How much longer do you think it will be before people grow out of the "game hard = game good" mentality
How much longer do you think it will be before people grow out of the "game hard = game good" mentality
>singleplayer game
Considering how the only thing some people ever accomplish is beating hard video games, so it's the only way they get fulfillment in their lives, it'll never go away.
How much longer do you think it will be before people grow out of the "easy mode = game good" mentality
bloodborne isn't even remotely difficult, so either your pic isn't related or you have the hand eye
coordination of a games journalist.
git gud
bloodborne is the second easiest souls game thou
This is the main problem I agree. That's why I don't blame them I just feel bad for them. It must truly be a sad and pathetic life
Around the time you grow out of your fuckin MOM!!
Jesus fucking christ. Just because the game is good doesn't mean it's good.
bloodborne isn't hard though, shit feels like dark souls 3 if it had an easy mode. (and even than ds3 is a cakewalk in comparison to previous entries)
These things are cyclical, we’re already seeing a push against this in the name of accessibility, and given time that will give way to players who want to be challenged ect.
bloodborne is good because world, monster, weapon and lore design is so good.
Being hard doesn't make Bloodborne good. Bloodborne is a good game that just happens to be hard for some.
Forever. Games nowadays are too easy. If you want a real challenge get the Megaman Legacy Collection
When the hard games stop being artistic masterpieces
But forreal tho, Bloodborne is not hard
All these seething incels, holy shit
I'm sorry you've accomplished nothing I'm your life but this is the truth. A game is not good just because it's hard, sorry to destroy your entire worldview but you should look into leaving your parents basements and achieving something real with your life. Good luck anons
>he literally thinks bb is only good because of its "difficulty"
lmao@your life
How did you pass i'm not a robot captcha?
Never. There will always be people who, during their leisure time, will push themselves to accomplish difficult things because they get satisfaction from setting out on a goal and despite hardship accomplish it.
>posts on Yea Forums
>thinks he’s not also a socially inept retard like the rest
>Get called a shitter
>No u, incels
The classic manoeuvre
woof, you are desperate
Oh no! Tee hee, I responded to a post! Well shucks! I guess the bait got me, haha!
>come back with better argument please
have sex
:( oh noes!!! Dis post! Oh my oh my how could I have gotten so baited? OH NOESSS D;
unironically seething
>'ironic' tumblrposting in every thread now
No one praises Bloodborne for its difficulty
What's that even supposed to mean? What type of bait is this exactly? I'm falling for it, clearly, but I need to know what's even being implied with this.
Who are you quoting
Shut up bitch and go back to Plebbit
So which boss made you make this thread?
Kys zoomer
>he thinks its hard
growing up on halo was a mistake and its too late for your abortion
The only reasons people think soulsgames are difficult are false expectations.
They wanna play these games like a knight, visiting cute fairies and wise wizards all while exploring comfy medieval settings.
But in reality these games are a mix between bullet hell and fighting game.
“Prepare to die“ wasn't just a grimdark punchline to make the game feel cool. It was a warning for all these dickless faggots to keep their money and buy something else.
I think you meant to post a picture of Sekiro, my friend.
People are allowed to have preferences. Just someone likes platformers doesn't mean that all platformers are good, but it does make a good platformer more enjoyable.
I just like hard games.