Isn't the character half Asian?

Isn't the character half Asian?

Attached: Real Lifeline.jpg (834x629, 130K)

actual soul

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Why does that matter?


that Lifeline has been healing too much if you know what I mean

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They should them actual ingame models

The girl on the right got banned from twitch.

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I need to see more of both these

She's Jamaican

its okay when they do it!

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>They should them actual ingame models
What did he mean by this?


It's ok when famous people do it

Attached: MOV_tropicthunder_080508.jpg (422x281, 23K)

But that's hilarious.

Nobody cares about this game anymore

You're dumb, and wilfully acting ignorant. I just want some good bait senpai.

Tropic Thunder went full kino

Who wore it better?

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>pretending a famous white would get away with black face
lmao delusional
wilfully acting ignorant about what?

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That nigger on the left better never have cosplayed as a white character or i gonna sue

and it should be ok, but muritard political correctness has gone insane

>blacks would look better with white features

As an asian user Im very offended by fat people cosplaying as a skinny asian. Please ban.

You can't be racist to whites tho

>>pretending a famous white would get away with black face
Robert Downy Jr. literally did you fucking faggot

Attached: downey.jpg (620x363, 30K)

Get back to me after white people go through 400 years of oppression.

RDJ was playing Kirk Lazarus. The character was the one in offense. It was done in the right way. Mocking the Australian actor and not an entire race of people. Oh wait. Are Australians people?

>burgers are triggered by blackface
>expect the entire fucking world to abide
Nope, fuck off and die of diabetus you fat fucks we'll keep doing blackface.

Attached: blackface.jpg (968x681, 88K)


He meant on their own and not just for a movie, you fucking retard.

>Are Australians people?

That's a little different because the role he's playing is "a white actor in blackface" and the joke of the character is the absurdity of that.

What were: Roman conquest of Europe.
What were: Islamic invasions of Europe.
What were: Islamic oppression of Slavs.

Fuck. You. Nigger.

>Get back to me after white people go through 400 years of oppression.
what does blacks oppressing other blacks have to do with blackface?

Then why did he just post a fucking movie like White Chicks? Also here goes one that did out of a movie you cuck

Attached: 220px-Ted_Danson_2010.jpg (220x311, 19K)

Name a single reason why we shouldn't just purge 90% of niggers and enslave the rest again i'll wait.

when I think Tha Doggfather can't get more based he proves me wrong.

Ebony/Dark Chocolate queens

>400 years of prosecution

If we’re taking that route then Jews take the crown on that. Blacks were sold by blacks. All blacks weren’t prosecuted. Africa was flourishing due to selling slaves and other reasons. Basically every race has been slaves throughout history.

they would whoop your lil white boy ass lmao

That's because it was written well. RDJ was playing a white guy dumb enough to do blackface. they came up with a way to mock black face by doing black face.

get back to be when you entire culture is wiped out by invading spainards or englishmen

What is the foundation of an entire country. Not to mention genocide of the natives.

Hispanics in South America literally tried wiping out the rest of the natives that survived recently

This movie got me fooled until the reveal. Best blackface ever.

No? She’s Haitian
Why did you think she’s half Asian?

Guys why fight each other on this. EVERYONE gets enslaved in the prison system

heard mayan was making a comeback in terms of spoken language

Murritards are just completely obsessed with blackface being bad, kinda like Germans freak out about Swastikas in non educational content.

She is doing that V thing with her fingers that Dva does.

To be politically correct

Not sure, but if all characters were fat, gasman and gayman would be actually playable.


Arab Slave Trade, Islamic Invasion of Europe (no, the other times), the Persian Empires, etc. If the more recent things count for you, then these count for us.

It's a real shame they didn't finish the job.

Someone post the OPs Lifeline brapper. I know one of you must have it.

That’s a general sign for “victory”
Also, Lifeline is a dumb weeb

Burgers are incapable of understanding that the rest of the worst doesn't live like them

They always think "Why should we care about other countries, we're the only ones that matter" and then get surprised when other countries are not like them

Disgusting. Doesn't she now that the V sign is a sign of white supremacy?

Dumb white roastie goes into the trash where she belongs.

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>peace signs are something only gooks do

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on one hand, absolutely would.
on the other hand, cutting scars.

that v sign means I do anal bc virginity get with the times granpa

Attached: vvv.png (765x483, 508K)

Amen brother

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Who is this dude? Is he running for office now?

you are a puppet used by rich white people to spite other rich white people, your beliefs are meaningless

Look at this uneducated nigger-faggot.

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White snoop dogg

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>Non-American gets ridiculed by people forcing American beliefs when she had no fucking clue it was bad

Amazing really

why is snoop dogg doing this he looks so hilarious

>Germans freak out
Don't confuse retarded government regulations with people's opinions. No one actually gives a fuck.


Can you use it in a sentence?

This is the most stupid shit about America.
> Be leftist in America
> Hate America and patriotism
> Act like the most patriotic douche by trying to forcefully assimilate other countries on your beliefs based on American history and culture.
It's such a stupid contradiction.

thought this was a brown girls thread

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Make it one

I would kiss both of them

It seems the project is proceeding as planned

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nice try

left actually put in effort

Are you really crying about some Twitch slut getting banned because of "muh reverse racism" or some shit?
This is beyond pathetic

Moron. Letting any live is setting the possibility for all of this to happen again.
Purge 100%.

>reverse racism
What's with this clown phrase being used unironically?

Looks like all those ultimate accelerants took a toll on her waistline

Tropic Thunder is made of dreams and the hearts of a thousand impoverished kids.

It's reverse irony

What for?

to make fun of white people on national television, and thats okay but the opposite is not
>reddit monkey doesnt want to live by his own rules but wants everyone else to

>be rich
>do what you want
who knew

Cutting scars means she'll become completely dependant on you and no anything for your love and validation. Are you telling me you don't want a yandere gf?

Why should any of them be spared? If you have a breakout of bedbugs, rats or other parasites in your home are you content with only thinning their numbers? Unless you go all the way there will always be a chance of a reoccurring infestation.

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>Had RDJ in blackface
>Made a joke out of Jack Black explicitly sucking someone's dick to get a small bit of heroine
>Had Ben Stiller play an actual, literal retard with the sole intent of laughing at him
I don't know how Tropic Thunder got away with so much. Maybe it came it at just the right time but regardless that shit is devilish kino.

>Not knowing about the peace sign
It's not your fault user, it's society's fault for failing you.

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>Prison system enslavement
Despite being 5% of the populace black men commit 50% of all violent crime.

Redditors would be the ones defending a twitch slut.
If you defend or donate to twitch sluts then you're a cuck. Literally throwing your money away so some whore who doesn't care about you can go spend it

It's ok when everyone does it as long as isn't malicious. The only people who disagree are internet literal who's looking for clicks.

>play an actual, literal retard with the sole intent of laughing at him
John C Reily also did that on Dr Steve Brule but that obviously wasn't as well known

This is why countries need to be segregated by race. Stupid people basically always conclude the smarter people deserve worse treatment.

Nah that's not the same, Steve Brule is "retarded". Ben Stiller was stereotypical "Why do m-m-my eyes rain" retarded.

that's just be because the police are racists who don't arrest white men

So go back to Africa. We let you rule over yourselves for more than 70 years now. Wakanda sure does beat white countries, right?

pierce pls go

I'd let her serve me.

Funny thing is that actual Africans hate African Americans and would probably just kill them off.

fuck you you mayo ass bitch

If all chocolate was this sweet I would be alright with the dark skinned qts

It's ok when Snoop Dog does it. Unironically.
t. hardline killing all blacks would be a net gain racist

>Germans freak out about Swastikas in non educational content.
It's an old ass law you dip. No one actually cares. Everyone wants uncensored Wolfenstein, but the government has a stick up its ass because video games are evil to them.

Africans hate africans themselves. Just like europe africa is separated by diverse culture and nationalities. Including grudges.

Americans think that africa is one magical black country, it couldn't be farther from the truth.