>Showing off your expensive shit?
>Plans for a build?
>Plans for upgrades?
>Need help with anything?

Attached: vkrscso6c65y.jpg (2048x1365, 983K)

Other urls found in this thread:


This setup is so stupid looking, holy fuck..

It’s from Google Images

If I don't post RGB shit to upset faggots like you then the thread goes to Page 10 in 6 minutes.

I need a new keyboard, do I spring for mechanical or does it matter anymore these days?

it never mattered in the first place

Multi-monitor is a meme unless you do serious work that requires a lot of desktop space and multitasking

going to buy a rtx 2080ti sometime in may

Attached: 512x512bb.jpg (512x512, 25K)


>keyboard pass


Mechanical is a meme for PCMRfaggots. I use a bluetooth keyboard that feels similar to an Applel one and everything's fine. It was like $25 too.
>Implying the input lag from wireless stuff is even noticeable to the human eye unless you're a competitive FPS TurboAutist

Attached: 1000208032_sa.jpg (1200x558, 189K)

>multi monitor is a meme unless you use it for something more than vidya

Attached: 1545552820660.png (203x272, 29K)

no games

Mechanical is good for work, typing all day.

Kinda unnecessary for vidya IMO.

Attached: 1410136689952.jpg (1000x1000, 90K)

I bought one of these little shitters for a media pc and still don't like it. You can get cheap regular and mechanical keyboards that work great without buying this chiclet shit faggotry.

Finally got a new gaming laptop for school/work shit. Plus side is I can emulate all the shit I want now. Also been playing a lot of TF2 on this thing.
Any recommendations for good PS2 games to mess with?

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Not an argument.

The key travel on that Logitech is minimal though, how can you not like it?

Attached: 12ic6x.jpg (540x489, 19K)

have sex

Why would I ever want to do that?

>when you have nothing to say and just want to post animu

Attached: 1550122407690.png (720x1280, 744K)

>>when you have nothing to say and just want to post AYY LMAO

Attached: 1413753791269.webm (300x370, 237K)

Any opinions on best RTX2070 card? Was looking at a Gigabyte Windforce but the reviews are hot garbage dumpster fires

Fuck right off with that gay rainbow shit.
How does that shit look good in any feasible way?

>Plans for a build?

Wait for Ryzen 3000 series, if it's a massive step up over 2000series I'll jump on that shit, and then pair it with the best sub-$200 video card I can get

>rainbow keyboard
>rainbow tower
>rainbow deathadder
>rainbow mousepad
Expensive, pointless and gay. You could've saved probably over 200$ if you weren't such a flaming faggot.

EVGA or MSI are best bet

>gaming pc and xbone


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Attached: idort.jpg (1920x1080, 265K)

>m-merely pretending to be retarded

I wish I was merely pretending. I don't even have a PC, I just like talking about it.

>owning a pc at all

What's wrong with blower GPUs? What's the worst thing that can happen if I get one but my computer already has 6 fans inside?
Most importantly why is a blower 2080Ti $250 cheaper than all the other ones?

Attached: maxresdefault-6.jpg (1280x720, 146K)

1080 GTX, i7 8700K. 16GB of RAM. Still running a 1080p 60Hz monitor.

Recommend me some video games, because frankly I've already played everything that isn't shit and that tested this hardware, like RE2 and Ace Combat 7. I'm playing Tomb Raider TLR and Killer7 on it instead because video games are fuck.

Attached: 1546048294437.jpg (622x976, 138K)

For your taste, Koitkatsu.

I just updated my desk anons. Please bully.

Attached: C89CC45F-717B-4A34-99A8-99C7737D32B3.jpg (3802x2826, 1.9M)

Old setup for reference

Attached: 20D5514C-AF63-4A94-AB1C-5888AD995DA7.jpg (4032x2972, 2.39M)

What's a worthy upgrade from a 960 for 1080p 144hz?

I appreciate the recommendation, but I'm over downloading gigantic games just to jerk off. Unless this has gameplay as well, like Rance or Kamidori. But I think it's just another version of Custom Maid 3D or whatever the fuck's popular now.

>Plans for a build?
Retrofitting a Dell Optiplex instead of buying a XB1X/PS4P.

Don’t have the means to go full bleeding edge for now, so something that can get me by for at least 4 years will suffice.

The first one

Attached: PreviewImage2.jpg (1024x768, 399K)

I played the second one, I still remember that the dodge function where she turned into flowers (or whatever the fuck that was, it's been a while) felt really good to use. Is the first one better?

>Is the first one better?
I don't think it's fair to compare them, they're very different games. If you don't mind downloading Madness Returns again (possibly even replaying after the first one), the Complete Edition comes with the first one bundled. A repack must be like 5gb only so there ya go.

Fuck it, I'll download the first one. Thanks, user. Have a Helena.

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Povertyfag reporting in

Attached: shittysetup.jpg (3000x2250, 3.18M)

Cool setup bro. What games do you play with it? Terraria?

You'll enjoy it, it also gets quite challenging at times, even in medium difficulty. Play on Hard if you have oversized balls.


Are there any corners I can cut on this, like the Mobu or anything

One thing to be poor and another one to be completely retarded. HOW did you come to the conclusion that having your keyboard and mouse set up like that is remotely okay even in the poorest shithole in this godforsaken planet?


Attached: IMG_20190417_003141581.jpg (1560x1560, 858K)

Could a projector be used at all or are they only good for movies and shit?

Epic colors bro!

Attached: zoomer (31).gif (350x409, 437K)

r8 my future Hackintosh. Retards who don't know the requirements of Hackintosh please refrain from replying, Hackintoshfags feel free to bully.

Ignore meme currency, price is $2250.

Attached: Unknown.png (925x1103, 245K)


G Pro Wireless
Arctis 7 headset
GMMK TKL keyboard

can recommend em all

Attached: bst.jpg (2823x5500, 3.79M)

I upgraded my RAM from 8gb to 16gb and being the brainlet that I am I expected there to be at least some noticeable difference but as far as I can tell there isn't. At least I'll be prepared when Kiwami 2 comes out.

Attached: 1551120456242.jpg (601x695, 30K)

I dont know what youre talking about. A lot of computer desks (back when diskettes were a thing) were literally made like mine where keyboards are placed inside a drawer

More ram is needed in fact, so you DON'T notice anything out of the ordinary when playing demanding games.

Yeah, for office work retard.

Be honest

Attached: 1555436667751504931893418772592.jpg (4032x1960, 1.73M)

Having your tv parallel to the wall is retarded.

This guy is a bigger faggot than meowie

There is a slight tilt to the right.

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fuck off retard
nothing wrong with being an economy bro.

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Still not enough to play vidya or watch kino from your desk

>fuck off retard
Why? It was a legitimate question. Fuck you.

yeah that's also time before mouse was a common thing to use

postan my battlestation

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Attached: 20190416_125907.jpg (4032x3024, 3.22M)

due to the death of the LAN party, the only thing you'd need a """gaming""" keyboard for is unironically for posting it on threads like this. The only exception is if you're a pro gamer; the whole point of mechanical keyboards for gaming is they make a click whenever an input is registered, so if you're a pro gamer you can have the buttons you want pressed halfway down at all times and when you actually need to press them you can reduce the time to press something by a few frames by using a mechanical keyboard. I'm under the assumption that most people now are playing Apex instead of LoL, and given how Apex works there's no longer a culture of "all tryhard all the time" around every vidya you touch, so even "gamers" would probably just go for some Walmart-tier rubber dome thing from Logitech (not that it's a particularly dreadful keyboard, in fact that's what I'm using right now).

TL;DR: It doesn't matter anymore unless you want to show off or are pro enough to actually go to tournaments instead of just jerking off about it.

God, Lost pissed me off so much at times.

Wait what

games are starting to take up to 7gb of ram to 11 iirc
maybe the games you play now aren't going to show a difference but they will later.
>Still not enough to play vidya or watch kino from your desk
I know.

Attached: asdfe.jpg (750x1000, 83K)

my eyes hurt
how can anybody use this shit?

>they make a click whenever an input is registered

literally the dumbest fucking thing i've ever read

>only 2.2 GHz
how much did they want for it

link to wallpaper on the left, please

>The only exception is if you're a pro gamer; the whole point of mechanical keyboards for gaming is they make a click whenever an input is registered,
god you're so clueless it hurts

whatever you do get mx brown keys unless you have light hands or don't rest your hands on your keyboard at times. Browns are the best overall switches in my opinion
mx red for "serious" fps gaming and moba shit
avoid mx black , white , green and grey

blues are loud as fuck but my favorite for typing

please explain it to me then if I'm so clueless

>What's wrong with blower GPUs?
Blower GPU's exhaust hot air through a vent near the i/o end of the card, this means that the cool air which gets sucked in by the fan at the front of the card gets increasingly hotter as it travels over the length of the card towards the exhaust vent

A regular GPU sucks in cool air through multiple fans spread evenly over the surface of the card and then vents hot air out of either side of the heat sink so hot air never accumulates along the surface of the card, it then relies on the exhaust fans of your case to deal with the extra heat that the GPU is now belching out into the case.

Blower cards will never run as cool as standard open air design cards however they should still operate at less than the safe maximum temperature spec quoted by Nvidia or AMD. The main drawback is that they will probably run too hot to overclock and they may make a lot of noise.

>What's the worst thing that can happen if I get one but my computer already has 6 fans inside?
A blower GPU won't benefit much from extra fans since it exhausts hot air from its own vent instead of relying on the cooling for your case.

>why is a blower 2080Ti $250 cheaper than all the other ones?
First gen 2080Ti's have a design flaw which leads to premature death, people were experiencing widespread hardware failures mere weeks from launch, some cards caught on fire.

blower coolers have no downside if its a green team card

Attached: A85A3086-D212-47C7-9362-4DD92D30705E.jpg (1920x1080, 234K)

that setup brings me back user

leave gaming to the young people mr boomer

I can't spoodfeed retards but can tell you to use google
hopefully after you do you erase your post out of embarrassment for talking out your ass

Perfect pussy repellent:
>more than 1 monitor
>gaming chair
>rgb anything
>anything besides a laptop
Just buy a console and have sex

damn, I was hoping you had a non-crusty version since I already found two crusty ones online

thanks anyway, maybe I'll make a PNG version later on if it bugs me enough

I have already owned two mechanical keyboards and it's a meme. Yeah they feel nicer but it's not world changing or any of the stupid post-purchase rationalization retardation you see people spouting around.

I think I have a better version at home. I’ll toss it up here if this thread is still up in 4hours.

Lick a cunny, nigger.

avoid membrane keyboards at all cost
people that tell you otherwise are either poor and bad at games or don't play video games period

can someone recommend me a sick fan for LGA 1151 socket, thx - no LEDs

Attached: taytaytay.png (313x317, 117K)

Noctua NH-L9

>inb4 shitfans faggots
These people need to fuck off.

Looks like I was too goddamn late.

Attached: Noctua-NH-D14-5.jpg (550x550, 47K)

The desk literally grew up with me, user. 22 years and it's still standing. Im 29 now and i hate the thought of replacing it because everyone says i need a wider desk..

Attached: FBB38BB8CCB848CC89F5D9BB9E0EC21F.jpg (255x383, 23K)

thx bros

couldn't give more of a fuck in regards to
>that color scheme
>those edges

Attached: jm.jpg (529x593, 76K)


Attached: 1546477616706.jpg (8499x4781, 3.23M)

That's not a desk, it's a fucking drawer on its side.

I doubt this man is producing stuff
nh-l9 is all you need unless you overclock like a motherfucker

>add 25 cents in RGB LEDs and a dollar board to control them
>charge an extra $50 for the privelage

It's called a computer desk you fucking mong

Meowie please suck my dick.

>tfw waiting for all my parts to arrive

Attached: [email protected] (370x320, 12K)

There he is. He just couldn't resist. He doesn't know the difference between a PC thread and a battlestation thread. His faggot brain doesn't undertand that nobody in this world gives a shit about his life. He is alone. He will never be important to anyone. He's so isolated he thinks people being genuinely annoyed by his presence means "love".
Mods never do their job. Attention whores are never banned. Hiro doesn't care.

Homosexuals and furries are mentally ill degenerates that should be publicly executed by the guillotine method.

Attached: 24716144-an-old-guillotine-used-for-executions-by-beheading-in-the-french-revolution.jpg (1300x866, 142K)


Please stop posting my wife.


Why? She's cute.

Attached: [email protected] (370x320, 11K)

You may not realize this but I use my computer to play video games too.

Attached: 1452380191860.png (590x781, 584K)

Wait a second, you aren’t meowie.

Yes, she's very cute, that's why she's my wife and not yours. May I introduce you to her friend instead? She can be a little weird but I'm sure you'll get along.

Attached: O5zg_BwU_400x400.jpg (400x400, 17K)

Mechanical or "Mechanical" really isn't a meme, it feels so much better and more responsive for games and typing. Get the Redragon K552 with LED backlight, it's like $35 and well worth it, it's also surprisingly small which is good for low DPI with a large mousepad so you have more room for mouse movement.

here comes the plane user! *spoonfeeds you*


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Anyone got any 1440p 144hz monitor recommendations? I got this Viotec one for cheap but it has this awful gloss on the screen that ruins whites.

Attached: 71B2KcwfNVL._AC_SL1500_.jpg (1212x1181, 143K)

>RGB mouse pad

Attached: 268863.jpg (1200x733, 116K)

Is it a good time to buy a new motherboard? Is whatever the current CPU socket type is on the way out?


Attached: bst.jpg (4000x3000, 2.7M)

>awful gloss

I refuse to buy any display that isn't gloss or some form of semi-gloss. Matte is fucking terrible for image quality, grainy and dull and it diffuses light reflections across the whole screen as opposed to gloss which has sharp reflections that are easy to ignore with proper lighting.

>drink notification system
The absolute state of PC gayming

Attached: 25843.gif (400x260, 2.47M)

Yes I am.

AM4 will be in use for another year and a half
intel always "changes" their socket so if you're a intel user
wait until the new "x" lakes are officially out before you buy a mobo
AM4 motherboards will be able to support ryzen 2 until 2021 but keep in mind you won't be able to utilize the new chips fully(minor things like ram speeds essentially)

Stop linking back to your faggot explanation and just enjoy the free bumps retard

I swear to god PC gaming now is like American car culture in the 2000s. Everybody has fucking racing seats and neons.

>get a ryzen 2600x
>its bottlenecking Hitman 2
Gonna kill myself.

Attached: tenor.png (400x388, 137K)

Meowie never agrees to suck my dick

Fine then, I take it back.

They key to victory is to have red LEDs in your PC and blue everywhere else. Red for speed, blue to keep your hands cool.

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1006x651, 148K)

What GPU you got?

Attached: B9D8445C-4FCF-45AC-BBED-B9D426239EAA.png (595x674, 272K)

>all these multi monitor memeing fags
>not using your 40+ in. tv as a monitor

how unless you're playing in 4k

I don't know what this is meant to represent.

Attached: 1490895664027.jpg (1280x720, 109K)

Can you fucking niggers stop replying to the attention whore furry faggot? Christ. And then you complain that this website sucks.

Attached: 1546514447590.jpg (1080x1080, 140K)

I’m sad

fukken saved

Vega 56 and trying to play at 1440p

people that buy that stuff are retarded underage faggots and the other part are normies
neither of them will stay long on pc and will give up gaming completely very soon as well
they are supporting the pc industry, just the wrong players

Oh I see. Don't worry user, there's always next time.

Resolution has nothing to do with CPU.


Sucy is already my favourite, but for some reaction images, only Akko will do.

Attached: lwa happy sucy.jpg (440x477, 34K)

it's always been a thing on pc and among case modders.
it's just that today theres a lot more annoying weebs, furfags and faggots than enthusiasts

men are buying pink mice and mousepads lol

Get rid of the clutter and it would look fine. Comfy

You sound like a fag and your shits all retarded

You gotta respect another user's wife, dude. C'mon.

Attached: DBGD2fvUAAAl70e.jpg (604x340, 29K)

Please don't use display cabinets in the corner just for your games

>still fearing pink

Currently waiting for zen2 to release in a few months so i can upgrade from my 3570k. Its been reliable but my motherboard is doing annoying things (random double inputs on controller, USB ports sometimes cutting out) so i could use an upgrade anyway. Also looking to get a 1440 IPS 144hz monitor as soon as i can find a good deal.

I'd get rid of that mouse pad if I were you. I used to have it, one side is useless and ruins your mouse feet, the other is just eh. Get a full size cloth mat for like 15 bux

ram means nothing to vidya
just get whatever dual/quad channel you can fit and dont worry about it. if you need to worry you'll already know what ram you need. (and you dont know because your a gaymurr pleb which is fine.)

>muh ryzen 4600mhz
retards, 2666-3200mhz is the optimal in every test on earth and thats a fact

Only this absolute waste of oxygen would get anything in pink.

Please be kind to me. There's nothing wrong with guys looking pink.

Attached: 1546499887016.gif (960x540, 1.76M)

Poorfag reporting in

Attached: cheap guts.jpg (1959x1469, 898K)

>don't use dvd storage units for your dvd sized units that are designed for for that purpose

Fuck you, homosexual faggot. I hope you get fiberglass thrown at your goddamn eyes.

here is my gaymen pc

Attached: 240877.6c030accdfacce5142c98159c7999620.1600.jpg (1109x1200, 158K)

I'm gonna put together my first today. Just waiting on some parts to arrive. I hope I don't burn the house down

Attached: 1551167908061m.jpg (873x1024, 89K)

You shouldn't say those kinds of things to people. I want you to be happy user, but you should never wish unkind things upon others.

I want all homosexuals to be executed. Fuck off.

Attached: echair0000.jpg77a90a8d-a8b6-4bc0-b1c0-bacf54785d1fOriginal.jpg (800x800, 59K)

Halo is a Mac exclusive RTS, zoomer

sorry mate but the shit has hit your fan

The mouse is 4th in line. The monitors are next

Attached: .jpg (652x768, 145K)

There's nothing wrong with being sexually attracted your own sex user. It doesn't dictate who you are as a person.

Just the pad. The mouse itself is fine. Here amazon.com /GLTECK-Extended-Mousepad-Non-Slip-Stitched/dp/B01FTQUC2K
12 bux and its just nicer to use.

In your defense, Hitman 2 is optimized like complete ass.

based preteen faggot

I'm planning on building a new desk. I heard that buying an unfinished door and just slapping in top of two filing cabinets works fine, anyone done this before? I want to build some kind of shelf above it too.

Attached: Howdy.png (230x146, 4K)

Don't fucking reply to me you mentally ill degenerate cunt.

>t. Closeted faggot


>asdfgdhsajksjdhfg arachnophobic people secretly want to fuck spiders LOL XDXDXD
Fuck off.

Attached: 1554057464414.jpg (680x383, 63K)

Attached: 1545437667227.gif (600x337, 1.96M)

that gfx card is so small and cute

Attached: feelscute.png (56x56, 7K)

>people want to fuck spiders


I’m also a huge fag, I am replying to you because it seems to make assmad.

Why do GPUs and RAM almost universally come in edgy casings that make them look like they're about to transform into cyborg ninjas?

Attached: 1548010112180.png (660x350, 125K)

What is the name of that mini shelf thingy under your monitors/above the xbone?
I need something like that too, but I can't find any anywhere. Do I really have to make one myself?

based afraid-to-get-his-sexuality-questioned poster

It's called a monitor stand, genius. Making one yourself shouldn't cost more than $10.

Remember when you were so insecure with your sexuality that you acted like this?

At what point was I being disrespectful?

Attached: 1497401488989.jpg (640x602, 28K)

Posting someone else's wife is a serious insult.

Attached: fff4e6a6443c70cc79c0fb1ca27d01db.jpg (1280x720, 66K)

Thanks. I actually want one for my TV. I only need to raise it like 10-15 cms max, but when I search for TV stand, I always get results for a complete furniture that I don't need, I only need some shit that raises it a bit.

Attached: IMG_0646.jpg (2304x1728, 1.12M)

Reminds me I still have a syncmaster and the old case from 2003.
If I ever get a ATX mainboard I'll throw it in that case.

classic scand

Fuck off

Attached: mfw this post.gif (480x265, 781K)

can't comprehend how nobody's even commented on this
Yea Forums's probably too self-absorbed

super fucking clean look. great job user.
bit of an uggo case though.

Attached: 1537548291468.jpg (357x524, 33K)

YOU fuck off.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-04-16 at 2.58.26 PM.png (1248x698, 897K)

>no boat

Hello Thadd, hope you won't forget your CP pendrive in the library this time.

Thinking of buying a whole new computer soon because I don't want to build one again, but I can run everything I want to just fine currently. There are some new games coming out that I want to play at max settings but I can wait another year or two I think.

Thoughts on my first build from 2014, pic related.

Attached: Screenshot_2.png (579x415, 21K)

>all the people replying to this post saying mechanicals are pointless
Literal poor fags in this thread, go mechanical and never go back. Just don't get Razor keyboards, they are genuine ass.

Anything but Razer.

Crisp and clean. Very nice. The paintings on the wall are cool as fuck and I want them.

One Halo CE speedrunner said he stopped missing keypresses when he switched to mechanical so there's that

that monitor is soo far


Attached: IMG_0170.jpg (3264x2448, 1.59M)


I see the monitors are still not raised. Not good.

what the hell is that monitor stand

It is raised, I just haven't taken a new picture yet.

Then do it.

multimonitor is great for shitposting on the chans between rounds of siege

Attached: 1512591959470.png (512x512, 94K)

for some rason this reminds me of Alien Isolation

Reminder that if you think you need anything better than GTX 970 you are basically retarded

>100MB of drivers for a blinkenlight

Attached: 1542455570208.jpg (383x472, 43K)


I work with 3ds Max and Maya a lot so I've got 1 for my work, another for graph editor/refereces /shows/4chin shitposting.
Speaking of shows, guess it's time to re-watch Lost.

If you want to play in higher resolution than 1440p, a 970 will not cut it. But if you are fine with 1080p medium settings and 60fps, then it's a solid choice from cost/efficiency point of view, but there are better choices today if you are building a PC now.
Clinging to the 970 is acceptable if you already have one and can't really justify dropping the kind of money needed for an upgrade.

Okay, just give me a bit.

*If you want to play in higher resolution than 1080p

Fuck I should go to sleep.

based siege bro

The monitor setup pisses me off

>Literally staring at the middle borders if you face straight ahead.
>Have to keep your head tilted left or right the entire time while gaming.

Currently have a Corsair H60 on my 4790k (not OC'd). The pump started making a horrendous sound last night, nothing is leaking but I dont feel comfortable using it any longer. I've it for about 4 years and worked fine for the $35 I paid for it. What are some recommendations at about $60?

Attached: D0Qnw6VsAIvg_D.png (501x634, 437K)

Who Ol' Reliable here?

Attached: microsoft-wired-keyboard-200.jpg (2560x1439, 249K)

>A "gaming is my only hobby" picture


Fuck off spic. You post this literally every thread.

The skull is carved out of a 300M-ish year old coral fossil.


Attached: my pc.jpg (1920x1920, 637K)

Attached: s-l1600.jpg (1600x1600, 214K)

Noctua only produces fans in those colors..

So amd chips aren’t a meme anymore right? Still using a i5 2500k but it’s time to upgrade, should I wait for the new ryzen chips?

I need anons to validate my life choices after all.

How much did that cost you? Why would anyone carve a fossil knowing it can never be replaced?

Attached: vRKLkhP.jpg (671x960, 79K)

Because its funny how people like you post in these threads like we care

1) name of sexy kb?
2) man i loved xg3, but i was like 12 when i played it and i was always so garbage

>mousepad that needs to be plugged in for sick ledz

Here's my rig

Attached: 20150501 seedbox.jpg (4250x2391, 2.74M)


wait a month or two more for zen 2 (ryzen 3rd gen)
current gen ryzen cpus are also super cheap and with cut price

What's actually funny is how fucking salty you are over what someone else does with their time/money. The fact that you went out of your way to reply twice shows that you actually DO care and are just a jealous bitch.

Do you game in a garage?

I'm so jealous that you buy every slop that you call a game because you have nothing else in your life. you got me.

I still have to take pics of the internals. Have it in a HAF-912, which was my previous case, and I couldn't be arsed to buy a new one when this one is perfectly fine.

Attached: beep.png (640x578, 66K)

What NES games do you play on it

Need to upgrade my old GTX 980 GPU because it's obviously not enough for a new 3440x1440 monitor. Probably 2080 / 2080Ti. But at least I finally upgraded my monitor from u2410.

Attached: pc2.jpg (1200x900, 570K)

Got a 144hz monitor and set it up, I don't even notice any difference from my 60hz monitor. The "You'll notice it just moving your mouse cursor" was a lie. Games were a little smoother but not mind blowingly different, not like the jump from 30fps to 60fps.

The fuck is with RGB?
I starting building my first gaymin PC and even the fucking RAM had the option of having RGB
Then I was looking into good chairs and found out people are selling fucking chairs with RGB

>Got a 144hz monitor and set it up, I don't even notice any difference from my 60hz monitor. The "You'll notice it just moving your mouse cursor" was a lie. Games were a little smoother but not mind blowingly different, not like the jump from 30fps to 60fps.
Did you even change refresh rate in your GPU's settings, retard?
Difference is so fucking obvious that there are only 2 options why wouldn't you notice it:
1. You are fucking stupid as hell and didn't even change it from 60hz to 144hz in settings.
2. You are straight up trying to lie.

You proved how not jealous you are by giving that obviously not butthurt reply. How convincing.

I changed my GPU settings and I changed it on the Windows 10 settings. I know it's working cause I've seen a difference in games, it's just extremely underwhelming.

please be kind

Attached: speccy.png (907x769, 35K)

Have you actually tried playing a game in above 60fps? Obviously not, because you wouldn't say something this stupid then.

I had a similar reaction. The good part is that if game is chugging a bit you won't notice a drop from 100 to 80 frames like you would 60 to 40.

I don't know why you're saying I'm "not jealous" I just said that you got me and I've been had. Are you illiterate?

multi is good for everything. not having to switch windows and having a bunch of stuff visible is great. you never want to back once you have it.

mechanical feels much better, and that's reason enough. they're also much cheaper these days (though don't buy the absolute cheapest since the switches are shitty and the keys wobbly).

Its not even that. Its the fact the monitors arent angled properl towards the user.


I remember I had every part sorted out when I was going to build my computer and when I went to buy everything, the RAM was sold out. I was bummed but then I realized the black version of the RAM was sold out and I had to buy red instead, it had a shitload in stock. No differences between them at all, literally just color.

I want to but they cost so much and my case/motherboard have so many slots for harddrives, especially with how cheap memory is these days, the 3tb cost only $50

What gayming chair do you guys use? Need a new chair for gayming/lounging and watching tv. Plz help

Nigga you can get a 500GB SSD for like 50 bucks these days if you wait for a sale, they're far from expensive unless you have poverty income.

>look for monitors for 6 months
>every affordable 1440p 144hz ips freesync monitor has some fucked up issue like flickering, bad QC leading to BLB or dead pixel lottery..

>Need to upgrade my i5 4760K and install an after market cooler
>Too worried I'll fuck something up

>Nigga you can get a 500GB SSD for like 50 bucks these days if you wait for a sale, they're far from expensive unless you have poverty income.
500 / 1000 GB SSDs are not expensive, but 2TB SSDs are still very expensive.

>I read amazon reviews where retards leave their incoherently stupid opinions ramblings

In may 2025 sure.

amazon, monitor specific reddit threads, forums...It's like even if you pay 6-$700, you might not even get quality.

>1197 Mhz Ram speed
> No SSD

Attached: kingsta.png (500x500, 207K)


>1197 Mhz
>double data rate
>2400 Mhz


Attached: abst.jpg (2200x1100, 704K)

You shouldn't be using SSDs for long term storage anyways, just stuff you're going to be using regularly. You should have an SSD with your OS and commonly used programs and games on it.
Be kind to me please.

Attached: blush13.gif (480x269, 78K)

I see you post all the time in threads on /g/. Your dedication to your waifu is commendable and your setup is very nice! Where did you snag that CRT?

Good goyim

your average nuPCfag

I know this is going to get buried, but has anyone used any online plans to build themselves a nice desk?

The skull is probably worth $500ish.

>Worried about fucking an expensive piece of hardware
>Wow what a soiboy nu-human

>this much wisdom

Why do we hate meowie?

Based emo poster in the image.

I have two 24" screens right in front of me now and I'm gonna put the second one back on the closet tomorrow, there is just the torrent client in it now, I've been using it for 4 days hoping I started liking it but I can't find a use for it.

People use storage SSDs for silent PCs, dumbass. And they are still much faster than HDD garbage like WD Black.

Just got some dew for my night of gaming

Attached: IMG-20190308-WA0009.jpg (1424x955, 799K)

I've been using an CM TX3 on my 4670k at 4.00 GHz for years and it never goes up 60 degrees, and its less than 20 bucks.

Are those motherfuckin' Doritos Incognita my nigga?

oh you're 15 years old

hyper x tkl
i never turn them on, i just like the surface

where did you nab the wooden table? its not on ikea is it?

The ram is supposed to be 3000mhz I don't know why its currently clocked so low

You have to enable xmp in the bios




it must be a nightmare to work on that screen but somehow i long to get a duo2core hooked to an old xenox or whatever an just play pretened hacker man with some pretentious linux distro

I want a Power Mac G4 case so bad but I'm too retarded to do the conversion to microATX myself and getting it done is like $200 + international shipping + import taxes fuck

Attached: welcome.jpg (1175x1060, 365K)

I think they're just unable to come to terms with their feelings for me.
user, the sound a regular hard drive makes is absolutely miniscule. Sure, they're faster but they have a limited number of writes simply by nature. They're excellent for games with long loads times or that you'll be regularly using but you don't need to use them for mass storage, that's simply wasteful.

Attached: scared2.gif (500x532, 904K)

I'm 30 years old but I still think RGB looks cool help

Because he's a homosexual attention whore.

RX 580 8GB

Are you being serious?

post screen from gameplay, that's wild

Is it really?.. I don’t own a pc but I think it looks cool

Why not now user

Attached: 1526772951610.gif (535x643, 32K)

>the sound a regular hard drive makes is absolutely miniscule

>user, the sound a regular hard drive makes is absolutely miniscule. Sure, they're faster but they have a limited number of writes simply by nature.
Sweaty, you'd die before your SSD. That fairy tale about limited number of writes was relevant a decade ago.

Why does having a mechanical keyboard matter for gaming? I wouldn't use a membrane keyboard because it's shit to type on but I don't give a shit about playing games on one.

yeah and everyone who knows anything about computers isn't buying that shit

there's a reason we call them ricers

Attached: z390dark.jpg (1280x960, 209K)

is that a fucking 5450

Looking at overexposed photos taken by complete retards who themselves cannot even tell its overexposed. Yeah ok.

Based and Ikeapilled.