What's your opinion on Tales of the Abyss? It's the only game from the "Golden Age of Tales" I haven't played yet. Is it really as good as they say? Also, PS2 or 3DS?
Tales thread.
What's your opinion on Tales of the Abyss? It's the only game from the "Golden Age of Tales" I haven't played yet. Is it really as good as they say? Also, PS2 or 3DS?
Tales thread.
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PS2 version definitely, 60 fps combat makes it all the better
Abyss is real good with its setting and music, the story and characters take a while to get interesting but when it takes off, it really takes off
Being able to choose what stats level up for your characters, what abilities they could possibly learn from those stat levels, and how you can change your regular artes in terms of damage, stagger time, easier to FoF change, etc, help make everyone's experience a little different depending on what kind of play style they choose to do
definitely a must play if you are interested in the series, but again, kind of a hard beginning game to get invested
It drags on a little too much in areas and has a lot of backtracking, but I liked the game overall. If you liked other Tales games you've played, you'll probably like this one.
As far as I know there's not really any big difference between the PS2 and 3DS versions of the game, other than I think the 3DS version having better loading times. There's no new content or anything like that, so go for whatever is most convenient for you.
compared to games like symphonia, which i'm currently trying to get through, it's story and flow are more organic and makes for a much better experience. it's an enormous game but the pacing and story is excellent. easily one of the best tales games.
On my first playthrough and I know what you mean about slow start, when do things pick up? At desert ruins now
It's shit. Combat is good enough, but everything else is terrible.
I personally liked it a lot, it's the only Tales game I've played that I really got into.
Literally the best tales
funny that it was directed by the guy who only did 2 tales, Symphonia and Abyss, yet it was miles better than the other game in the series.
Vesperia and Abyss were the best in the series for us western gamers.
But Destiny R and Rebirth seem lit.
You are almost near a place called Akzeriuth, when you finish up your business there, it then gets pretty interesting
One of my favorite games of all time
Combat gets a lot more fun once mystic artes and FOF changes become more common
I think it aged better than Symphonia did. Plot was really fucking deep once you really analyze it, I didn't expect that from a CERO A rated game (which is ages 6 and under)
I dropped it halfway through because I couldn't get my head round all the weird mechanics it throws at you.
FOF changes seem very situational
Less artes per character because FOF counts for some reason
FSC sounds fun but there's way too few gems to use
Game doesn't tell you that stats affect the skills you can learn
I've been waiting for the Destiny R fan translation for years. I could have learned Japanese by now.
It's my favourite game of all time
I cried like a little bitch when I finished it
I fucking adore this game
>I think it aged better than Symphonia did.
In terms of graphics it's weirdly both better and worse than Symphonia. Char models have more fluid movement and facial expressions which makes for better cutscenes. But the graphics look more faded and washed out than the cel shaded Symphonia, which makes for a bleak world. The world map in particular is awful, it looks bland and boring and a chore to navigate, not helped by the full 10 seconds of loading time after every battle.
Dropped abyss after the part you control Asch and you go to Jade's hometown.
It just feels like everybody is blaming their mistakes on Luke and lynching him over literally everything. Like dude didn't even meant to do that he was manipulated by the only person that didn't treat him like shit.
Luke is too good for this world.
Best Tales for me, by a country mile.
Best played Undub on PS2 Emulator with high settings/scaling, game looks still quite decent on 6* Native with AA.
PS2 for Co operation with friends.
I dropped it right around the same part.
Not because of how the party treats Luke, but because I realised this was the moment everyone was talking about. The moment the game really takes off after a slow start and becomes amazing, the moment that completely changes how you feel about Luke as the protagonist.
I was forcing myself to keep playing because I kept hearing the game gets better at a certain part, but when I got there I couldn't believe that was it. All that hype for nothing. The way people were talking about it made it sound much better than it actually turned out to be.
The Marmite of Tales, you either love it or hate it.
I dunno if "hype" is the right word to describe the event
personally I thought it got interesting at that point of the game and wanted to see how it would play out afterwords, to see Luke change and try to actually build trust with people around him made me care bit more about him
it wasn't really exciting or anything, but I was still curious to see how it was going to be done
I think it's mediocre, but I don't like Team Symphonia's games, the only one I can stomach is Vesperia, and even there, only by the endgame.
OP by Bump is kino and MC shares my name, so I have a fond memory of it.
posting best girl
I think I would've absolutely loved Abyss if I played it when it came out. Sadly it wasn't released in Europe so I missed out on it until the 3DS port.
I would've been in my mid-teens and just coming out of Symphonia, and it would've left a much bigger impression on me. As it stands though I played it a few years ago and found it fine but nothing more.
It's a good game. I played it on PS2. Gameplay is ok, people love the characters and story. It isn't the best of the best, but it is a good game.
PS2 is the best. Guy and Jade kept me into it. Overall the story and combat is good. Not the best but its good.
Luke > Guy > Jade
Natalia > Tear > Anise
>thinking amount of porn = best girl
I'll never understand how a god tier girl like Tear is virtually ignored while Anise gets endless pages of lewds
Best one. Vesperiafags delusional
If it got a remaster, it'd be the best game in the series.
Playing the definitive edition made me realize vesperia isn't nearly as good as I remembered. On the other hand I replay symphonia once a year and it still holds up
Vesperia is still my personal favorite. Mostly because Yuri is so based and banters well with everyone he meets. I feel like Abyss excels all around though. Good cast, good story, fine combat, good soundtrack. It really holds up.
Best girl is obviously Ion *cough*
of the three tales games i've played (abyss, symphonia, and vesperia), it is my favorite
Abyss is the only Tales game where I was interested in the bad guys just as much as the heroes.
Only played a few but TotA started the trend of having only 6 party members which pissed me off
I thought she was worst girl but then she ended up being brety gud
He really is
I watched the anime adaptation a while back because I never expected to play it, and this stood out. I think I missed something because the resolution seemed like a bad end that vindicated the antagonists completely.
Hoping for an HD remaster if Vesperia does well enough.
>I think I would've absolutely loved Abyss if I played it when it came out.
This. It's a good game but I don't have the nostalgia others do.
New mothership Tales when?
I actually think that Abyss is overall better than Vesperia. Worse MC and combat system but much better story, setting and pacing and it's so fucking rare for a JRPG to have a party where half of the members just hate each other.
Abyss has a really fucking strong swt of themes and story if you really delve into it, but the actual characters themselves are only about par for the course in terms of Tales games (bar a few standouts). Gameplay is some of the best with free-run being the big addition in this game though the fon combos are a little basic and not super useful until endgame.
Is there any reason not to use Guy instead of Luke? This is the first Tales game where I don't main the MC, in fact I benched him, feels wrong somehow.
I am waiting for it as well. I am a faggot for Tales and I would take even a bad game like Zestiria or Berseria, but I'm hoping the series won't keep heading down that road.
Vesperia was really weak in the story department, even for a Tales game. I still enjoyed Vesperia a lot for the amount of content, the character and the gameplay.
Can't believe it's been 3 years since Berseria, must be the longest gap since about 2 console gens ago
Your own fault for being deceived by hype
Jade looks like Styx
To be fair they just spent God knows how much time with him being an insufferable prick on their way to Akzeriuth after his promotion to Ambassador, and was a pretty spoiled brat even prior to that though nowhere near as bad
The fact that he was also going on and on about how he had absolutely nothing to do with what happened really did not help
When you're not enjoying a game and everyone keeps saying it gets better at a certain point and that it's normal to feel disappointed and that everyone feels that way before they reach that point, of course you get hyped up.
It's the same as saying 'it gets good 8 episodes in' which is never true, guess I should've learned from that, but maybe I just wanted it to be true for once.
I'm at Keterburg, how far in am I?
>dropping the game before the conflict is resolved
retards, both of you
This your first time in Keterburg? Not far.
No wait it's Belkend I'm thinking of. I think I'd just seen the bit where Guy's fear of girls was explained. Felt like I was nearing the end.
>I've been waiting for the Destiny R
Is this the one that had a fan translation being made for years, and then suddenly the translator dropped it for incredibly faggot reasons?
>recently got a ps2 emulator to play all the jrpgs I missed out on
>spot 2 tales entries I never played or even heard about
>both japan only with no translation
The intense joy I felt was made all the more worse by how instantly it went away again
I think the reason was that they were hired to be a community manager at Bamco and were given an ultimatum that involved them ceasing all work on the translation and getting rid of what progress they had for the spot.
They accepted it, despite the position being a pretty shitty one and the deal being terrible. I wouldn't be surprised if they're not working there anymore.