So Yea Forums Ive been a emotional wreck as of late duo to the whole notre dame burning. All that history...

So Yea Forums Ive been a emotional wreck as of late duo to the whole notre dame burning. All that history , all those secrets hidden in the walls never to be seen. It's literally alexandria on a smaller scale

give me some good historical rts games to ease the pain.

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I don't give a shit about some wood nailed together.

>all those secrets hidden in the walls

Given your blatant disregard for history, I say fuck you too then.

you built the notre dame or what op? lmao
how do you be an emotional wreck over it

I was walking through it in Assassin's Creed Unity all night last night. Eerie, but comfy. Really sucks, man, but these things happen. It's also not the first time it's been damaged, although never this heavily.

The history is still intact even if Notre Dame burns to tinders. One day, eventually, Notre Dame (and everywhere else) will be destroyed.

well not really just this a combination of stuff. Most western civs are showing degeneracy levels, before rome fell and everyone's ok with it

true but more stuff will be built with the same info about the structures on them

It was being remodeled, so a lot of artifacts and items were removed and secured, so if anything, it's the architecture that was affected

Sand niggers will never appreciate history because they love to destroy it.

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>it was being remodeled
They may have taken it too far. Did someone have the Demolish tool selected on accident?

Only the roof burnt.

Lmao i'm french and tired of all the foreigners pretending this is some devastating event in their life

THANK YOU, I needed this news I was not really worried about the structure itself but the stuff inside.

yeah fuck niggers
Well sorry, i'm concerned about the history inside

It's the fucking Muslims in Paris that did this there is no doubt in my mind that they started the fire. VIVE LA FRANCE FUCK THE MUSLIMS

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>Notre-dame is burning down
>autists/conspiracy and agenda pushing leeches are already making up wild claims about how this was jewish or muslim attack on christians and that the french government was involved somehow

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/pol/ is a disease

main reason I hate isis, is the destruction of historical relics

Then so be it. The wood and the nailsnand the stone don't mean much despite being nice.

>I don't like to think about what is happening in this world. I would much prefer to stay in my bubble and discuss video games!

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>Rome in its prime
>Not one of the most degenerate societies ever

we're they just letting the top part of it burn or what? I don't think I saw any firefighters on the Livestream either.

So mostly only the roof and one "orgue" (big piano idk the english word) got burnt.

The highest point of Notre Dame , the flèche fell with the roof but it was not the original but a copy rebuilt in the 19th century.

All relics and pieces of art got saved. The biggest loss is the wooden roof which was like 800 years old.

Also it's a catholic building, so before being sad for a symbole of my religion, stop being a racist, because it's against catholic value and most French catholic would be really ashamed to talk to someone who use "nigger".

It's one think to wank on a building, but what matters most os respecting the value and teaching of catholicism. Which is something /pol/ will never understand.

It's just kids larping. It happens literally everytime a thing happens. People are afraid of random tragedy. If it's some group's fault, it feels controllable. Let them be weak.

That was my impression too, it's just some really nice woodwork being lost - nothing with too much gravity like the one ancient archaeological site in South America burning a few years ago.

>durrrr leds disguss polidics in da vibeo gaem boar huurrr
>nuh i don wan do disguss id in de bolidigs broad, i wan do disguss id in de vidya beard

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>"orgue" (big piano idk the english word)
organ :)

>all those secrets hidden in the walls
Go to bed, Dan Brown

>one of the most well known churches in the world almost burns down completely
>barely saved through the efforts of the Parisian firemen
>Christcucks are now unironically posting this image as proof of god because the cross didn't burn


There were 300, just look at any video of the event. And yes the roof could not be salvaged in any case so they focused on the structure.

The roof area actually had no electricity to avoid a fire, because any fire would mean the complete destruction. No matter how fast the fire fighters arrived

>800 year old cathedral that has endured hardships for centuries in one of the most war-torn parts of the world
>/pol/tards freak out and think a measly fire is somehow going to destroy a massive stone structure

Whatever got destroyed was probably 50~100 years old at most.

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Thanks for the info man, really lifted a problem off my chest

>I'm french

No you're not, Muhammad.

This. We should be talking about the news on every topical board all the time.

Either you're new here, or you posted in image of yourself. Nobody discusses video games here.

>Cathedral burns
>Thanks God!
Besides, isn't that cross metal?

Literally so no one in France say that lol. And i'm part of the tradional catholic "sphère"

Just play assassins creed unity.

>It's literally alexandria on a smaller scale
alexandria was a library of some sorts, no? how is this even comparable?

>So Yea Forums Ive been a emotional wreck as of late duo to the whole notre dame burning

how though? are you one of those basedboys?

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I am a atheist, but I will say that that place is a historic monument

Actually the wooden part is 800 years old. There was so many wood used in the roof that it is called (was) : the forest.

The stone structure got damaged by the fire but survived

This, none of the woodwork in Notre Dame is even close to original

>Implying thisnisnthe first time Notre Dame has burned
>Implying this is the first time any historic site has burned
>Implying we won't just fix it again, and again, and again like we have since they were built
Why is everyone losing their shit?

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Ancient architecture is living structure, buildings burning down and being rebuilt is part of the progression of history. Just pray that modernist architecture doesn't come in and fuck it up.
Also waiting to find out the construction crew contracted to do the work that caused the fire all originate from """ Asia """ and don't speak a lick of French.


I was sorry to see it burn, I think it's a beautiful building, I just think it's hilarious how the literal burning of a church, the last thing you should want as a Christian, is twisted until it's actually proof of god. It just shows how far Christcucks will go in their delusion.

More than half of it was original,

>shuuuurrrrrrrrr ve isnd 4 vibeo gamus hurrrr
Kill,yourself, cancer. You're the reason Yea Forums is a fucking shithole.

I'm murican so I can't put into context how big this is. What would be the American equivalent of Notre Dame burning

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>implying this wasn't the worst fire it suffered

t. seething tranny

So nothing then?

I, too, remember being 16

>Besides, isn't that cross metal?

The existence of metal itself is proof of God's power.

Yeah because obviously this kind of rénovation would be handled by non-french speaking migrants. And not by specialists. Retard

Macdonald's HQ.

Congress and/or WH with everyone and lobbysts inside?
No, wait...
that would actually be beneficial..

Most (if not all) of the famous art there was able to be saved, and the statues on the steeple were taken down a week before because they were renovating shit

aside from the murals, nothing of value was lost



There isn't one. The Notre Dame Cathedral is older than America itself and has historic and religious significance greater than anything existing in America (I say this as an atheist American).
Honestly I'm surprised the disaster wasn't treated the way 9/11 was over here, though at this point I think the French population is so jaded and hopeless that even this couldn't stir them.

As a French it would be Empire State Building.

Most of the crying is from foreigners. Sure we parisians are a bit sad but it will be rebuilt

Do you really care about Notre Dame? It's a building.

And the earth will eventually be gone too. Doesn't make the fact that it was an 800 year old building any less important. We aren't comsic beings that live on a grand time scale.

Ment for

Nothing. The most important thing you losers have is a piece of paper that disenfranchised half the population and didn't stop slavery.


Yea you're right. St Patrick's Cathedral is imaginary.

That's my entire point. Specialists are what any regular person would want for this job, but specialists don't burn down a world-renown monument. If/when it comes out that corners were cut on this it's going to be a big fucking deal.

I agree. It's importance is basically nothing. Better off enjoying life then worry about buildings.

Go back to pol yall cry about a building but when people get murder you find it funny.

>t's literally alexandria on a smaller scale
No it's not you uneducated retard.
alexandria was the equivalent of wikipedia going offline forever.

There's video footage of Parisiens wailing in the street as the roof collapses. Stop trying to be cool and Tsundere Baguette-kun.

Look into the history of notre dame and you get a appreciation for it brainlet.

Your life is basically nothing and might as well kill yourself if you're so nihilistic. Because you'll be dead soon anyway :^)

>caring about some bullshit christian symbol of oppression

LOL i wish everything was burnt down to the ground, but the fire only managed to destroy one of the spires and most of the roof.

Post your local churches, Yea Forums.
No Varg, you don't.

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The museon in Alexandria was overstated and didn't spectacularly burn down, things just got neglected over the centuries (Late Antique expert and papyrologist Roger Bagnall wrote a good article on it). Similar to more current myths about the cultural effect of the Mongol destruction of Baghdad in 1258, long after it had its cultural peak and largely deemed unimportant by Islamic contemporaries.

800 years old building, but the wood that burned was 1200+ years old apparently.


for emotional value Mount Rushmore or statue of liberty

No it wasn't. The burning of the library happened well after most of its existing work had been disseminated throughout the Hellenic world, and the actual damages of the fire are overstated in modern sources. The knowledge of the ancient world was lost over a long period of time as the Roman empire collapsed and literacy rates tanked due to decentralization.

Murder is not funny to me, stop projecting.

My guy, 3,000 people died on 9/11. A relatively minor fire at a church is not even close in terms of significance, no matter how old the church is and its history. They'll renovate it by the end of the year but those 3,000 people are gone forever and so are the twin towers.

Can you at least wait for the first clues fucking racist

I don't think anything will make me appreciate a building user.

I appreciate nice architecture. I also don't like seeing people get murdered.

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We're really good at archieving history. It's something we can excel at these days with technology. The history will always be there and the church can be rebuilt. What's most important is that your faith is unshakable. No accident, no terror attack can destroy your faith in God.

Also it's most a roof and one of the spires. It'll be rebuilt and most of the building is intact.

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back to /leftypol/

I'm not nihilistic in the slightest. Don't project.

No Americans care about Rushmore or the Statue of Liberty (beyond using that faggy poem to justify their unexamined political beliefs). They're monuments to nothing in particular built away from the public eye and treated like bizarre oddities. Notre Dame has an actual social function and has existed in the center of Paris for hundreds of years.

I mean it,most people do not care that much. And also there are no parisians near Saint Michel at this hour of the day. It was mostly tourist until the night came

You dumb fuck, the roof may be gone but it was from the 19th century, not the original. All statutes and relics inside were removed before the renovations started. The building still stands, it's damaged but still there.
The fire of Alexandria is overblown too, it wasn't a single huge fire that engulfed every single book inside. Stuff just got destroyed/lost over time or burned down in multiple, separate and smaller fires.
Your post reeks of pretentiousness, sure it sucks but why the fuck would it ruin your day, did your ancestors build it? Do you have a personal link with it?

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I'm mostly mad about the glass.
It was the original and shit is completely fucked.


I'm surprised no one made the obligatory Sam Hyde joke yet

what if your home burned down user those memories you had in it
the joys the sadness you in it
its the backdrop of your life

Imagine caring about people more than culture

Based, fuck culture and fuck niggers. We should tear down all old buildings and build new and better, more functional. Thats the cost of progress.

>one day eventually everything will be destroyed so you shouldnt care
>but im not nihilistic

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it's kinda getting old

Most people's reactions to 9/11 had nothing to do with the number of casualties, it was the raw vicarious nature of the towers falling that fucked with most people. The vast, vast majority of the population had no real connection to anyone in the towers or on the ground.
Now for native New Yorkers I'm sure it was a different story.

Statue of Liberty or Mount Rushmore


The three Rose windows survived

>he cares about burning jew temple
i would probably care more about burning walmart

Is there an actual good game I can play?

Ya who gives a fuck about old things, the moment you hit retirement you should just be killed, ground up and fed to the next generation

>French population is so jaded and hopeless that even this couldn't stir them
today people at the office barely talked about it, displaying that you are a christian is a fucking stigma, being atheist is cool. We have a fetish with life, as long a nobody dies everything is cool, when a mudlsim start shooting at people they can't stop talking about it.

3000 people is fucking nothing, just like how worthless one human being is nowadays

Nigga, the fire was an accident. Even a specialist isn’t accident-proof.

My house DID burn down. I missed it, but that loss was a lot more personal. I can understand a personal connection to the building by parishioners, workers, and the diocese... but fail to see how I should care. I wouldn't expect them to care about my house.

I think live, in the moment as the roof was collapsing, people assumed the entire structure was going to collapse or be burned, hence the people absolutely losing their fucking minds in the streets. Now that the smoke's cleared and the extent of the damage known, people aren't as devastated.