>Sony Corp. is cracking down on sexual content in PlayStation 4 videogames globally, reflecting concerns in the U.S. about the depiction of women in games but irritating some software developers.
>Sony's new in-house standards that limit sexually explicit content distinguish it from other game-hardware makers that allow a greater amount of content as long as the software carries a rating from a national industry body.
>A Sony spokeswoman confirmed the company has established its own guidelines "so that creators can offer well- balanced content on the platform" and gaming "does not inhibit the sound growth and development" of young people. She declined to say when these guidelines were introduced or to discuss them in detail.
>colonialism bad >except we're going to impose our progressive views on the rest of the world
Aaron Garcia
Guns, violence, gay relations = fine (GTA, Last of Us, Mortal Kombat, etc)
Any game with big breasted girl = BAN
Joseph King
playing Conan Exiles on PS4 right now with my char fully nude showing tits and pussy
Andrew Campbell
This is what happens when you move your company's HQ to America
Bentley Hill
thats a good thing. sex is disgusting and should be outlawed all together
Ryder Perry
the rule is for games released after a certain date to prevent forcing devs to patch older releases
Christopher Carter
>muh California Maybe it's about time to admit your entire country is just shit
Evan Lopez
It's like we're going back in time to the 90's - 2000's. Different reasons same shit.
Evan Miller
They removed that though lol
Jackson Anderson
This fucks over Japanese devs the hardest Western devs have the option of skipping PS4 and going to Xbox/PC/Switch, but Japanese devs? They either bend the knee and censor to suit California SJW standards, or they don't get to release a game, because PS4 is the only relevant console market there, Xbox might as well not exist there and Switch is still an ant compared to PS4's install base and attach rate. They literally have no choice but to let gaijin censor games, most of which will never be seen or played by the west.
John Turner
>Switch is still an ant compared to PS4's install base and attach rat
um switch is literally about to outsell the ps4 in Japan
Grayson Brown
>No games that aren’t AAA cinemashit >No weeb games >No Ape Escape >AteKay at 10 FPS
Why buy SNOY?
Samuel Myers
I can still play Conan Exiles with my character's dick out on PS4
Christopher Morgan
No it wasnt reddit shillcuck
Chase Kelly
Switch will be the console with anime tiddies now.
Hunter Bell
Nope, Sony's already made at least one dev retroactively censor an already released game on Vita, at the minute it's an isolated case but don't rule it out
Jaxson Miller
>Sony: "Censor all the tiddies and booty's but add more detail in the blood n guts."
Caleb Evans
Why is America so "MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY, WORLD!"?
Eli Gutierrez
have some dignity and don't use LGBT content as equivalent to violence or dubious anime shit.
David Clark
>Two factors last year combined to turn that unease into action, these Sony officials say. One was the rise of the #MeToo movement in the U.S., which pointed to the dangers of being associated with content that some might see as demeaning to women. The second was the emergence of channels on sites like YouTube and Amazon Inc.’s Twitch where gamers play in front of a camera and are watched by fans online. That means games meeting Japan’s laxer standards can get world-wide exposure.
What the fuck
Andrew Bennett
>so that creators can offer well- balanced content on the platform" and gaming "does not inhibit the sound growth and development" of young people Fucking lol... THAT'S NOT YOUR JOB, YOU DUMB FUCKS!
Chase Hughes
>Sony Interactive Entertainment moves to Cali >Cali is where all the SJWs are >San Francisco is gay central >California is the most left-leaning state >California is where hollywood and other degen shit is HQ'ed New Yorkers are assholes who come to retire here but Californians are a different kind of scum. t. Floridian
The Senran Kagura producer bet on the wrong fucking horse.
Julian Sullivan
Founded by puritans, dropped the belief-in-god part but kept everything else.
Kevin Parker
yeah but it isn't third party games that are selling out there on switch (besides dragon quest ofcourse)
Colton Adams
the disconnect is fucking real with this retarded Florida man
Logan Sanchez
>incels need women to drive off social media and tell them to go back to the kitchen >decided to bully off Kelly Marie Tran and Daisy Ridley from Star Wars from social media instead of the real enemies like Anita and Zoe >decided to bully Brie Larson for some reason instead of the real enemies like Anita and Zoe
Serves the Japs right for sucking off Sony's dick and refusing to go multiplat. I hope Sony crack down even further and forbid any kind of (female) sexualization on any game on their platform.
Mason Lee
Fuck you Califaggot, at least my state doesn't fuck over the country and make everyone else look bad
Nathaniel Diaz
>"she" Of course.
Thomas Reyes
>Put women in charge. >immediately destroy everything.
>because PS4 is the only relevant console market there, Xbox might as well not exist there and Switch is still an ant compared to PS4's install base and attach rate > is still an ant compared to PS4's install base and attach rate. >attach rate. What? Have you seen the sales numbers in any game in the last 7 years? Fucking games sells between 30k at most in PS4. Games on Switch are selling better than that.
Juan Russell
I knew western shit was fucked, but I swore never to use my PS4 again since they started ruining my Japanese games. Absolutely no regrets, s*ny is not getting another cent from me.
The only bad thing is that I'm too broke to afford a computer capable of games. I haven't played any vidya since October.
>Any game with big breasted girl = BAN Go to any Mortal Kombat thread and is full of trannies calling women with big boobs disgusting. They are just censoring the "competence" Also funny how "otakus" rape a lot less than the muslims they love so much
Nathan Nelson
>"does not inhibit the sound growth and development" of young people but muslims raping kids is perfectly fine i'm sure that wont have any effect on their development
Colton Brooks
>In general, any company making a game for a platform like the PlayStation 4, Microsoft Corp.’s Xbox or Nintendo Co.’s Switch signs a contract with the platform maker governing royalties and other items. That gives the platform maker the ability to block games it doesn’t like.
I fucking knew it. If you sign a contract to release a game on a certain platform you must release it unless you break out of it. So that's why all these devs couldn't move their game away from Sony
Owen Nguyen
if you need to vent your sexual frustrations in a video game you are most likely an incel get a hair cut, take a shower, and show some self respect and just have sex
Hunter James
Carson Stewart
>sexual content is only okay if it's gay shit why does sony do this?
>If we can't poz the japanese game industry directly, we'll just seize the means of distribution and block them from releasing anything on the only console that matters there until they submit and alter their games to meet our ideological standards!
Day of the rope WHEN?! I can't take this shit anymore.
>if you need to vent your sexual frustrations in a video game you are most likely an incel Yes fuck off >get a hair cut No fuck off >take a shower No fuck off >show some self respect Impossible, fuck off >just have sex HELL NO, FUCK OFF
I can confirm this. Also this state’s lefty central too, help me. t. New Yorker
Gavin Reed
Unironically slit your throat.
Dylan Evans
Sony's new in-house standards that limit sexually explicit content distinguish it from other game-hardware makers that allow a greater amount of content as long as the software carries a rating from a national industry body. It wastes a fuckload of time >She declined to say when these guidelines were introduced or to discuss them in detail. That's because the guidelines are 100% fabricated post hoc whenever someone within the corporate structure has any sort of negative emotional response to something in the game.
>sony now censors pantie shots and boobs even if nipples are nowhere near visible etc. in japanese games >nipples and dicks are fine in western games tho It's getting so ridiculous that it feels like sony has a feminist panel that gets asked whether something is "problematic" or not and it just depends on if they're on their periods or not. I really don't give a shit about ps5's specs if this keeps on.
Zachary Sanchez
t. degenerate weeb
Logan Johnson
Needs an edit where sun rays block the tits as the burst out
John Lewis
Question is, what is sexualization? Because for all those trannies a woman showing her legs is sexualization. Imagine creating a generation of men afraid of the women's body, I'm sure that worked well with muslims
Elijah Smith
>we support diversity >so everyone must conform to our american standards >that's the one true way of diversity that we all must follow or die
Daniel Parker
We don't talk about that user. You might hurt someone's feefees
I'll never understand why seeing a pair of tits is so bad but they are fine with Mortal Kombat player's gore fetish.
James Long
The problem isn't with Sony or devs. The problem is shitty parents letting their kids play games rated M for Mature and then complaining that the games have unsuitable content. Most of the reason people are such shitty parents is because most people also happen to be wage-slaves so theres no time, no time for education either which would have made a difference.
Kevin Thomas
I haven't played that shit in awhile but how do you get full nudity? I could only ever see tits did they add it later or is there some workaround?
Parker Brooks
if they bullied the people that would cause the most damage like Anita and Zoe into irrelevance, vidya wouldn’t be in the mess that is in right now
Jaxon Smith
>degenerate weeb And? So degenerates cant have their games and muslims can marry REAL minors? REMINDER THAT RESETERA SUPPORT REAL PEDOPHILIA
Oliver Richardson
>worrying what 0.1% of the population cares
I don't know a single person that worries what trannies may think about something. The ones that do surround themselves with an echo chamber.
Grayson Kelly
Mason Rodriguez
That's not what "crack down on censorship" means.
Alexander Morales
They want to ban whatever makes them feel self conscious.
Ethan Flores
>reflecting concerns in the U.S. about the depiction of women in games God I'm embarrassed to live in the US, where you're encouraged to bomb the fuck of middle eastern villages, but you're not allowed to look at a little bit of digital tiddy.
Just keep eating the burgers and cementing ourselves as the laughing stock of the world.
Not to mention the last two trailers for TLOU2 had gore and torture on full display like something to be proud of.
Sebastian Rivera
Mason Anderson
they won't care if you killed yourself
David Gonzalez
OBJECTIVE FACT: The fear in enjoyment of a woman's body is the cause of hyper degenerate fetishes like furries, brapshit, pissing, "STEP ON ME," and "BEAT ME UP" and by enforcing a fear of the female form instead of helping kids you are turning them into crazed sexual deviants.
Mason Clark
my country and it's lefties and politicians in general can be real retarded sometimes
>Sony’s overbearing censorship policies is a Nintendo conspiracy
This is your brain on SNOY
Jace Adams
The only hope is that the nips revolt against this and sales of all Snoy products plummet there. Ultimately, they are a nipponese firm and no way will they poison their own domestic customer base.
Juan Peterson
They even consider classic outfit Lara porn, jesus is just a top and shorts, fuck jealous trannies and pedos
Evan Bell
They didn't. I'm on PC and just got to this point this morning, the censor is still there. ppl keep saying the PC version isn't even censored. Y'all dumbfucks.
Brandon Harris
The aftermath would be much, much worse. It's like trying to raise your kid to be Catholic and not do any drugs (without explaining what drugs really are/do/why they can be dangerous) and not have sex (without explaining safe sex practices). It's just not going to work and the kid ends up a tranny, gay, or just fucked.
The game happens when society attempts to curb change. Change is inevitable, the aftermath of trying to stop it is generally more horrifying than just giving people what they want and moving on/worrying about things that actually matter, such as governments serving only the financial elite.
Jaxon Morgan
Ps5 is going to bomb in Japan regardless
they are pissed that they decided to abandon there home country and become western
Brody Carter
It's time for you guys to take this gondola to the world of open market (PC), leave that gay earth behind.
you can literally look from example and you'd find out that the ones that initiate wanting to experience BDSM and shit like that usually end up being from hyper conservative religious homes too, so if you're telling kids that "TITS BAD" you are breeding a generation of freaks... thanks sony.
Evan White
This guy gets it, faggots are worse than drugs or violence
Nathaniel Taylor
Because it's appealing to men. And an entire generation of women has been very deliberately groomed to be weappnized against men. And these weaponized, caustic women are just one of many things that have been perverted to create a persistent societal tension in the west. And that persistent societal tension is designed to weaken western peoples and nations, destroying societies and cultures that a certain other ethnic group has a centuries, even millenia, long grudge against.
Their rise was not organic. They were propped up and given a boost. If they cracked under pressure and went off script, they'd be replaced by another. It would have just delayed the inevitable.
Nippon culture is extremely conservative, porn is already censored there. What makes you think the Japs won't see Sony doing this and cheer en-masse? There is no more a cucked generation than the Japs, highest debt to GDP ratio on the planet by far (235.96% of its GDP) and completely socially retarded.
Blake Stewart
Japan has stopped being relevant ages ago. Keep pretending otherwise
Cameron Morris
Sorry I'm a faggot. I meant Nintendo
Brayden Barnes
The nips live in a bubble where they think their niche content like eroge or ecchi games are 100% unknown to foreigners because of the language barrier. Except we've known all along and don't give a shit, but now they have to save face or something.
Sebastian Williams
Where were you when Sony became Nintendo?
Colton Lee
Nice try, you're not me you faggot
James Kelly
>kid ends up a tranny, gay, or just fucked You could say that this is the entire point After all, best way to kill a race is to kill its men, but even better is to corrupt its children
The irony in that the rest of the civilized world sees California and New York as the only bastions of sanity in the USA.
Jacob Reyes
>And an entire generation of women has been very deliberately groomed to be weaponized against men. As someone who has witnessed this firsthand during the first year and a half of Uni I can confirm this to be pretty true. I cry knowing that there are beautiful women who ruin themselves thinking it's all a neat rebellion and game
Left gets in power, sex is bad because it’s objectifying.
Right gets in power, sex is bad because it’s sinful.
Aiden Campbell
Nope, choke a nigger dick
Aiden Garcia
>Sony officially crack down on censorship We've known this for like half a year already. Did it really take this long for the facts to be recognized? Well better late than never I guess.
Evan Cooper
Yeah whenever I travel abroad I tell people that NY and California are pretty fucking shit and it's nothing like on TV and Movies
Just buy it on Xbox or PC. Sony's exclusives have been utter shit the last couple of years.
Aiden Jackson
But only white folks and muslims support keeping their kids from experiencing the real world. You're just doing it to your own race. They wouldn't be retarded if you let them learn about things with unbiased teachings.
Luis Brown
Cool, guess Im not getting the PS5 then
Jeremiah Taylor
Hopefully just like this shitty “code” that we used to have, this will be abandonded too
Jaxon Johnson
>tell guys that are involuntarily celibate to have sex >they comply and force others to involuntarily have sex with them because it's the only way they'll have it Pottery
David Thomas
hard to do when dumb japs keep making their games an unpaid for ps4 exclusive
Jose Gomez
Christopher Kelly
Go the fuck back
Nolan Hernandez
It does, idiot.
Carson Bailey
It's almost like California is responsible for all this shit and them moving the HQ to California is the cause of their problems
Carter Cox
>the few remaining console only holdouts all revolt by moving to PC we just keep on winning bros
Shitskin here, > support keeping their kids from experiencing the real world Nope, all fake, everyone does whatever the fuck they want just behind the curtains, you don't see people shitting user, but god knows they do.
Thomas Williams
Owen Fisher
Xbox Two it is then
Angel Stewart
>all this negative PR right before the next generation Is Sony literally retarded?
Robert Young
Just don't buy them. Vote with your wallet and voice your concern with an email or something. The free market will prevail.
Joshua Hughes
Going full Microsoft and Nintendo next gen.
James Moore
>just behind the curtains
I think you're failing to see that this is the problem. If people are shitting on the streets it should be public like it is in India, so that the problem may be addressed/revolved/discussed. Repressing gays is an example of how this went so, so, so wrong. Now they're coming for our words and our games and it wouldn't have ever happened if we at least gave them a little bit of freedom earlier on instead of stamping on No's.
William King
>does not inhibit the sound growth and development BLOOD AND GORE GOOD BOOBIES BAD
Alexander Rogers
PS5 will have Ray Tracing you piece of shit. Everyone is hyped to fuck
Ian Gomez
The saddest part is how retardera is trying to champion this as a win, because Senran Kagura is one of "those darn pedo games."
Ian Lewis
>Nintendo is now the only Japanese console manufacturer What the fuck happened?
Brayden Rodriguez
Blood and gore usually isn't portrayed in a positive light in video games.
Justin Sanchez
It's a damned if you do damned if you don't situation. Read here When you sign a deal to release a game on a console it may not be easy to walk out of it like nothing happened, even if the console maker starts being retarded
Anthony Ortiz
Please off yourself
Christopher Campbell
Dude fucking Flordia, which most likely has an Elder God sleeping underneath the state influencing people into madness(pic related), is seen as more sane then Commiefornicationa
>gaming "does not inhibit the sound growth and development" of young people >0% they will also limit violent content >or segregate adults from kids in online games >"We care about young people" At least try to blow smoke up our asses and claim some kind of higher calling like elevating the medium or some shit.
Elijah Rodriguez
Yeah it's pretty ironic but unsurprising to see this happen. FUCK Snoy and imperialist California.
Ayden Thomas
>snoy becoming more and more sjw can be compared to getting banned from a website for posting gay barashit dumb retard
William Peterson
>Two American consoles and only one Japanese console now
Luke Rivera
Kayden Thompson
>"does not inhibit the sound growth and development" of young people Isn't that what enforceable age ratings are for?
>"does not inhibit the sound growth and development" of young people. newsflash sony, preventing kids from seeing a little bit of cleavage in a video game isn't going to do SHIT to help them. Kids still get exposed to this shit from tons of other sources, preventing games from having that won't suddenly save him from liking women. what will happen is, he'll just go to somewhere else to get his tit fix like the internet or even a different console. So in reality all this would actually do is just make developers hate you for proposing that they cater to your beliefs instead of doing what they've always been doing.
Oh, look, what a surprise! I decided a few months ago to no longer support anything Sony because of their censor-happy ways, and they double down!
I encourage everyone to look into exactly what Sony as a company sells/provides, and either support their competitors (not just the Playstation brand, ALL of Soyn), or just pirate their "products". Put enough demand on them, and either Sony will cave, or their corporate supporters (from advertisers to 3rd party devs) will take note and go to where the money is: PC, Switch, etc.
They are doing this to profit off of women who are interested in gaming. Fanservice has been shown to repulse women just like fujoshit repulses men. Gaming is changing because they want the other half of the population to become addicted to gaming as well.
Hunter Diaz
Parents who buy their kids games with tiddies never want to admit it was their own fucking fault and instead want to remove it for everyone else.
Ian Thomas
You know, people will go 'it's just vidya' but this kind of constant pushing and pushing and pushing the buttons of any group, not just gamers, and just in gaming, but almost every facet of life, is what sets off movements like National Socialism or any other reactionary uprising. Eventually the gamer or the movie enthusiast or just an other wise normal person gets sick of being harassed, bullied, and generally shit on and they just collectively snap and next thing you know they're fucking goosestepping
You might laugh, you might go 'haha gamers rise up amirite' but it's the truth. Sooner or later the gamers and comic readers, other nerds, and everyone whose been affected by this social justice bullshit spilling out into the real world beyond the internet are going to get tired of having their hobbies, pasttimes and culture ridiculed, criminalized and harassed that they just snap. And the best part is, the SJW, the marxist, the cryptocommie, will act shocked and hurt and play the victim when it happens, nevet acknowledging they caused it even as they're lined up on the wall.
Jack Ramirez
Hitler hired gays hitler was as bad as the rest of them
Isaac Martinez
>women >buying games WEW
Isaac Gray
Yeah, NO.
Dylan Gray
Raytracing doesnt make a game good, and doesn't make Sony thinking they're everyones parents any better. I'd rather play a complete game in 720p and fake reflections than a chopped up, half released pos with realtime raytracing.
Nolan Gomez
not at all true, women are interested in sexual content more than men are
Alexander Miller
Why does Sony care about this shit so much, Nintendo and Microsoft don't give a shit, as long as people are happy with their products they're happy.
Jack Sanchez
>oh no booooooooooohooooooooooo my anime titties Imma shoot up everyone now!
I'm honestly surprised Sony HQ hasn't gotten shot-up or blown-up yet. I mean, this IS America, right?
William Lewis
(You) now go away normal people are talking here
Austin Butler
>only incels like lewd shit
William Diaz
>A fringe extreme minority of people have somehow taken over the media and entertainment companies >They're now trying to take over the government as well Why did you let this happen?
S***** are those who are okay with this. It's the epitome of weakness, emasculation, it mirrors white male leftists.
Wyatt Morris
PS5 will get the ps3 curse
John Wilson
When this article was released, you could hear the echoes of every citizen of California clapping in unison all across America. They only embrace this
Nathaniel Reyes
So... turn away half your fanbase (because there are those who are cucks) to appeal to half the population who was never into gaming and considers gaming either too hard, casino/gacha-shit, and/or Zelda.
Smart move.
Nathaniel Taylor
And thats how you know this goes deeper than capitalism and the companies themselves, and is more about social engineering by a massive third party. I know its what you implied, but lets be blatent about it. 'They' certainly are.
Cameron Reyes
>open market >Nintendo hey remember that SMT + FE crossover where they censored everything remotely sexy?
Carson Nguyen
because the higher ups at Sony, including the devs, are the most cucked developers and executives yet I don't have it, but can someone please post that one Sony executive that literally looks like the so i boy wojack that literally tweeted about how he was happy to be the only white person at his niece's birthday
Not Northern Cali above Shit Francisco and every county east of the valley. Those folks have their heads screwed on straight.
Evan Cruz
S***** don't, but they're okay because they're of use to the soviets so at least they think they are validated. It's like getting upvotes on reddit because you're letting "your" wife fuck nigerians.
Blake Butler
spoken like a true faggot
Kayden Morales
and then the backlash from that caused Nintendo to completely restructure their localization department
Jack Bailey
Why do you think that more men buy games than women? Gaming is currently catered to men for the most part. This is changing because developers want the other half of the populations cash. Are you serious? You can't be serious. The majority of women are not lesbians. Games are obviously sexually charged to appeal to men. This is why men are upset that this is changing.
Jayden Johnson
Okay, thanks feminist anti-male version of Sony user.
Adrian Sanchez
it´s still censored in europe
Christopher Jackson
>being an arbitrary brand loyalist as a developer fucks you up sooner or later Gee who would've thought. Sony loyalty at this point is a literal mental disorder for Jap devs.
Jordan Gonzalez
virgin cope
William Scott
I listened, fuck the media, Michael Jackson was a legend.
If a nuke wouldn't radioactively fuck America I would leave one at the Sony HQ and call it a day.
Tyler Morgan
>The majority of women are not lesbians >you have to be gay to think the same gender can be remotely attractive if this isn't bait then I'm genuinely surprised by how retarded you are.
Noah Adams
Men will still play games without sexual content. Especially as time goes on and sexual content is no longer commonplace in videogames.
Ian Morris
>That spoiler Having friends that are various ethnicities and shit is perfectly fine. Hell, I was just at an Egyptian's wedding, but this is just ridiculously disturbing.
Leo Taylor
>Makes the most red-pilled game of the gen >Some honeypot MAGA grift account goes full retard for Patreon bucks from incels
Xavier Cruz
I'm not a s*****, sorry.
Jacob Long
This is why you should not buy video games and why you should not support Sony in any way.
Kevin Ramirez
>be a 'concerned mom' >feel safe buying little Billy "Blood Gore ShootEmUp 3" because no tiddies or sex >load up an episode of Rome, Sparticus, or Game of Thrones and leave it running while you do chores Sounds legit. It's the only thing that makes me hesitate to call it a planned move by bigger parties, because surely it makes no sense to target just gaming, when you have harder shit than what softcore porn could portray a few decades ago on evening TV. I mean, Blue is the Warmest Color has actual fucking lesbian sex, with full on finger banging and pussy eating, and it's 'just a movie' avalable on streaming service.
Company man? I guess that what I am called? I dunno. But I am a freelance fixer of problems for companies and let me tell you that I have done consulting and security and it is NOT that hard to undermine security for one of these sites, its not the damn CIA guarding these jewholes, its at best private security firms that have some measurement of training and/or ex military. I got no beef with them but they aint gonna be pulling armed fireguard shifts 24/7 with assault rifles. I am not suggesting nor giving advice but provided someone manages the genuinely difficult task of organization and practical members with equipment and skillsets it would be very easy to storm the building.
Police would fuck you up, civilians either have to make or ubersneak the gear and weapons and escape would be impossible unless you James Bond your way out but...a suicide mission? Easy if you got the gear.
Daniel Baker
no you're just a fucking incel
Lucas Cook
>greatest country in the world is shit If this is true, then we're all fucked.
Andrew Brown
It's not about attractiveness. Women are generally put off by male gaze. Just like how men did not like how the new fire emblem game is catering to fujos. How do you not know this?
Jack Harris
Cory Balrog isn't redpilled, just go on his twitter and he's a super hugbox "I'm with her" "I'm sorry for being a white man" type of guy.
Nicholas Sanchez
Dude don't feel bad just because you got called out for being a poor pitiful mangina. Just take the L and go on with your miserable life.
Noah Reed
The game was rigged, they've been laying the groundwork for this since the 1800s, all of the 19th and 20th centuries have led up to the state of the west today.
Julian Russell
8k sunrays, lmao
Anthony Barnes
Not like it effects me since I don't play cringe softcore porn games on consoles because PC and games with uncensored porn exist and are readily available.
But still a dick move.
Henry Edwards
faggots are literally more degenerate than the shit you listed
Jack Turner
Legit question, what is your life like? I could never imagine having your lifestyle and physical/mental health. Do you just sit here all day and shitpost? Doesn't that get boring? Why not help yourself man, I don't want to think there are people here who never have sex, never bathe, and don't even care about their hygeinic health. I wish I could help all of you.
Henry Nelson
yeah, women don't like it when THEY are the one being looked at, but women all the time are looking at and making judgements about OTHER women, this isn't even a sexist thing, even psychological/behavioral classes will tell you that women actually do this.
Jonathan Hill
If you need to vent your sexual frustrations on Yea Forums, you are most likely a roastie Shave your pubes, Take a shower, Get those flaps trimmed, and show some self respect and just stop having sex
Luke Brown
Well, I don't care, I'm not buying any Sony products. I purchase items so that they are my own and I don't have to deal with censorship. This isn't public television, so why are they censoring it? Just put an M rating on it. But oh well. No Sony products for me.
Connor Price
It doesn't count when a cock is in a man's ass
Mason Rodriguez
It’s not the stuff getting censored, it’s the censorship that bothers me. Why are we , as a society, now telling women it’s not okay to be sexy?
Cooper Gray
So why was God of War a celebration of masculinity while RDR2 was a woke cinematic experience?
Daniel Brooks
Basedny is a pool of homosexuals, trans and all that scum
Aaron Ward
Why is Sony doing this? To protect consumers? Don't they realize that's what the ESRB ratings system is for? I guess leftist Americans really are the new puritans.
are you new here? some posts can get over 100+ replies
Landon Bell
Lucas Price
Well I guess I'm going on the Nintendo path on next gen. Fuck this gay company and fuck California.
Oliver Torres
yep that's him
Carson Nguyen
Yeah no shit, every fucking movie takes place in those two states. Doesn't mean what they see in the big screen is real in anyway.
Benjamin Butler
They are far too subtle and quiet for the common man to catch on. Theirs is a war of centuries, and it will take decades of revolution. So far as I can tell, it's only on the national scale, and has not-yet reached the household (or, at least, my household and general neighborhood).
Samuel Allen
>non-religious puritans
it makes no sense
Dominic Walker
Conan is a game Sony themselves are giving away for free this month.
This is only affecting Vita hold overs like Mary Skelter whose only selling point was sexual imagery
John Roberts
you're kidding right, God of War isn't seen as a celebration of masculinity, it's seen as a commentary on toxic masculinity....Balrog himself has even said that.
David Perry
Hey now, we're crazy but pretty laid back and relaxed, just dont fuck with our beaches and gators Also we look forward to the apocalypse every September
The only women that care about this are the twitter landwhales that already keep telling themselves that it is ok to have zero sex appeal, those are the people Sony is catering to.
Normal girls will always concern themselves with being fuckable.
Instead of worrying about this cringe stuff just go out there and fuck a few normal girls, regardless of video game censorships, 30% of all males are not having sex at all, as studies show.
So instead of worrying about the objectification of women or whatnot. Go out there and fuck some of them, I swear to you, they want you to.
Jack Foster
that's because Commiefornians are colossal hypocrites who think it's okay when westerners do it but anime tiddies? OH NO NO NO this is mostly due to the fact the loudest voices for censorship from places like sonygaf are pedos trying to deflect attention from themselves
Hudson Sanchez
>Some marketing pleb
Try harder, Xniggie.
Matthew Parker
Can some of you be nice to each other?
James Myers
Well the women can put themselves in the shoes of the videogame girl being sexualized and it makes them uncomfortable. It feels predatory to them. That is the real reason why things are getting less sexual in games. Women won't play games if the male gaze stays but men will still buy games even if there is no sexualization. This means that developers are about to make some serious money in the next decade.
Colton Allen
>and gaming "does not inhibit the sound growth and development" of young people Yeah I think that sexy girls are great for the growth of boys/men.
Also for girls actually because it shows them not to get fucking fat
Thomas Foster
There are people who unironically think anime = pedo. And the word pedo is an easy kafka trap too
>you're a pedo >no >your denial is proof that you are!
Juan Russell
yeah, of reaction images, this is pure assblast
Ryder Robinson
He's baiting retard.
Gavin Ross
ethics and morals dont make any sense they are still good
Ayden Gutierrez
> more censorship Y'know, I'm glad Sony keeps giving me even more incentive to skip out on their next gen console.
Dominic Flores
who are you going to trust user
Ryan Smith
>teenagers who came out as transgender were more likely to have friends who were transitioning and were influenced by YouTube videos and social media Holy fucking shit this entirely explains the prevalence of trannies and flaming faggotry in speedrunning.
Adam James
>A Sony spokeswoman confirmed the company has established its own guidelines "so that creators can offer well- balanced content on the platform" and gaming "does not inhibit the sound growth and development" of young people. She declined to say when these guidelines were introduced or to discuss them in detail. >"Oh, user, I think that Japanese game might be a bit too mature for you. Why don't you play this superhero game? Just right for a big boy like you!"
>Well the women can put themselves in the shoes of the videogame girl being sexualized and it makes them uncomfortable this is not at all true, women don't care about that shit. if that was the case then games like Bayonetta would never have even been made, especially wouldn't be loved by women to a point where Lady Gaga of all people set out to finish it and constantly talked about how much she loved Bayonetta. The truth is women don't care about a girl being sexy, in fact if it's other women thinking a girl is sexy they go "YASSSS QUEEN SLAY!!!!!!!!!" they only get annoyed when MEN take it to a point where they start devaluing women.
Ryder Jackson
What the fuck is with california and sjw trannies and gay people? explain to a non american
Gabriel Nelson
>gay pride good >2d anime girls bad
Robert Miller
culture cesspool something about california and it's coastal cities attracts pure degenerates
Isaac Torres
I can't help but feel that the Japs really are going to take this lying down. 2020 is going to be a terrible year.
>Instead of worrying about this cringe stuff just go out there and fuck a few normal girls Why don't you go fuck yourself? I don't care about making small talk, and having to deny myself, wage slave, be fashion conscious, and witty all so I can get into some bitch's pants. I don't have the spirit to pretend I care about anything that comes out of a woman's mouth just so I can "make it" with her, and tell all my dudebros over a beer. I work, I pay my taxes, I obey the law, the least this shitpiece existence can do is let me jack it ten times to whatever big titted anime girl I'm on that week so I can relax and continue to tolerate living.
Dylan Watson
Just move to the Switch. The xbone isn't really an option since its a dead fish in Japan.
I'm in agreement with you. It's about the devaluation. That is what i meant. It's not about how attractive the character is.
Jayden Hughes
Jason Taylor
They get the sense of moral superiority that comes from doing the 'right'/wholesome thing with none of the judgement or need to actually do the right thing, being free to do all manner of degenerate shit behind closed doors.
>makes them uncomfortable >men are the targets of violence 9 out of ten times >continue to go out and live as normal >women need to change movies and games to feel safe I HATE ALL OF YOU!
Nolan Carter
ESRB is toothless since Gamestop doesn't stop kids from buying M games.
Sony is doing because no one cares or respects those type of games or the people who play them
Liam Diaz
another generation is on the cusp of coming out, they just have to shift to XBOX SCORPIO and Switch.
Seriously, what the fuck is going on with Sony? Like, I cannot comprehend how a company makes business decisions that are this bad. Literally all they had to do to ensure their dominance in the coming generations was to be exactly the way they were at the end of the previous generation. >Massive library of exclusives from lots of genres, from platformers, to shooters, to rpgs to driving games etc >free online >indie friendly >less restrictions than competitors
They started the generation that way and it went well until 2015 when they decided to turn into the shittiest console manufacturer.
>no backwards compatibility, pay $60 for the games you already own you dumbass consumer >no free internet, pay again to use your internet >Oh you like our exclusives? Well, we're gonna shut down like half of our studios and the rest are only going to make cinematic, third person shooters >censorship >against cross play when everyone else is okay with it
FUCK ME, I used to love this company as a kid. I literally cannot stand them anymore. Eat fucking shit, commie sony.
Austin Turner
What is "mansplaining?"
Isn't it a little sexist?
Ryan Long
the point you were trying to make is that the game makes women feel devalued when in reality women blame the MEN that devalue them. The truth is, men in the gaming industry are becoming so emasculated because of this that they are the ones pushing for all these changes within the gaming industry because they've taken women being upset at men devaluing them as "it's the game's fault women feel devalued, I'm sorry that I'm a privileged male who could never understand the plight of a woman, we must make amends!"
They've been taken over by people who unironically think you need consent before fapping to a vidya girl.
Jack Rogers
After the Japanese games industry nearly died thanks to the 360, they aren't going anywhere near you faggots.
William Torres
Women can't help that they are repulsed it's just in their biology. If anything blame developers for figuring this out and pandering to women to make more money. Also you should probably blame men for victimizing other men if you feel unsafe outside.
Isaiah Parker
It speaks volume that the people who support this garbage don't buy those games in the first place.
I once knew this really beautiful girl that had a great attitude toward life. Then she shaved off her head, grew out her body hair and showers once in a blue moon. Got piercings and everything, it was such an amazing transformation, I'm still reeling from the shock. It was around 2014-15 I'd say.
Ayden Hill
>Sony Corp. is cracking down on sexual content in PlayStation 4 videogames globally, reflecting concerns in the U.S. about the depiction of women in games but irritating some software developers No shit. I'd be totally fine with it if it was just influencing how content could be released in the US, but this is the US reaching their hand over into another country and forcing their media to conform to US standards. Imagine if fucking China was in higher power and they reached over into American and European studios and told them what they had to release in the US and America instead of just censoring it for Chinese release.
Autistic people are also more likely to be transgender and you've got to be on the spectrum to speedrun games.
Gavin Hall
You know that devs and publishers would prefer bend over and take in the ass over switch platforms right?
Just look at all those retards wanting vita 2.
Grayson James
You realize that men make up the majority of developers right? Those sexy anime girls don't draw themselves in skimpy clothes.
Luke Thomas
You need to contact your supervisors, Pajeet, he should have new talking points ready for you by now.
Aiden Diaz
>girls >ever good lol
Joshua Price
Hudson Perry
Imagine being a Zeek thot.
Luke Martinez
Are they more likely to not be able to distinguish reality from fiction?
I swear the censorship always come from people who can't and decided that everyone else cannot too.
Gabriel Collins
I'm talking western devs, they are the ones who try to feel sorry for being a privileged male who must make up for all his wrongs by desexualizing the games industry.
Josiah Roberts
>snoyniggers ftfy
Sebastian Davis
Jayden Murphy
>we want less sexual content >oh no this anime girl's outfit is waaaayyy too skimpy >but big nigger dick is perfectly okay What the hell is wrong with their entire censorship policy?
Mason Rogers
Anyone that says otherwise is a fucking kike.
Jose Long
>She big surprise
Henry Johnson
Apart from the horrific attrition rate it'd be pretty good.
It was never about equality or any other bullshit they claim to be for, it was always about destroying things people they don't like enjoy, and purely out of spite. Literal toddler mentality.
This goes for Western devs too. Men design the women in videogames to appeal to other men. The way they do it turns women off from gaming. Male developers WANT women to buy their games so they are toning the sexuality down.
Grayson James
I have a feeling the Konosuba game was delayed because of this. Basically the only options for this game are PS4 and Vita so fuck. I hope the Nips kick Snoy to the curb after all this.
What the fuck do nigger dicks have to do with this?
Julian Davis
Remember when people just thought only lolishit was gonna be censored and that this was just an overreaction and there is no way anything else would be censored because Sony is based af?
Here we are
Landon Davis
they THINK that's what women want, but in reality women don't care if a girl is sexy, they only care if men try to devalue women because of it.
Brandon Bennett
>men make vidya for men (because men like vidya) >women don't like the vidya they make (because women don't like vidya in general) >men no longer make the vidya for men so women will buy it >women still don't like the vidya they make (because they still don't like vidya in general)
>Sony >Based No those were delusional cucks. It was always shit
Kayden Thompson
>tfw Sakura Wars pls
Michael Ramirez
Change your location to anywhere not NA
Oliver Cruz
Reminder that Japanese devs don't care and won't suddenly go to Switch. They care about money and being able to develop on modern hardware.
Jace Jackson
People saying that Bameco is porting to switch. I'm not sure if this is remotely true but considering that God eater popped out of nowhere it might give some credit to the rumour.
Thomas Phillips
I don't think you know how a lot of women work. Women have been highly critical of the male gaze in media for a long time. The issue is not the attractiveness of the character but how they are constantly sexualized for the male audience. Most women are repulsed by that so that's why it's changing.
Austin Gonzalez
They're all just gonna become mobile developers and make gacha games anyway. The era of traditional video games is coming to an end.
Christian Thomas
I’m worried for code milkies :(
Parker Gray
I feel like the 'anime shit' aspect is the biggest factor in discussing Snoy's censorship right now, hence that reoccurring debate happening in these threads, but once the new generation kicks off and literally everybody's games are being put through the same ringer, like the GTAs of the world, a lot more people are going to realize why this is a catastrophically bad move.
Caleb Ward
That's literally the case, they are contractually forbidden from disclosing censorship demands after the negative press they got after another dev called them out in a major JP publication, so the konosuba guys had to dance around the issue, 'complications in the production' was intended to be read as 'Snoy is making us revise shit' and as a cry for help.
This is also why Code Vein is actually delayed, screencap this. They also got SNOY'd and have to redo character designs and content on top of polishing the game. People are gonna be PISSED.
Liam James
Unironically vote with your wallet. Buy a Switch or an XBONE, don't give snoy money for a PS5.
Christopher Roberts
>Sony officially crack down on censorship >crack down >on censorship >implying literally the opposite
Wyatt Mitchell
Are you saying they'll comply?
Logan Cook
In profile settings?
Landon Evans
The eurofags and huehues will buy it to use as a FIFA machine anyways.
Aaron Reyes
I've literally had to analyze women behavior for a psychology/behavioral class I did, and I can tell you that women don't give two shits about other women being sexy, they only care about whether or not people are judging THEM, Women constantly judge other women all the time and they don't care if other people are judging those women as well, it only becomes a problem for them when THEY are the one being judged.
David Harris
Why is one form of sexual content okay but another is not?
Colton Price
>taking away games from kids because it's inappropriate for their age Isn't that what parents are for? Encourage people to be involved with their kids so you don't have to police everything yourself.
Jacob Brown
I'm not sure why men think that women don't like games. It is just that women are repulsed by how overly sexual a lot of them are. That's why a lot of them drop the hobby. Men do not NEED games to be sexy, they will still buy the games sexy or not.
Connor Diaz
You know it's true. The game isn't just delayed because they want to improve it. They got SNOY'd. The only reason God Eater 3 didn't was because it already went to press by the time the crackdown really started in earnest.
Colton Ortiz
As someone who was an Nintendo/Sony/PC idort throughout the years and owned PS1-4 and the PSP/Vita I'm no longer going to buy any Sony consoles. Fuck 'em, I only ever got the systems because of the exclusives in the first place. Since most things go to PC nowadays I can just skip them in the next generation.
Show jap devs where the market is next gen: anywhere but Sony. Surely Yea Forums can rally behind the flag of fighting that which is trying to destroy video games as we know it, and can stand down with console warring or other pathetic shit JUST THIS ONCE to make a statement. Unfortunate but surely there is a way we can stop this, nothing is completely out of the realm of possibility.
Jaxon Myers
They all have paid online and ads. It's the same shit with every console now.
Noah Cruz
Why is anyone surprised by this? Consoles are children's toys, if you actually use one it just means you're a manchild.
Joseph Johnson
Then why are women repulsed by male gaze in media including videogames?
Ethan Myers
>blacked shit is somehow getting in the way of hentai and ecchi shit I am too hungry for this shit.
Dominic Bell
lol can't wait to see what Tifa will look like in the remake
Jason Bailey
they censored DMCV as well, weebshit isn't the only stuff getting affected by this
Xavier Wood
Sex can be an artform. That being said an anime girl with disproportional tits and unrealistic figure is just pure fan pandering.
Aaron Russell
Women don’t know about sexualized games or they just ignore them. Trannies and virtue signaling faggots are the ones who oppose sexualized games.
Ryan Martin
(2/2) There is a difference between transgendered and transsexual individuals, and that difference is that transgendered people don't exist. Gender is a spectrum. Trans-ness only exists in the context of dysphoria between biological sex and presented gendered behavior. Transsexuals are people whose brain chemistry and structure differs significantly enough from that of their biological sex that they experience an uncomfortable dissonance between body and mind. The treatment for this mental illness is to take hormones and receive surgery to make their bodies as close as possible to how they feel they should be. Medical science isn't far along enough to turn man into woman though, so a lot of people like that end up becoming horrible hormone goblins.
Some men are born with brains that ate structurally more similar to female brains than male brains, and those men are typically homosexual and typically their lives aren't negatively impacted by the transition process. Heterosexual men who claim to be transsexuals, on the other hand, have brains that are structurally different from the standard male brain, but those structural differences do not make them closer to female. The differences are the closest thing we've discovered to measurable degeneracy, for example it's very common for heterosexual men who transition to experience autogynephilia. Sexual arousal towards the idea of becoming or appearing to be a woman. People like that suffer great regret upon transition. It is worth noting that the very important fact uncovered by this is that men who transition into women but who remain attracted to women afterwards are not honest transexuals, they're literally deranged sexual deviants, woman fetishists who get off to the idea of chopping their dick off and appearing to be female. Here is an archive of a relevant study: archive.is/8wMFZ
You didn't read my post.
Evan Martin
I really want to hang this man.
Ian Parker
Fuck Sony. I'm not kidding when I say we need to rise up and fight for our civil right to love and enjoy 2D women. If it worked for fags, why not us?
They will because they have two choices: >adapt and make money or >don't adapt, move to Switch, and lose huge chunk of sales because Switch owners don't buy third party games
David Nelson
The biggest cancer on culture isn't Marx or Foucault is fucking Gramsci. This idea that culture needs to be controlled then curated by institutions is his. I guess the right has an equivalent but anyway I hate that retarded Italian faggot.
>lel i called them children now they'll have to stop gaming or be ashamed You just blow in form Stupidtown?
Blake Miller
>Trannies and virtue signaling faggots are the ones who oppose sexualized games. This
Levi Young
Corporations move so slowly. You can feel the me too moral panic bullshit ending. It’s going to be torn to shit leading up to the US election because no one is pure enough for SJWs, themselves included. So you are going to have Sony and other banning sex when the general public starts to think it’s fine. Over the next few years, when people don’t care about shaming sexual content, Sony will get heat and lose money because they shifted to a belief system 2 years too late. Couldn’t happen to a better bunch of guys.
Angel Taylor
They're not, you're just hanging around too many feminazis and reading into their bullshit. Women love sexualized men in media, god fucking knows there's a huge gamer/fujo crossover, the "women" that give a fuck are the ones in the California office making these calls. That's it.
Dominic Torres
Yes they ignore them which means that they are NOT BUYING them. Also I'm not talking about straight up porn games. I'm talking about how female characters are designed to appeal to the male gaze and how it puts off potential female buyers. How are you guys so clueless about this? Women constantly complain about it.
Carter Reed
Fuck the USA What is it? The 90ies? Why the fuck are you such insecure pussies? I bet you go sauna clothed.
Tyler Nelson
Why ban and censor it then? Are Californians such children that they cannot tell fantasy from reality?
Thomas Diaz
>cannot tell fantasy from reality? Yes. Which is what makes them loving fantasy violence so disturbing.
Henry Morgan
Some of these anons don't seem to realize that part of growing up is steadily ceasing to give a shit what people think of you or your hobbies.
Luis Watson
>Civilized 3rd world doesn't count user
Noah Roberts
it's a complicated answer but to sum it up, the repulsion is more on the effects that might come from letting the "gaze" become the only way to perceive women(as in, the only way people make judgement about women are based on their looks), rather than the idea that they are being getting looked at at all, because everyone is being watched at all times. If you're out in a crowded public place, chances are at least one person looks at you every few seconds, regardless of what gender you are.
Blake Allen
Fujo pandering is not nearly commonplace as men being pandered to. Men hate fujo pandering for the same reason women hate women being sexualized in games. This is why sexualization is going to be toned down across all platforms in the near future. To maximize profit. This isn't rocket science.
Jayden Gray
I've been saying this for a while now, all we have to do is survive the Japanese Olympic Games. As soon as they're done acting all cutsey and professionally for the other nations, this will all end, but there is still great risk of them being completely converted thanks to the games. We just need to hold out long enough, people.
Jack Hill
Have sex
Camden Scott
This isn't about gaming, it's specifically about console gaming. Consoles are a platform for children. Period.
Gavin Reed
God I hate NA especially their power hungry women.
Samuel King
>Switch owners don't buy third party games
And you have a proof to back your argument?
Benjamin Sanchez
You all know the exact reason why all this censorship is happening. Women can not tolerate competition. Seeing a busty beautiful women in any form even digital makes them feel insecure and jealous. California is well known for women with highly inflated ego and very limited abilities. They would censor everything that drives male attention away from them. It was never about incels it has always been about women's ego because believe it or not the worse thing for a woman is no one paying her any attention. There ego feeds off people's attention even incels
Adam Allen
That's a gross misunderstanding of the issue. They are not making these choices to appease a potential market of female gamers, they are doing this as a corporation to secure a good corporate social image in the cradle years of a major shift in socio-politic dynamics. The future is green, the future is progressive, so the headlines say. So as a corporation foreseeing that, eventually, being part of the names that don't actively take a stance against toxic social issues will mean bad business, it makes sense that they would sellout to the left since they're just basicalky attempting to side with the winners. Sony is probably one of the best example of a soulless company. If it was literal emperor Palpatine who was running the world, he wouldn't even have to ask for Sony to suck his dick because they'd already be hard at work even before he became Emperor. Sony is an opportunistic business and has always been. They cashed in on the DVD craze with PS2, did it again with bluray with the PS3, tried to copy the wii's success and now they're cashing in on the currently trending social movement. Am I really the only one surprised by this? It never was about appeasing women specifically. Sony simply doesn't have integrity as a game and hardware dev.
Nathaniel Myers
I'm afraid there isn't any 3rd party games around to prove it with.
Owen Scott
Post that tame impala song Yes that one when they talk about going backwards
Hunter Reyes
But I'm going to buy MK on it
Jose Lopez
It's funny, five years ago I didn't know that this other ethnic group had traditional family names and customs. Fast forward to now and I literally can't stop noticing them.
Nathan Thompson
he's going to pull some random media create data where the PS4 version of some RPG sold 100 more units than the switch version.
Nolan Wilson
>leftyshit NJ gov. says he wants to turn us into "the east coast's California" Fuck NJ. this shit hole is worse than NY.
>Women can not tolerate competition. Seeing a busty beautiful women in any form even digital makes them feel insecure and jealous. Fucking this.
Kevin Sanchez
Well yeah that's the problem for potential female customers. The amount of sexualization is too high and it puts them off from entering the hobby. Gaming isnt niche anymore. Investors want to take full advantage of female purchasing power.
Leo Bennett
It seems like they are doing this because the audience that consumes such products is niche and they know they can get away with it while just painting them all as the enemy
Wyatt Baker
It isn't the entire USA the ESRB is literally an unnamed group of people from California that are basically fundie soccer moms and they decide what America is allowed to see, and now that Snoy has moved their HQ to Cali they get to decide what Snoy can publish worldwide we're not all prude faggots
Joshua Sanchez
>crackdown on censorship >actually a crackdown on sexual content, i.e. censorship are you jewish?
James Nelson
So what you are saying is that this is all capitalisms fault as usual. Can it just end already.
Thomas Sanchez
And what is more amusing is that switch version keeps selling instead of just dropping like a rock.
James Gray
>porn is already censored there Literally enforced by an american. Most ero artist actually don't have an issue releasing uncensored porn outside the country, it's even a selling argument on patreon and its japanese equivalent.
Alexander Ross
It's not about competition but it's about them empathizing with the female characters being overly sexualized. Women self insert with female characters and they don't want to be represented in that way.
Jaxson Campbell
i can tear a mans face off, impale, behead, a brutally murder on the latest MK 11 , yet you cant show a tit or cleavage freely FUCK YOU AMERICA THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT , you gave your women too much freedom now not only you live in a state of KEKISM you are affecting the entire world too, FUCK YOU WISH osama had nukes intead of planes
Jacob Hernandez
tons of third party indie games are on the switch and they consistently make it on the top sellers board you could argue that switch owners don't buy third party AAA which is mostly true because they're usually inferior ports, but saying they don't buy third party games period is wrong
Lucas Hill
Okay, going by this logic >Men hate fujo shit >Women hate sexy shit >Remove both >????? >Profit...somehow? You've explained their potential thought process, now explain how in the FUCK this is a good idea. Yes, you're placating two parties, but you're also cutting off two revenue streams for no reason other than the 'feelings' of a minority group supposedly complaining that really weren't even a blimp on the radar before this shit started. Where's the new money coming from?
Kayden Gutierrez
Exactly. Why do you think so many games are dumbed down now? Same with all the gambling in games as well.
Jacob Lewis
Yeah right.. this is why girls always try to make their Sims characters look slutty?
Wyatt Gonzalez
Read a fucking book
Brandon Lopez
Basically. As is usually the case, women ruin everything they get their hands on. Hence why my friend, my cousins, and even my uncles and dad don't allow any women in our card games. White guys fucked us all again by allowing their retarded fucking women to run amok.
Aaron Powell
Xbox won!
Jordan Wood
it loosely translates to "i don't have to listen to your point because you're a man"
but don't worry it's not sexist because you can't be sexist towards men
Luis Clark
Men and women will both buy games even if there is 0 sexual content. Games will become less sexy over time. This is not going to be extended to porn games though. Expect to see more of those in the future.
Isaac Reyes
> not about gaming > it's about gaming > people play games on a platform I don't like; that makes them children > my platform is superior, therefore, I am not a child for playing games t. Big brain
Jonathan Scott
Give a woman any power and she will ruin your life. Muslims got it right when they decided to cage the cunts.
Jaxson Perez
The ESRB actually isn't that powerful, it's the console manufacturers fucking this country. For instance, you don't need to be rated by the ESRB to release a game on PC.
Ian Lee
Are you for real. Ever been around a real women? Women are biologically incapable of showing any empathy unless its for there own self interest. Its been proven look it up
Austin Lewis
>which most likely has an Elder God sleeping underneath the state influencing people into madness(pic related) I think the elder god is under the Bermuda Triangle. It would explain everything.
Alexander Myers
>GOW >Kratos cock okay >girls are no longer attractive but fat landwhales >banning all girls from Japan The fuck is Sony trying to tell me here?
Brayden Evans
>but Japanese devs? This is the only positive, they need to drop the weebshit and try to make games for western players. They would up their game and stop making games for otakus. It sucks for weebs but then again we told them, we fucking told them Sony was cancer, this is what they get for supporting Snoy.
Xavier Butler
Men develop the majority of games. It is men who are making these decisions for profit. Men also allowed women to vote and work to become tax payers FOR PROFIT. Blame greedy men.
Asher Cooper
Yes, PC is a platform for adults, hence why I can get anything from the latest kiddie platformer to hardcore loli rape games on it.
Adam Carter
All the women I know that play video games have no problems with sexualization in games and think its stupid that Lara Croft has smaller breasts. Can you tell me what led you to believe this? And why are shirtless men with muscles bigger than humanly possible never mentioned by any of these people? Its only the feminists that are happy with this.
Jackson Roberts
That you should stop supporting sony and switch to PC gaming.
Nathaniel Ramirez
Or Nintendo.
Levi Sullivan
>sex is disgusting and should be outlawed Future generations will thank us!
Dominic Jones
ESRB don't have any kind of power here, you can even release unrated games. They even are fucking loose with ratings.
Easton Reyes
No, it's specifically white men, who are catering to their retarded women. Men also develop the majority of games in Japan, yet Japan doesn't have this issue. It's white women, it's always been white women, they're a genuine cancer.
Jace Anderson
>This is the only positive, they need to drop the weebshit and try to make games for western players.
10/10. Enjoy this (you).
Brayden Scott
That makes little sense, women mostly play different games than men do. Why change games to appeal to women instead of making new games instead? And why force it upon publishers/devs?
Josiah Peterson
We need to develop antimatter bombs. All of the destruction, but none of the fallout. A safe way to turn California into the California Sea.
Jacob White
Because making games is hard, and women would rather force others to do it for them than learn to do it themselves.
Liam Barnes
sony taking away anime titties just radicalized everyone itt into nazis lol
Jose Hall
>Buy an Xbone Fuck off back to /r/XboxOne, shill. We know you're scared.
Charles Morris
>hurr durr based sony >hurr durr muh weeb exclusives >hurr durr you're jelous cuz PC has no exclusives >why is nipon so based >reeeeeeeeee why is sony censoring my exclusives >reeeeeeeeeee why is sony censoring my multiplats >they were supposed to be a good monopoly Eat shit you deserve this.
That is what happen you take away the last respite people had left to ignore the shitty real world.
Aaron Sanders
>actually exposing their bias against Japan One question for Japanese devs: what in the holy fuck does it take to stop their disgustingly blind loyalty to Sony? Sony and WSJ are explicitly singling out their entire goddamned nation and its consumers and producers as something that they consider shameful.
Jackson Flores
If being a shill means I actually enjoy video games unlike you, then I guess I'm the biggest shill to ever live.
Isaiah Edwards
Home of Hollywood. Whenever there is an agenda to be pushed, California is ground zero.
Elijah Green
The retards that push that only think of themselves when they make those decisions and the boomer execs just hear "more potential customers" and sign off on it. When it fails, it's the fault of the problematic consumers and totally not theirs.
Adrian Howard
This. If you're into weebshit like you say and bought LEs, you can sell the excess off and get yourself a nice PC. Hell, my modest collection ended up being worth about $900 when all was said and done.
Because nip devs live in a bubble and only thing remotely relevant for them is japan. Any localization or fuckery that happen on west don't matter.
Thomas White
>what in the holy fuck does it take to stop their disgustingly blind loyalty to Sony? Jap devs are too scared to leave the Sony platform despite their audience arguably being larger on PC, Switch, and XONE. Take the Senran Kagura director for instance; He stated he HAD THE CHANCE to completely escape Sony and put his games on PC and Switch only, but he didn't because, and I quote, "PC gamers only like shooters". Fast forward one month later and he resigned due to sony censorship, killing the series forever when he had the chance to save it.
Jaxson Edwards
The saddest part about this is that it's impossible to put an age on a fictional character based on appearance alone. But apparently not in America because western women age so poorly and hit the wall at 18, therefore any drawing with a semblance of youth must be underage
Hunter Lopez
Shut up soiboy
Jack Miller
mein negger
Levi White
>PC gamers only like shooters What did he mean by this?
In terms of power sure is great and all. The rest is shit though.
Connor Johnson
>Imagine if fucking China was in higher power and they reached over into American and European studios and told them what they had to release in the US and America instead of just censoring it for Chinese release.
>did it again with bluray with the PS3, Sony was the leading partner behind Bluray development. That was them actively using their position in the video game market to make sure their product won against HD-DVD, it wasn't Sony opportunistically riding a wave of popularity.
Justin Gutierrez
Oh fuck off, every single time that a nip game lands on xbox it fucking dies and sell negative numbers.
Matthew Howard
I'd legit argue Xbox is going to have a bigger audience in japan than Sony in the coming years if Sony continues to push japanese dev's buttons. At some point the bubble will burst, and when it does Sony will happily let them go because they simply aren't as profitable as western games from SIE.
Grayson Powell
>I am a fucking idiot, and I got a lot of replies. LE BASED I EPIC TROLL U
Jesus fuck you worthless redditor. What makes you think that Yea Forums is just a place where you can post stupid little shit, worthless buzzword, make garbage post without any though? You're an idiot, don't even try to defend yourself.
Get the fuck out Reddit.
Nathan Moore
I am done with sony, i will never buy another product made by them again, this is 90's tier censorship and if i value something its freedom of choice.
Oliver Butler
>It's only art if I say so
Bentley Stewart
>does not inhibit the sound growth and development of young people And California is the best judge for that sort of thing?
Mason Adams
It doesn't really matter because they're all switching to mobile games anyway.
Jackson Robinson
Why are they all leaning to the right?
Levi Carter
That's actually why I deliberately picked China, as well as to relate to the whole Winnie the Pooh thing.
Leo Morgan
>"does not inhibit the sound growth and development" of young people.
Then what the fuck are ratings for you dumb fucking cunts. Fuck sony, can't believe I'm saying this after spending this long shilling for sony.
Robert Morales
>letting people that can't handle works of fiction be in charge
Since when has "fujo pandering" kept men from buying games? I had no problem enjoying Sengoka Basara.
Hudson Powell
This is another reminder why I hate those radical centrists who think they are being smart, who pollute the minds of many by pretending the evangelical Christians or the right just as bad as left wingers. LE LE. What an ignorance of the situation.
Leftists are a dangerous cult, and they win because they are fanatical in it.
Alexander King
>458764192 You played yourself
Noah Thomas
>I'd legit argue Xbox is going to have a bigger audience in japan than Sony in the coming years if Sony continues to push japanese dev's buttons.
You are fucking delusional and Xbox still keep selling like 300 units at best. They just going bend over and take in the ass while doing some excuse to not support other platforms or just move to switch.
>Enjoy your Western shit doesn't impact me at all (yet) i don't own sony shit
Levi Reyes
retard when a floridian calls another state's behavior bad, it's BAD
Landon Bailey
>win because they are fanatical in it No they win because they are better at hiding their agenda in nice sounding things than the right and their irrational jew hate.
Isaac Bailey
Wait, Sengoku Basara was fujoshit? I loved that show wtf.
Jordan White
That user is talking out of their ass. Very likely another retarded white woman.
I think this insidious argument is a way to defer the real culprits in this, which is far left politics. Not this "we want to appeal to women" bullshit.
Jonathan Gray
>far left politics. Not this "we want to appeal to women" bullshit. What's the difference?
Jaxson Russell
>No they win because they are better at hiding their agenda in nice sounding things than the right and their irrational jew hate. The right's hatred of Jews isn't irrational. You're right that "free Palestine!" sounds better than "gas the kikes!" though, even if the end goal is the same.
Zachary Robinson
If it’s the greatest country in the world, why do MIGApedos say it needs to be made “great” again
Isaiah Watson
>greatest country in the world is shit >If this is true, then we're all fucked. >mutts unironically believe this HAHAHAHAHAHA
Women are repulsed by how hard the games are, they don't drop it all together. And MEN or everyone in general don't need to play games at all as there are other hobbies.
Jason Jones
Smaller Japan devs will just jump to Switch. I am OK.
William Allen
Here's what I want to know. Why is this only affecting Japanese games?
Luis Cox
When do you think playstation will be six feet under?
Luis Rivera
>and they win because they are fanatical in it Exactly this. They've gotten this far because they are extremely aggressive and nepotistic. They won't stop once Sony has completely fallen either. Attempts to take over or destroy Nintendo and PC gaming will ramp up next. Anons, don't think you're safe just because you've ditched Sony or are already outside their territory. There is only so much land for you to flee to before you'll be pushed into the sea.
Jack Baker
A Venus of Willendorf is worth more than all of your so-called "modern" art.
Mason Williams
You mean the same guys that wanted a Vita 2?
Andrew Taylor
Jonathan Mitchell
I partially agree, but I think the limits are not correctly set. Crackdown on sexuality is too intense, to the point that it censors a beautiful symbol of femininity and maternity (breasts) but doesn't even consider the most messed up, grotesque violence the industry has ever conceived. So the players are being too obsessive about sexuality in video games, but so are the companies censoring them. We are not even talking about lolicon or other legally controversial stuff, but things that should easily be contemplated under age ratings.
It honestly never really left. It might not be enforced, but the idea of curbing content for fear of it's return is still in the minds of people and the same will happen to video games if they let it control them.
Jayden Gutierrez
That's what I said. The switch.
Juan Hall
>Smaller devs go Switch >Larger devs go PC >Women and faggots stick with PlayStation Works for me.
it wont die, but there will be a large drop before they start turning things around PS5 will sell worse than xbone, it will be completely dead in japan with all jap devs moving to PC or switch a few years later the japanese sony execs will wake up and move their HQ back to japan
Ayden Collins
>"so... gaming "does not inhibit the sound growth and development" of young people" Who the fuck put sony in charge of this? Nobody that I can recall..
By the way, this is 100% conservative mindset not the mindset of a liberal. So please keep your political bullshit on /pol/
Michael Ortiz
Turn off the lens flare, my dude. And all your other post-processing dogshit for that matter.
Nathan Watson
No, you don't get it.
They wanted a Vita 2. Not another Nintendo console, lot of them are just porting shit to "test waters", but they never were jumping the ship.
Dylan Watson
>"does not inhibit the sound growth and development" of young people. oy vey
Why is it that anytime one of the major companies gets a big lead they automatically start doing retarded shit to tank themselves? It's happened with Microsoft, Nintendo multiple times, and now Sony for the second time. This has to be some kind of curse.
Did all the subtext of fiercely passionate relationships between emotional and attractive young men fly over your head because you thought "Oh, they're just angry because they're fighting a war"?
Jackson Torres
modern sony is a tragedy, I miss the PS1/PS2.
Daniel Allen
How sad.
Luis Thomas
Yeah pretty much.
Leo Peterson
Andrew Williams
The CCA was actively enforced for decades, user. And the entire industry still hasn't recovered from its implementation. Not by a long shot. Better strap yourself the fuck in.
Brody Bailey
Western developers pay attention to the media and see that straight-male-targeted sexualized fanservice is publicly taboo. They've already been self-censoring. Japan really doesn't care what anyone outside Japan thinks, so they had no problem making games with titty ninjas or sexy catgirls until Sony (now an American company) told them that wasn't cool anymore.
Kayden Cook
don't care about hentai weebshit
Leo Hall
Hahaha. Snoy fans btfo.
Jaxon Anderson
Yeah, "enforced". Marvel and DC were ignoring it since the 70s, only putting on comics out of obligation.
Connor Price
>does not inhibit the sound growth and development" of young people
But ultra gore like in Mortal Kombat 11 is perfectly fine right? Boobs, however, now that is bad for young people.
Austin Reed
To summarize, when you are a huge company (like top 3), marketing plays a bigger role in your sales than your actual product does. As such, the marketers in the company are the ones that make or break the company, so the well-performing ones are the people in the company most likely to climb the corporate ladder. As the company becomes increasingly top-heavy with marketers, they lose track of the product because marketers are not product people. This inevitably results in the company doing stupid things that hurt the product in the name of marketing, which will eventually drive customers away when they get sick of being fed shit. Eventually the company as a whole suffers and downsizes. If the downsizing gets rid of the shitty marketers at the top then the company can revitalize with a decent product. If the downsizing gets rid of the actual product people at the bottom then the company continues to suffer and die a slow death.
Obviously a lot more complex in real life but that's the gist of it.
Eli Myers
sony was a mistake
Oliver Price
>By the way, this is 100% conservative mindset Makes sense considering neocons and neolibs are two sides of the same turd.
James Evans
Thanks Steve Jobs!
Robert Watson
sjw's always project
Samuel Reed
USA was never the greatest country to live in at any point in history. Not even for a day.
Steve was a bit of an outlier because he was a marketer that actually had some product sense. Because he knew the market and he knew the product, he was able to steer the development of the product to suit the market. After he died Apple lost its top-down product sense, which is pretty evident in how terribly uninspiring all their products are in the current day. I say this as someone that has never owned an Apple product.
Oh yeah I forgot he was the one that did that interview. I was stealing his reasoning but I couldn't remember who it was.
Luis Richardson
It's always the case. ALWAYS. These fucking self righteous cunts have always got dirt to cover up and think that if they do some good boy points that no one will look into them.
>This is the worlds foremost in advocating against child porn, there is no way he could be a molestor
I will never trust anyone that says they fight for censorship, they always turn out to be dirt bags.
Michael Miller
The fuck are you on about moron? Hitler literally had the SA private army abolished because its leader was found to be gay, and the leader and all his gay lovers were shot.
Ryan Lopez
>Every single game that has been censored has been Japanese What are you playing at Sony?