>PS5 has fucking RAY TRACING and 8K output
Get your fucking priorities in order
>PS5 has fucking RAY TRACING and 8K output
Get your fucking priorities in order
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It's going to get ray tracing the same way xbone got 4k you retard
I genuinly do not care about ps4 anymore, I lile weeb shit, they censor weeb shit = I don't buy anymore, I hope you enjoy it though for the games you like.
It will have “checkerboard” 8K and ray tracing at the cost of performance. Can’t wait to play my games at 15 FPS.
these """"""""""""""""""""""""""technological upgrades""""""""""""""""""""""""" are so minuscule. They will shoot themselves if they actually release this garbage and expect the masses to buy it for another 5-600 bucks. Memers will get it for sure though.
lmao who gives a god damn fuck about graphics lol
Current gen games look good enough
Okay and what's the point of censoring? To protect consumers? Isn't that what the ESRB rating system is for?
No thanks, I don't think there will be any exciting exclusives for PS5 anyways.
>ESRB rating system is for
ESRB was created solely to appease retarded soccer moms that dont want to parent their children and think videogames and music would cause them to become murderers. Then all their retarded kids bought into it
But like the PS3 and PS4 it'll have no games, so who gives a fuck? Going outside IRL has awesome graphics, too, but it isn't inherently fun, now is it?
i hate this shit
its the same with mobile phone tech
well its pretty much the same with all the tech that is intended for the masses.
all to keep leeching money
sorry if people care about games more than meaningless technology that nobody will use
I sure will love to play Bloodborne 2 at 8K with ray tracing at smooth 24 fps(with dips)
peecuck cope
>stop caring about actual shit and care about meaningless buzzwords
I fucking love these stupid draw-ups of game consoles, making them look so goofy but faux-futuristic.
>playing VR
>not a superior AR Morrowind/Dark Souls hybrid where you explore your local cave and level up while fighting skellies and dragons
>You can look at egregious censorship in glorious 8K!
Don't know if that's the future I want.
Censorship is a big deal the whole industry is regressing. Customers don’t like being told what they can and cannot see or do. This is a massive blunder maybe even worse than the xbone reveal
ray tracing 8k at 20fps
>sony fans
Once a GRAPHIXXXfag, always a GRAPHIXXXfag
Yea Forumsintendo trannies from resetra can only sperg out, what you expect from them?
Right I will.
If those rays are not used to illuminate a cute girl then what's the point? Also censor->no buy.
>try to fall down a hole into the next area
>break my legs
>HP drops to zero
>You died
>sit there waiting to respawn, forgetting that you weren't playing a game
none of these are priorities, ray tracing and 8k are marketing shit that aren't worth the performance hit.
The fuck is ray tracing anyway
>sitting in front of a screen getting fat like a primitive cave man
>not putting on AR goggles and going hiking in an AR GPS game where treasures and enemies are in certain places in the world
>not making a boffer sword to have a more realistic feel as well as shock censors where you can feel pain if you get hit so you are more likely to dodge
I’m talking monster hunter/morrowind/dark souls here, you can get strong IRL and stop being an incel
>Ray tracing
Some games like fortnite already use raytracing for some graphic features (in fortnite's case, it's the shadows I think)
It's not a big deal
Again not a big deal, that's what you'll expect for a new generation of console, but it's not going to be true 8K 99% of the time
Now forcing dev to ruin their creative vision, self censor themselves or flatout quitting their studio because A CERTAIN TYPE of sexual content triggers a few snowflakes in California IS A HUGE FUCKING DEAL.
>b-but anime
Yeah it start there. It's not gonna stop there. Because it's never enough for SJW. IT'S NEVER ENOUGH.
>Censorship is a big deal the whole industry is regressing
Absolutely this. They are ignoring their core audience and bringing on the crash even faster by appealing to people that do not play console games often. It's bad enough the fighting game community already had this happen to them.
I think it's super realistic simulation of light refraction. Distortion through stuff like glass or liquids.
it's the same shit as before but now it requires 10 times more power because it sounds cool and it's a good marketing term. better buy new $1000 gpu for it.
who the fuck makes these renders
What’s the point if I can’t play my anime games?
It's better to live free in a medieval society rather than a slave in an type 3 civilization. Humanity above all. Kys.
Almost all the renders I saw until now are unironically better than the actually existing consoles
>Believing that 8k is gonna be usable for anything other than screenshots
>Not understanding that it will be upscaled
>Paying to change your fucking username AND possibly losing games
How many times can you get assraped and still enjoy it? Holy shit.
>Inb4 "It's free this time!"
Holy fucking kek
>PS4 has 1080p 60fps
Ah good! future walking-simulator movie games are going to look even closer now to CGI sequences from straight-to-dvd movies! WHERE DO I SIGN *buys popcorn*
oh boy I can't wait to see when these features are half-assed and only realized in a mid-gen upgrade
based Snoy! 5theplayers
>It's not gonna stop there.
We've already seen it's effects in many games that aren't anime inspired, eastern or western. Doesn't matter. We don't need a committee on top of a committee to determine what is appropriate for games. Haven't people already learned from the bullshit that was the Comics industry on how censorship almost killed them? It started out about what could be shown, then it was what could be said and then even just the kind of plots that could be done. It will never stop.
Raytracing OR 8k
Oh cool, glad I get to watch The Lesbos Of Us 2 Remastered and Days Gone: Game Of The Fourth Week Of April 2019 Edition with ray tracing and 8k, instead of actually playing a good fucking game
Nothing says reddit than corporate semen sucking.
>cares more about meme tracing than personal liberties
>talks about fucked up priorities
Clown world.
Ray-tracing is still decades away from really being a nifty gimmick, Nvidia markets it as a toy because thats what it is and no current technology can handle it well.
Priorities in order? How about consoles being able to consistently do 1080p/60fps per game first instead of increasing the amount of gimmicks like 8K so far out. Most people still don't even have 4K TV's and most content is only now being adapted to 4K.
a fucking globe
Remember this?
The caves will be mapped ahead of time by locals with an echo-location device and the goggles will have night vision, a map, and warnings about dangerous areas. Hell even a Metroid game would be dank as hell
This is going to he the PS3 2.0 isnt it.
>$599 USD
>M-muh specs
Xbox 4k
I can't wait for the games to look 5% better! I just hope it actually gets some games worth playing though, maybe in 6-7 years i'll buy one.
>Ray-tracing and an SSD rumored
More like $1200+.
And that’s not even including the real dungeons where the caves are equipped with lights, crops, running water, cannons that shoot foam balls, balance beams above a giant hot tub dyed to look like lava, climbing walls, puzzle doors where you have to read a book and solve a riddle, robotic skeletons, rats, lions, etc. those will have real treasure in them and you can actually destroy the robots with real weapons
Who the fuck cares about consoles anymore? All the big Japanese studios backing the PC now as their premium platform. You'll be stuck with shitty exclusives like TLoU and Uncharted. The only reason why I didn't sell my PS4 already is for my annual Bloodborne rerun.
They can pump it full of all the tech they want, a hardware developer dictating what games are and aren't allowed on their platform to the degree they are make a this a pass for me, I don't even like titty games, but I'm not supporting that trash, fuck off sony
Based user, especially with all of these streaming services coming. The only problem is Windows still has a monopoly on PC for games. Once we accept that the future is in being able to run anything on any device we will move forward, but it may take a couple decades for all the retards to stop throwing their money at wasted tech.
>4k bait
>Not recognizing blatant hyrony
>PS5 not even out yet
>Yea Forums is already getting assblasted
jesus christ
Yeah and I'm sure it comes with an estrogen dispenser too.
imagine unironically playing games for the pedo anime weebshit that should be censored in the first place
i believe in proton
>ray tracing and 8k
>with some special "hybrid SSD" that's "19x faster than anything for PC"
>for 500 dollars
oh look
the console neanderthals think they know shit about anything again
>muh visual fidelity for muh tranny sims
wew lad
It's almost like we have seen this shit before.
Ra rai miten mietin koskaan raha sakkapohjaan.
60 FPS Bloodborne confirmed.
Lol poorfag detected.
What the fuck sort of fucked up language is that
>Visuals>actual content
>guys get you priority straight
Windows is the only way, fuck off zoomer
If you believe a single word of that you are actually retarded.
What's the point of good looking games if there are no good games on the console left? Graphics are pointless.
>not playing an AR game where you can destroy a robot with a carbon steel sword or use a fire spell to drain its battery
So does PC, If that matters to you so much why are you wasting your money on a PS5?
And they don't censor shit.
>when even PS4 Pro is not true even 4k
Imagine actually falling for this type of marketing scam a fourth time
>welcome to Gamesphere
>not creating dungeons IRL and making video games/anime real
Remember when the ps3 and ps4 promised 1080p 60fps?
I have not been wanking here lately, what is this censor shit now? Did soiny go full retard?
>make videogame console
>won't have games I want on it because muh digital cartoon character rights
>censorship station
You have to be retarded if you want one.
that sounds like the Discovery Zone or McDonald's Play Place.
PS3 never promised that. PS4 did though lol
>fap to hentai and watch degenerate anime
>couldnt care less about shit like senran type games
Game content matters more than what a console can output. If the game content isn't there, then why bother with the console? You'll turn this into "WHY WOULD YOU ONLY BUY A PS5 FOR WEEB FANSERVICE GAMES", but Sony's setting a dangerous precedent of trying to control what game developers can make on their system, and we all know how that turned out for Nintendo in the 90's; there's nothing stopping those Californian fucks from mucking with things and trying to entangle their fingers directly in developer's business if they keep pushing on like this.
Sounds like a damn good movie machine.
Yes, they did.
is that the Okama Gamesphere?
>bringing a sword into a McDonald’s playplace
Wanna know how I know you’re a virgin-shooter?
The PS5 is such a powerful console, that It won't need younto play games, It will play the games by itself. And by games I mean Bloodborne ir a variation or GTA.
>don't care about ray-tracing
>don't care about 8K
>don't care about hentai weebshit
The SSD rumor sounds nice, though. Loading times on PS4 were a pain in the ass.
Fuck you faggot. I want my anime games on my sony consoles. The censorship really doesn't bother me but it's still pointless.
>don't care about hentai weebshit
It's one of the most famous quotes and people still haven't learned it.
I sure don't want to waste 1000 bucks on a thing you barely notice
Say it with me Yea Forums
>i don't even have a 4K and it's just pointless futureproof proclamations that likely won't live up to scrutiny if this thing wants to have an acceptable price tag
Forget $599 US dollars, this thing's gotta be more expensive on average than the PS3 was at launch.
I'll wait for the PS5 Pro.
Yea, I'm going to play games on systems that are out now.
What are you going to do faggot?
Going to post for the next fucking YEAR every day about how awesome some thing MIGHT be AFTER it has games released for it?
If you're hyped about the backwards compatibility GO PLAY THOSE GAMES NOW.
Suck dick you fucking woman
>Get your fucking priorities in order
i will not
i like the current state of my priorities
>Ray tracing on consoles
Enjoy the return of 30fps gaming
Oh wait it never left
Backwards compatible with PS4 and uses discs too.
FUCK I almost went the whole day without seeing a nigger. Fuck off cuck
>ray tracing and 8k output is a priority in games
this better be fucking bait
>the new SSDs in our prototype are faster than traditional SSDs you can buy for your PC
He's talking about nvme isn't he?
Nice flaseflag
I talk about both since im not a huge faggot
>snoylets resort to meme rendering that PC has already given up on
>"g-g-guys please we're totally not a burkastation"
Actual raytracing a la RTX is a pipedream, but I'm honestly intrigued by the audio potential he mentioned. He's absolutely right about sound design falling by the wayside in recent years.
Funny, coming from consolefags who constantly bitch about how expensive PC gaming is even though they could make a PC that runs everything better then their console with a 600 dollar budget.
Can it run games at 60fps yet though
I'm being serious, why do devs not care about framerate anymore?
oh, I'm sorry
PCIE 4.0, hes not lying, but hes pretending PC isn't getting that soon while pretending PS5 is out right now
>>PS5 has fucking RAY TRACING and 8K output
current consoles are flaunting "real" 4k rendering.
in reality barely any of the games reach even 1080p and cant maintain 30fps. and then all that shit gets upscaled to "4k".
sort out performance before you go even higher in resolution.
Devs clearly have not cared much about games just look at the PS4/XBONE library.
Sony only makes 3rd Person Cinematic Setpiece games now. They fucking suck.
if you're gonna buy one monitor maybe once per decade, or longer, and if that is the average across nearly all entertainment platforms, be it vidya or movies, i would not be surprised the shilling of 8K has started as soon as now, where still less than 2% steam users (unreliable source) have a 4K monitor. i don't even personally know anyone except myself and one other person with a monitor higher than 1080p. do you also picture yourself skipping 4K?
Lighting tech that's not viable for vidya, only movies.
Only FPS and CUHRAYZEE action games like DMC benefit from high framerate. For everything else it's just as much an aesthetic choice as resolution or meme features like raytracing.
>Triggered poorfags
Every single time.
>ray tracing
seriously. not even PCs can do 8k at a reliable frame rate and can BARELY do real time ray tracing. if PC can't, consoles can't.
also 8k TVs are like, $5,000.
stop being fucking stupid.
....could someone please explain WHAT is Ray Tracing? How does it benefit videogames?
Seems fitting for sony then.
how about sony get their priorities in order and give me 60fps games?
And according to Sony they are censoring games to "protect the children", which in other words, is just to appease retarded soccer moms that don't want to parent their children and think videogames and music would cause them to become perverts and/or murderers. So yeah there is no point to censoring when the ESRB was supposed to tell parents if a game was not okay for their kids.
>Only FPS and CUHRAYZEE action games like DMC benefit from high framerate
It's important for fighting games, driving games and platformers too.
accurate shadows and lighting. ray tracing has been around forever but REAL TIME ray tracing has been pretty hard to do, so we have RTX cards that can do REAL TIME ray tracing.
Who cares about tits and porn in games? Just watch porn and then play a game. Separate shit you weirdos
>all current PSVRs will be forward compatible with PS5
No excuse not to buy one now.
What's the point of raytraced 8k at 4fps when it's censored?
It makes shiny stuff go shine-shine.
Mirror go reflect!
The 3D meme failed hard so I guess they need to fool the dumb normalfags somehow.
>blast processing
>power of the cell
>muh blu ray
>power of the cloud
>now ray tracing
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
>waaaaaaah they're censoring my borderline CP games
This. I can't fap to games. Anyone with at least a single digit IQ would play this shit on a PC
Ray tracing technically has a genuine visual alteration that we couldn't do prior, but the problem is actually trying to get something meaningful for it out of a console is implausible without either an insane price point to justify it, or the tech being so scaled back that it loses its meaning anyway.
>Get your fucking priorities in order
Okay, here's a start.
How about prioritising framerate and not using goddamn 8K and ray tracing to make the system chug at 24fps?
>all [video game board] can talk about is MUH [VIDEO GAMES]
Nvme + store mi with 1tb HDD and then claim it magic hybrid ssd. Console gaymans are not even human so they won't know. It will have some regarded metric to justify it.
Any advancement on storage will go to data center first then workstation PC.
That's like giving me a newer car while shitting in my mouth, I don't want either of that
it's basically the ideal lighting system in games. about as close as we'll get to simulating real light in real time because each 'ray' will actually bounce etc. lighting in games for the longest time has just used a lot of tricks to create the illusion of lighting
consumer rigs are starting to get powerful to do it basically. Don't have much hope for consoles being able to do it though.
pure raytracing tries to simulate light as accurately as possible with no tricks like baked lighting. Next gen games will use a combination of raytracing and common tricks devs use to make lighting look photo real. Raytracing can be used for more than just reflections.
If it's not ray tracing fat asses and big ass titties why the fuck would I care?
why is there information on the controller? If I'm not playing a simulator with full setup and I have to look away from the screen then miss me with that shit
This, my PC will be way better than PS5 when it comes out anyway. And the reason I bought a PS4 was jap games, which all seem to be on PC uncensored now, while PS4 versions are constantly getting censored. hell even my guilty pleasure shit like Cage games are on PC now.
Sony censorship shill alert!
>ray tracing*
*In certain low-intensity forms
*checkerboarded to shit
bet it won't even do true 4k 60FPS
>ask any one of these fellow sony fans what ray tracing actually is
>they don't know either
>8k output
You retards can't even properly display 1080p let alone 16 tomes that resolution
seeI fully expect most big companies to miss the point of ray tracing by making a bunch of sacrifices that will leave games crippled.
Why know anything or have a single individual thought of your own when you can call all critics incels and poorfags instead?
>Ray tracing
So now it's gonna struggle to reach even 30fps, I see.
the amount of butthurt in this thread is incredible. i'll be back to collect your tears when sony wins yet again.
Honestly do people think sony does voodoo magic or someshit will all these ignorant assumptions ITT?
If you pay 400$ for a fucking console, you won't get 10k$ worth of hardware you absolute dumbfucks or else they would go bankrupt
>that one time sony suggested we huff nanomachines then kill ourselves
Who the fuck cares about graphics unless youre a fucking normie fag.
Graphic fags are the fucking worst. Hands down, its them who are tying down the industry.
All these shitty features no one fucking wants just to get sub 20fps.
Fuck off. We should be over 60fps by now.
>struggle to reach 30fps
I am a huge sony fan, and even I don't believe for one second that PS5 will have ray tracing, 8k or backwards compatibility. What a load of shit. You can't even make a PC capable of that with $3,000.
>ray tracing
Lmfao, the RTX 2080Ti doesnt even do that. And that GPU is £1,200
Neck yourself losers.
*autistically destroys your $500 coffee table*
This. Realistic graphics ruined gaming more than anything else. Artistic direction should be the main focus.
i'd rather have games that arent censored, than 8k and ray tracing, you soulless corporate whore
I don't hate graphics fags for the shit frame rates, I hate them for making games take forever to make, having to be as widespread as possible, then milk as hard as they can get away with.
Just like they won when the PS3 was announced to be $599 and had no games for a while, right?
Even if we ignore censoring, which we shouldn't. Who even has an 8k monitor? Most people don't even have 4k. The loading times already feel like an eternity at 1-2 minutes. 3-4 minute one will be unbearable. Every game will run at a silky smooth 10 fps. And last but not least, I can't wait until install sizes are 200-300 gigs.
the "sony always wins" line has been drilled into their psyche, it doesn't matter what reality they witness with their own eyes
long live big brother
Freedom > Gay tracing
this post was sent from my rtx 2080 ti
Ive not even seen a 8k monitor.
Ive seen an 8k tv but thats like £25,000.
Who the fuck is paying that
>Spotted the homo
Who cares about meme tracing? I just need my fap baits
>What is raytracing
It's the brute-force method of rendering. Instead of trying to optimize anything at all, you literally simulate photons bouncing through space to generate an image.
>Why is it good for gaming
It's not. Raytracing is literally a developer crutch to offload design complexity on the computer instead. Realtime rendering is built on a series of clever hacks and tricks to render stuff that would normally take hundreds or thousands of times longer. But at this point, the sheer number and complexity of all these tricks is making it impractical for puny lizardbrain humans to continue using them. With raytracing, everything Just Werks™ with no tweaking or optimization, but it also runs like absolute dogshit. They're basically all brained out and are hoping beefier hardware will pick up the slack.
Its a big deal that our whole society is facing
People are trying to censor everything these days, googles doing it, twitters doing it, sonys doing it, sjws are trying to censor everything, they're even trying to censor the dialogue in anime dubs
I don't care if it walks my dog and does laundry, I'm still not supporting them.
>i leaked the ps5 Yea Forums more than 6 months ago
>no one believed me because I said it has backwards compatibility
I'm massively butthurt about the censorship, I'm a huge weeb, but it's hard to deny Sony won't win again next gen.
They've got the best exclusives from 2014~2020 running improved right out of the gate, 50% of the VR market right out of the gate, one of the world's most recognized brands, bottomless pockets and tons of fanboys. Unfortunately, weeb games will have to take a backseat for now. I hate it but it's the truth.
Google is about to run another dead project into an area they know nothing about. I have more hope for Microsoft than Sony.
2080 runs real hot
raytracing makes it run hotter
oh boy
If it is backwards compatible, then I'm interested. I don't care about ray tracing, and 8K though. A wacky art style beats realistic any day of the week.
>PS4 backwards compatibility
I hope this means enhanced PS4 games like supersampled Bloodborne at 60fps just like XboX does with 360 games.
>Buying CensorTrannyStation 5
>People care more about a game's content than resolution, specs and graphical features
This is good. This is a good thing.
The good news is you have a choice to not use: google services, twitter, sony tech & media and you don't have to watch shitty anime dubs.
It's a question just how much the censorship will actually be felt in developed titles going forward. Unless it's multiplatform titles or ports of old H-games, we probably won't even notice what was missing in the first place.
Consider Bullet Girls. If it had never been developed with the "interrogation" mechanic in the first place, would anyone even have known that such a feature was planned for the game or would it just have been a terrible 3rd person shooter with cute girls?
>PS5 has fucking RAY TRACING and 8K output
My PC can already do that
The ray tracing is BS. It's just software. PS4 can also do raytracing if they really want to. Only retard would believe 8k. Not even 2080ti can do that.
Asuka says find out whos behind feminism
Super realistic and simulation depends on the degree of ray tracing.
Here is what ray tracing is at its simplest, you cast a ray from every point of the screen, letting the ray bounce off a surface until it hits a light source or it's not allowed to bounce anymore. Every time the ray bounces, it picks up colour data from the surface, and blends this with the colour data of the light source. To make it more advanced and thus more realistic, maybe you could let the ray pass through a surface, or have the ray split into more rays each time it hits a surface.
Twitter is a choice
Sony is a choice
Google is not a choice.
If you want a mobile phone you have 2 choices apple or google both are pro censorship
It is. At least with PS4 games so far. Here's hoping for performance enhancements in those titles as well.
My priorties are straight. All those features mentioned are available elsewhere. What I used to be unable to get else where was Japanese games with no restrictions. Without that Sony lost all appeal they had going for them.
It's software, that is very resource heavy. You can do it on PS4, but it can really slow the game down.
>Google is not a choice.
>If you want a mobile phone you have 2 choices apple or google both are pro censorship
Ever heard of a flip phone? They still exist. You assume I want a smartphone which is not true.
Okay, I hope they do older consoles too, as well as a fuckin' Vita for once. No one can figure out how to emulate that shit, or just doesn't care enough to.
Nice, remember you from the PS4 launch. Will you kill yourself when Sony announces the 100m PS4 sold?
what in the flying fuck is ray tracing?
Censorship is more important and I dont even play shitty anime games.
Apple at least seems like they don't care about gathering info on you because they have no adsense to profit off that information (yet).
They went on stage at that event, talking services and making a big deal about not tracking you or gathering your info, but in reality it is simply because they don't care.
That apathy is why they are my current choice.
>>PS5 has fucking RAY TRACING and 8K output
Whats the point of a powerful console with better graphics if the character models are going to be ugly?
Millions of beams of vidya light bouncing off of reflective surfaces. It's what a lot of movies use for CG. It can melt consoles though.
Enjoy your 3.75 FPS.
Everytime. I still remember when i didn't think it would be like this 12 years ago, but it do.
What is the hell keeps getting wordfiltered to 'Based' because 4chanX's filter won't catch 'Based' if it's done by a native fitler.
It's "real" light.
Real light doesn't just illuminate stuff, it is reflected off things and raytracing is technology that emulates that for both more realistic lighting and reflections. Here's what it does in Minecraft
>PSP Go analog sticks
AAAAHHHHHHH i'm having a PTSD in my left hand from that shit.
more realistic lighting but it annihilates fps
That's perfectly fair logic, I just have an android and avoid all Google services except maps and YouTube, with a bunch of trackers disabled on FF I almost never see that "based on your recommendations" pehonimon where it was the item you looked at on Ebay now on ads on a porn site, DuckDuckGo all day
just google "ray tracing vs rasterization". It'll be easier to understand if you have something to compare it to because all of the people that has replied so far don't know what the fuck they are talking about.
But it can slow you to a stand still, because you are simulating real actual light in real time.
If you seriously believe this you're absolutely
I use all that as well, but I was on my work computer that has none of those blockers installed and I started getting frightened about the amount of ads I was getting. Very specific targeted stuff I had only TALKED about someone with in the room and not even actively looked up.
They got us by the balls with that stuff.
Not much point in 8k rez if all I am seeing is god rays and blurred asses at a silky smooth 24fps.
Reminder that the PS3 was supposed to be a 1080p console.
And it was, just for blurays and a few select games.
Then the PS4 was supposed to REALLY be the 1080p console.
And it was, for Rocket League.
Most games ran under 1080p and the framerate often targeted 30fps.
But then came the PS4 Pro, a 4k console!
Except it was fake 4k, with most games being 1440p or 1600p with scaling tricks and a fluctuating framerate.
Some games even included a "stable" mode, allowing smooth 1080p gameplay.
Great, we finally did 1080p.
>"B-But seriously guys this time no joke it will be a raytracing console with 8k resolution!"
Yep, I'm sure Sony are designing a console to run at a resolution that only like x2 super expensive TVs even runs.
Oh and with raytracing, a technology that's know to make high end GPUs almost half their performance or resolution even with dedicated cores to render it.
Why do you guys keep hurting yourself like this?
We'll be lucky to get 4k 30fps with the PS5 pro having actual 4k 60fps.
True, but developers and engineers just gotta code better. It doesn't seem more like a few years ago that 3D games weren't thought possible and here we are.
"Censorship," i.e. restricted flow of information, has always existed. In fact, it's necessary for all complex systems from civilizations all the way to individual human beings. The only difference between now and literally all of human history is that we have an unprecedented level of control over the generation and flow of information. What was before in the hands of "fate" or "God" now largely rests in our own. We need to either accept some form of censorship(not saying the current approach is right at all but we need SOMETHING) or we admit that the internet was a mistake and blow it up.
And it will still be unable to manage 30fps.
Why do people waste their time on these shitty mockups?
True native 4K isn't even possible on consoles currently. 8K isn't feasible on the most powerful GPU you could get, stop spreading these stupid rumors.
I don't have an 8K monitor or TV, so I hope I can force it down to 1080p, for more frames.
>PS5 boost mode
>Bloodborne runs at 120fps for high refresh panels
>developers still refuse to fix frame pacing so it still has the stutters people actually care about
>ray tracing
lmao not likely fag
I know it's quite sad that we've been living in a dystopian hellhole for over 5 years now and the majority of people have the pathetic attitude of "I'm not doing anything wrong so it doesn't affect me" I can't wait until we get to kill all those stupid bastards because worse case Google will need goons to take over
any card can do ray tracing at various degrees. Even the PS3 has full demos built on nothing but ray tracing. The problem is that the higher the detail the more taxing it is compared to old methods like rasterization, which allow for higher detail with much less resources.
The RTX is not a card capable of ray tracing despite its marketing. The card just has 1 or 2 cores dedicated to do shadows and reflections with ray tracing and that's it. It's just a gimmick to keep prices high. Even the PS4 has games with ray traced reflection like KillZone.
Who gives a fuck? Hardware means dick unless you're showing what you're doing with it.
I'm glad that even normies started screaming about framerate in this gen, because it's a huge factor for me. Don't care if the games will be running 480p as long as the framerate is there.
who much does the ps5 gonna cost wtf?
imagine you have 120 fps, you now MIGHT have 30
that's what ray tracing is
That's a lot of text, i will just assume it's a jewish trick to try to sell me more shit, no thanks.
gimmick controller is why i didn't buy a PS4, and it look like i won't be buying a PS5 for the same reason
SSDs are becoming more and more of a necessity. They are more expensive, but preform so much better.
wtf the DS4 does the same shit as the rest of controllers... stop being a retard.
>touch pad
>move the controller to do a thing
you're a lying nigger and you know it
But it's very pretty, you may not see much of a difference because you've proabably only seen the BFV implementation, I ran some Chinese RTX Demo and the Atomic Hearts Demo and the lighting was gorgeous, it's quite amazing when you see the environment reflecting off of a knife blade or metal armor in real time and every step makes the reflection unique. But I would never wanna sacrifice framerate for visuals
>move the controller to do a thing
Xboxfag doesn't know what gyro is, and that it's in a lot of modern controllers.
>playing trannystation X
Grow up
yes but in consumer products like a console where every corner to cut counts it could be a problem.
People will expect at least a 500GB storage drive on a PS5 considering how big games are now and how reliant people are on digital.
It may not seem like a lot to buy a $100-$200 SSD for your PC, but when you have to fit the cost of buying one from a supplier and putting it into a product it's really going to hurt any margin that could be had.
It's more likely they'd use a small SSD to speed up reads from the HDD much like you can with a computer.
This means the OS and your most recent game will load faster without having to set up where things are installed.
i literally do not care because
>But I would never wanna sacrifice framerate for visuals
almost everything modern sucks
it's gimmick shit
too bad it won't have good gameplay
quintessential retarded Yea Forums post, we could really all just quit for the day now
Yep. SSD prices are not even going down considerably in years and the PS5's SSD price/cost would be what we have now instead of the 2020 SSD prices.
I expect the lowest tier PS5 to only have around 100 gb, 250 max.
New Technology has to start somewhere though and this is a fundamentally different way of rendering vs rasterization, but the tech is either so hard or poorly made that high end consumer options barely get the job done for sure meaning the consoles will have little actual Raytraced content, maybe the icons on the home screen lol
>console won't have games you want to play
Yeah man can't wait to play The Dykes of Us 3 on my PS5 so I can see some spotty greasy dyke's raytraced mucus drip down her massive hooked nose in 8k.
Xbox One X reaches native 4K in many titles. Even when it doesn't, it still stays much higher than 1080p.
so not you then
They are in order, nigger. I'd rather play an uncensored, complete game in 720p 30 FPS than a 4k 120 FPS chopped up game or a politically motivated second party movie.
I prefer physical copies of my games anyway.
It's almost like Yea Forums doesn't give a shit about marketing bullshit like ray tracing and nobody in their right mind would believe "8k output".
PS5 better than my current PC with i7-7700k and 1080 on board.
Upgrade to PS5 hardware will cost about $2k while PS5 costs only $500
ps5 is going to be at least $599 if this is anything to go by
a 500gb ssd is like $50 for the end user and obviously sony would work out some bulk deal where they get it for way less than that
I'll say this: unless there's a catastrophic fuck-up with the PS5 somehow at launch, it sounds like you might as well sell your PS4 because it'll do everything it does anyway.
>8K output
You know they said PS3 is gonna be 1080p, right?
Polite request to delete this.
Still, less than PC hardware that can compete with PS5 power.
They'll probably sell at a loss at first, like the PS4.
What, you dont want to participate in another decade of Bloodborne 2?
What the fuck is ray tracing?
you don't count the 8K tv retard.
Bitch I could crush you with 1 arm, I got plenty of guns too (:
if ps5 power is at the rumoured gtx 1080 level then a used gtx 1080 are already going for like $250.
I'm ok with 4k60FPS on PS5 with my 4k TV.
It's just a way of rendering more realistic lighting. It's really not a big deal, honestly.
*8K squeezed onto a 4K screen
> if ps5 power is
PS5 power is better than 2080ti lol. Dud. Check the official announcement.
Current PS5 hardware BETTER thab i9 and 2080ti
a way to extract money from retards
What's the point of 8k of nothing?
Simulating light bouncing around the environment instead of just baking lighting and shadows into maps, which is theoretically capable of more realistic stuff, even though most games use said baked lighting in their game design so things don't mush together and players can be directed. Technically this can work for things like reflections too, so you can reflect things that aren't even onscreen compared to all other modern methods requiring things to be onscreen to be affected.
It's the holy grail of modern rendering technology bandwagon stuff, but a console actually pulling it off reasonably is implausible.
It's not just lighting its reflections and shadows too, imagine how good mirrors are in real life in a video game
true user, PS5 also will cost only 200 $, trust me .
And It'll suck your cock on startup
So what if it has pretty visuals, if the only thing you can play uncensored is "Mars Gardening 2040: Now With Corn!"?
*Like every console they've ever made.
I'll wait for the PS5 Slim Pro Advanced. Honestly, fuck consoles that do this. Either call it a new console, or don't release it.
lmao stay mad sony nobody cares about power if you don't power the titties
oi u got a loicensen for that shitpost innit
*spams reset*
ironic weebs BTFO for eternity
Enjoy having no games next gen...
Oh wait you already have no games on PS4
Is this really one of the fucking selling points they're pushing?
there are over 150 threads at any given time, there's plenty room to talk about lots of things.
Nigger the PS4 didn't even have real SATA for its drives, why do you think they have those kinds of margins?
What about the fucking games though?
Are you too young to remember "THE POWER OF THE CELL"?
>They're basically all brained out and are hoping beefier hardware will pick up the slack.
dark times are upon us
>More like $1200+
Dollarydoos or Burgerland funbucks?
If it's the latter then that's 24 fucking hundred dollars Straya.
I too believe games can't be art and are children's toys.
>thinks consoles are going to be capable of 8k
lol dumb fucking sonyfag
A built in SSD and apparently enough power to handle ray tracing, means shit is gonna be pricey as fuck. In Australia and Central America, you will have to choose between a console, and a literal house down payment.
Censorship is shit but honestly none of the games I've played have been affected by it. All of those censored games are trash to begin with.
I came to this thread just to see if someone asked this already.
Next generation will probably be the first generation I do not buy a console. Everything is multiplatform and ends up on the PC, and no first party game from Sony or Microsoft warrants an entire console. Nintendo might have better first party support, but even they aren't worth it just for a Switch. And again games like Octopath are coming to the PC, anyways.
This dumbfuck probably doesn't realize that the TV was a device designed to babysit children meaning all of TV is a toy. Dumbfuck probably doesn't realize language was only invented to spread ideas, words are toys lol. Art isn't real
and to think.....I was actually thinking of building a PC this year!
>someone out there is buying a PS4
>this is only gonna get to the public in a few weeks
Sucks to be them.
Pretty sure games are more important then GRAFIX (that will always be inferior to PEECEE anyway) so i kinda think Yea Forums does, broken clock as it may be.
Call me when the PS5 games "leak".
PCs can't even do this without killing itself
>outputs 8k
you idiots realise it's for the dashboard right? the games would play at 4k/1440/1080
This gen was overall disappointing compared to the last.
There was like 3 or 4 memorable games.
People still own those? Jesus Christ...
look at all the seething third worlders on Yea Forums
This. I've had Playstations since the first one. Was on the fence for PS4 but bought it last year. This censorship thing is making me boycott Sony
The only 1st world comparison is that they have to much money and not enough sense to put that money into a PC dispite 1000$ USD in parts would get you performance today that the consoles of next year will be unable to achieve ever
I take 8k and RTX for fivehundred please.
imagine actually believing the THC percentages on these things
This. Welcome in the time of """""" innovation """"""
How has the sony fanbase managed to get worse than xbots ever were?
>get your priorities in order
>caring about incremental graphic upgrades more then the actual content or quality of the games
No John, you are the cancer
consoles > pc
plug and play > messing with parts, settings, launchers
simple as
I remember as a kid playing goldeneye with my friends over at a buddies house. His 21 year old fat autistic brother would come up from the basement and snort at us how his pc was so much more powerful and how our 64 was shit(we were like 12 years old). He had no friends and would jerk off to cartoons, and literally have autistic fits if his mom didn’t make him lunch on time. Sure glad pc gamers are nothing like that these days lol
xbone users were laughed off Yea Forums to reddit
this. i'm not fucking around with parts. i'll just keep getting thinkpads and emulating shit on it. fuck PCfags
>xbone users were laughed off Yea Forums to reddit
Moreover, they were laughed off because they accepted exactly the kind of shit Sony has pulled this gen and they were considered complete cocksuckers because of it.
It’s weird Xbox is on paper a better console. I’m not sure why everyone seems to prefer Sony. I even have a ps4, and I can’t really explain why honestly. I do prefer the controller even though most don’t agree
Still buyin a Xbox One X soon
remember when ps2 was going to have Toy Story graphics?
or the ps4 was the equialent of a 2015 pc?
And that it was.
There were just no screens out there for it and no developers made any games that did it.
Uhh games?
You do you brainlet, if you can change the oil in your car you can put a PC together, or you know buy a prebuilt from a boutique builder who uses the same off the shelf parts you could buy, but they assemble it for you and if you're too stupid to do maintaince you send it back to them (just like you send a broken PS4 to Sony) because they not only include their own warranty but you can also use the per part warranties. You wouldn't buy a car that you can only put Gas from sheetz in it would you That's what a console has and always will be
Because freedom and resisting censorship are more important than supporting a shitty left-coast horrorshow for the sake of a new premium-priced machine that will perform worse than the PC I have already.
>plug and play
Now don't lie user its
>Plug in
>insert disc
>wait for long ass over 100gb day 1 patch to download because a finished game can't be released in the current year
>literally won't be able to play the game without this thing
>Now hope your internet doesn't cut out or you're s.o.l.
>After that you realize that was for the console to update
>run the update
>wait for it to install
>download continues
>Delete some games
>Continue waiting
>game finishes
>Open game to play
>Sorry but you need to pay to use our online service to play this game
>Go to Online store
>pay for online service
>Prepare to play game
>Would you like to purchase some lootboxes?
>Would you not like to purchase some loot boxes?
>Now purchasing $1000 worth of loot boxes. Thank you for your purchase
>Finally play game
>it's shit
>You do you brainlet, if you can change the oil in your car you can put a PC together, or you know buy a prebuilt from a boutique builder who uses the same off the shelf parts you could buy, but they assemble it for you and if you're too stupid to do maintaince you send it back to them (just like you send a broken PS4 to Sony) because they not only include their own warranty but you can also use the per part warranties. You wouldn't buy a car that you can only put Gas from sheetz in it would you That's what a console has and always will be
did not read any of that shit lmfao
>His priority isn't his waifu
Shamefurr dispray
Don't forget about the power of the cell.
Sony has always lied through their teeth.
Who's ready for 22fps to become the new standard
>It's what movies use user, it's cinematic!
This. If tech companies weren't so focused on making minor iterative improvements to nickel and dime everyone to death, we'd be 50 years ahead in tech at least.
Great, checkered 8k in 20 fps for $899! Sign me up!
call me when you guys are able to go past 30fps
Games. Sony gets Jap support where as the Western devs popular on Xbox release on PC.
You proabably can't read retard, just buy your baby toy you'll enjoy 4K Low Settings
keep begging for ports cuckboy
>Get your fucking priorities in order
How about you get yours in order faglord.
Ability to play games I like >>>>>>>>>> Incremental improvements in graphics that were already good enough a generation ago.
I sleep.
Hit a solid 60 @ 1440p and come back to me
user I don’t even know what Ray tracing is
I know it's a fan render but why does it look like a Smash Ball?
Why should I care about a console that’s going to censor the shit out of at least half the games I’d play on it?
>Plug in
>Wait a whole 2 minutes for the only update I'll have to deal with probably for over a month
>Put in disc
>Wait about 30 seconds for install
>Start playing, because I only buy Japanese games which have already gone through their major patches pre-localization, and have updates on disc
>Enjoy the rest of my day
Not everyone buys braindead western regurgitated online AAA horseshit. You'd be facing all those problems on PC as well, with the sole exception of paid online, and dealing with multiple background updates, driver issues, etc.
Stop believing marketing buzz please.
Checkerboarding looks like shit desu
I will take lower resolution with higher FPS count over this anytime of the day
will the ps 5 connect though the xperia phones?
again it's gonna be pushing for meme resolutions while framerates are fucking abysmal haha
"8K" rendered at 910p internally.
I don't omfg you people are pathetic racists it's so funny, I'm not one of the 50K fromsoft fags who went on change to buy bloodborne, I have never signed any petition to remove games from you playstation, go suck big brothers cock you corporate slave, I'll enjoy your Jap games being released on steam without cigarettes being removed (:
PS4 retarded fag here. Do not care about this shit at all. I want people to improve NPC AI. Everything else about this industry's technology has improved so dramatically and AI is either stagnated in most instances or somehow gotten worse the last two generations. Is this because they are overwhelming their AI with so many actions that it ends up just contradicting itself or is it because no one cares about that shit as long as its pretty?
At this point shit has gotten so retarded that I choose to believe there are no true sony fans on the board and they are all just shitposting.
As a big joke.
>Japanese games will now have RAY-TRACED lightbeams covering the tiddies
the future is here bros
He's right, AMD's GPU division has been stagnant for years, and CPU Wise they are only proabably gonna match Intel's Skylake IPC with Zen 2. the PS5 is likely gonna be Equivalent to a system with an I7 6700K (At 3ghz lol) and a Vega 64 (at best) so if you want go watch some benchmarks and you'll see what the performance of the PS5 is gonna look like
>still doesn't have GTA
>will never have RDR2
I don’t think games is the whole story though. I do agree Sony has a better library, however most good games are multiplats, the average person only thinks 1-3 Sony games are must haves(and often has 1 or 2 they feel similar about on Xbox) and I know so many people that aren’t even aware Japanese games exist that own ps4s. I’m just saying, yes ps4 has better games and sure it’s a factor, but there must be a lot more going on here. Xbox has a controller most people prefer and much better specs, hell “normies” love the 4K meme and only Xbox can do that. It just doesn’t make sense to me why it got crushed so hard by the ps4. I’m happy with my ps4 but I would have had no problem finding plenty of games to play on the Xbox had I gone that route. I like uncharted series and bloodborne but i could have lived without them honestly and Xbox has a few titles I’m interested in. On paper Xbox and ps4 should at least be neck and neck imo
You clowning GTA V is on steam and RDR2 is coming to PC in like 3 months
I really always wondered about the snarky attitude pc dudes have about people who pay for games. They should be grateful, I’m not sure they realize the state the gaming industry would be in if even 50 percent of people pirated. God forbid it ever gets to 90 percent plus or shitty indie games will look like masterpieces. I don’t pay for music but I’m grateful to those who do, and I hope I can continue to enjoy good music for free. It’s a lucky and privileged spot to be in, to have people produce content for you they you do not pay for. It’s kind of a shitty thing to do as well, not sure what the attitude is about
>hurr stupid idiots paying for games. Gawd I hate console babies so much
Surely everyone realizes it’s those same idiots that are 100 percent responsible for most of the games we all enjoy existing right?
PS3 had Armored Core and Demon Souls.
PS4 had Bloodborne.
PS5 will have minigame by From Software in The Last of Us 4.
>messing with parts
>most of stores offer building your PC from the parts you picked for free or for small fee
>messing with settings
>having customization bad
>messing with launchers
>only need to download a torrent client
>Who cares about games, what about the obvious fake specs
lmao Sonygros
PS3 has a better library than X360
AMD just need an architecture upgrade.
Navi is an architecture upgrade + 7nm.
So it is a big leap for them.
There's two kinds of pirates, the pirate who are mostly 3rd worlders or people who weren't gonna buy the product either way so it's not technically a lost sale. The other kind is the faggot who thinks they are saving the industry, don't be like number 2, don't even talk about your piracy just talk about the content. Piracy is a non issue for games when compared to movies because I don't like what Netflix has to offer because I want less than mainstream movies because most people don't care about 70s movies so I have no easy way to get a copy of Thunderbolt and Lightfoot because even in the off chance best buy has it I'd still have to drive 45 minutes to the store, same goes for music I don't like modern music very (except sound cloud rap yeeyee) so they will not have more than "greatest hits" at the store for older shit where as between GOG and Steam they have any game I want prerry much made between 1993-2019 so I'll pay for them, I used to buy music on iTunes but I dont have an Ipod anymore but I still got the account. Piracy only occurs on a massive scale when the means to get the product legally becomes too complicated. But I agree the loud and proud pirates are gay
censorship really is a big thing in America right now tho
SJW's have waged war.
Don't be afraid. market will speak. If this is something people actually care about, they'll buy the next Xbox instead. Just like how Microsoft was trying to lock the Xbone down and everyone bought Ps4s instead
There hasn't been a significant upgrade to consoles since PS2. You cannot prove me wrong.
>There's two kinds of pirates
There are also people who use pirated games as demo version to try the game before buying and people who buy good games and pirate AAA fotm trash.
Yeah, well, I despise most of the "games" on the market.
>Cerny has confirmed that most PS5 games will also be released for the PS4
Now we get to be stuck with decade old hardware.
Don't quote me on it but I think Navi is still GCN but the node srink could lower the power requirements meaning AMD can jam more CUs in the same power budget and I think a console's total TDP is like 200w and AMDs cpus are very cool and low power for their performance so being fair I bet the 7nm srink will allow what used to be a 300w card (Vega 64) in a much lower powered chip
No more memory cards.
Best response
the HD revolution in gaming with the 360 was a massive upgrade. i remember playing gta 4 for the first time and i was gobsmacked at how amazing HD quality was. i went straight from a ps2 to xbox 360 so the leap was massive.
I know people why people still need to demo it when you can look up benchmark videos even on older hardware, but they weren't gonna buy the AAA UbiShit games so it's not a lost sale thus technically not hurting the Dev
I'm never buying another Sony product again because I hate the fact they are trying to brainwash underage children into being homosexuals.
It's despicable to publicly sexualize anything involving children. Let alone a sexual orientation that is an act of suicide to your family bloodline.
IV was ugly as fuck and not HD at all.
Have sex
8k output =/= rendering games at 8k
You could render a game in 240p and output it at 8k.
Don't let snoy marketing trick you (again)
I don't have faith that they will be able to get Vega 64 tier performance into a box like that. In my mind it will be about 11.5TFLOPS at best (which is still more than enough to be honest)
The SSD and Raytracing announcement is what completely blew my fuckin' mind today.
I'm sorry for butchering the English language with that post, ignore the like first 4 words
You forgot that this basically confirmed the rumor that they run a 7nm version of the Ryzen 2700 which runs at 3.2 Ghz.
I have.
What now?
It meant homo sex.
it was 720p on xbox 360. it looked miles better than san andreas. the leap was humongous.
Any card has 8k output, that's software. The problem is quality and framerate. The same applies to raytracing.
With that said, if the rumors I saw are true (8-core zen2, navi, SSD) then $500 is going to be a significant loss sale.
8k probably jusy means you can view netflix in that resolution in 7 years when the consoles are about to die for the next ones
You can just tell he actually did it
>it looked miles better than san andreas
It will look pretty much like games of this generation, but with slightly less shit shadows, because we reached a money wall.
You can't make the games better looking with the profit you get, and more importantly, investing in marketing and ways to monetize the games became much more profitable than pushing graphics.
I am not mentally ill filth like you sorry.
Stop pushing your garbage on my children, you insane worthless fucking piece of shit.
Are you even old enough to have played San Andreas on the PS2? GTA 4 especially on PC is about as pretty as GTA 5 on the PS4 before you set GTA 4 To 4K and have mods for it to make it look better than anything on the consoles, GTA 4 was also the last great Rockstar game
We also reached another money wall. The good old days of consoles that aren't just PCs in lockdown mode are dead forever, the PS3 was the $600 obituary. Making a new chip now costs billions.
The controller wont look any different than it does today, form factor wise. Why is this so difficult to grasp, americlaps?
Fags are about 5x more likely to molest their own children yet we should encourage them to adopt instead of sending them to their own content (where they can grow and prosper for all I care because Western society doesn't have to slow them down anymore)
>could make a PC
>that runs everything better
>600 dollar budget
as someone currently building a PC, you're just lying out of your ass.
the cheapest ray-tracing graphics card model on the market is around 350 by itself.
Then you need a case, a CPU, a motherboard, ventilation, power supply, memory and storage.
All that alone wont keep you under 600$ but then you STILL need the OS, keyboard and mouse.
if you shell out for the graphics card and shit the bed on everything else to keep your budget, you'll spend more on repairs and replacing everything eventually.
Are you? You have to be mentally ill to genuinely believe the epitome of 7th gen design trends being a mistake looked better.
>GTA 4 was also the last great Rockstar game
A 7th gen baby trying to play the age card on me, disgusting. There's not a single good RAGE Rockstar game, fuck off.
The OS is free and KB/M are ridicolously cheap compared to the other crap.
But you're right in one point, nvidia has fucked PC prices because why not, not like AMD is still in the race. This is why monopolies suck.
>dude just build your own car
>buying OS
lmao, fuck off falseflagger.
Why do all these fake "next gen" designs always look like utter unrealistic dogshit?
TVs have higher resolution then monitors because in general they are made with a much lower standard, and brain dead normalfags pay lot of money for them.
For example there's barely any OLED monitor but there are tons of OLED TVs, despite OLEDs being the best monitor type for gaming since CRTS, perhaps even superior to CRTs.
JOLED is going online in ~ a year, which will make OLEDs far cheaper, and roll out the first OLED gaming monitors. They showed off a prototype 1080 144Hz OLED gaming monitor during Finetech Japan.
Actually, JOLED might even make 8k tvs afordable. I just hope for a 1440p 144hz+ monitor with their TAOS backplane which looks amazing.
I will buy the PS5 and support Sony's censorship.
PS3 could support up to 7 controllers, PS4 just 4. Unfortunately in spite of wanting consoles to be the "water cooler", the social experience blablazzwords, with most games is "play alone or you better buy 2 consoles and 2 games and 2 subscription or get fucked".
can we please turn this shitshow of a thread into a fake next gen console concepts thread?
A meme.
I have many times and I will continue to, and I'll tell you that theres about 20 steps to building a PC and a 2000 peice Lego set is harder than building a standard desktop it's really easy.
Instead of just measuring the distance to the light source and dimming the local lighting based on that, and potentially based on obstructions, you actually check what path the light takes, how much gets reflected etc. Nets you much more realistic lighting and shadows, but costs a fuckton of processing power.
If they really wanted to bring in the money they would make the console modular.
Ship the console with only 8 gb of ram encased in a proprietary case with proprietary port, same for HDD or SSD, even the disc reader or GPU, and then sell the games with a label like "64 RAM module to run" or so, of course the console would only have a single RAM module so the cuck.. er consumer can't buy cheaper two 32RAM modules or upgrade over time with more RAM modules, proprietary ports out of the ass you the cucksumer can't just open the case that came with the console and replace them.
You know snoyggers would buy them because they're dumb.
Bitch you so gay it's hurts San Andreas is the most overrated GTA game (still love it) but Vice City and 4 shit all over it cry harder boomer you're a pathetic loser posting on a video game bored, either learn the hobby or go outside and have some actual fun
The funniest part is that they always ALWAYS make em somehow round, but the end result is always square.
Well I suppose the Ray Tracing support from day one could have the advantage that a game MIGHT be easier to develope, because you just get the light you want without pre baking or special tricks.
However, and this is just speculation from an ignorant.
1) Ray Tracing is heavy, by implementing it, you might have to sacrifice certain things, so there is still time to waste on optimization
2) Time saved goes only for Ray Tracing console exclusives.
Of course it's square. It has to be. Maximum storage optimization and minimum danger of that shit rolling down some retards shelf and being warranty claimed.
Most of those are made buy street shitter thats why they are always glossy plastic instead of matte plastic or metal
>SA most overrated when IV exists
>worst entry and boomercore are better than SA
>zoom zoom btw
>but what be Ray Tracing
>clever hacks and tricks to render stuff that would normally take hundreds or thousands of times longer
>ray tracing is a brute force method
>hoping beefier hardware will pick up the slack
So instead of rendering using these "tricks" its all real-time, just...period?
Isn't that actually...insanely overbearing on hardware?
The implications of that would mean there are games in development right now with that technology in mind, that will look like they've been filmed essentially with how real they'll be.
But then the cards won't be able to pull it off from the load it would take to use that method.
I thought ray tracing was ONLY lighting, you're saying its EVERYTHING? thats incredible but holy FUCK we're about to see like 50 graphics card upgrades be released in a year to make up for it if so.
Fuck sony for not releasing a physical version of World of Final Fantasy maxima. Not even southeast asia got a release but Xbone did.
What does San Andreas have that GTA IV doesn't? Driving, flying and shooting is better in 4 and that's the literal whole point of the series and there's better games that let me play as a 90s gangster so it has nothing to offer gramps sad part is you're probably a 25 year old faggot talking about the good ole days, might as well kill yourself because things will never get better than 2004, people who wallow in their own shit tend to drown in it eventually
Yes, it's obvious, but obvious dodge those people like a devil run from the cross.
Ps4 has some good games that Yea Forums likes to shit on. Xbox on the other hand -
Censorship is EVIL, just raise the rating. 8K is a meme I wish I could kill.
>The 64 is 64 Bits instead of 32 Bits
>All proto-Yea Forums talks about is about muh censorship, muh treating devs fairly
Sony idiots think they will have a chance against this superior hardware HAHAHA
I dont get the 8k output.
I mean, isnt 8k a meme? I have a 4k hdr TV but the hdr is what makes it really standout. It just seems so unnecessary when the noticable difference is probably minimal. I guess they're just prepping for the future wave of 8k displays, but I think it's useless. Ray tracing is nice but the videos and side by side clips I've seen doesnt make it seem all that amazing. It enhances the quality a tad, but I could live without it.
>Driving better in 4
If Trump supporters are this upset about censorship it might be a good thing.
What's the point of all this technology if its going to be used for turd person shooters and narrative experiences again?
I just don't play those "games".
"Hey, the T-Rex is devouring people i disagree with, he must be a good guy!"
That's you.
>won't even be able to buy the hong kong to get the cut content anymore
Can you think of a PS4 title whose technology did not allow it to be on PS3? Graphics aside I mean, so of course Horizon would have not looked as pretty, but I don't see why it could not be done.
Wait how is backwards compatibility hard to believe lmao
T-Rexes did nothing wrong.
What do you have hooked up to your 4K TV and HDR is very nice, but my 4K Monitor doesn't have HDR and just playing even older games at 4K Ultra I've seen the difference between that and my 1080p panel and while I miss 144hz the difference is very real as there is over 8 million pixels on a 4K display and just the higher PPI makes all objects round better (like 16x AA at 1080p) with no AA applied its beautiful and 8k would have about 32 million pixels (I think) and I can't wait to see it shit all over my expectations. But I think this is marketing BS on the PS5 but I bet it may have 8K Netflix in 10 years as HDMI 2.1 does 8K60 and it's been around for 2 years already
All at a silky smooth 24fps
It'll be indie games and maybe movies if that ever happens.
>San Andreas is the most overrated GTA game
Fucking this. It turned GTA into some retarded bloated Sims. Vice City was peak GTA, big part of which was also amazing setting, and series only got worse from that point.
That's exactly the point.
Sony's fully in bed with Pedowood now, and they're both hell-bent on making cinematic narrative games to deliver their narrative. That's why they need all that power to make photorealistic "games".
Okay when's the last time you played San Andrea's I played it like 2 weeks ago. Driving in it is like ice skating, GTA V unfortunately has the best driving and if you disagree you gotta take your rose tinted glasses off because the future is now old man, do I like GTA's driving? Not particularly but crashing is so fun it's worth it. Maybe GTA is an overrated franchise only ever popular for it's infamous central concept, just like Mortal Kombat.
You assume everyone cares about your hentai games. We really don’t. And I don’t mean everyone on Yea Forums, I mean most of the gaming population. Sure Sony shouldn’t be censoring things, but You are filth of the earth.
>underpowered PC but with no games to play
>will probably be a repeat of $599 US dollars too
It's almost like the games are more important than the specs of your shitbox.
How else are they going to sell you to same game "remastered"?
Enjoy your 1000$ PS5
Yeag okay buddy
Not everyone is a pervert
>Get your fucking priorities in order
My priorities are rpgs, anime games and lack of censorship though you dumb nigger. I don't give a shit about your specs and technical output if you make unavailable to me the products I actually want to play.
>Ray Tracing and 8K
enjoy sub 30fps gameplay retard
>muh open world zombie games
"The future" is taking IV's tugboats on ice "driving" and putting it in the trash where it belongs for overwhelmingly positive feedback, like V did.
it's just bait dude
Well they have changed to be more pro consumer on two of those issues
Give me an example, that’s not a hentai game, of their censorship dampening a gameplay experience
I'm doing it.
I'm gonna post it again.
Coping this hard, did you buy an Xbox?
As technology improves mate selection is also to improve, any game set into the future with ugly women and weak men is historically inaccurate becasue even in cyberpunk Mexico the gang members will still be athletic men and they will have 5 fine ass baby mamas, it's not a matter of sexual desire, Porn exists it's a matter of setting lol, I use nude mods primary in NV so the skimpy raider outfits dont have tank tops sticking out of it. And if movies have side boobs for plot then "Sony movie games" need to have that sideboob too. Normal people are not attracted to Polygons fool
Next PS is a beast and BTFO's shitbox just like this gen.
Muh Hentai
Xbots exist anymore?
>16 gigs of GDDR6
holy fuggggggg
>it has Ray Tracing
Who is this Ray Tracing? The dude from Everybody Loves Ray?
You cannot have skulls in games in China, for some reason, Ubisoft didn't localize it or something so they took skulls out of several R6S maps for everyone to make the Chinese happy.
Can't wait for the INFINITE POWER OF THE CE..., I mean, RAYTRACING
Sorry to hear
Censorship = no buy.
I am an adult, I got to pay bills and save up money. Boycotting Sony = more money in my pocket. It's GOOD to have high standards with games. Barely buy games unless I rate them at least a 9/10.
My TV doesn't even do 1080p. I literally don't know a single person with a 4k. How many people could possibly have the setup for 8k already? Is it even worth it if your TV is just a tiny bedroom one?
It's literally the only thing they can boast right now.
Even the specs are carefully worded so that you can't sue them when the PS5 turned out to be a big overhyped mediocre box. Just like how they always use the word "beautiful" instead of "powerful" for the Vita.
"Has 8K output" * ** *** ****
*coming later through firmware update
**Only system UI and 8K movies are rendered in native 8K
***Games will still be upscaled 1440p 30 fps
****Game frame rates might drop below 24 fps on some (many) scenes
Yea Forums needs a huge dose of reality.
No wonder everyone else calls you the stupidest board.
At least Yea Forums is only pretending to be stupid.
8K output for HUD elements lel
Yes and turning GTA V into midnight club they forgot the fun of GTA which was killing cops and hookers, the guns are no fun in V
The only people that care about those specs are perverts that play DOA molestor simulators.
No I bought a PC cunt
the latter is vastly more important you subhuman AIDS tranny. kill yourself unironically and shove some traced rays up your failed abortion's ass.
Where is this said?
no where, seething xbot he is.
What? Ps5 is backwards compatible, is that hard to grasp? Who said anything about remasters? Did you even read the article? Retard
The reason there was so many remasters this gen was because next gen will be backwards compatible with PS4.
>Ray Tracing
>RTX is a shitty meme
>PCs don't even do 8K yet
Okay buddy retard.
>"nobody is taking your titty games away".
>we'll just make sure they'll never even hit the concept stage.
Based SJWs.
It's because specialists well versed in AI found better paying jobs outside video games industry. There is serious lack of good AI programmers.
>caring about graphics over content
All graphics obsession has done is make games more expensive and less fun.
>snoy boys