What's Yea Forums's opinions on this game? (and the rest of the series for that matter)
What's Yea Forums's opinions on this game? (and the rest of the series for that matter)
It's pretty good, although some parts of the game weren't that good, I only really liked the surgeries, and the narratively driven ones aren't for everyone of course, but it was serviceable for me. It was a little too easy, and its story was neat.
Still doesn't rival the pure kino that was TC: UTK2 and Aletheia
It's cool
One of my favorite games.
Series wise it's TT > SO = UTK1 > NB
Never got to play UTK2 so can't judge.
Wasn't this game hard as fuck?
Ok speaking of UTK2 does anyone else feel like UTK2 is in a number of ways the DS version of New Blood, there's a lot of missions that are nearly identical in both games and Bythos and Aletheia's main defence seem to have been taken from the Mind Control Device on Wilken's Brain.
Maybe I'm just seeing patterns where there aren't any but the double climax both games have (Kidman House & Castle Raid for New Blood, Delphi Raid & Palmwood Plant for UTK2) makes me feel like they were intending for it to be a port.
The series is fucking amazing and I'm sad that it's forever dead
TT was much easier than the other games, the DS games are relentless UTK in particular is a full blown Nintendo Hard game. the two Wii games that predate TT, Second Opinion & New Blood are still pretty full on but not quite as bad as the DS ones.
Man I fucking loved this game and it was one of the very few games that actually made good use of the shitty Wiimote. Great co op play too. Unfortunately I lost it a long time ago. Whats the most current Trauma game and what platform?
Tried playing the DS game and I started feeling sick and I had to stop. I think it legit triggered my cancer treatment memories.
Honestly I think TT handled its pacing a bit better than the other games even though it was somewhat lacking in terms of intensity until the final section, the fact that there was gameplay to the Interactive Novel parts which in the previous games would just be entire chapters of dialogue I think works well, of the four non-IN game modes though, I'd say all of them were pretty good although Orthopedics felt pretty similar to Surgery so if they'd ever done a follow-up maybe drop Orthopedics for something else and make First Response more demanding.
That was the last game in the series, Atlus dropped the series due to poor sales from New Blood (the previous Wii Game), Under the Knife 2 (the second DS Game) and TT. The only more recent version would be the release of TT on the Wii U Virtual Console.
I beat New Blood fairly recently in co-op with one of my pals. It took us months because our schedules are completely different and we don't live in the same town (and accessorily the game is pretty hard) but we made it. It was so fucking fun I really want to grab Trauma Team so I can see how it compares.
Sadly I'm from yurop and the game never got localized here.
>TT on Wii U
OH SHIT, did it also get released on the EU e-shop?
Needs more porn.
>those diagnosis levels where you ask the high school girl and the office lady to lift their shirts
Naomi and Gabe's missions see best
CR, Maria and the bone guy's are alright
Tomoe's can fuck off
Like the other anons, I love the series and replay UTK2 every so often out of nostalgia. I wish they'd port the old titles to Switch but how would they get motion/touch controls to work on it? They couldn't even figure it out for TWEWY when it came to Switch.
Under the Knife (the level) from Under the Knife (the game) was one of my favourite levels in all of gaming when I was younger.
Only played the two DS games, but the they're pretty good, all in all.
Honestly if we somehow got a follow-up that'd be honestly pretty cool, I wouldn't mind if it followed in the vein of TT by having multiple disciplines although making Surgery more prominent again would be good, and also making the other disciplines feel more different (Orthopedics), less shit (Endoscopy) or more engaging (Diagnostics & Forensics) would be good. I think with the increase of Surgery they could in theory go back to the multi-pronged approach of GUILT, Neo-GUILT and Stigma, although I do really like the idea of how the Rosalia Virus is presented so whatever the theoretical Virus set is should have its head honcho virus (Savato, Aletheia & Cardia in previous games) be shown in some form or another throughout the rest of the game.
I think it'd also be interesting to get more of those bizarre scenario operations, one's where the conditions are unusual, stuff like the moving car/plane and dark room were good starts although it'd be cool to see patients with unusual conditions that affect their anatomy or condition, like maybe a patient who has that muscle to bone condition and so the player has to minimize the number of times they use the scalpel otherwise they risk causing the condition to activate. It'd also be good to get some new tools to use, or at the very least some variations to the existing tools, sort of like how the Scalar Laser was.
You went through chemo?
I liked Trauma Team but dropped it due to shitty motion controls in the First Response parts (defibrillator)
Where should I start with this series? Under the Knife or Second Opinion?
I'd like to use stylus controls more but I'll play Second Opinion if its elements are canon, and wikipedia isn't clear on this
Interferon. I was young, stage 3 skin cancer
I'd say Second Opinion, but the weird thing is it cuts out the entire final chapter of the game and replaced it with a description of what happened. Granted it gives you a whole new epilogue chapter instead but it's still a weird choice
Mmmmh.... sounds like a case of play both
My moms ex boyfriend used to play it so it brings up negative memories
Are there lewds of the gray haired girl?
hmm is the epilogue good/important?
Not really, the games are connected by shoestrings to one another, I'd say play Second Opinion if you're after gameplay and/or graphics, play UTK for difficulty and/or story. Or as another user pointed out, just play both, they're perfectly serviceable games in their own rights with New Blood and UTK2 developing on each game respectively. That being said TT is also worth playing first since it's easier than the others even in its surgery sections, the trade-off is that there's some plot points from Second Opinion that are brought up in TT so a few minor remarks by two characters may come off as confusing.
I played Second Opinion for a while. Was pretty good.
Just stopped playing since I was emulating it so the controls weren't really optimal. Would love some sort of modern ports.
I can see you hiding in there, Chie and Walter
ok thanks, sounds like it's best to play both.
Nozomi is just Margaret if you think about it.
Didn't play it, who's Margaret?
He means Margaret from Persona 4
Naomi is basically Goth Margaret