Post your gamer food
Post your gamer food
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I make salads on my own as well.
looks like shit
your keyboard must be greasy as fuck user
That looks fucking disgusting.
where's the celery
Man that looks good
I'm no faggot
I've been making a lot of eggnog lately. It's really tasty.
How dare you
Better than anything you ever cooked
>in months other than Nov/Dec/Jan
eating this right now
based boomer
I made this bowl of ramen the other day. Made my own broth too, it's so much better that way
>Better than anything you ever cooked
How dare you
read the rules newfag
>All posts should pertain to video games, their consoles, and VIDEO GAME CULTURE.
Broth takes forever to make from scratch tho
What kind of noodles did you use, fresh or dried
>you will never eat pane e nutella at 13.30 watching dragonball and then simpsons before doing compiti ever again
I want to go back
What's your favorite dipping sauce, Yea Forums?
get on my level
anything related to cheese
i grew up on nutella to
litteraly best thing ever as kid
Asphalt pieces covered in spit/milk?
daddys cum sauce
never had waffles
is that cheese or butter?
Enjoy your bowel cancer after eating all that red and processed meat.
>eggos and microwavable tendies
the broke fags chicken and waffles haha
>never had waffles
wayy wayy wayy to much food
enoughfor like 6 people
yikes u fat ass
>go to visit a friend in austin
>wake up at 5 to stand in line
>drink in line and talk with people for hours
not a fan of austin, but I've never had a bad time at franklins
I typically don't eat when I play video games, but I guess a snack between playing would be crab spread and chicken n a biscuit crackers.
Food companies have been on a "silent" misinfo war against each other since forever you fucking mongoloid, I bet you are one of those moms that freak out or stuff yourself with eggs every time the company-sponsored narrative flip-flops over their dangers or benefits.
my gamer food is cum
Sweet chilli. Or BBQ. Or sweet 'n' sour. Or ketchup.
Also sweet onion deserves a mention - I don't know if you can get it as a dipping sauce but I have it at Subway a lot, and it's fucking awesome.
I've always been curious about what this tastes like. Would love to try it one day.
Needs more chicken and fewer waffles. Protein > carbs.
I used to believe in the legs and wings meme
But the best chicken is on the breast and thighs and you get so much more for the probably less
It's that one malnourished vegan retard who shills 24/7 on Yea Forums from his hospital bed.
This shit
i have some microwavble bowls of ramen like that its pretty okay
haven't had them in awhile haha dont even know if its good anymore haha
Im allergic to shellfish :[
based slavanon
Juuh elikkäs ranut ja kanakastike vitun uushomo
That would be tasty with sweet relish
The NHS is not a food company you brain dead simpleton. It is the National Health Service of the United Kingdom, and the largest single-payer healthcare system in the entire world. Enjoy your bowel cancer, Cletus.
Like I said here - - enjoy your bowel cancer.
and remember to neck yourself tranny fucks
eating food is tranny?
is this a false flag
Why do they give you 6 people's worth of meat but only 1 person's worth of sides?
i just had a hart atek looking at this haha
I imagine you only eat rare steaks and raw eggs?
>food is for trannies only now
ur a bot aren't u
stupid fucking robot
>never had waffles
Wat. Where are you from?
>is that cheese or butter?
Breast is obviously best, but you could still have a few more nugs.
I'm not a vegan, I eat meat all the time. But I am intelligent enough to know that too much meat, in particular red and processed meat, is linked with a increased risk of cancer, particularly bowel cancer. Enjoy having a colostomy bag, Cletus.
I've always hated nutella, tasted gross. Never understood the memes.
it taste like choclate but bettr
have u ever had a ferrero rocher its whats in the middle of it
sooo gud
>trannies infest this board
>surprise when I btfo trannies everyday
It tastes like something that's trying to taste like chocolate but fails horribly. Hershey's is chocolate. Nutella is garbage.
>not sparkling
Mämmi is just water, rye flour, and molasses. Not hard to imagine what it tastes like.
its made from hazelnut dude obviously it taste different retard
Yeah dude, because I want healthy ass nuts in my fucking chocolate
she'll know what it is
oy, you german or something? I got the same plates.
Ramen eggs make anything good. They're basically cheating. I once just boiled a bunch of spinach and put some ramen eggs in there and it was delicious soup. Can't let the word get out or heart conditions will dectuple in 3 years.
hazlenut tastes goode u tasteless fag
How bout you take a load of hazelNUT in your ass bitch
All I eat are mixed nuts and sardines. That is it. Nothing else.
yes pwease Daddy OwO
my ass is all wet and dwipping OwO
desu I don't care much for ribs or wings.
I like all my meat deboned.
This just looks depressing to eat.
Cause you're a lil baby bitch boy?
I've had something similar. My oven broke halfway through making a digiorno and I had to finish it off on the stove.
no I'm big
What games you playing boys?
For me, it's Injustice 2.
im not sure that would taste too good, its just fucking potatoes
Is this what depressed people eat
Pita Pizza is delicious what're you anons on about
If done right, potatoes are the best shit out there. Obviously though, that's done wrong.
how is it done right
When I do them of course.
this looks interesting. what does it contain?
chicken in cream sauce
looks like maggots in vomit
>mother made pelmeni once
>put potatoes in some of them instead of meat
>"Wait what, it's just ordinary potatoes, how do you..."
>try them
It was fucking magic. I gotta try it myself sometime.
baked chicken breast slices, rice & beans in chili/texas sauce and some lemonade
cba to take a picture rn tho
>people put cheese on their waffles
>never had waffles
they wouldn't know lol
>Hershey's is chocolate.
Hershey's tastes like literal, actual vomit
i havent had waffles since i was 5 and even i know its butter because ive seen burger media
I have eaten nothing but ramen with onions sauce, macaroni with ketchup & pepper and fried potatoes for the last two months because I have no money
it's for at least 4 and it looks like a Sunday special lunch
>gyoza in ramen
What the actual fuck, user?
Döner kebab pizza, great taste user.
>dropped 2 hundred on the whole chicken when the dodgers won the pennant last year
Why not just get a proper kebab meal?
american food always 'looks' tasty but as a pajeet I realize it must be bland and tasteless as fuck.
It's hilarious that the sugar lobby successfully brainwashed Americans into believing fat is worse for them than sugar.
Look at EVERY big bodybuilder (im talking those blasting roids and doing training/eating as a living) and look for their opinion on red meats. ALL of them dislike the digestive effects of red meats.
>tfw got diabeetus last year
This thread is making me hungry. And sad.
based schizoposter
Body builders literally believe in pseudoscience. They have a whole religion of broscience dogshit built to convince themselves that they're big because of their diet and not because of roids.
>fucking Tasty
its the same worldwide. nutritionists are only just now starting to recommend cutting back all carbs
this is the most depressing thread on Yea Forums right now. If you knew you were going to live alone at least take some cooking lessons, anons.
more salt and pepper and other spices. You americans should learn how to use middle eastern and indian spices. Your food will actually have taste then.
oh look it's a bot, what a surprise!
>chocolate on bread
will roids give me better masturbation sessions?
american ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''cuisine''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
No. Steroids vastly decrease your natural testosterone production and permanently shrink your testicles. Your libido is suppressed.
Here's former pro bodybuilder C. T. Fletcher talking about what steroids did to his libido:
just eat chicken and pasta all the time , some rice here and there and you don't need much more
what the shit are you talking about you brainded faggot, the literal most popular diet that has a name and application to bodybuilding/strength athletes is vertical diet created by longtime competitor stan efferding and which he uses on his athletes that include hafthor bjornson and larry wheels, designed specifically not to upset your stomach so that the diet doesnt get in the way of training
and its basically steak and rice until you die
you sound like a scandicuck who recently discovered cook books lmao
get the fuck out tranny
it actually is
I feel sorry for all you tastelet
no im a pajeet who eats objectively better tasting food
no wonder ur shilling ur shitty Indian spices
looks like someone ate a lot of spinach then took a a shit on a plate
From the thumbnail, I thought it was a festering wound on a man's shoulder.
long have i sought and ive finally found it
the most unapetizing color imaginable
im going to save it hex code
is that risalamande?
...the person who made that is asien
>tfw hungry as fuck but just want to game
>microwave a big bowl of plain oats as my meal for the day
needing to eat is almost as annoying as needing to sleep
japan here
get on my level
Holy fuck spoiler that shit.
thought thoese were beetles in sauce
aint no better g'mer food than a big ol slice of 'ver 'za
it's hazelnut you zoomer
>self-identifying as a gamer
All that great foo-
>7 slices of wonderbread
Why are Americans so weird?
>Hershey's is chocolate
>American chocolate
It actually tastes abysmal not to mention you guys somehow made Dairy Milk awful out there.
I hope this was meant to be funny
I am so busy I just drink 12 raw eggs now.
>hershey's is chocolate
No it's not.
Dog food?
You bastard
Now I want to go back to nippon
>nuggets and waffles
Based disgusting retard
id still eat it
>just ordered some of this
it really is hard to beat some good indian or tex mex food
are you a nigger per chance
can i eat the waitress instead
>heart condition
Unironically this
>fresh baked bread scent fills the room as the pizza is brought on a tray
>"Good god, are they trying to start a chemical war here"
>shakes his slice up and down, trying to separate it from the pizza.
>"Bloody Hell, it's like Medusa's ballsack in here"
>kneads the slice with his fist as a puddle of olive oil forms underneath
>"They've lost the plot"
>throws the pizza against the ceiling
>"No shape, no class, no substance. Dishonest"
is this sad eating?
kitchen nightmares UK is infinitely better than the america one. he isnt a fucking drama queen the entire time.
I have had twelve raw eggs a day for 7 years. I think eggs are just fine
Post your Age / Career / Gaming Platform and we decide if you're based or retarded.
>never tried hersheys before
>heard bad things about it but don't want to knock it before I try it
>buy a box of mixed american candies, full of stuff like reeses and plain hersheys
>next day before I get a chance to eat any, I come down with the flu
>sense of taste is a bit shit, but still decide to eat my chocolates anyway
>get to hersheys
>"Hey this isn't so bad!"
>share some with my family
>they all collectively hate it
>don't understand the negative response
>a few weeks later my flu clears up
>decide to finish off my chocolate
>get to the hersheys
>it tastes like complete and utter vile filth
>genuinely tastes like vomit
>the smell is even worse
>throw it away without hesitation
reminder that this meat souffle looking greasy abomination was listed as thin crust
For me, it's the Full Engish Pizza
24 / student in the process of getting license for teaching / pc, switch, ps4
Aye yer all a buncha wee baybehs, cop a loada this
Wait let me puke on it real quick
I do not doubt those filthy brits eat this. While Mohammed is railing their daughters and wife.
id eat most things there but those onion rings look fucking abhorrent. they look like they came straight out of one of those tv dinners for kids.
Nice spaghett
My gamer food is fasting.
underrated post
Looks good but why do you need like seven slices of bread?
Are you sharing it with multiple people and you all making sandwiches out of it?
I can't imagine someone actually eating seven slices of bread, I always think I'm being a fat fuck whenever I finish my one slice and decide to get another cause I happen to have enough stuff to put in another one.
looks based
God I love being Scottish.
English chippies can't compare.
But what did the chilaquiles you ordered actually look like? I prefer mine a little more saucy than your pic and I don't need the chicken, but great taste in both tex mex and Indian.
I like to just open a package of dry ramen, take out the flavor packet, crunch it up, and pour a little pasta sauce in there. Just a spoonful or so. Then shake it up and set it next to my computer exhaust. When I feel peckish I'll grab the now piping hot bag and just slurp a half-crunchy glob out. Throw away when empty.
is it really spelled like that
theyre not gonna be here for like 15 more minutes. i was feeling lazy as fuck so i just ordered some chilaquiles and churros for delivery
Oof, good luck. Hopefully there's still some crisp in those chips when you get it. Are you in southwest area?
Real gamer food coming through
I want to fuck that yogurt
>*tips plate*
Step aside plebs, real actual gamer coming through.
That's a Francesinha, you uncultured plebe
theyre usually fine ive ordered them before. im near the east coast.
Eat bread 3 times and Lasagne once every day. This is the true gamer diet
what the fuck is that
There is no better snack
Looks amazin mate
It's ordinary rice pudding. I make mine a little differently though (I cook the rice in milk instead of water.)
you guys eat garbage jesus christ
Congratulations on the successfull bait.