Why is this game shilled so hard? It might be the least fun thing I've ever done. The only part that's mildly entertaining is the early exploration phase and immediately after that its just an endless slog of waiting for something to happen. Even the crisis gets boring quick.
Why is this game shilled so hard? It might be the least fun thing I've ever done...
Since when was Stellaris shilled? I'd say your conclusion, while not unanimous, is more like the consensus here.
it's shilled pretty hard on reddit
Well, there's your problem
I used to have more fun playing now and new when the economy was more simple, but ever since the new update I couldn't understand shit so I dropped it until it gets more enjoyable.
2.2 actually made the mid game pretty fun with the galactic market and the planetary system redesign. It's got it's problems for sure, but right now it's still a great game.
>people like game
I found this game extremely comfy. Racked up 700 hours and still not bored. Planning your economy and watching how politics change, or crisis spreads in other side of map.
It's pretty fucking good compared to launch. Best sci-fi 4x game and one of the better strategy games on the market. Has full mod support, lots of great content updates. If you play on console you're a fucking loser though.
>planning your economy
sell minerals
>watching how politics change
they don't
>crisis spreads in other side of map
the ai doesn't do anything about them so they get steamrolled in 2 minutes
End-game can be fun if you crack end-game crisis strength right up high. I had one game where the Preythorn Scourge had taken over most of the galaxy and infested most planets, and I was in an endless war with them, quite fun.
It got ported to console recently which is why parakikes keep bringing it up, they've largely given up on imp*r*t*r shilling thankfully since it's so transparently a shitty EU$ mod.
It was plugged hard before release, to the extent that /GSG/ got pissed off enough to banish it to /4X/, died entirely post release though as is usual when contracts expire (case in point: all the shilling for pic related which evaporated overnight).,
it is fun but like you said after initial colonization and skirmished its not fun anymore, battles just equate to you slamming numbers at eachother and theres no real diplomacy or tactics involved
2.2 raped the performance and neutered the ai even more.
Tactics are boring anyway, I'd rather have a compelling operational level. Then again, that's as lacking as tactical one.
yep. It's still a step in the right direction with their design choices but I swear they've been doing 2 steps forward 1 step back thing since launch. Another thing 2.2 did was COMPLETELY break the sector system.
Did they fix the performance issues?
they made them worse desu
Stellaris is almost universally hated on Yea Forums, and the reason is the same. they keep changing and removing shit for no reason, it's one of the few games that gets worse as time went on. The developers actually managed to make the core game worse, it's pretty impressive really
liked it untill they change the pop system now it's just a shit fest of trying to balance your zone etc, way to much work
mods will fix it ;)
can't mods not fix this game or something, I forget the reason but the devs don't want it or something?
Just play with a smaller galaxy if your toaster can't handle it or update your drivers
The journey into the unknown part of the game is great, reading scientist reports and stuff. After that the game is shit until the end-game boss. It's unfinished but not a bad game imo.
you either haven't played 2.2 or you have shit taste
I had great expectations for this game and bought it on release only to be genuinely disappointed on every level.
the question would be: why would I mod this piece of junk when I can just start the superior 4X
>visit r/stellaris
>judging a paradox game on release day
and you know that why?
Most of the time disappointment with a release day Paradox game is from shit not working. Stellaris was straight up missing 75% of what was promised by the devs themselves. After your 3 hour early game there was l i t e r a l l y nothing to do.
uhhhh, you need to reinstall it. It's completely different now. Much better, albeit still flawed in some ways
>I like build farm
>I like upgrade to bug farm
>I dont understand simple concept
I picked this game up again yesterday after over a year of not playing and I figured it out in a second your dumb as fuck m8. I like it much more this way but it seems to me that mining minerals on the planets is completely pointless because you are bottle necked with alloys.
Then you should stay there, r*ddit nigger.
They fucking ruined it with the latest changes.
The problem is that Paradox is trying to turn Stellaris into a video game when they should just let it stay a sandbox game.
It's one of the rare "big" games I unwishlisted from steam, desuka
>yesterdays stellaris thread
>this thread
Anti-comfy, cringe and bluepilled
Real shit hours, lets talk about the superior space 4x cum Grand strat that is Distant Worlds
The biggest problems the game has are absolute shit performance after early game, absolutely retarded AI that can't keep up despite given absurd bonuses to everything and half the new features becoming broken the moment a new patch drops.
Is being a xenophile spiritualist viable?
War used to be fun and comfy with strong strategic gameplay thanks to the three FTL options providing thousands of strategies, now it's just an annoying and uncomfy slug.
That has nothing to do with it, it's a problem with the code. I have a 32GB AMD Firepro and it still slows down to molasses speed and becomes unplayable at a certain point. Doesn't happen on console version tho.
Too bad the console version doesn't have mods, the star trek mod is fucking awesome.
been playing this since the sale last week, it's breddy gud desu
>Yea Forums is too retarded to handle the changes to the economy and planets
Why am I not surprised?
there is only one correct choice, the choices of all the true patriots !
Everytime I play, I try to 40k but end up as StarTrek
>Paradox shit
NPC-tier thinking. All of the changes so far are objectively bad.
I disagree old planet system was beyond tedious and pointless
>I maek 17 mines and 1 booster building on this planet
>I make 17 powerplant and 1 booster building on this planet
ES2 is pretty baller desu. Only thing is that it plays more or less same as MoO2 but with a different look.
Way better and more fun than the current cancerous system.
>muh amneities
>muh hapiness
>muh stability
>muh crime
It's extremely annoying shit that nobody asked for. Nobody bought stellaris for retarded micro-economy management.
I'd like the current system if they got rid of the micromanagement like amneties/crime, consumer goods just seem like a tax to slow you down which is nonsensical for 4x games.
Thinking men choice here.
I asked for it though? Makes planet management fun and planet management is 90% of the game during down time.
How does building 18 power planets equate to fun comfortable game play?
Did the choice of having either of three ways of interstellar travel return or is it the same pigeonholed playthrough every single time still and yet again? Because that got old really quick when you get the same text-based events over and over again.
They need to get rid of alloys too. There's too much damn micromanagement involved to be comfy.
Fantastic game desu
Sophon are basically Psilons from MoO2. OP as fuck from all the science bonuses. Great aesthetic and ost though. I enjoy playing cravers.
>important modifiers added to help flesh out the middle and late game, in addition to introducing identifiable class systems for populations and the materials they have/desire
yeah you're a fucking retard. You should've never bought a paradox game to begin with
Nobody plays Paradox games for deep strategic gameplay (there's none of that in their games), they're played because they're comfy. They're completely missing the point of why people play their games.
HOI4 does it pretty well. If only the peace deals were not utter cancer and diplomacy had more options.
>Nobody plays Paradox games for deep strategic gameplay (there's none of that in their games)
ahh yes, nothing like squaring off against major powers in a HOI game for that subtle, comfy feel. Seriously, you're an idiot that clearly save scums in EU4/CK2 and has never played a HOI game
I prefer a good game with bad performance that a shit game with solid perf. Performance i feel are easier to improve
So for those who were in yesterday thread i did a Fanatics Purifiers Missile spamming run, but now missile only go in Guided slots, so it was mostly a hybrid and was pretty heh.
I decimated peacefull traders to my right early on because they hemmed my living space but then to my left was a advanced start Fanatic Purifier who decided he was the big dog and murdered me.