Wow. Ive never felt so cheated in my life. I waited 13 FUCKING YEARS and this is what we get?
Is this how Metal Gear fags feel after MGSV and Survive?
Wow. Ive never felt so cheated in my life. I waited 13 FUCKING YEARS and this is what we get?
Is this how Metal Gear fags feel after MGSV and Survive?
pretty much
Game is great. Cope. You probably are one of these entitled retards who skipped 5 entries in the series and thought you would just pick this up and understand everything. Get rekt casual faggot.
>Wait 13 years for a game made for literal 13 year olds
And you're surprised the passage of time has shown you the truth?
Imagine having standards this low
So I was right
it's a shit GAME, nobody cares about your final fantasy fanfic tier story
>Skipped 5 entries into the series
>Kingdom Hearts Three
Everything inbetween was filler and it was bad filler at that
Pretty much.
>waited 13 years
Well there is your problem retard, there were new Kingdom Hearts releases every year or 2 since Kingdom Hearts 2, you're just retarded and probably didn't play those
combat never been so great
but game is super easy...
i still like kh3
Play it on Proud level 1 mode then and get a challenge, the low difficulty makes it hard to appreciate the game until you do a level 1 run, it's not even tedious it's about as hard as Critical mode in previous titles
>Game is great.
It's ALRIGHT, I wouldn't say it's great. But it has way too many problems to just brush under the rug with.
>I waited 13 years
So easy to spot a fake fan.
The games were anything but filler, obviously 3 is going to make no sense if you skipped 5 games created specifically to set the story of 3 up.
I say this to everyone and I feel like nobody does it but PLAY LEVEL 1 MODE. I know it's no excuse for the low difficulty in the standard modes but holy fuck is it fun, you will realise on a level 1 mode run that the bosses are fantastic and had a lot of work put into them but you beat them so easily and fast in normal mode that you wouldnt notice, they dont do enough damage for you to need to learn their attack patterns etc.
As someone who went through every KH game before KH3 to get caught up, stuffing the main plot of 3 into several other games is not a good thing. KH1 > CoM >KH2 feels like such a natural flow.
I'm fine. The game honestly doesn't really have that enjoyable combat to begin with to even want to bother playing Level 1 Proud.
Abilities in this game aren't rewarded based on level in this game so on a level 1 run you still get all your attack abilities and glide ability etc, and all the keyblade transformations so Proud level 1 in this game is more fun than the standard modes rather than limiting your moves
I thought the combat was shit at first then I played Proud and it's great, the shield actually needs to be used, your transformations are essential, you need to use the right spells on certain enemies etc, flowmotion combat is useful etc, the game is honestly at least 3 times as enjoyable on a level 1 run
>You probably are one of these entitled retards who skipped 5 entries in the series and thought you would just pick this up and understand everything.
Wrong, I played every game and I'm upset 3 didn't deliver on anything satisfyingly.
Shut up, Davy. Your fight sucked.
Proud level 1 I meant
I played Proud on my first playthrough. It's nothing special. It's still way better than BBS and especially the trash fire that's DDD, but that's not saying much.
3 wrapped up 4 story lines simultaneously and let you fight nearly every major boss from the entire series. You are probably never pleased with anything.
I meant proud level 1, proud mode in this game is like standard mode of old games, maybe even easier, level 1 proud is great fun
can you get better material? youre boring and very noticable. nice same fagging
Retarded dweeb
The people who cared were disappointed too
>3 wrapped up 4 story lines simultaneously
Is that what you call "and they all lived happily ever after" scrambled into the last 30 minutes of cutscenes?
>and let you fight nearly every major boss from the entire series
In a bunch of group fights where their movesets were butchered to shit and don't mesh well with the new musou style combat.
>30 minutes
You mean the last 7 hours right?
>7 hours right?
Holy fucking casual, is that what happened? You think the game was amazing because your retarded ass took 5x as long as anyone else to beat it?
MGS5 still had an amazing core gameplay loop, and Kingdom Hearts has always been a shit series for autistic manchildren, so there's that
It's obvious now that you have mental difficulties and cant remember things right or just didnt play the game but okay
this game is the ultimate pleb filter I see
It's non debatable you absolute fucking retard there are literally 3 hours of cutscenes alone after finishing the last disney world, cope
Cope any harder and Nomura might actually come put his dick in your ass, we all know he's gay enough to do so.
>counting that literal shit ton of retarded filler before the war even starts
Plot lines don't start getting haphazardly solved until you hit the crossroads, buddy.
Filler? Now I know you skipped games in the series. The first thing they do after the disney shit is go save aqua and ventus then immediately head to the final battle. No filler at all.
Imagine being over thirteen and playing kingdom hearts
He actually is an obvious retard who never played half the games or he would realise the significance and importance to fans of seeing aqua and ventus saved, to call this filler is pants on head retarded
>MGS5 still had amazing core gameplay
That's how easy it is to not sound like a faggot. You're welcome.
>The first thing they do after the disney shit is go save aqua and ventus
Which takes all of about half an hour, then there's just a big gap of retarded bullshit that doesn't matter.
Imagine playing any video games at all you fucking virgin loser
Reminder that critical mode is coming soon and was confirmed to be fixing the game's shitty balancing
>the significance and importance to fans of seeing aqua and ventus saved
No, fuck you you big gay faggot, non retarded fans care more than you do to just let Nomura shovel that half assed drek into your mouth. This fucking game was insulting and the more you faggots go full mirror XV-kun the more people you push into seeing that.
Once again you're just a retard who never played half the games, obvious everything will appear to be 'filler' when you don't even know what's going on in the plot you stupid casual
i played every spinoff game and still thought 3 was shit.
>first he cries that its too short
>then he cries its loaded with filler
Make up your mind you zoomer spastic
obviously you didn't catch the important plot points in Kingdom Hearts 5.99 Dream Drop Tango 9/512 Months into Years by Sleep 3.
There are so many retards in these threads who cry because they skipped all the games and thought this was a direct sequel to KH2
Yea no, I appreciate you’re trying to cope but I’m not a virgin, just a well adjusted adult that doesn’t play children’s games. Sorry your development got stunted somewhere along the way.
>retards for thinking Kingdom Hearts 3 is a sequel to Kingdom Hearts 2
haha yeah they sure are stupid
>childrens games
All games are for children you stupid virgin man child
Haha yeah thats totally not common practice in the vidya industry!
>gta 3
>gta vice city
>gta san andreas
>gta 4
Fuck off zoomer
>only played 1 and 2
>BBS fucked everything
>im not buying a fucking PSP
>replay only 1 and 2
>KH3 was actually fantastic if you DIDN’T play all the shitty handheld games
Poetry, I was so happy the entire first day it came out. Game is fantastic faggot. Youre jaded.
Eat a dick, I'm more of a fan than you'll ever be and I'll forever be disappointed that Nomura spat on us with this weak shit "saga finale".
No they aren’t and if you weren’t seething so hard and took 10 seconds to think about you’d realize how stupid your blanket statement is. Grow up kiddo, the adults are laughing at you.
Keep doing mental gymnastics to cope you child
>I waited 13 FUCKING YEARS
But user it's been like 5 years since the last KH title. ...Oh, you have't played since KH2? Yikes.
Wait, there's actually people who care about this deviantart abortion of a series?
retarded handwriting
>I'm more of a Kingdom Hearts fan than you'll ever be!
>I'm such a huge fan I hate the games!
I'm glad you can make yourself nice and miserable, I loved KH3 fag
>haha yeah all the retards in this thread who think they can just play GTA 4 without getting all the important info from 3, Vice City, and San Andreas.
haha yeah totally common practice
>12 year olds handwriting
Couldn't make this shit up, thanks for the laugh kiddo
>moving goal posts when you lose an argument
>I hate the games!
I love the games except Days, I hate 3 specifically because it was rushed, disappointing shit that didn't deliver on the rest of the series.
3 is clearly the biggest budgeted, most fleshed out and most polished game in the series. You just didn't like it, cope. It was more like KH1 than 2 was which is a good thing
Crit mode when? I want to be forced to play like this in the main game without self-imposed challenges.
>Ad homineming because you love shitposting so much
>I hate 3 specifically because it was rushed, disappointing shit that didn't deliver on the rest of the series
What a shit opinion, looks like you had your expectations WAY too high. Sorry, maybe you'll have calmed down by 4
>biggest budgeted
Whoop de fucking doo, more corporate suits breathing down the developers necks, that's not a good thing an Disney ruined the game in the long run.
> most fleshed out
You're fucking delusional, it has the least content of the 3 numbered games.
>most polished
You can't be fucking serious, everything looks like it's made of fucking plastic because they had to switch engines and couldn't get it up to snuff in time.
>looks like you had your expectations WAY too high
>it's YOUR fault Nomura lied through his teeth about what kind of quality to expect
>don't shit on muh poor dev husbando
Fuck off and kill yourself.
>it's YOUR fault Nomura lied through his teeth
No he didn't, you just got your expectations up too high and wanna blame someone. Pathetic.
>more coping
Kek, cry more
If you have to limit yourself and do a lvl 1 run to enjoy the game than that proves the game has no balance and is shit.
what exactly did nomura lie about? You retards dont even have points to make its honestly hilarious watching you all sob
>you just got your expectations up too high and wanna blame someone
Yeah, the person who spent 13 years setting up those expectations in the first place. Every game after 2 was supposed to lead into a grand finale that would blow 2 out of the water. We got a piece of shit that didn't even surpass 1, that's not my fault it's the developers.
No it just proves that the devs made an enjoyable game then corporate forced them to tune down the difficulty so that more people could finish it, difficulty is the first thing they're addressing with the final mix version
Just like 2FM then? Cause even on Critical mode it's easy as shit aside from a couple of optional bosses, maybe.
>weaboo on Yea Forums
1 is better than 2 though and so is 3, 2 is the worst of the 3
>corporate forced them to tune down the difficulty
Wrong, Tai Yasue himself said he wanted the game to appeal to casuals.
Shota > Loli.
>He actually brought them all
literally who
The guy who actually made the game while Nomura dicked around wishing he was working on Versus.
Aaaaand most pathetic post of today goes to user!
Sounds like it was directly your fault, sorry man maybe next game you'll have fun again
>in your head canon
Easily the second best in series if you think otherwise you are clearly nostalgiafagging.
The 'fresh' Kingdom Hearts 3 experience you've been craving is whatever the secret ending is. If you really expected 3 to do more than wrap up the unifinished plots of the previous games and save his friends you don't understand this series.
Who went to GDC to discuss 3's development? Because it certainly wasn't Nomura.
>I enjoy eating shit and if you don't you're the problem
2 did more than just finish CoM's plot, in fact CoM isn't even 100% necessary to enjoying 2. Why am I wrong for expecting 3 to be better than 2?
>in fact CoM isn't even 100% necessary to enjoying 2
It absolutely was and you're retarded if you think otherwise.
KH2 undeniably has the most mechanically sound combat, no denying that. But other than that it's shit and I don't know why people praise it (vanilla that is)
>reaction commands make game easy
>one reall easy secret boss
>shorter than the first game
>this game is where the plot went pants on head retarded
>Where all the 'edgy' shit in the series started
>inferior theme song
>spends hours and hours setting up plot that doesnt matter becasue at the end you just defeat everyone easily, straight forwardly with no consequence
>everyone lives happily ever after
Yeah great game guys
Nomura was busy actually doing stuff that mattered
I cant even being to understand this line of thinking
>Where all the 'edgy' shit in the series started
That'd be CoM, Marluxia has a fucking scythe and Axel is going around killing niggas. Also KH2 has the worst maps desu, and some pretty meh worlds.
He says, as he wasted countless amounts of dollars on mediocre video games spanning an entire decade.
I love Kingdom Hearts and would hapily buy each game again if my copies broke, sounds like you are just seething with rage because you fell out of love with it and are jealous of people who still enjoy it desu
I’m just disappointed with the game. It needs things, like a map that’s bigger than the one they give you. And Sora can’t fucking turn in a circle like he could in previous games. He automatically wants to run straight forward and you can tell. He’s slippery. And the new attractions are just plain shit desu.
>13 years of hype and buildup
>forgotten less than a month after release
Every world in KH3 is bigger than all the worlds of KH1 and 2 put together
>threads about it every day
>even mulitple pcpoors making threads crying about 'it being forgotten about' to cope with not being able to play it every day
And they do nothing interesting with all that space. They're just big empty rooms and boring hallways, cool.
And twice as empty.
>forgotten in less than two weeks after release
So, when is critical mode getting patched in? I seriously hope they're doing it like they said in that interview and remix the game kinda like the DMD mode in devil may cry, otherwise I don't know what's taking them so long.
>only game in the series with real NPCs
Come back to me when you're not in actual tears and are calm enough to think of real points
>you fell out of love with it
Well you got that right.
>you're mad that other people still enjoy it
I'm mad that my favourite series became worse than bottom of the barrel anime trash.
It's only an autistic obsessed few and speedrunners that worship it. Most people say it's a decent action rpg if not a bit on the bland side.
And yet here you crying pcfags are discussing it every day like usual, cope harder kek
>a bunch of mannequins repeating canned lines are good content
Are you retarded?
I hate how combat focused 2 is, it lost all the soul of 1. KH3 gave us some of that soul back.
>I'm mad that my favourite series became worse than bottom of the barrel anime trash.
It's been that way since, again, CoM. The moment the Orgy came into the picture it turned into a battle shounen, complete with powerlevel shit and hax, nonsensical powers (Namine's memory manipulation).
>Describes NPCs in every RPG
>because everyone else does it that means it's good
Hey, y'know what else is good content? Jumping off a bridge, give it a try.
2 started all of the bullshit COM techically, series was its best in 1.
No it didn't, it took whatever little soul was left and stomped it the fuck out for corporate advertisement.
Sounds like you don't like video games very much user, maybe you should go outside and get some fresh air
>Because everyone else does it that means it's bad
Yeah because that makes perfect sense, numbnuts
Sounds like I want video games to get better, not wallow in mediocrity and graphicsfaggery till then end of time.
>SE originally wanted to make a platformer on the level of mario 64.
I like the platforming in KH1 in that it's one aspect of the game that makes it feel more action-adventury but I cant deny it's objectively pretty subpar, mainly because of the camera.
Guess what dipshit, I hated the Tron world, the lion king world, the mermaid world and the Aladdin world. All of those got in because of their fan popularity.
Not what I said, you're the one that brought up "well everyone else does it". It's shit regardless of how many people are doing it.
>I waited 13 FUCKING YEARS
calm down, the last KH game was like 7 years ago. It's not like it was announced back in 2006, KH3 was announced back in 2013.
>>I waited 13 years
>So easy to spot a fake fan.
or a shitposter
In the end, KH3 was an okay game but a lame finale.
BUT not the worst SE game made this console generation
Yep. Literally every sequel has made things worse. But at least the whole concept of nobodies was pretty interesting. Of course, than 3D happened and ruined that, so fuck it. I wish the series had ended at 1 like originally planned.
last KH game was fragmentary passage released in 2016
>Bringing up Frozen, the world almost everyone dislikes (if not outright hate) and the only world we know Disney kept meddling with to an absurd degree
I miss my Disney movie with anime tones, compared to everything since where it's been straight anime.
You're fucking retarded, nothing was wrong with Frozen being in the game, it's how poorly it was handled that was the problem.
>dude don't let Sora interact with the story in any way
>in fact don't make any mention of the story whatsoever because we don't want it spoiled
>also hamfist this 1:1 recreation of Let It Go in there, and try to put Do You Wanna Build a Snowman while you're at it
Which was the prologue of 3 cut out and released separately, doesn't count as a full game if it's just a tech demo. Though ironically it setup most of the expectations that 3 crapped out on.
>Not what I said
Duh, you said the opposite which I flipped around to show you how silly it was. Also
>All anons are the same
No I'm just a different person telling you you're dumb
But I thought you didn't like Frozen? Why are you now bummed that it didnt have its story? Why do fags complain if the worlds copy the movie plot and complain if it doesn't copy the movie plot?
To be fair user the mobile game came out in 2015, 2016 for America/Eurpoe
Holy fuck you don't know how to argue. Putting words in my mouth I didn't say just makes you look retarded.
It was never intended to be released as part of 3 but whatever helps you cope user
>in fact don't make any mention of the story whatsoever because we don't want it spoiled
...You mean apart from the fact that they go over the main conflict in the movie and resolve it?
>pretends he has dementia now
Okay retard
Half the game sucks, the other half is pure kino
This game is the lowest rated by fans on metacritic. It's a bad game.
>i waited 13 years
no you didnt you fucking retard. 2's secret ending and 2fm's ending really literally the next game in the series (BBS - 2010). you got that game and it sucked dick. next game you got was fucken DDD (2012). the 0.2 (2017) and now 3 (2019)
>Though ironically it setup most of the expectations that 3 crapped out on.
0.2 fucking blows in comparison to 3. Aqua is clunky as fuck and the performance is horrible.
He waited 13 years for a proper console follow up to kh2.
>the lowest rated by fans on metacritic
Why do you have to lie user
I just wait for critical mode patch for kh3 and than i will do lvl 1 run
>review bomb pcpoor shitters
Who cares about metacritic, the same demographic who values it so highly also completely alters the scores for petty reasons
got a source? Especially a day and age when review bombing is common place?
>last KH game was fragmentary passage released in 2016
I completely forgot about that (and now I remember the horrid gameplay and it made me concerned about 3's gameplay). I thought it was DDD
Nice, I swear you will have a new appreciation for everything in the game when you can't just fly through it all thoughtlessly
And they do nothing with all that new space.
>he says while playing video games
>inferior theme song
Sanctuary is kino, you pleb
I'll never understand why you cum slurpers defend the osaka mobile shit. They're all so bad. KH3 is such an anomaly, the entire plot is just playing defense for the terrible mobile games.
No KH game does anything with their space, was their supposed to be some point you were making?
literally never is he at threat of taking damage let alone dying. airstep gives you shortlived iframes and stunlock guarantees enemy will have no reprisal handy. fuck off you idiot
>KH3 is such an anomaly, the entire plot is just playing defense for the terrible mobile games.
The mobile game has been setting up the next saga for a while, sorry you didn't pay attention?
None of these retards even played the games between 2 and 3
Keep crying and lying.
>literally never is he at threat of taking damage let alone dying
That's my point? Unless you're doing a lvl.1 challenge you never had to bother with learning boss attack patterns and openings cause you're so OP you steamroll everything by spamming X, and that's what Crit mode hopefully fixes.
>fuck off you idiot
no u
>15 years pass.
>Newest game is worse than previous big budget entry.
No he didn't. fuck off.
crit will Not fix this. if you never get hit then you dont need to learn patterns. every enemy in the game telegraphs the fuck out of their attacks. you are never in danger UNLESS you mash x.
all bosses in this game have neuterrd attack strings and you know they will not add new attack strings in Crit. my favorite to look at is Larxene in 3 vs AS or Data Larxene in 2FM.
This series has been on a downward slope since KH2, what did you really expect? Once they started rushing the game and had a delay I knew it was going to be shit as should you.
>No he didn't. fuck off.
I wasn't aware Days, Coded, BBS and DDD were on originally released on home consoles. I could have sword DS and PSP were inferior handheld systems.
13 years my ass. DDD came out in 2012.
Nobody started wanting 3 until after 3D, as we all know.
People still think 2's secret ending if for 3.
>I'll ignore the rereleases because it'll make me wrong
insects' opinions do not matter
Nomura started talking about KH3 since the end of KH2
They're being sarcastic, dumbass.
>tfw you know these threads are shitposting but you were actually disappointed by kh3
I weep
>plays worse than the first game in the series
oof ow owwie