>Six fucking years and counting
They never took so long making a new game. The most time was between SA and 4 and that was only 5 years. Most other games (3, VC, 2) only had 2 years in between at most
>Six fucking years and counting
They never took so long making a new game. The most time was between SA and 4 and that was only 5 years. Most other games (3, VC, 2) only had 2 years in between at most
b-b-but user, they've been busy raking in those shark cards for GTAV MP, dont you want to buy some too?
>implying they couldnt make money making shark cards for gta6 or design the whole game into pay2win
Aren't they still making a fuckton of money with the Online mode? I can certainly understand why they would not do another GTA with how profitable GTA Online and Red Dead Online is
desu theyve been putting out shitload of updates for the MP in those last six years but its dying down slowly
There is no need to , same reason there will never be half life 3 because Steam already makes enough money
RIP rockstar,cant wait to hear how gta 6 is cancelled...they might even invite Gabe to announce it
Who cares, it'll just be more zoomer shit like V anyway.
they are too limited by the current gen consoles, they are probably overhauling the engine for next gen
>six years and counting.
not even six years. counting is hard, i know.
GTA IV is now 5 years and 7ish months old.
but yes, it's the longest between any GTA game. then again, RDR and RDRII had an 8+ year gap between them.
Expect roughly the same. Video games have become much more labor intensive.
I really hope you don't think they started developing GTA VI right after V came out. They'll take their sweet time, it won't come out before 2023 IMO
Maybe it's for the best given GTA 5 wasn't a big step from GTA 4. Do we expect them to deliver anything else than GTA 5.5? Do we really want more of the same?
Dude they just released red dead last year
Who is this semen demon?
1. Modern GTA games take massive amount of work
2. GtaO is making them too much money and they don't want to kill it
>Do we expect them to deliver anything else than GTA 5.5? Do we really want more of the same?
very personal opinion: i've been wanting more of the same since GTA IV.
Especially with GTAV's online (like it or not), I just wished fro them to bring out more stories at the same graphical fidelity, adding new cities to the world.
Something like that was their original idea too, judging from the insinuation in GTA Online's first trailer.
All I want is GTA5 with more heists, mutliple cities and more interiors/homes and also some shit that San Andreas had (fast food, gym etc) for the immersion.
Make planes trains and boats interesting again by not having an egg shape island with only 1 city
no. we want bully 2.
Cara delevigne
six years and counting even implies a space of time AFTER six years. by no stretch of the imagination five and a half years is even close to 'six and counting'
RDR2's mission design was a boring mess, and the controls are still stuck in 2001, so I'm not particularly keen for a new GTA game anytime soon.
I hope they're working on Bully 2 instead.
hahahahahahah pleb
Don't forget that V was announced about 3.5 years after GTA IV, from April 2008 to late 2011.
Modern game development planning is an embarrassment.
literally capacity issues. only short sighted retards would blame this on planning.
Modern standards for video games are much more intensive.
It's no longer possible for a team of 25 to create a game within a year.
Are you mad, gta kiddie?
>It's no longer possible for a team of 25 to create a game within a year.
It is if they're not obsessed with giving HD textures to every spec of dirt.
oh, so you mean they should just make games by 2003's standards.
yeah that'll surely sell
Depends on the genre and platform.
We all agree that 2003 was a good time though, so why not?
If you played any of Rockstars games from the 2000s you'd see they re-use a lot of assets across them. The trouble with the games they put out nowadays is that their standard has become so high that they're reluctant to do so and opt to work from nothing with every game they release.
exactly, and it specifically won't work for a current gen action sandbox shooter.
because the majority of people who buy video games demand top tier graphics. perhaps even more important than gameplay to most.