Would Yea Forums hate Alyx if she came out today?

would Yea Forums hate Alyx if she came out today?

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Yes but not because she's black but because she's an annoying cunt.

I always thought Alyx was uggo as fuck but she's inoffensive so I never hated her

>fully modeled


>an annoying cunt.
is that why no one likes you?

Id probably just tap her on the head and move on with my day.

No, it's because I'm fat and ugly but at least I don't force you to sit in a room listening to my bullshit for ten minutes at a time.


based and fully pilled

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Oh no doubt. Could you imagine if they used a different model?

And Eli? How long would it take before screencaps from the trailer with


Slathered across it like pizza grease under a neckbeard's double chin?

I'd give it 2 seconds.

IMAGINE her forehead without that headband

Ugly blasian for ugly nerds like that people that play HL2

The atmosphere of HL2 was great but the actual GAMEplay was pretty medoicre apart from muh gravity gun.
HL1 was the better game.

Why should people like blacks? Explain that first if you will

The reality is that Eli would be white if HL2 were realistic

but Gordan Ramsay is a silent protag of course characters are going to talk AT you.

honestly I don't like the Silent Freeman shit so fucking fat incel faggots can "self insert" into situations where you'd, in reality, curl up into a ball and cry.

No, because she's more attractive than western game characters are allowed to be nowadays.

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They don't talk AT you, they exposition AROUND you. The only time they ever speak directly to you is when they need you to do some pointless shit to make their cutscene continue. Even Barney calls out this shit five minutes into the game.

>literal gorilla skull
I fucking hate HZD

Yes and more so hate her dad.


You should like Eli because he's a good character

How is him being black not realistic?

You don't have to like anyone. Why should anyone like Eskimos? Its a stupid ass question.

I have no reason to hate a random black guy even if I hate how a lot of blacks act. At the end of the day, if a human being is decent I have no problem with them regardless of color

>HL3 will have a Black Science Guy expy

>they exposition AROUND you.
it's not the game's fault you don't point your camera at them and look all over and run everywhere mashing spacebar, effectively turning Gordan into an ADHD autist.

>If HL2 was realistic

I personally don't like how they portrayed Mr. Friendlys. Very unrealistic

It depends.
If Valve were releasing Half Life 2 today, would the marketing shove that idea front and center?
Nobody cared about that shit then because companies didn't have to prove how progressive they are.

barney > alyx > that guy who's lunch you blew up > kleiner > the annoying cunt who wanted gordon's dick

Valve doesn't give a shit about marketing anymore so probably not

You put Alyx on there twice

user pls, I don't think you're going to get any interesting responses from him, despite him being from "superior genetic material"

probably. The entire concept of female characters in gaming has been tainted by the culture war. Journalists will try to use it as some diversity representation identity politics bullshit, Yea Forums will hate it because it will reek of forced diversity.

The only way to win is not to have female characters in video games at all.

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Last one is Mossman. Although she's the superior wife.

what about the based guy from Opposing Force?

its been 2 years to this day I still can't get over the hate towards Aloy. She's not supposed to be a super model and if HZD was made by a japanese developer, you'd be dicksucking it as Dragon's Dogma 2.0

I'm sure there were BASED BLACKS in Detroit too - still ended up a hellhole

yeah, just like I did back then

fuck niggers and FUCK WOMEN


Her face is modeled from a Super-model. They copied a face in real life and somehow managed to make it look like steam pile of bull manure.

What does detroit have to do with a video game character from 2004?

Yea Forums hates anyone who comes out. They act like shrieking banshees any time someone posts an image of the Sony pride float.

Just about every old game would be shit on by Yea Forums as SJW propaganda if it came out today.

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>thinks he's making some awesome point
I'm sure there were BASED ROMANS in the Roman Emipire too - still ended up collapsing!


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Rome was giant empire that stretched itself too thin, Detroit is just one nigger filled state in the US

Sorry if you are literally too dumb to tell the difference

Shutup white boy before you get stuck in the amazon position

>if HZD was made by a japanese developer, you'd be dicksucking it as Dragon's Dogma 2.0

maybe, if they changed the aesthetics and setting, apart from the ugly MC, I never liked the "primitive people wearing epson printers on their heads" look.

Reminder that Aloy was an absolute qt in the concept art

>Detroit is just one nigger filled state in the US
>a state
>in the US

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>Yea Forums blaming black people for Detroit being shit instead of the auto industry and the government.

Bootlickers deserve to be curbstomped.

Yes because everything revolves around their culture war. It's all they have.

If she came out today people would call her a mutt.

And the banks for handing out predatory loans to people who couldn't afford them.

yes, 100% because she's not white or some other vapid nonsense reductionist idiots convince themselves are important.

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You mean the difference between a state and a city? I think I got that one locked down, no apology needed

I don't believe you!

Attached: Horizon-Zero-Dawn-The-Frozen-Wilds-Trailer-1.jpg (1280x738, 99K)

you know that shit is from a mod, not the base game?

Not American, sorry muttboys

Half life 2 wouldn't come out today. Valve isn't a game dev anymore.

Did you learn everything you know about America from /pol/? huh?
hey maybe don't talk about shit you don't know about?

I could tell. You're clearly of superior stock, and definitely know what you're talking about when you talk about the State ot Detroit

Yes I'm sure


Michigan is doing fine. One of the pillars of America, I'm sure.

>Officer, I was held against my will and compelled via coercion to watch portions of this video game which I chose, upon my own free will, to play.
I don't think you've got any concept of what the word "forced" actually means.

Well since you, the authority on American citied and states, said so, it must be true.