Sony Cracks Down on Sexually Explicit Content in Games


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will it affect 2077?

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>Scarlett got BTFO today so MS-aligned media has to do some deflecting

Fuck off, Redmond.


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it's ok, the media will tell you why this is a good thing

This. It’s always been the home of the regressive left and pretty much everything /pol/tards shitpost about 24/7. The old working class left in the midwest and New England are ignored because of them.

Maybe. Higher chances that it will affect Nip games though.

white shine station 5

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white male developed games get a pass

Boobs bad
Gore good

and most importantly

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who was this?

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The jannies aren't stopping you from objectifying women.

They would if they could.

>Cracking down everywhere because of one country
>Listening to people who don't buy your shit anyway
I hate this world.

Globalization happened and it was at the hands of Capitalism. Who would have thought? Oh, right. Me.

>but it angers developers in Japan
Based nips will save gaming

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I've learned all the kanji

within a few years I will move to japan and play japanese fighting games far away from the sjws

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But have you learned the secret kanji?

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when was the last earthquake in california

were overdue for one

Trannyera posters come here often. So it probably wasn't someone from here, but rather someone fron there not fully subsumed by the hivemind.

This will bite them in the ass I know they are doing it for the Chinese market but why alienate your current customers for the sake of potential customers.

why doesn't xbox go in and get all the lewd?

I wish it was DOA so they can reverse their bullshit decisions
Microsoft won't do shit and Nintendo is Nintendo
Arrogant Sony is the fucking worst

Sony is only specifically targeting Japanese companies. If they tried this shit on Rockstar, the next GTA would just be Xbox/PC exclusive and the PS5 would end up being the next Wii U.

It took this long for media to report on Snoy's policy changes?

lol ms and nintendo don't care

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Because bugmen are more docile consumers.

>play on PC
>mod back in all the T&A
feels good to be mustard race

Its literally the entire reason a rating board exists. Whats the point of having one if the platform holder is just gonna have their own standards on top of that?

Probably ten minutes ago

What's with the new-wave puritanism in gaming? It's totally at odds with other platforms and mediums. Books, manga, and even comics have been able to portray sex as graphically/descriptively as they wanted for decades, and even TV is catching up, with plenty of Netflix and Amazon's catalog being based on 'we have down and dirty scene just short of full on porn'. Hell, on the last Game of Thrones episode you had a naked whore climb onto a guy, 'guide him in', and starting fucking riding him right there on screen while exposition was delivered. Sure, there may have been no actual penetration or penors in sight, but that was the only thing seperating it from blatent porn.

Yet, gaming platforms, depite their audiences aging, prices rising, and the biggest AAA titles generally being aimed at adults (except on Nintendo of course), they pull shit like this? I honestly don't get their angle. If it says 18 on the box then little Jerry shouldn't be playing it anyway and they have no duty of care.

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because sony of cali likes to push agendas

By what?

If you don't want the hardware manufacturers in charge of what is and isn't allowed to be released on a platform then get a PC. The notion MS and Nintendo don't censor is utter shit. Just try to get an AO rated game released on one of their platforms. Plenty of games have had to censor to bring the rating down from AO to M in order to get released.

>Getting a PC in the Epic games era

It plans to next gen.

This is why I'm going full Microsoft and Nintendo next gen.

I'm convinced it's some organized attack on Japanese videogame marketshare

Outside of literal porn games, there hasn't been an AO rated game in like 15 years, so I don't know what you're even on about. Even then, all the porn games do is remove the porn and leave everything else. If you're equating that to what Sony is doing then you're retarded.

This isn't news, they've been doing it for months and they've censored fuck all.

This desu senpai

I 2nd this notion

"reflecting concerms in the U.S. about the depiction of women in games"

The answer lies right in front of your eyes, its SJW:s threatening publishers with articles, reviews and other shit just because they hate man having fun.

I forgot it was opposite day

Code Vein never ever

this is actually irrelevant

Pic related.

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It's weird that consoles are lending credence to the idea that PC is the platform "for adults." Consoles are $400-500 machines with sleek, generally all black or white designs to look modern and mature for adult consumers, yet they also feel the need to curate content to the point or changing it if it doesn't agree with some unspoken set of rules about sexual content (unless it's in a moviegame.)

The weird thing is that consumers rarely blame the platform when a game is raunchy; they tend to (rightly) point the finger at the devs and publisher. Why console manufacturers feel the need to take the bullet for this, I don't understand. No one blames the DVD player for the porn people produce for it. While consoles are a bit different, historically the media and consumers haven't looked to Sony or Microsoft when they have an issue with a game's content.

Nope, this is deliberately aimed at Japanese games. They figured that since they couldn't poz Japanese games directly like they did to the west, they'd just take control of Sony's vidya arm and become the gatekeepers and force the japanese devs to censor their games or face not releasing their game at all since PS4 is pretty much the only relevant console market besides Switch.

It's the pettiest kind of revenge imaginable

Fuck ps5 and fuck mk11

The rule is that if you look 9 in the face with fully developed titty's flopping up and down, you're out. Basically japanese games are screwed.

The issue there is that a lot of the bigger titles, such as Cyberpunk, are developed for consoles first/equally, and there are often contractual obligations to keep all versions as close to identical products as possible. So, if there are no titties on the PS5, there are no tiddies on the PC, because while they might want to push their values on the console peasants they also don't want everyone to buy the PC versions instead because that might affect console sales. Shit like this hurts everyone.

I don't particularly care about the content itself. I haven't fapped to a vidya sex scene since I was a teenager with limited resources. I have near on a tb of porn, various h-games dedicated to fapping, and modded Bethshit for when I want to play a 'oh shit try not to get raped' game of something. But I'm against any sort of censorship, especially at the corperate/platform level, because you end up with oversanitized messes like Fallout 4 where the world is meant to be a nightmarish hellscape of a society where life (and bodies) are cheap, and pleasure is fleeting, and yet everything feels like a PG-13 tv-show that would air in the afternoon.

I wondered why so many titles had scaled back on portrayals of sexual content, and I bet this is it, as it will have been known to devs for years before we heard about it.

I thought Hatred ended up with AO because of the context to violence.

>PC is the platform "for adults."
you mean flight sims with a 500 page manual didn't tip you off? steam already capitulated though

That's it....I'm becoming a NintendoCHAD...

They self-censor beforehand knowing they haven't got a hope in hell of certain content ever get released. It's just a waste of money creating content that will never see the light of day because the console manufacturers won't allow it.

Thanks. I hate it.

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Probably not, it's not so much because it's a major game (dmc5 was still censored) but because it's not jap.

>Microsoft declined to comment because only 10 people own an Xbox One in Japan

I tried but the fire ended up in France somehow

why not pc you stupid nigger they actually have hentai games

I'm saying in the sense that many games that are censored on consoles are either uncensored or have an official patch available to uncensor the game on PC.

Basically, the most reliable way to get a game in its original form is to get it on PC.

And how does this affect actual video games? Like the ones you actually play.

You know, stuff that isn't hentai tenticle torture purely designed to arouse weebs.

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Guess the PS5 will be unpopular on Yea Forums again. I really hope that xbox sweeps the normalfag market and they don't have japan to fall back on this time.

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Sony cracks down.
More like
Sony smokes crack lol

Omega Labyrinth Z was getting pretty close with two major European countries and Australia banning it.

>anger devs in japan
Good, now let's see them do something about it.

>console player

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>liberal and lefties complain that right wingers and conservatives are social frigid prudes
>but they also become the same thing

The defenders and promoters of the sexual liberation have become the new puritans

Gaming is simply going through what Comics did a couple of decades ago and Star Wars did a decade ago, which destroyed the mediums. Certain women (and their beta-male ass-sniffers) hate things most men like, so they will destroy them. I wish this wasn't a fucking meme. In 10 years, video games will be utterly destroyed by "pussification".


In Japan maybe, in the west, we're talking about the company responsible for removing boob sliders and face touching minigames.

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The pendulum is always swinging.

Microsoft's policies about sexual content are kinda like Sony's 2P so you shouldn't expect anything from them (they proved this last generation if you actually followed 'em).

They can do whatever they want, I already refuse to turn my PS4 online or buy anything non-used for it anymore as it is and I would have to be given a lobotomy to even consider buying a PS5 right now.

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Let's hope, it's better for the consumer if they swap positions every once in a while, because the losing side always has to give up some of their greed and meet the consumer haflway to win him back.

isn't switch region free?

More like
Sony blurs crack.

This, but we also need to round up and kill everyone who has lived in California any time within the last 50 years.

And when they faced backlash the jap branch put a stop to it.
And even then they only censored their own games, third parties were safe.

How much is it to build a good future proofed PC

It blows my mind how often they try to come here and force their garbage on this place. And how they keep trying despite being unwanted here.

so basically sony is the soi swilling B movie simulator, and nintendo is actually for games.

>future proofed

actually, no
>future proofed

every since The Last of Us came out, yes.

Look, I hate sounding like I'm defending this shit because it was really stupid, but both of those thing happened years ago. Xenoblade 2 in the west has the same tits it has in the JP version, and FEH has tons of sexualized costumes

Wow, this is new how? This shit was well known for half a year now.
The fact that Microsoft isn't doing this shit shows how utter trash Sony is.

it would be fine if its pedo shit but its not they censor everything anime related because they think its undergae

Microsoft seems to be more lenient about it though.

Looks like Nintendo will completely dominate the industry in a few years

>according to a couple weebs this is destroying and subverting the industry

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>isn't switch region free?
>the jap branch

Doesn't matter to me because I don't speak moonrunes. As long as NoA continues to be cunts and ruin everyone's fun (I'm in Europe ffs, why do I have to suffer from retarded murrilard decisions at NoA too?, I will never buy a nintendo home console.

It is

what it really comes down to is feminists and liberals once again trying to outlaw things that offend them

"Wait, we can do that?"
- Doug Bowser reading the Wall Street Journal this morning

>All major jap releases have PC ports lately
>Don't give 2 shits about any Sony 1st party franchises
>Only cucked pubishers like nisa and spike chunsoft are keeping their shit censored on PC
>Switch is fine for most stuff since japs don't know how to do graphics
>Xbox now has an entry point into the Japanese market next generation

It'll all work out in the end

They have been attacking it in comics, books and manga. Those are easier targets because it's fictional women. They have a harder time attacking television and film because actresses will call bullshit on it.

>I'm in Europe ffs, why do I have to suffer from retarded murrilard decisions at NoA too?
because you bought shit like the fucking amiga cd 32

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t. diaper fetish furnigger

Cuckbox Fore will be another turd and you'll be back to waiting for next gen.

if your going for 1080p you can do it for about $700

The reason why Nintendo and MS dont allow AO games is because most retailers do not want to sell AO games at their stores, and therefore your game will sell like shit if no one can buy it

Video games have already been destroyed by pussification. Its called the casual market generated by the xbox360. You're 12 years too late, scrub.

Keep on being retarded.

Xbox is not the only platform they are competing against.

I am pretty sure that several western games already cut or changed a lot of their content behind the scenes. look at mortal kombat for example

>Doesn't matter to me because I don't speak moonrunes
Are you retarded, they put a stop to it by telling treehouse they weren't allowed to censor shit anymore.

Look into Chinese stock ownership in Snoy and you'll all see. This is yet another attack on Japanese industry / culture and it's happening right under your goy noses.

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>It's just this, why is it such a big deal xD
Because these sѹ chugging faggots have shown time and again that the slippery slope isn't a fallacy with them, it's a playbook. If you can't see that then you're either a retard or one of them (which is basically the same thing)

get fucked weeb pedos

You can't "future proof" a PC, it'll always be outdated when you buy it. However, to the degree of the "outdatedness" is what matters. Even PCs running on the 900 series nvidia GPUs are still fine playing most modern games. Just build one and then incrementally upgrade it when it becomes actually necessary.

Why are you reddittrannies always so angry?

nobody will reply to this because Yea Forums are drama loving cunts who all know that even a strict 100% ban on sexual content wouldn't have an effect on actual vidyas that you actually play

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The real problem is japan bet it all on Sony and they are too endeared to detach from them no after 3 or 4 consecutive generations of it being the go to system/brand

You and I both know they're not doing this out of Christian sensitivity.

So good to be on the Nintendo winning side

>le /int/ wojak
I'm not even going to read your shitty post.

Microsoft isn't doing it because they have nothing to do it with

Letting ratings boards do their jobs is not a controversial position. Microsoft wouldn't bat an eye continuing to do that if it means they can be relevant to the japs again


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So where is the subscriber that will leak the whole article for us here?

Treehouse got slapped down by NoJ since then

This is the real problem. "Slippery slope fallacy" has been less of a fallacy and more of an actual way to predict shit going down.


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that's only their own games

they don't censor other devs shit like snoy does

>Not gonna be at E3 because no games
>Censored to hell and back
About time this piece of shit company died

>japanese game for japanese-only release labeled M or A as appropriate?

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Will this affect games like cyberpunk, or will it just crack down on weebshit?

Xbox 360 had a shitload of niche japanese titles shortly after release, Unlike Mediaplayer 3.

Yeah just ask the Senran Kagura dev's refusing to put the next game on the Switch. Now it probably wont come out at all.

>ZOMG GORE *onions face*

the worst part is that snoyggers are defending this

As someone who loved my ps3 and ps4, I'll enjoy watching so(n)y burn

You should know, that's your usual haunt.

It's wrong on its own, but it's also a symptom of the greater problems with the industry. Trying to make everything as safe and inoffensive as possible is dumb. This goes beyond censoring, it's the same sort of attitude that leads to AAA games getting dumbed down. It might be good for sales, but it's not good for the games.

>censoring Japanese games that is released only in Japan and got properly rated in that nation's rating board FOR REFLECTING AMERICAN PEOPLE'S CONCERN


This is just cultural imperialism bullshit. What the stupidest reason

Incrementalism is an effective strategy.

start with weebshit and after they have ensured a lock in teh market, move to teh big games.
"what you gonna do, but a Xbox720 3 years into the generation???"


Whatever you say, tranny.

If Nintendo previously didnt have a monopoly of the Japanese market, they now will

Capitalism and globalization are why games even exist, you commie/fash retard.

Fuck Sony. Looks like I be getting an Xbox.

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didnt the Producer of SK just resigned from the company?

And they realized it cost them sales, tarnished the cpmpany's image, and eroded trust in their games and systems. So they wisely put a stop to that shit and set in place new policies to prevent factions like Treehouse ever having enough power to unilaterally alter content the way they did.

Nintendo learned their lesson. Sony will never do the same, because they are now fully immersed in social justice by virtue of being operated entirely out of California, the very nexus of socjus ideology.

Didn’t they learn their lesson from VHS va Betamax??!??

The former it is.

It's only imperialism when it's against brown/black people. In this case, the enlightened whites are educating the degenerate orientals about proper modern values.

/r/XboxOne is over there.

Censorship of art is wrong.

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I saw a video on hypernormalization. It seems apropos in everything this godforsaken industry does.

He was made the head of a company called Honey Parade which makes the Senran Kagura games but remained a marvelous employee. Cygames gave him a better offer but he retains the leadership role at Honey Parade

>hey just ban this one thing slippery slopes aren't real


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She won

Christ you are retarded.

Also, you just fucking revealed your autistic hand about making this about "those horrible misogynistic men!"

Based Asuka poster.

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Where have you been in the last 10 years?

Outside of a few bought titles on release day, Xbox had nothing to entice japs in the long term. Mostly because there was no big difference between them and Sony.

That is definitely going to change next gen if Sony continues this bullshit

But what is "art"? Art is such a arbitrary and nebulous concept declaring censorship of art to be wrong is basically meaningless.

Then we can just say censorship is wrong.

Don’t worry, once PS5 sells horribly they will stop being arrogant.
Which will then cause Nintendo to get arrogant which will cause their next system to sell horribly which will then cause Sony to get arrogant which will cause their next system to sell horribly which will then cause Nintendo to get arrogant which will cause their next system to sell horribly which will then cause Sony to get arrogant...

This cycle will repeat for eternity until this industry crashes again.

>sex on HBO: GOOD
>bikins in video games: BAD

>I'm convinced it's some organized attack on Japanese videogame marketshare


All controlled by the same globalist mafia, there is no and never was a console war

Freedom of expression is better.

imagine being such a onions boy that you would defend a corporatation doing this just because youre in love with a brand

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But it isn't.

It's actually about those horrible neckbeard pedophiles.

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That image perfectly sums up my entire outlook towards pretty much everything entertainment today. Fuck it. There are decades of Yea Forums and Yea Forums that was produced before all this bullshit, a lifetimes of Yea Forums, and centuries of Yea Forums. Fuck it all and fuck the modern agendas.

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and that's a good thing

>implying this is something that only happens in america

absolutely obsessed and rent free

yeah just look at all the lolis in mortal kombat 11

So how exactly are the people making these games getting censored taking it?
I heard SK devs were getting fed up but for some reason stick with Sony even though they are carving them up

What is the viable way for these devs to thrive that isn't hoping PC gaming picks up massively in Japan

>post modern crap
Go away, sony shill. Censorship of drawings, writings, music, or any combination of the three to create things known as "video games" is wrong.

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i bet PC mods are looking pretty good now for some peasants...

>Developers fall in line

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Sorry, let me rephrase that for your dumb brain.
Forcing others to censor their self expression due to it offending your own personal values is wrong as it stifles creative output and demoralizes the population for selfish reasons

>Someone gets their intestines ripped out
This is ok
>Some fictional character shows her toes

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faggot aids Commiefornia Neokiketrashitpis$ony can eat shit and die with their aids faggotry pushing sjw lbishit leftypol commie kikefuck LGBTPQ mental illness fuckery.

Censoring female butts and tits while pushing for lesbiangaytranspedofuckery is mental illness incarnate.

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You only ever need a few steps greater than the current console market specs to play anything at high settings. Don't fall into the trap of buying something too powerful, because shit like ray tracing or whatever meme shit is added to new cards/consoles, still won't be compatible with your super 'puter next gen because the capability simply won't be on the GPU.

So you are saying it is okay force your sense of morality on others? Even though it is subjective? Why should anyone care about your opinion?

Gamer civil war when?


Reminder that voluptuous semen demons in the body of children are not "art".

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That was a great first year for the 360 but 2 years down the line Microsoft dropped all serious support for the Xbox brand in Japan as the masses really didn't adopt the gaijin console even with all the niche and exclusive japanese titles it had, after the great 1 year and a half the 360 basically stopped having japanese game that the PS3 didn't also have, years go by and the Xbox One launches with no incentive in Japan whatsoever, it was basically sent to die there. Unless there's some serious change of scope for the next Xbox this won't change, Phil Spencer keeps talking about trying to entice japanese companies but all he means is securing the next Final Fantasy, next Tekken, next japanese AAA comes to the Xbox brand, not the niche titles the 360 had.

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You didn't rise up against Nintendo and your hashtag died.
You won't rise up against Sony.

>showing off more skin than a burka
>"""sexually explicit content"""

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This has been known for months. Considering mainstream business sites are starting to pick up on it, it's probably getting a bit more serious now

That's just one cucked company, not all.

It actually does though. It's funny that you were very likely disagreeing with sexualization of women when it was okay. To say that it doesn't matter to
1. Allow the influence of hurt feelings to sway an industry despite no attacks or discrimination of any sort
2. Literally restrict creative themes on that same basis
Then you are either entirely oblivious to anything that actually happens or you are in that group and trying to downplay your side to normalize it. Don't give me that "it doesn't matter" shit. If it didn't matter, there wouldn't be a push to get rid of it anyway - but there was, so clearly there is something that matters about it. It's - quite literally - a double standard by its most textbook definition under those pretenses. And also real fucking hypocritical.

>So you are saying it is okay force your sense of morality on others?

Uh, yeah. We do it all the time when we lock up thieves, rapists and murderers. Are you an idiot?

The blatant bias against Japanese games is what's really pissing me off here

this is what Neokiketrashitpis$ony openly supports and encourages.

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My conspiracy theory is that the FBI has a lot of tax dirty on Sony, so the CIA is using this to make Sony follow this new censoring agenda.

If they are drawings, yes they are.

Marvel has gone full retard, for sure. But there is plenty of edgy and sexual stuff from other imprints, such as Image, Dynamite, and Dark Horse. The Boys, Neonomicon, and so forth are examples. Even DC recently showed off shadowed batcock. I can walk into any bookstore and buy art books full of nudity and even sex or any given fiction/biography with some of the filthiest shit you can imagine, so that's not even a thing, and I have no clue what you mean. As for manga; to my knowledge shit like Berserk, Goblin Slayer, are still being published, and casual nudity is still a staple of even teen manga. Just because the Jumpshit doesn't have Videl getting banged on page 8 doesn't mean anything.

So I'm not sure what you are getting at.

>What is the viable way for these devs to thrive
Short term hope nintendo stays chill. Long term my best guess is mobile. All that money flying around and I hear things that are more like normal games exist nowadays.

Theives, rapists and murderers hurt other people. Artists don't, unless they become thieves, rapists or murderers themselves. Don't be stupid on purpose.

It's your light beam poster child

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ok Alex Jones

2013-2015 treehouse era is over, they have been way laxed since a couple of years ago.

>haha this doesn't affect me I'm not a snoyboi
You won't be laughing when a game is censored for all platforms because Snoy forced a 'content parity' clause on the devs, meaning everyone gets Snoy censorship, and you better believe they'll start doing them more when devs try branching out to escape the SocJus bullshit

You thought shit like MHW being deliberately gimped on PC was bad, wait till Iceborne gets censored female armors everywhere
See that sex hair anjanath x wearing cutie? You aint getting that armor anymore, not if Snoy's panel of dangerhairs and neuters have anything to REEEEEE about it

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>Artists don't

Prevention is better than a cure. Artists create thieves, rapist and murderers.

Reminder the rape scene in GOT was with a LITERAL underaged and americlaps loved it

Censor all art, then.

>So how exactly are the people making these games getting censored taking it?
Not well by the looks of things. We've already got multiple reports of Jap devs complaining about Sony restricting what they want to do with their games, and it's probably only going to get worse now.
>What is the viable way for these devs to thrive that isn't hoping PC gaming picks up massively in Japan?
Nintendo. Unless the Xbox magically starts selling well in Japan those devs need to pray that Nintendo stays the way they are.

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I wonder if this is in relation to the VR push? Because it's one thing to godray Trish's ass, but it actually makes some sense to be overcautious as to whether lil Billy or Sandy can wander into a virtual Strip Club in GTA VR or David Cage's next title. That's not the sort of press Sony wants. It's the only way I can really make much sense of it considering other mediums are going the other way. I will note that every VR game is almost conspicuously free of attractive women or sexy clothing. The closest to raunchy you'll find on the PSN that i've noticed is the totally-not-a-whore outfit in Skyrim and the ability to strip female corpses to their underware.

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>Snoy are even censoring horror games now

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>this d-cup loli with skimpy skirt is totally art dude, trust me
Says the creepy loser.

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Only necessary to censor the art that is harmful, i.e. Japanese video games, gangsta rap, etc., etc.

But without California where would we get our capeshit movies and smartphone apps?

Actually women create those things.

Hol up, doesn't that mea-

you know, I want em to go full draconian so we see teh same kind of exodus that Nintendo had during N64 era.

>for the players

>just ignore sjws
>they will go away
>keep politics out of Yea Forums

>You won't be laughing when a game is censored for all platforms because Snoy forced a 'content parity' clause on the devs, meaning everyone gets Snoy censorship, and you better believe they'll start doing them more when devs try branching out to escape the SocJus bullshit

This. Fucking subhuman braindead zoomers can't think even a single step ahead and realise the impending ramifications.

>some time later same subhuman braindead zoomers and shiteaters: ABLOOO BLOOO HOW DID DIS HAPEN?!?!??!

Says the disingenuous faggot.
Same to you, honestly. Why I expected intelligent discussion on this board after all these years I'm sure I don't know.

okay so you are just a troll.

>Why I expected intelligent discussion on this board after all these years I'm sure I don't know.

What is your argument to not censor art that is harmful and counter productive to a safe, peaceful and prosperous civilization? Let's see your "intelligence".

>just ignore sjws
>they will go away
Comic nerds thought the same thing. Only way to beat them is to expose their illegal activities (most sjw's are pedophiles) and/or the pocketbooks of those they seek to control.

How can you define what is harmful. Did you know that there is no actual proof that video games actually have a negative effect on society in terms of violence or rape?

Is this new stuff or their already hyperpuritan policies?

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Do I really need to explain this to you? Do you actually know nothing about anything, or are you just underage? Censorship of art has never led to anything positive. You cannot name a single instance of it in history. Since it is entirely subjective, it's impossible to enforce. What the fuck is wrong with you? You must be pretending. Perhaps I just expect too much from my fellow man.

How there are any men alive that support sjw shit is beyond me. I guess they literally hate themselves.

>the playstation division is what's keepijng Snoy alive
>they decide to shot themselves in the feet
are they retarded? what about Grand Order anyway?

just old stuff. Big media is taking a note of it now. I can't read the article so i'm not sure if it is for or against

Atlus already said they changed some of contents in Catherine to suit with Sony's new censorship rule, so maybe it will affects a kind of games that atlus or vanilaware produces. Just hope P6 will be released in the state creators originally intend without getting to be altered.

They are usually complete gamma males who think that by supporting wymon they will get laid.

They never do and the girl they are white knighting for goes and fugs some guy who treat women like women.

So what do you propose here? What should we do? A Gamergate 2.0?

Let them fuck with Grand Order and see the terrifying wrath of Gacha zealots that had spent a lot of money on the game.

I thought the same thing back in 2012 or so. I read about them and laughed, and thought nobody would take them seriously. Then they ruined SCP, then they ruined my favorite spessman servers with their feel-good shit and self insert as fuck OC's (DO NOT STEAL), and then they ruined games done quick. They're a fucking plague, and they're causing hypersensitivity to any sort of stimulation. It's fostering a weak mentality, a short-sighted and willfully ignorant culture, and therefore a weaker society. They really taught me not to underestimate stupid things.


I just don't get why you weirdos have to lie to yourselves and say shit like softcore hentai is art now, and every one should be concerned about it getting censored. I fap to censored JAVs and doujins all the time and to this day I'm not bothered at all, because it's literally fap shit. The same could be said for the games that are getting """censored""", if you play that shit for the story or characters, dude... something must be wrong with your head.

>religious right wanted to censor games to protect the children
>everyone ignored them and no one cared
>nutjob left wants to censor games to protect their feelings
>actually succeeding
I want to go back.

>Did you know that there is no actual proof that video games actually have a negative effect on society in terms of violence or rape?

Actually, there is. What you mean is there is little in the way of longitudinal studies but that doesn't really matter.

It's easy to define what is harmful. We can study this like we can study anything else. We know, for example, that gangsta rap has been a key factor in the propagation of violent gang culture in black communities. We know that shitty Jap otaku pandering crap has been a key factor in the propagation of "incel culture", something that has rendered almost 1 in 5 American males a fucking useless burden to society. It's really not that hard to figure what does good and what does bad.

Xbox doesn't have to change anything about their policies.

I cant believe Sony is gift wrapping the Japanese market to MS

MS is not reacting now because it would be too soon and it would talk sony out of making boneheaded decisions.

said who?

You'll grow up some day. There's nothing I can say that will change your mind as it is now. Good luck.

lamo much like they gift wrapped the 360/ps3 gen to MS

My 770 is 6 y.o. and can still run recent game just fine.
You'll be fine unless you're a graphic whore.

Who cares, it basically means that I won't be buying one of their products again.

It's always America and their politics. I'm sick of their brainwashing media polluting other countries.

FGO is not a product of SIE, retard. Its a product of Sony music JAPAN.

SIE is literally nothing to do with FGO. Its amazing people still do not understand this.

>what about Grand Order
>expecting this bullshit to be applied in a consistent non-hypocritical manner
I guess you could false flag and cry about it online as a nuclear escalation option.

>Do I really need to explain this to you?

I don't think can. You haven't yet.

Violent gang culture has existed centuries before gangsta rap even existed and so have nymphomaniacs. You are a moron.

All MS needs now is show the new xbox with lewd games and a decent price and they'll get next gen easily

>they don't know

Spare me Yea Forums I'm for uncensorship and anime tiddy in my games

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>concerns about depiction of women


Oh joy I cannot wait for Nigger snoy of elite and that stupid french tranny to defend their precious snoy

FGO is on Jewplex user not in the console division

I'm willing to make that sacrifice

SIE is american now so if japanese people want their jap game on playstation they'll have to put up with it.

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>so have nymphomaniacs
I don't think you know what that means, kid.

well, then ban vilolent games as well. MK11 should be banned. There is no reason that it only applies to sexual contents.

It's pretty obvious it's another delusional Xcuck.

Then you are lost.

Another day, yet another PSA to not ever buy a Sony console.


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>weeb faggots gravitate to switch because it's the only tits they will get in their miserable lives

Sign me the fuck up. As long as the PS4 still gets he good jap games I don't five a fuck.

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People obsessed with sex. You don't have to be having sex to be obsessed with it. Good to see you didn't really have anything to actually say though :).

they are only acting puritan as long as it doesn't serve their degenerate in-house agenda orchestrated by a pigfuck kike from Shitrael

Neokiketrashitpis$ony are two-faced hypocrites.

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As the sjws would say
"whatever it takes"

Stick with the Switch and PC, the perfect combo for pedophile parasites.

Do we have any actual quotes from Jap devs and players? I know in recent years they've jokingly called Sony a western company now, but will this actually make them jump ship?

Yes, but they have different reasons for existing. I'm not saying EVERYTHING is as a result of art, just that art is a contributing factor and, in same cases, the most prevalent contributing factor. In those situations, when it's producing an objective bad for our civilization and there's almost no benefit to allowing it to exist, there's nothing wrong with censorship. It's beneficial to do so. There is no more perfect an example of this than incel pandering video games. Sony is doing God's work.

That exactly my point. MS put tons of money into brute forcing 360 into Japan and it did not work.

Now the door is ironically wise open, they can get the Japanese support without even to throw out money hats now. They just have to convey the creative freedom over its competitors.

lol who cares fags, go look at actual porn or try having sex irl

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>to not censor art that is harmful and counter productive to a safe, peaceful and prosperous civilization?
How do you feel about stuff like alcohol or candy?


I am not sure, SCE had been in Japan until recently, but Japan had never forced americunts to accept Japanese standards.

So Sony had pedo content? That they're now desperately trying to clean up? Is that what you're saying?

Yes, this was true when Treehouse was still operational and infested with leftist subhumans. Thankfully the Japs fumigated their company and the insects either died or left. Nintendo is now a clean and wholesome company, that focuses on quality and PLOT.

Attached: Treehouse 'localization'.webm (940x560, 2.96M)

So are you asserting incels are nymphomaniacs? Care to link any studies that led you to that conclusion?

If it is it's almost certainly that dude's fetish. Being a """feminist""" is just his excuse.

nooooo my anime pedo games its not fair!

>Fictional men can get tortured, murdered, hanged, annihilated, vaporized, spontaneously combust and goto hell and back sometimes literally
>No one gives a fuck
>Fictional women wanna be sexy
>Pandora box opens, pandemonium the sky is falling the grass is turning grey everyone is gonna get fucking killed
I-i don't wanna see men depicted in fiction as nothing more than tools anymore. Men can feel too y'know...

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I love these comments, they are the same comments being made when people said 360 could never be a challenge to the playstation.

Sony hubris never goes away.

Is that a diaper?

Those are their own games. This is specifically about the platform owner forcing OTHER devs to change their games.

Damn you crackers are fucking with Japanese money hope these hooks wake up to how white supremacy is affecting them.

PS5 confirmed to be the next WII U next gen! They did it boys!!! Sony killed themselfs. Kids dont play games today. They surf on sites for adult cocks.

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>muh slippery slope
glad you admit defeat cuck

Well they moved the headquaters to california specifically for this shit and there has already been reports that that jap devs had to correspond with with people form there that don't speak japanese at impossible business times because of timezones.

Jap devs who are being affected have been muzzled by NDA, the best they can do is say 'complications in production' or something vague and hope you pick up the hint that something is wrong

Japanese gamers are pissed though

The entire idea behind an involuntary celibate is that they are unable to get fucked despite their efforts to be fucked and it tears them up inside enough to form a culture around it. I would consider that being obsessed with sex, yes.

What do you want me to say? I think both are awesome? Of course I don't.

It was never a challenge to the playstation.

I suppose you need something new to deflect to after 18 months of everything you insisted the PS5 wouldn't have the PS5 is going to have.

>things used to sell to thirsty neckbeards

Takaki said he left directly because of Sony's censorship, but he's probably blacklisted now since his senile ramblings were him trying to get around a contract lock no doubt.

Oh, that is just the tip of the iceberg user. We live in a society!

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They won't. These japs do whatever their white masters tell them to do.

Just a check for consistency. Do you also want those banned? How about meat?

So it's just an idea you had and not a fact or even a research-based theory? Okay...

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I seriously hope we have another powershift next gen and Microsoft ass rapes Sony into anal prolapse next gen.

Will cammy be okay in SF6? I am worried now.

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>weebshit """""""""""""""games""""""""""""""

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user it's not like anyone here remembers the PS3 era or why they launched their #4theplayers image in the first place.

>they are unable to get fucked despite their efforts to be fucked

Wrong. They make no effort to get fucked. That's why they aren't getting fucked. Making an effort would involve doing things like not sitting around jerking off to cartoon children for 6 hours a day. Most females don't consider that to be a desirable trait.

Incels are spoiled and lazy and mentally juvenile and that's why women don't want to fuck them.

They're too conformist. It's both good and bad.

Can't wait for this article to get spammed every day for the rest of the week.

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>Do you also want those banned?
I support the government social engineering programs to ween the population of those sorts of things before outright banning.

>How about meat?
I believe in the future society will look back on meat production and consumption of today with the same moral outrage people of today look back on things like slavery.

Wishing for chink to give up pc and mobile gayman is a waste effort. But well, they might think just capturing 10% of the market is more than enough.

>mortal kombat 11

I don't get it, isn't Sony a japanese company, why are they like this now?

PS2 did great so they fucked up the PS3
Which is why the PS4 did great, now they'll fuck up the PS5.

Xbox 360 did great so they fucked up the One
Which is a reason for the nextbox to be actually good.

>Gaben reveals he's secretly been talking with Japanese devs and getting their feedback on the Valve box 2: the Gabe Cube
>Valve captures all the disgruntled japanese games and brings them into the Steam ecosystem
>Sweeney and his chink masters btfo
>SNOY btfo
>Microsoft continues to forget they're even in the console biz
>game journalists reee'ing so loudly they're surpassed human hearing

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You ever play Fatal Frame on the Wii U?

About 500 burgers

you sound like someone who speaks from experience. have sex you yucky creep.

This doesn't really prove the "sex obsessed" part wrong. They wouldn't be so salty if they did not care so much.
Can you tell me how it's wrong, then?

He's just your classic authoritarian. If people try to subvert his "easy to prove" goals, it's: reeducation->jail->death

Sony Interactive Entertainment, the part of the company that oversees all things playstation, moved to california two or three years ago.

Valve have been back and forth on censoring or not censoring for years. Nobody trusts them anymore.

Big yikes from me. Incels would still exist even without jap otaku. Sorry basedboy but the blackpill is real and it’s only society’s fault for creating incels or outsiders in general. You can also thank the gynocentric civilization we currently live in now for the increase in incels, so might as well ban feminism

This is 100% true, puritan hyper-left politics California has soiled Sony.

>You can also thank the gynocentric civilization we currently live in now

Spoken like a true incel.

>muh depiction of wahmen

Nintendo announced during the development of Xenoblade 2 that they won’t cut content from international releases anymore.

They do though. Just make a dead or alive thread. Jannies will lock it as soon as they see it.

American subhumans should be exterminated.

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The thing is, you were wrong for asserting that all incels are nymphomaniacs to begin with. You have no proof to validate what you're saying.

Hello I'm a former Yea Forums user who quit this site in 2012 and I'm now a full time poster for Resetera.

I just came in here to laugh at all the morally repugnant pedophiles losing their minds over losing access to their sexualised underage children.

Video games that fulfill the mentally deranged sexual fantasies of these dangerous nazis should have been outlawed years ago but at least we are finally getting somewhere now.

Be better people in the future Yea Forums and thanks again.

Have sex.


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dont worry

that kid is going to be a guaranteed school shooter

imagine the daily ridicule that kids gonna get

So what? Since when have we ever been able to trust company announcements?

Well, what I meant is, basically Sony does not need to do that in any sense except for a desire to implement a particular hidden agenda. SCE's HQ had been in Japan for decades, and SCE had not tried to have control over other branches' rating.

Because it’s true but oh wait I forgotten that Yea Forums is now the equivalent of basedreddit, especially with trannies like you roaming around.

Eat a bullet

Its not cut content if it never made it into the game in the first place. Not that you can really expect reliable proof of that happening to ever surface.

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That's the most insidious part about censorship. Once you get people to self-censor, you've won. You just to need to make an example of someone every once in a while.

Fuck Sony
Fuck California
Fuck Resetera
Fuck SJWs
Fuck Censors
Fuck Cuck Devs
And most importantly
Fck you, the gamers

think of it this way;

its free
no signing up
no names
they get banned, they can try again easily

THAT is the fucking reason what makes it annoying. fucking site used to keep people away because they thought it was nothing but CP and gore pics all over the entire site. once they found out otherwise, we were fucked.

way to go, assholes.

They only sadder than listening to a feminist whine about living in a patriarchy is listening to an incel whine about living in a matriarchy. Be a fucking man, for Christ's sake. Maybe then a women will actually fuck you.

Microsoft will never be popular outside of the United States. Even if (and this is a big if) Nintendo takes the Japanese market and Microsoft takes the American market, Sony has a complete stranglehold on the European and Central/South American market. And those are pretty big markets, especially Brazil.

Good thing I've migrated to the untouched territory of raw manga.

Literally kys

Any other straw-men you'd like to add to that?

Who cares?

We live in an oversexualized society which makes people addicts by selling them quick dopamine hits in terms of sexual images. Keep looking at those bro and staying inside, I'm sure you're extremely high T who totally isn't a lardass watching adipose tissue turn the only T he can produce into estradiol

Can we just agree incels are on the opposite pole of retardation as feminists? Tired of both of these degenerates.

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Hey, my mom is conservative despite being born there

Sure I do, like I pointed out already, it's in the name itself, and the culture. So, if involuntary celibates aren't obsessed with sex then why do they care so much about not having it? These people that feel so strongly about sex that they hate an entire gender over it? I think you just don't really have anything to say against any of this.

California just wants women depicted as gods.

This may not be the end but you can see it from here.

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Ok cuckboy keep dosing on your bluepills

Based tranny finna dabbed all over Yea Forumsedophiles

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>tfw live in California

I'll accept being nuked with the rest of this hellhole, but you guys have to promise me you'll see the job through to the end

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This only affects west ps4 yeah?
Just release a separate version for the cucked ps4 and normal on jp and other platforms.

Almost unbelievably based

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Yes but saying that here is like going to ResetEra and saying SJWs are just as annoying as right-wingers. Both sides give near-identical excuses as to why they're right.

Oh, a quote! Well, obviously the argument is over now. I mean, some guy once made a declaration. How could anyone disagree with that?

No, user, it affects PS4 worldwide.
There's already been cases of jap-only games getting censored.

Thank god for PC and switch. Enjoy your suicide

Nah Microsoft likely declined to comment because they know when they did this shit during xbox360 days they lost all the good wills of japs. They have no good reasons to do it.

>using reddit words
"We" implies you aren't a redditfag


Clownworld fren

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>when they did this shit during xbox360 days
huh? that was the only time they had support from japan

This. Why does sony hate japan now?

Are you realizing this is a matter of games that are released only in Japan. No Japanese devs say western market should accept Japanese view of sexual expressions in video games or something like that. How is the problem of incels related to Japanese games that are released only in Japan, retard. Japanese does not give a fuck about western shitty political fusses routinely caused by you snowflakes and 4channlers.

Ill even piss on your corpse user, Thats a Promise

>when they did this shit during xbox360

Did what? Rampant censorship? They didn't. They never had the good will of the Japs in the first place because the Japs are all racists living in the delusion that Japan invented video games and America is an invader in that space.

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>Only necessary to censor the art that is harmful
All art can be harmful. What if someone looks at a picture of kids playing baseball and decides to use a bat to harm someone? If prevention is better you should remove all bats.

This. Canada too.
t. A fucking leaf
They did. And that's probably why all devs ignored them afterward.

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You're a stupidly dense retard, kid. First, "nymphomaniac" is a feminine term, only applied for women who suffer from hypersexuality. Second, nymphos (or men in the same condition), don't indulge on celibate voluntary, their entire condition is physiological and not social. They're unable to control their libido and want to have sex/are aroused all the time, every where. All you're saying is make-believe in your mind, none of this bullshit has any scientific validation at all. Just shut the fuck up, will ya?

Then we are saving the Japanese from themselves. This is no different from when the Brits were running around the world for centuries civilizing all those ungrateful savages who lived in mud huts and engaged in barbaric cultural practices. The Japanese may be technologically in the 21st century but they sure as shit culturally aren't.

Can ""we"" agree that you shut the fuck up with your buzzword spewing?

I would venture to argue that consumers won given how lewd the outfits in XB2 are compared to the Wii U Era's XBX which censored stuff like the fundoshi and revealing costumes on Lin.

except no one is getting banned here for disagreeing with /pol/ so the comparison is not accurate.

go fuck yourself san diego

>child pornography

Oh, fuck off. Of course they didn't want to license that shit.

>being a colonist for social justice


Tell that to Senran Kagura, DMCV, etc

>comparing japs to birts and saying japs need fixing

you see kids? dont do resetera, not even once, or you will end up as this.

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>no one is getting banned here for disagreeing with /pol/

Not banned. But I have been formally warned by a mod for deviating from the incel hivemind. Apparently that's "trolling".

The worst part about California is these pieces of shit leave (because they ruined their communities) and refuse to leave their garbage ideologies at the door. They are like a literal disease

Guess how I know you're a mutt

Come on guys, gotta get them bingies.

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>both are easily triggered by the mere mention of contrary political signaling
>both strayed from the path of the Creator, a.k.a. The God of Abraham
>both are minorities and social outcasts
Seems pretty accurate to me.

Ironic how you ignored in

I'll just call it as I see it: this is blatant cultural discrimination by white people. How dare Americans try to tell Japanese people what they can't do with their own games on their own platform. It's cultural imperialism and it's NOT okay. Fuck Sony and the racist assholes in California.

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Look at our resident scientist as he seethes in agony over someone enjoying something he doesn't.

Not one of my arguments for censorship is in your strawman bingo.

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Language evolves, bud. Nymphomaniac in the modern day is a word that also applies to men, and even excessive masturbation, a trait very common among incels, is something that nymphomaniacs suffer from. Their lives very much revolve around an extreme desire for sex. It's still a word that fittingly describes incel behavior and I was not wrong to use it.

Imagine putting all sorts of media through your bullshit for a decade and then saying the slippery slope isn't real.
Who do you even hope to fool at this point?

Lol, this thread is full of disgusting girl fetishist rapist incels.
Just accept that only women and the gays have the power to sexualize others. You need to pay for your centuries of mayonnaise cum skinned small dicked oppression.

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based 90's merchandising technics

Link your argument

(((You know who))) is behind it all in reality.

Have sex

>Land of the free, home of the brave
>aren't allowed free thought or free speech or freedom of expression
>brave enough to have feelings hurt when women show skin

Why is America so retarded and sensitive compared to the rest of the world? If you're an American just kill yourself, your kind ruins everything fun and good.

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Based and euthanasiapilled.

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Didn't work. That company went out of business pretty quickly because once upon a time incels barely existed and nobody gave a shit about crappy Jap cartoon porn.

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found the resettranny

Add me on that screencap basedtranny

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I stopped buying weeb games on PS4 anyway. I now just get them all on Switch and PC. Thankfully most of them are coming to both nowadays.

>they all pop into the thread at the same time

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Ya know, it'd be pretty funny if that was a central plot point in a future Neptunia game, mainline, spinoff or otherwise.


How do we convince EA to make FIFA Xbox exclusive?


I couldn't be bothered finding it. It's the post where I make an erudite and irrefutable argument for censorship resulting in a net public good while an "anything goes" approach not only can but has been demonstrated to result in objective harm and no benefit.

God damn why
I've always bought sony why do this to me
Stupid idiotas

to their defence, it was a completely new market and product, it took them time but now it have an irreplaceable place in America.

>where would we get our capeshit movies and smartphone apps?
ahahahahhahaha thats a joke right? like thats not actually you making a counter point right?

You sound like you need to spend less time sniffing your own farts

>objective harm
to whom or what? there is a rating system for a reason

>jews make a decision
>blame americans
dumb fuck, you're part of their system doing exactly what they want

>have an irreplaceable place in America.

It took a REALLY long time. Like 20 years. An entire generation. As well as the attempt in the 90s there were a couple of companies that tried again in the early 2000s and they all went under too. But people weren't adverse to Jap games or anything. They were just adverse to shit cartoon porn masquerading as a shit game. Apparently people love that shit now.

These Cali-fuckers are invading Nevada.

This. Snoy is becoming less and less relevant as the must-have weeb accessory, that is if you're sometimes willing to wait a few months

I've noticed that ports are coming out a bit sooner ever since snoy started with their shit. If you're a core PC gaymer, it's probably helped you

He a sonyboy bro. He was never going to buy a Nintendo console in the first place.

California has become a major issue. They just have too much control over entertainment media and their political swings are quickly plastered all over the place. Sony never did shit like this till they moved their HQ to San Mateo... This monopoly California has needs to be broken down somehow because so far there is no escape from it. Movies, music, video games, comics and even social media; almost everything is controlled by some soiboy from Cali.

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>consoles ruin yet another thing

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DOA is not explicit its suggestive.

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>too much control over entertainment media
doesn't matter. libs don't vote

Noone important cares about your Jap sex games you goofy fucks. Go watch porn like a normal man

All the recent shootings and trump getting elected.

just buy A big case and swap out parts as needed.

Fuck off SJW cuck.

Yeah and it sucked, thankfully, Nintendo has gotten their shit together and stopped with censorship.

>Stronger consoles but the characters designs keep looking uglier and uglier

You're underestimating the amount of normies that dont care and will buy PS5 regardless.

Except the people who actually play those games. You forget that this behavior greatly fucks over the developers. There's an audience for everything. And taking away creative freedom is ignorant.

DOA is not suggestive. They don't have the occasional innuendo or something like that. Underage girls pose and bounce around in swimsuits that are barely on. That's sexually explicit, not sexually suggestive. I think the problem here is you think explicit means "I can see all the way to her uterus." It does not.

But most mass shootings are committed by leftists? No wonder we elected Trump

tranny faggot

Trump getting elected was a good thing. Terrorism isn't related to video games. It's muslims who are the problem. See what happened recently in a certain country.

If you can't see genitals or secondary sexual characteristics,it's not explicit.

the most pathetic thing you already-pathetic shits can so is sit around and wallow in sony's garbage, thinking, "oh, maybe it will turn around"

the answer has always been right in front of your fucking useless piece of shit eyes. go build a PC -- hell, go buy a prebuilt if you want. the fact of the matter is that PC doesn't give a shit about SJW shit and has the most games.
oh, are you a weeaboo? well, PC has been the otaku/weeb playground since a decade ago. just stay away from epic's launcher

what you have to realize is that you are NOT sony's audience anymore. so what do you do? you sit around feeling sorry and angry without going towards the platform with the least amount of censorship and the most amount of games

you know what the even worse part is? some of you will do the opposite of what i said because i hurt your feelings. don't be a fucking faggot

Attached: 1544569818147.png (301x348, 181K)

>he lives in a world where videogame titties cause terrorism and get the wrong people elected
>he thinks he is a superhero by supporting censorship

Attached: troon.png (94x160, 44K)

Unfortunate that you have to change the definitions of words to make your argument here seem valid, much like the arguments for every other "cause" you scream for. Don't forget to leave a suicide note!

Attached: all_around_me_are_familiar_faces.gif (400x306, 1.95M)

>you sit around feeling sorry and angry without going towards the platform with the least amount of censorship and the most amount of games
They aren't though, they are stating that sony can literally do no wrong.
>Thanks Sony, I would have paid 50 dollars to change my name, 10 is such a bargain! For the players!
>I didn't want these games in the first place, thanks for protecting me Sony!
>I never wanted crossplay and cross saves in the first place, thanks for preventing it for me!

No, that's just wrong. Suggestive means you are alluding to sexual content, explicit means you are flagrantly sexual. DOA absolutely falls in the latter.

Maybe this will help. The line "Would you like to come in for some coffee?" is suggestive. The line "I want to fuck your brains out." is explicit and will get you in trouble with various rating boards regardless of whether the act is actually shown.

Reminder that Japanese devs are happy about this.

Attached: 938200.png (1815x730, 175K)

Don't you mean former, retard?

Going to the beach is now explicit, got it

This is why we cant have nice things

>zero source
>pulled out of his ass
>yet you believe it
el oh el

sexually explicit has evolved to have a specific meaning, much further than "normal" explicit.
A sexually explicit movie will always be porn, even showing full frontal nobody will call a movie sexually explicit.

Resetera has been clamoring for this for so long. They did it.

Why do you think he's a retardera poster in the first place? It takes one gullible faggot to believe that shit


then we can play fallout in real life

>Sony panders to Sonygaf
Nobody should be suprised.


Attached: hurr.jpg (474x535, 16K)


Attached: well.png (1235x397, 54K)

Literally "my uncle work at Nintendo" tier.

Attached: source.png (500x300, 42K)

just attach the titties to monsters nobody will ree

Attached: 1553405410634.webm (1920x1080, 1.53M)

I wonder how many Yea Forumsedditors are gonna buy this shot and pretend to not be cucks

On the same day they reveal specs for the PS5. Funny that.

Another retard who think a game MUST sell trillions to be successful.

>buying consoles to masturbate
You have mods for that shit nPinCels.

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>sexually explicit has evolved to have a specific meaning

No, it hasn't. This is just another case of people thinking they know what the word means but not and then pretending their brand new definition which they made up is the "modern" meaning or some other bullshit. Sorry, you just didn't know what the word meant.

jesus fucking christ for how long will you niggers keep yapping about 2014 shit?

it's like shitting on every religious person because of the ancient crusades, it's in the fucking past, stop fucking using it as fodder for your inane shitposting

it's true. those of us that are actually sane are ignored.

rip they all eventually met his dark blade

So look. I get that they're censoring nudity and lewds but why aren't ANY American games being censored?

I hope he kills himself

unironically hot

Boo fucking hoo, serves you right for using a closed platform run by a single company.

>hugh heffner dies, irl-deviants get btfo
>vita dies, sony-deviants get btfo
LOL. Lewd-lads on suicide watch.

Attached: Vita Smug Loli.png (670x308, 273K)

fuck, so no tits in bloodborne 2?
lmao nobody fucking cares, weeb
Here is a legal definition, which proves my point.
Here is another one from the US departement for health, again proving my point.

>I have compiled all usernames of the people in this thread
...and do what?

thanks for clarifying, hitler. I will start with the book burnings right now.

>literally have a list of game they can't talk about
>c-censorship doesn't exist!

>PC doesn't give a shit about SJW shit
ummm you haven't been paying attention recently?

How long til this user gets what he wants?

Attached: ok.png (1811x288, 64K)

It's not about "what is art" but at censorship itself. If it's art or not it doesn't matter.

>exclusives are walking simulators everyone forget within 2 weeks
>politics, intentionally ugly characters and censorshit

Glad I never bought a PS4 unlike you drooling retards.

Attached: Wanpan.jpg (876x496, 75K)

That guy needs to have sex

>this is not censorship because...

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use the fucking dark theme

He doesn't know yet

>muh men are being brainwashed by female body standards
Oh so it's not like we are biologically programmed to like certain female bodies or anything...

Its over bros....the western cultural imperialists have won.

Nobody's gonna spend enough time on that shithole of a site to bother doing that

This user is harmful to a libertarian social order and must be executed

Attached: 1553109277856.png (1440x2388, 640K)

Gather weary anons, I have a tale to tell. It might just save your vidya but only if you listen well.

Yeah and DOA5 ~ 6 are still selling on PS4.
DoAX venus beach is till F2P on PSN.

Time to KYS, faggot.

>Sony is only specifically targeting Japanese companies.
And absolutely nothing of value was lost.

its 2 clicks


You imply an user cares enough to even bother. Anons here literally go on there fishing for caps. Who gives a fuck about Resetera's shitty theme?

I don't support Sony, but this is the price of doing business with them in this day and age. Maybe third parties should quell their thirst for Sony's cash and back the competitors that aren't doing this? Just sitting there and pretending to seethe while you count your trillionth yen you recieved from them means nothing.

>i.e. Japanese video games, gangsta rap, etc., etc
Yes and LGBTHIV+ contents, and SJW, and EA, and Bioware...etc

because the screen caps are blinding with the tomorrow theme

Ex-Pats make things worse in Japan too.

Attached: 172.png (1228x220, 36K)

and nothing of value was lost. PS5 will still dominate the next gen unless MS finally gets their shit together. Nintendo doesnt matter.