T-thanks, Sony

T-thanks, Sony.

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Fuck snoy

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So is it just the Olympics or is this shit gonna be permanent?

remember when everyone used to hang shit on nintendo for treehouse censorship but now those same people are defending the same practices because it's okay when sony does it?

and so the cycle continues.

not long after sony is on top, they always start shooting their feet.

Permanent, it's because SNOY moved their HQ to Commiefornia and is owned by Commiefornia now.
The president and CEO were also replaced by Commiefornians.

if 70% or even just 50% of all white male gamers stopped buying games for just 1 year all those "woke" companies would drastically change their tone

I thought this was bullshit but then remembered that I use my ps4 to play video games not jerk off

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Based Snoy

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then playstation is dead.

f for Japan Studio.

can jp devs do something already so I can stop buying Sony consoles

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Some Japanese devs are already speaking out against SNOY and jumping ship to Switch and/or PC.
If Microsoft was smart they'd also try capitalizing on this and offer Jap devs good deals for next Xbox.

Then I'm not buying any censored game. Censorship for any reason no matter how small is inexcusable, and I refuse to support it. It's an insult to creative freedom as a whole. There is no reasoning that justifies it unless they are legally required to in certain regions.

There needs to be a Tinder for people who are too pathetic even for Tinder. Maybe then I'll get laid :(

Girls don't need that, even 2/10s get chad on tinder.

i can tell you from experience that that is not true

Fuck the puritans in America. The feminists are just as bad, if notnworse than the religious right.

Then fuck one of the 100 uggo guys who swipes on you sweetie.

most don't actually do anything, there was one guy who wanted to fuck and a couple who were nice to talk to but i'm not into hook ups

>puritans in America
200 SJW's in California don't represent the rest of us degenerates you homo.

>Devs and Fans tell Nintendo that they don't like Treehouse censoring everything and taking forever to localize games for the west
Nintendo completely restructure how their localization works, ensuring more worldwide releases and no censorship.
>Devs and Fans tell Sony that their new policies are restricting what they want to do and a general displeasure for the censorship
Sony moves to California, doubles down on their policies and tells everyone to fucking deal with it.

I hope Dev teams tell Sony to fuck off.

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They'd rather "go down with the ship" and only offer inoffensive games which don't sell, instead of simply allowing all types games.

>next Xbox

Not him but we already know the Xbox Scarlett will shit on the PS5.

>Sony cracks down on sexually explicit games that WHITE MALES SCUMS NAZI actually love. You will still get to enjoy an hour long sex scene in TLOU2 featuring Ellie and her girlfriend

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who cares, PS4 still the premier console for jap games. Persona 5 royal and judgement, plus the exclusive VR mode for ace combat 7

Only game coming out I wanted that this concerns was Catherine FB. But that game's already out in japan and seemingly fine there

ouch that pic gets me

Why do developers care about controversy regarding sexually charged images? Does it actually impact sales? Doesn't it just give the game more attention than otherwise? Why are they so afraid of being accused of being too sexual?