What're some vidya opinons that immediately out someone as a complete fucking retard?
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"I think people that say 144Hz is smoother are liars"
I agree. Paying anything over $0 is retarded.
Puzzle games are fucking stupid shit.
Why the fuck do moms love them so much.
>I stopped playing ______ because of the community
Honestly, puzzle games are fun but i would probably never pay full price for them, at best 30 bucks if they are REALLY good like Baba is You. I dont know why, but there is a inherent feeling inside of me that they arent as worth the expense as a big engaging rpg or a high paced action game is.
Makes sense if its an online only game.
>being a paypig
>I dont know why, but there is a inherent feeling inside of me that they arent as worth the expense as a big engaging rpg or a high paced action game is.
That's literally just you falling for retarded marketing. Puzzle Games are worth every bit as much as any other game that could give you as much time and active play, but there's this absolutely fucking asinine meme that puzzle games aren't worth shit for whatever arbitrary reason people pull out of their ass. For fuck's sake, look at how many people were complaining that Tetris Effect was $40 despite being a completely new game with shitloads of completely new content across the board.
It's tetris. I can play that shit for free in my browser.
Puyo puyo Tetris and the magical drop games are all pretty great.
I agree with this. I feel like if you're going to get the same amount of time and enjoyment out of it as an RPG or FPS or whatever its worth the price. Unfortunately most people dont have the attention span for puzzle games. They'll have hard puzzle games in their library for "look I did a smart" and never touch them again after an hour or two.
You cannot play Tetris Effect for free within your browser. Making this comparison is equivalent to saying that you can play some free chinese phone knockoff of a game instead of the actual game.
Okay so I'll play tetris and open media player and play some music with the particle effect.
Definitely worth $40 for that experience.
Puyo Puyo Tetris is Pretty weak, to be honest. One of the more mediocre Puyo games, though it's a pretty okay VS Tetris game.
Magical drop is fucking good, though.
>still trying to push this meme
If you're not just baiting, kill yourself.
Why are you so upset about tetris my guy? The games been out for like 50 years.
>lol every tetris game is the same guys xddd
(Y o u)
It is. Otherwise it wouldn't be tetris.
this is why we will never get fever 2 in english
>i have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA how puzzle games work
How are you this fucking retarded?
Please don't remind me.
It's just tetris dude. You don't need to spend money on it. It's everywhere.
Again, you're absolutely retarded if you think all Tetris games play the same.
Not just puzzle games. Basically just deciding if it isn't some AAA linear open world ultra-cinematic motion-capped shit with online multiplayer it should have some arbitrarily lower MSRP
Yes otherwise they aren't tetris.
"Dark Souls has rich environmental storytelling that was expertly crafted and not just random shit that was placed to look interesting or random flavor text that was just added to fill up the text block, everything is expertly crafted and no I'm not an autist for reading too much into this"
But it's correct. It's just tetris.
He's right what stupid retard pays for puzzle games when you can pirate it
Absolutely, completely fucking wrong.
This is the base guideline for Tetris as we know it from the Tetris company. Things within these rules vary all the fucking time, and things outside of them are free to be completely fucking different from game to game. Every single Tetris game is different.
So it's just tetris with a gimmick? And that's the best you've got as it being different when it's the same game but this time it's got a new hat?
>people who measure a game's worth in terms of dollars spent/hours of playtime
>So it's just tetris with a gimmick?
Please learn to fucking read.
I can quite obviously read given my ability to respond to you. However, if we are gonna suggest mental deficiencies I would highly recommend getting your irrational anger checked as it's just tetris that you're upset about.
That’s extremely valid. Overwatch and League of Legends both have the worst communities I’ve ever seen in terms of attitude during a multiplayer game. They don’t communicate in team chat and stay in private discords, they report and flame and the drop of a hat, and they’ll even try to throw games. Now imagine wanting to climb the ranked ladder or sit down for a casual match with a community like that. It makes it nearly impossible to have any fun on top of the poor balance and game design decisions of the game itself, not to mention that both games are nearly impossible to solo carry in current year and require extensive teamwork.
I'm suggesting that you're a complete mongoloid who doesn't know how things work. Just within Tetris Effect, you have around 15 "Effect" gamemodes, each with their own rules and changes. You have Journey mode, which is a fucking two-hour-long marathon with a completely new "Zone" mechanic and with the speed varying and changing based on the visuals in the background. You have the "weekly rituals"— highscore challenges to unlock new avatars for the game against your entire region. You have board after board of uniquely designed visuals with each having completely dynamic soundtracks and 3 different stages based on progression. If you don't think that's worth $40, you probably don't even fucking like Tetris. If you think that's just "the same" as some shitty browser Tetris clone (which I can fucking guarantee would have much worse piece movement, rotation, speed buildup, etc) then you're actually fucking braindead.
>Multiplayer games are bad, we need more singleplayer games!
This but the way around
So it's tetris but gimmicks.
You don't know what a Gimmick is.
I bet you'd call Puyo's Tsu rules a fucking gimmick, retard.
So they took tetris and then added stuff to it and that isn't a gimmick?
>adding more content or changing the gameplay is a gimmick
are you fucking kidding me
It is as it's just tetris.
Again, would you call this a gimmick?
That's not tetris though.
And what makes Tetris different when deciding whether or not a gameplay addition/change is a gimmick, you fucking retard?
The fact it's tetris.
This but unironically.
That is not an answer.
Sure it is. Tetris is tetris.
And what makes Tetris different when deciding that any additions are gimmicks? You have yet to explain this.
Let's pretend I've posted a screenshot of your post, OP.
I mean that's a good opinion. Just wait a few months or years. It's not like the game is going to be any less fun in the future.
Just have your friends get you the game if they want to get the latest crap. Or get better friends.
>game bad because me no hard peepee
The fact that it's just tetris. You can play it for free in your browser.
Are you a woman? Only women would go on about a fucking puzzle game with such autism. Why the fuck do you care what other people think?
"The Epic Games Store isn't that bad. It's just another launcher for your games, you already have plenty of them so what's the problem?"
And now we're back to this.
Literally every fucking game out there has shitty free browser clones. That doesn't support your dumbass point at all.
Nice to know you've run out of arguments, faggot.
It does cause it's tetris.
144hz is a meme. It's not worth it and won't make you a better player all of a sudden. Unless you really value 9ms less latency and don't mind spending a lot of cash that is. Also a bunch of games don't even support 144. Go with 120, it's easier to maintain too without gsync memes.
Yeah it’s clear you’re fucking braindead yourself because you’ve failed to distinguish that you’re talking to another person, autist.
Even if you're a different person, that doesn't change the fact that you ran out of arguments.
k Tetris autist.
You don't seem to understand that it's just tetris.
if a game cannot give me an hour of meaningful play time for each dollar i've spent, its not worth buying. this is the enlightened way of thinking
In that case, most puzzle games are worth hundreds.