Game has a feminine/masculine slider

>game has a feminine/masculine slider

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Me on the right.
Anal use ok.

name a single one so I can play it

2D traps are so cute, it's a shame their real world counterparts, HSTS trannies, are so rare.


Trannies and gays deserve the gas chamber

>Is a girl for whatever reason(sex change)
>Can get pregnant

traps are literally, figuratively, metaphysically and unironically gay

Based and redpilled!! xD

2d Traps are where it's at but 3d traps are the gayest and combine the worst of men and women.


It’s a fetish, not real life dick chopping. Magic and shit. I wish trannies didn’t ruin my horny fantasies with their gross ass delusions. And now even other anons don’t know the difference. Worst timeline.

And there's nothing wrong with that.

Shut the fuck up, you triplenigger. It's not our fault if you're such a retard that you can't explain your quarrels with what he's saying, so stop using "xD" ironically. You're worse than people that actually use "xD". Get skullfucked by a donkey, shitstain

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Ah go on then


Magic bro, even a male can get pregnant by a powerful enough wizard or god if they were gay enough

"Homosexual Transsexual", one of the two main types of male-to-female transsexuals. HSTS rarely transition unless they have some confidence they can look like a female, otherwise they repress and try to live as bottom gay males. HSTS often start off as girly gay femboys before taking hormones to improve their appearance.

AGP trannies (all the Twitter transbians belong to this type) outnumber HSTS like 10 to 1.

Magic, similar to what happened to Mai from BlazBlue.

Me on the left but anal use ok.

I don't need to play by your rules, I'm getting my gal!

me on the left


whats even the point

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I hate right and love left.

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Saints row 2

Boys can get pregnant too. They just need to be pumped full of cum more often.

for me, it's E


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i wish sliider were real haha
i wana turn it to make gril haha :(

Thread is dead in the water anyway.


E look disgusting tb h

I want mommy J C K and B

>3d traps
3D traps don't exist


>Sex change
>Can get pregnant
Hahaha nope

Right is cute, left is mentally ill.

A > C > G > the rest

>masculine body
>shoulders that size


magical sex change

C, D, J or K for me.


96 get

h-how do they know what a teen boys anus is supposed to smell like?

>using a script for rolls
that invalidates them you know

I'll take left, and turn that pouty face into a drooling, moaning mess.
turning the heart of a magically sex-changed boy into a submissive slut is the best fetish.

who the fuck wouldn't pick the left?

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give senran

gib a non-shit waifu

jelly as fuck that i finally made it, huh

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That's the rightest thing I've heard all day.

a madman

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Ah, a man of taste I see.

give tiddie gf

this decides my fap for tonight

I would fuck either, but not post op.
If you arent this far down yet, you're a newfag

nevermind totori is even better

I won't hide how desperate I am. I'll take anything.

Let's rock

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I see you are a man of excellent taste


>post op
>can't tell the difference between gender bender and trans
You're the newfag

>Boku Girl will always be the only good genderbender manga
It hurts..


right is superior

Gimme someone good

Kat thnx


I hope all you tranny faggots kill yourselves.

>not liking pale tall girls

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Lol dont even start with the excuses its only 1PM

Not a footfag, but I can't complain

Ending was too gay

>boyish personality


right with left body is the best

show me the path to glory

I'll be honest, i fucking love [gender bender][impregnation]. I was just fucking about.

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here we go again, check this 74

>no imp midna
>no coco bandicoot
>no isabelle

What the FUCK

>Not wanting to be magically turned into a girl to fuck your best friend

i just want a bf bros

H >>>> E = F

The rest are invisible to my dick.

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me too

All day everyday.

If youre having sex with a dude, its for the dick, otherwise just fuck a whore, theyre everywhere

I choose to fuck right until they're pregnant

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>formerly male

She's in my heart

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