Game used to be fun

>game used to be fun
>Got ruined by an update
what's her name Yea Forums? Hardmode: No Minecraft

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Your moms vagina after she had you

star wars galaxies combat update. fuck SEA forever for ruining my favorite game.

She didn't use it anyway


Stellaris. Its always one step forward and so many steps back you get an integer overflow.


Yeah ,but I did

It gets better with each update though

My life after childhood ended.

thats not due to patches, thats due to your fault

I had a decent time with PoE untill a patch nerfed my party into being completely useless and I didnt want to start over.

Runescape went downhill after they injected micro-transactions everywhere

dota 2

4 chan and the election update

>fap update
>election update
>gg update
>switched devs
>new devs made shitty spinoff for shekels
>election 2.0 being teased
No hell, no heavens, only this

was going downhill for a while

7.00 ruined it completely though

Bf One became unplayable on my system (20–40, constant stuttering) despite running smoothly since beta.

Fuck EA

Minecraft was never fun

You know the one

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maplestory big bang

still miss her bros

TF2 (hats, new weapons)
WoW (Lich King)

quick rundown?

>all those """remastered""" editions that look plain worse and made the originals disappear from sale
HoM&M3, Bioshock, DXHR, Metro, Sleeping Dogs...

Natural Selection 2

BDO ,and not just one updates

>new weapons
Absolute abhorrent tastes. The only update that truly killed TF2 is when they added matchmaking

Don't forget the Silent Hill """HD""" remasters that completely murdered the atmosphere of the games.

Mannconomy ruined the game, fuck yourself.

OSRS retard

What happened to NS2?

Doesnt matter that it was restored later on, it was still ruined first.

WoW. Pretty much any Blizzard game following SC2.

Ninjas, pirates, and giants were cancer
Especially giants

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NS2 was never good though. unless they managed to really fuck it up some time after I left

Battlefield 3 Premium Pass

>Hypnospace is getting BTFO by Cyberworldz
>Coolpunk is dead
>Sportsfags don't sleep so they don't go into Hypnospace
>Instead of making an actually good update or fixing previous mistake Merchantsoft thinks of a new gimmick to face the competition
>"Let's make a car game" says Dylan Merchat
>Dedicates all his time on a shitty car game no one wants to play
>Releases buggy update, Hypnospace is literally unbrowsable except for Enforcers who Do It For Free

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This is truly the correct answer, but I'll go as far that it wasn't 7.00 that ruined it, but the "New Dota Experience" or whatever the fuck the new client was called that did it. That's when Dota became a truly soulless treasure chest / tournament ticket selling machine and all the fun and magic and SOUL was gone from the game.
Also pro dota was a fucking mistake, I wish people played that shit for fun, not to try and be the next Arteezy/Sumail fucking children and fuck the international and above all else FUCK VALVE

Still borderline unplayable since the Christmas updates.

>game breaking bugs constantly
>can manage it because of developer commands on console
>not anymore lol
>game is now literally unplayable

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Came here to say this