Which is the best Assassin's Creed game??

Which is the best Assassin's Creed game??

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Mine is Origins

Odyssey > Unity > Origins > Black Flag > AC2 >>>>>>>>>> the rest

I've been enjoying Origins a lot lately... I haven't played Odyssey yet.

AC3. The only one pure in kino. Second to that is Syndicate.

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2>2 2>2 3>4>the rest

The modern day sequences have some of the most twisted science fiction story lines for a video game. But you think they’re boring for the simple reasons that they’re walking simulator sections. Pay attention and get into them, they’re great actually

Assassin's Creed: Lost Legacy because it never came out

Mine is syndicate.


Wish we could actually see and be part of those tidbits. If ubi can shit out Tom Clancy labeled garbage, they can make a modern day set side game.

Asscreed 1, I couldn't even stomach 2 for very long and I never played another one ever again. Probably a generational thing, if I was a little kid when this game was released I'd probably wanna play the same shit over and over again, but I just can't take this slow-ass gameplay.

For me? For me it's Unity

They WERE great, that is until AC3 shit the bed.

Handled the frame narrative the best while having the best variety of the core gameplay loop, and overall told the best story. Brotherhood is almost as good but Desmond's sections are really limited, Rome is too empty to hold the game for its entire playtime and the game started to see Ubisoft's hallmark timewaster missions poorly stapled on.


1. Black Flag
2. Origins
3. II

You should avoid anything else.

dont care mate I don't play video games to have a walking simulator with some voice over story, some of the effects were cool tho


rogue is my favorite


Not anymore, I used to love the modern day shit but they dropped Juno's speech at the end of Brotherhood then killed her off in a comic. They may as well give you the option to turn it off.


Unity and Origins

Unity > Black Flag > 1 > Revelation > 2 > 3 > Brotherhood
Haven't played the series since Syndicate.

Probably any of the Ezio ones for me, mainly cos Ezio is the best protag in the series.

Watch Dogs is sort of that, it's confirmed same universe as AC

They're boring because they have no fucking direction after 3. 3 was pretty shit but at least it went somewhere. Ubisoft doesn't know what to do with the modern day story so they just fuck around and don't progress it at all because they don't want to lose a cash cow franchise to silly things like plot progression and conclusion

Be honest, Yea Forums. Templars or Assassins?

Assassin's, modern Templars are too cartoonishly evil to side with them.

He might be the most charming and charismatic, but he's also one of the (if not the) most boring ones. He's too much of a Gary Stu for most of the games. Only Revelation gives him some depth and proper flaws as a character.

Templars because they have money.

>the next game is set in the Viking Era
holy fuck, I'm so glad we are getting this instead of another ancient game.

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Why do they refuse to make a game set in feudal japan?

>played black flag for 20-30 hours
>2 or brotherhood for some 10 hours
>and origins for less than 5

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It's their joker card for when the series needs saving, obviously.

They say they want to do shit not covered in other vidya.

I dropped AC after 3 so I haven't been keeping up with the story. Did they actually resolve this plot thread in a comic? What the fuck? Are they screwing around with the playerbase as some sort of joke?

Once you've played one open world ubisoft game you've played them all. Checklists in a beautiful looking world

They have lost all the people that birthed AC in the first place. They've been trying to tell some sort of story and they failed time and time again. The Juno shit wouldn't work out in the end so they threw it into the comics to have *another* go at telling some sort of story starting with Origins.

>he doesn’t know

Juno was unleashed upon the world, I’m Syndicate she is seen manipulating Templar scientists. She’s not dead, never was.
>implying comics have any meaningful lore other than references

In syndicate*

Yes, short version is

>Juno starts building cult after 3 to get artifacts and includes Assassin's and Templars
>Templar cult remembers attempt to grow a first civ clone out of DNA remnants
>Get Turin Shroud as it scans for damage and fixes it which would fix misplaced DNA
>Also reveals Desmond has a bastard at this time with even more first Civ DNA
>Templar cultists get the kid
>Juno gets into finished clone body and has power over everyone except bastard
>Bastard kills her
>Escapses with assassin's and macguffin

Daniel Cross exists in the comics first for awhile then came into Ass Creed 3 expecting you to know it there and Origins just ignores the plot line like it was already resolved.

this. play one and youve seen them all. first just happened to be the one I played. despite 2 being a direct upgrade to 1I just couldnt keep playing it after few hours.

I liked syndicate simply because of the era

>Black Flag - best free roam, sailing, sjanties, good story, decent graphics, not much future shit that takes you out of it.
Best level design, bugs are fixed, good story, great graphics, good free roam

Exccclent free roam due to better enemy combat AI, best graphics, sub par story compared to the former 2 but better mechanics and graphics overall, good variety, just use black flag.

the best: ACB
the worst: AC1
most underrated: Syndicate
best characters: ACR
best world: Odyssey

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the best: AC4
the worst: Brotherhood (fuck the constant railroading, extemely easy combat and uninteresting conflict)
most underrated: Unity
best characters: AC1
best world: Unity
best gameplay: Unity

>implying comics have anything to do with games lore

Comics are literally just a side story extension. I’ve played every AC game never once read a onions comic.

2 and Rogue comes very close to it. Stopped playing the series after all went to shit though.

The best: AC2
The worst: AC1
Most underrated: Origins
Best characters: AC4
Best world: Odyssey

>no more assassinate on alhambra
>no more AA on Fort Wolcott
I miss the multiplayer

4, origins, or 2. It depends on personal taste but those are the best

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There's really no reason they couldn't have finished 3 the correct way and still churn out new releases with stories about the period


Yes, but they could have at least started a new modern story. All the ones they've attempted so far are ignored by the next game.

Seconding this.
Origins is pretty fucking good, just got out of sight for many people because of WE WUZ posting.
In the end it doesn't even matter.

>best if you want to be an assassin
>best if you like sailing
Black flag
>best if you like exploring
>best if you want to see a character's story
Ezio trilogy

Source? I hope they bring shields back from Origins

Origins literally dropped my jaw at certain points. The world they made is amazing. Origins is good, but these worlds are certainly wasted on these games, they are held back so much by average gameplay and series tropes.

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Origins mainly for the setting. Giza and Memphis were fucking great. I just wish it was set farther back than Cleos Greek Egypt. But considering how the old kingdom was full of ayy lmao godlike magic beings in ass creeds universe they probably didn't want to go that far into fantasy

For me its 2>revelations>3
Although I stopped playing at 3 I've been interested in unity's combat is it worth a play?

If your answer is anything other than 2, Brotherhood or Black Flag you should probably find another hobby.

Does Black Flag work well with ultrawide monitor? I'm getting it soon

Stopped playing them after 4 so

AssC2 > AssC4 > AssC1 > AssC:Brotherhood

II and it's not even close


Bayek was a good main character too. I was debating on getting the DLC but it's not made by the same team as the base game so I was worried it won't be as good. And it's too expensive, wtf Ubisoft nobody is paying 50$ for 2 year old DLC.

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Odyssey, because it completely removed the Assassins vs Templars storyline, the forced shitty crowd "steath" target tracking missions, the present day Canadian conspiracy bullshit, and basically everything that made the Assassin's Creed franchise notoriously awful.
Assassin's Creed is a Witcher clone now, and that's the best thing that ever happened to the series.

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origins>odyssey>4>the rest are equally bad

For me its ac1, its the only one with decent stealth and asassin-ish feel

Ive enjoyed 2 brotherhood and revelations though. Currently Playing ac3 and next is Black Flag

I haven't played many of the older ACs but I found Origins very hard to stop playing at any point. The sheer amount of different activities, random events and shit made the world feel extremely alive.
I just fucking hate the stores in the game, they all sell the same 4 kinds of mounts, the same outfits with different colors and shit. I'd much rather it not have regenerating health and sell some food items you can use to recover your HP.
Combat was pretty good, enemies could get more variety but hunting crocodiles was fun.

Unity is the best.

Low iq post
Kys with your witcher dark souls shit

Zoomer retard taste

>tfw i lost my 600+ screenshot collection i took from Origins

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Oh also Odyssey is the first game (to my knowledge) to let you play without wearing a stupid fucking edgelord hoodie, you can go hatless or wear a variety of headgear

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Damn Odyssey is shit though. Origins was better in nearly every single way.

>Kassandra is a boring ass main character
>Main story takes so fucking long you feel like nothing ever happens
>Cult system is literally the same formula as every Asscreed game despite not being an assassin
>Grindy as fuck
>Islands start to feel way too similar
>too much menu inventory time managing, dismantling, selling, upgrading, and so on

>3 games later and Unity is still the best looking AC game

origins did this and let you change around bayek's hair and beard too

Really wish Origins had retained Unity's stealth mechanics and assassinations. It just stopped being AC the second you could no longer actually assassinate targets and KO some enemies and it just did some sneak attack damage instead.


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>Last game before they made the series a generic Witcher clone rpg
Imagine not being able to assassinate someone because of their level lmao

No origins was not, Fuck that fucking desert. Odyssey absolutely shits on it's overdone setting.

well that makes origins better than every other game in the series except odyssey
I've said this in other threads: Origins would be interesting if it were ACTUAL ANCIENT EGYPT, not Ancient Romans larping as Ancient Greeks larping as Ancient Egypt just to get muh reddit empire le epic Caesar man in there

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I like how they nailed how ridiculously superstitious ancient Egyptians were and how Bayek believed it all also. Made the entire game feel mystical especially parts like Memphis where everyone acted like the entire city was cursed just because of shit like the smell of sabotaged mummys

>not a boring ass main character
kek, sure thing, he's worse than Connor.

holy delusion batman, this isn‘t healthy you know? there‘s no „non-canon“ AC product except for the french comics. The creative director of Origins himself had a talk at GDC where he talked about how Juno‘s plotline needed to be go to the comics for Origins to get a clean slate. Everything that happens in comics is canon. Don‘t be a fool.

Nigga have you played Origins and Odyssey?
They're some of the worst modern day segments in the series. They need to fucking ditch it already

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only played the first one up until the last boss fight but didn't beat it because it was terribly monotonous and boring. the platforming and free-climbing, which should have been its defining features, was always clunky with every movement and always felt terrible. watching clips of Unity showed me that, at least up until the release of Unity, this was never improved upon.

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Randomly generated quests and a million samey outposts/bandit camps are not content


She's my favorite protagonist after Ezio, the undisputed greatest Assassin.

Bayek is awesome. That character had so much range and all he wanted to do was drink beer with his bro Hepzefa and train his son to be a Medjay.

I'd say it has my favorite combat. It's not like the new games where they're too based on souls combat to be original.
Unity is based on knowing how to party enemy attacks and dodge properly. And you can't realistically fight more then 4 enemies. And it feels like it hits the perfect balance of fun realistic and flashy.
The real saving grace is the customization and progression. Along with the best parkour system and animations. Give it a go its mypersonal fav so sorry if I sound biased

>Origins and Odyssey
>worst modern day segments
they have the best, because they have the least
the modern day conspiracy shit is a drag on the entire franchise and should never have been invented in the first place, people just want to play games set in historical eras

Black Flag, then Unity. Unity would be first if it wasn't a broken bug filled mess at launch
>kino story
>charming protag
>best looking AC
>game play
>fun co-op
>tolerable modern day

Attached: unity.webm (1280x720, 2.8M)

hell no. Most boring character ever. Every single interaction can be boiled down to 1 of 3 options

>I'm here to do the mercenary work, tell me what to do!
>Muh mother/brother
>Grrr I hate the cult

>randomly generated
you just said the STORY takes too fucking long you zoomer

Hol up, before you shit on me let me tell you they they have accurately leaked every single AC since atleast AC3. No reason not to trust them on this.

Unity's story sucks. Arno is just ezio 2.0 and the story barely focuses on any Historical events, it's 90%
>I love you elise but we work for different factions oh no :(

80% of the content is set around the Nile so it's mostly jungle. The desert is barely there other than the starting area.

>character has consistent motivations
>this is bad for some reason
did you bitch at new vegas for the courier always asking questions about the platinum chip? or shepard being concerned about the reaper menace in mass effect?

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The story has filler too. You are forced to do side content to level enough for it. That's fine, whatever. But then the story constantly sends you to go do unrelated things and it drags on forever.

>Dude we have to get our shitty house in sparta back for some reason?
>Go win the Olympics and I'll give you your house back

AC Odyssey writing is worse than fucking fallout 3 so I don't know why you'd compare it to mass effect or new Vegas

They're the worst because they have the worst protagonist mary sue that the franchise has ever had, somehow even worst than Desmond Miles.

>terrible VA
>forced female protag
It's actually the worst because it has the least. They try to get you invested in her and her motives but there's so little to go off of that literally no one gave a fuck when her friend was killed off screen. At least with the Desmond arc there was a clear goal for the protags. What was Layla's goal for going through Bayek's memories?

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That's a good argument, and I understand your reasoning behind it. Those two games also have the least amount of modern day content in the series relative to time spent in the animus, so having to deal with Layla Hassan and her merry band of diversity alliance cucks is mercifully brief and in some cases completely skippable.

Based retard

>It's actually the worst because it has the least

imagine unironically playing ASSASSINS CREED for scifi story

>Mary Sue
Dude literally kills his son and proceeds to murder the entire Ptolemaic dynasty for "revenge"
How is that a no-flaws character

I mean every Asscreed is a Mary Sue in terms of physical ability and plot convenience. But yeah his motivations and decisions aren't Mary Sue.

I think hes talking about the dyke arab from the present day, hes calling her a mary sue, not the historical characters

Yep it's kino time again


I'd say the physical ability has more to do with the animus simulation. It probably augments your abilities to make it easier to explore your surroundings

Oh that's ok then, present day shit is always stupid. Never wished so hard there was a "skip gameplay" button for those sections.

Killing Desmond was retarded. Shut up.

1 or 2 are both fine choices.