>Shill a game pre-release because it looks perfect
>Constantly shilling it everywhere so it does well
>It comes out
>It fucking sucks
Shill a game pre-release because it looks perfect
>shilling any game before it releases
is that the power of cuckoldry?
>shilling a game pre- release
>for fucking free
>He's never been hyped for a kickstarter
Pathetic dude
Shill's directly lower a game's quality.
I recommend ntr doujinshi.
>trusting kickstarter at all
I might by 'hyped' for Diabotical but I ain't making a single thread about it on here.
Have sex.
>still hyped for kickstarters after Broken Age, Wasteland 2, and MM9
If they didn't teach you that all your childhood heroes are frauds, then I don't know what else to tell you.
>Waifu sim shit
No opinion.
People who get hyped about games are fucking stupid, and they do it to themselves
>Shilling at all
I have taste so I never liked any of those games.
What game did you back, user?
>game gets almost completely ignored until release
>game releases and is the laziest jankfest fromsoft has put out to date
>Yea Forums pretends it's actually the best Souls game
>tfw no one got hyped enough for KS to shill your game
Yes, and?
No one going to address the fact this nigga just posted porn?
>Shill a game pre-release because it looks perfect
>Constantly shilling it everywhere so it does well
>It comes out
>It fucking sucks
>Game gets way better after a few years thanks to unlikely updates and switch in development style
>Winds up living up to the hype and continues to get better
>Nobody believes me that it's good now
Do people really, unironically do this? Are people really this fucking dumb and immature? I refuse to believe that.
I mean I'm currently making clothing for a porn game so its inspiration if nothing else.
NMS? For honor? Any bullshit "live service" game?
How can you tell? It's too blurry, I have no clue what's going on
>enjoying stuff is imature
Borderlands is based. It's fine.
You forgot
>it's still insanely popular because idiot nugamers fall for the hype and pretend it's good because they don't want to admit they were wrong so the cycle of shit games continues
only underages and shills hype games
How many failed kickstarters do you need before you learn to stop trusting this shit?
>admitting you’re a shill
fucking yikes dude, kys
Randy this is BAD ASS!
That picture is canonically wrong. Lilith likes black men.
Bioshock Infinite destroyed my hype glands.
Now I'm cynical and my wallet has never been fuller.
Never pre-order, never buy day one, never buy indie unless it's a bundle. 75% off or fuck off.
>enjoying advertisement that is supposed to trick you into buying things
>enjoying advertising for a product that you haven't used yet
That's just utterly retarded
the only kickstarter ive been hyped for is a /tg/ related one. Otherwise ive always steered clear of the Yea Forums ones. Ive been proven right nearly every time. Only ones that proved me wrong were hat in time, shantae and shovel knight. Now im just waiting to hear on how bloodstained does to see if that'll continue the kickstarter curse.
why are you such a fuddy duddy
If you are truly following a game's development you should be able to tell if it's going to suck or not from the pre-release information and news. I have never hyped up a game that wasn't good, so you just suck at picking them, bro.
I'm sorry for your loss. I hear the game itself isn't terrible.
accurate depiction of a shill and a game dev
How do you think kickstarters get their funding user? Of course they really do it
that's why I shit on every single recent game
95% of them are still trash but I didn't get my hopes up for them
once the first expansions dropped they basically remade how class building works and started actually balancing things, it almost plays like a new game because e-specs and rebalanced trees give you more focused build motifs which let you actually make and play meme builds that are effective; there is a meta but it's VERY malleable
With the latest expansion they added mounts but not implemented as a pure mode of transport, they change the way you go about navigating terrain and each mount archetype controls like a vehicle or skill in a classic PS2 3D platformer
I'm not saying GW2 is perfect, it does a lot of things wrong, but it does a lot of FUN things and I know a lot of people who are missing out after being burned by the game less than a year after launch
Why do you enjoy it so much to be literally exploited by advertisers that you even work for them for free? Do you really not see how stupid that is?
I will shank you if you tell me beetle is worst mount.
I was hype dude
You need to have your emotions under control. You're not a child anymore. Grow up. Open your eyes. Be rational.
>He comes to Yea Forums to act grown up
So they are real
There really are retards spamming games on Yea Forums for free, thinking it will make good advertisement
What the fuck is wrong with you
>you have to "act" grown up
You are the one coming to Yea Forums to act grown up
wew lad
If you voluntarily advertise for scammers then you actually need to grow up, not just "act" more grown up on Yea Forums.
You can cope as much you want, but that doesn't change the fact that you're a foolish manchild, not just on Yea Forums, just you as a person.
Wow v I am so sorry to have dared to get excited for videogames and post about it in a place dedicated to videogame discusssions
I will be sure to rectify this and hate fun as much as all of you like a big boy
Im just shocked it's still up. Mods must like Lilith.
You're pathetic. How much longer do you want to cope and blame others instead of facing the fact that you're childish and that you are falling for advertising scams instead of actually enjoying things?
T. no fun son of a gun
Have fun