remembers two things
> one: you made this world
> two: the person in front of you wanted to stop you
To an extent, I don't blame him. He did still turn out a cunt, though.
At the same time, his other half was pretty alright.


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>Nintendo consoles have always had violent games on them
sup retard

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Xbox is a side event that has always played second fiddle to Sony and Nintendo. Even when the Xbone outsold the Wii U, nobody really considered Microsoft to be an actual contender in the console rivalry between Sony and Nintendo.

>game industry faggots and liberals in general spend years talking about how nerd culture is bad and how white men who get invested in media like this are losers
>now they're suddenly doing the opposite