Here's your controller bro

Here's your controller bro.

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And a fine selection of games to go with it.

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>no battle circuit
Hard pass. I can't take it.

Whoever designed this should get fired.

companies just cant wait to replicate the ps1 classics flop

The price is absolutely outrageous

I just hope Capcom didn't invest too much money in this.

>fine selection

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its two sanwa sticks so considering that its not really expensive. the fused together design sucks though.

Come on bruh at least VS.
Super Puzzle Fighter is my fucking jam though

I can’t see the fucking buttons.

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If you could separate the sticks and it had more games, I'd probably get it. I don't see how you could use this thing on your lap with the stick like it is now, and I'm not even sure I have room on my desk for it.

what's the point of this being so fucking ugly?

Literally just a raspberry Pi with sanwa parts.

I'm honestly surprised they got rights to put Alien vs Predator on there, especially since it just changed hands to the mouse.

16 more games than other sticks

You can buy sticks with MAME full sets installed on

is there a way to download more games? i could like this thing if i could play whatever capcom games i want

>The Capcom Home Arcade will run you 299.99 Euros ($260 USD)

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This. They've been doing so well lately, they don't need a massive moneysink to fuck things up now.

Anyone still playing this shit what's the new ggpo? Fightcade?
Download a ggpo or fightcade game pack, connect and play hundreds of great snk and capcom games with Mexicans online

arcade sticks are over priced trash

Considering it has wifi and probably a little hard drive you pontentially could, hell, this is capcom we talking, they probably soldered a 2gb usb as a hard drive

yes they do. fuck them, they deserve going bankrupt until they release a good fighting game for once

no thanks, just give me a regular release for switch or ps4

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The fighting game division is not the entire company.
Said division should go under yes.


capcom doesn't have a "fighting game division", that's the problem. it's just ono's skeleton crew and whatever cheapass studio they can outsource development to.

is there any arcade server that's remotely as popular as fightcade? fightcade is full of metagamers and they only play the same few old fighting games, they don't play any other genres, nevermind the co-op ones like shmups.

i actually own AvP. sorry had to brag.

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Fucking hell, they couldn't have made a worse design. Not to mention they chose random games that are not even the final versions.

>Hyper Fighting
>Not Super Turbo
Why bother?

Don't damn the whole company just for their bad fighting division.

>No Cadillacs and Dinosaurs

>MM Power Battle
>no Power Fighters
Eat shit.

>all those great games being held hostage by this overpriced abomination
i knew capcom's recent good streak was too good to be true, of course they would do something retarded to fuck it all up

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Honestly fuck off with your Yea Forums anger autism. One shitty peripheral doesn't ruin shit. It will be forgotten an hour after the announcement trailer.

>Eco shit
>Not even any of the jcps2/cps3/arcade-II
Who makes the selection of games fucking hell

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>finally get a avp port
>it’s on a plug and play system

I'm sure that company decides which games development they prioritize and who gets the most budget.
SFV wouldn't even be funded without Sony

>Loop master instead of XX
>Only 1 darkstalkers game
>Only street fighter 2
>No D&D
What a pile of shit

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from my understanding capcom is just using FBA. Just play it on your pc dude.

D&D is a pen and paper game.

>thread of people pretending to care about the arcade experience
>can't even answer this that any enthusiast would know

is Capcom not aware MAME exists?

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power battle one but not two as well but gladly shoves two versions of SF II.

Literally nobody is talking about the arcade experience. Most are saying how dumb it is.

I wanted it on ps4 so I can play it with my friends with bonus concept art shit

There's only one version of SF2

Wrong, they're saying it's dumb to buy a stand alone product for it when a PC can do it already.

I'm asking what servers people use on PC to recreate the PvP/PvE experience that this thing will undoubtedly have?

Is Nintendo not aware that snes9x exists
Is Sony not aware that mednafen exists
Is Sega not aware that Kega Fusion exists
You're retarded

And nobody cares what you're asking.

i mean you probably dont like the idea but you can use 2 ps4 controllers and just play with your friends on pc. hell on PC you might be able to get 3 player going. Im not sure about that though. Don't know if FBA supports 3 player.

Part of the arcade experience isn't just playing with friends but with strangers too.

I've been in that position and PCs can be a pain in the ass. Not that I'd get this, but convenience is a serious upside