Post your mains

Post your mains
Dingobros welcome

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Am i considered boring if i main crash?

No but you will always be underestimated in online matches.

I'll main Tiny but my secondary choices will depend on what new characters/costumes they add

Only by the fags who think you can't main Mario.

>65 days left
the wait is killing me bros

You're good, Crash is cool. Infact, I don't think the original CTR has even one dislikeable character

Ripper Roo even though I dislike his new laugh

>I don't think the original CTR has even one dislikeable character

>I don't think the original CTR has even one dislikeable character
Now CTRNF on the other hand, just you wait until you see people playing as Zem.

I love Ripper Roo's design but i don't want to play as him because of his shitty stats, it's a real dilemma.


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He's going to be the ultimate shitpost character. I can't even be mad.

>8 people pick Zem
>Only burp sounds can be heard through the whole match

N. Gin, all day every day.

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ripperoo because straitjackets are my fetish

>cast of extremely good racing personalities
>still end up using the main character a lot

At the end of the day, Crash himself is just a solid main character and I couldn't tell you why in depth if I tried. Maybe because he's mysterious and we actually know less about him than the others.

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>not maining Polar


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You mean borderline retarded

Going to main Tiny
god I'm such a degenerate

>At the end of the day, Crash himself is just a solid main character and I couldn't tell you why in depth if I tried.
This is how Rob Titus (past naughty dog dev) described Crash.
>I think we thought of Crash as simple, no malice, but not an idiot. The thing is he’s your avatar. If you think that he’s stupid, he’s stupid. If you think he’s smart, he’s smart. He can be whatever you want him to be.

Coco. I'm not gonna post a picture as that would make the kempferzero poster show up

Ripper and Dingodile. Just something about them when I first played the original stuck to me. It was nice to see them remastered in N-Sane Trilogy

I remember as a kid i used to fight with my sister when she picked n.gin before i could, i didn't even know coco had the same stats.

I get he's stupid, but that's just one of his outline traits. You couldn't honestly say you understand his inner thoughts as a character most of the time, he never speaks. 90% of everything he does is a complete mystery.

We only know basics, like he sleeps a lot and likes to break things by charging into them. We don't know 'why' he does however, and it's kinda up to the player to fill that in.

Dingodile and Crash.
However, I'll actually be using The Evil Twins exclusively if they get in. please

just play the original. it has aged as wine.

No one to play it with.

I honestly would barely call him stupid if we're talking early Crash.
Twinsanity/Radical Crash is absolutely, without a doubt, retarded as a box of rocks.
But early Crash seems more like just a goofy, mute weirdo. Other than believing Cortex's really transparent lies and overall being clumsy and spaced out in the intros, he doesn't display many retarded qualities. I've always imagined him as just being a bit fucked in the head with Bandicoot autism.

Cortex, though I also remember picking Papu Papu from time to time.
Incidentally, Cortex' castle is one of my favorite tracks.

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That's what I'm doing, mostly because I'm new to the series and don't have many other characters that I like yet

welp, there he is. pack up bois

Cortex castle is the perfect track to show off your skills. Only one shortcut, long and difficult, full of hazards to avoid and plenty of room to dodge enemy items.

I've actually been posting that recently and I'm not him. It's really cute art of the trophy girls

Not to mention the music is great:
Though there aren't many (if any) bad tracks on this game's OST.

So what's next after this? Do you guys think they're currently working on a new Crash platformer right now?

I'll play with you user

is there still no gameplay of the Switch version

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What I'd like is a Twinsanity remake.
What I'm expecting is a Crash game that's similar to the ND trilogy while overhauling it in some aspects.


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They seem to be working on a new crash game, that's why they gave CTR to beenox. At least that's my theory.

I would love to see a version of Twinsanity as it was originally envisioned, like the original devs were somehow able to hand over all the original files and plans or some shit. Twinsainty was notoriously rushed. Shame that it will probably never happen...

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To OP, use ''crash'' ''ctr'' and ''nitro fueled'' in your post. I want my searches to pick up threads like these.


Look how at vid 2, Dingo Canyon (worst track ingame imo) how Cortex death glares at the player. Kek man, too fitting.

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probably crash desu

what platform you guys playing on?

/ps4/ here

I hear there were more ideas scrapped than were put into the game

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Ps4 here as well, maybe we'll see each other online.

PS4 as well, likely won't go online because I'm unfamiliar with how the game plays

Fact: Sewer Speedway is best track.

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Eeyup! we were meant to have 4 dimensions, 9nth, 11th and a waterworld. The idea was we had to ''pinpoint'' the location of the Twins. Then there were ''micro-universes'' such as Coco's and Cortex's mind. Twinsanity made me fall in love with alternate universes and the 10th was a play on string theory, which would only support 9 at the time (27 now) Cortex calling it ''elusive'' and confirming it exists is both Cheeky and a funny coincidence due 27 dimensions being the norm now.

It's more likely than you think, user. Letters from the Twinsanity devs and art have been sent to VV officially offering to help with a Twinsanity remake.
The current things that'd go against a Twinsanity remake are 1. the fact that Twinsanity sold like shit, and 2. the potential backlash that would result from Crash's next game being another remake.
I hope it happens. Twinsanity as it was originally envisioned could've been better than even the Naughty Dog games.

Switch reporting in

I thought so as kid too, but I'm having a hard time holding on to my baby when Oxide station exists. Turbo Track is so underwhelming it's like giving someone a cookie instead a Nobel when they cured cancer. fuck that track to hell.

Switch. I've got a PS4 but I prefer handhelds.

Not to mention tons of scrapped cutscenes (Good Cortex, for example). Hell, the fucking Komodo Bros. were gonna be in the game. How mind-boggling is that?
I would kill for more Tiny in that game. I really liked his design, it's a shame we only saw him in one cutscene.

Gonna Main him since he looks so happy in this fucking game

so was it tiny and dingo that were god tier? i remember polarbear and tiger were shit

what I want to know, did Cortex and oxide have a playdate for him to join the ''party''?

is Twinsanity on the computer (not emulated)

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Tiny, Dingo, Papu Papu and N.Tropy were god tier. According to recently revealed character stats, the best all-rounder characters are Coco, N.Gin and Pinstripe

I bet every last sweaty, mouth-breathing, no-fun, loser will either be using pinstripe or coco online day 1. Those characters are 500% tryhard magnets. Coco I will respect a bit more cause they were likely fans of CTR classic

The Dutch voicelines were so atrocious that Pinstripe was done by a woman and I as kid was confused about his gender. Say, you guys have a way to copy audio from a PAL disc? I want to share the Dutch atrocity with you. Uka Uka WAS DONE BY A WOMAN TOO.

Gotta be my boy Ripper Roo. Is it true they’re planning on adding more than just the original racers? I always thought it was weird that Komodo Moe got left out, but mostly I want to see N. Brio and Koala Kong in the game


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I think Crash Twinsanity got the Crash "theme" perfect. The character designs were probably some of the best post ND, the music fits the personality perfectly, the humour was odd, but not LOLRANDUM XD, and the interconnected levels was probably the best way they could have taken the original formula of the previous crash games into the new generation.

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They are godtier for time trials on most stages, but in online with hazards and etc their slow acceleration puts them at a disadvantage


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This mad lad.
Also probably Pinstripe. N. Brio too if he gets added.

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I mained Polar in original

Yes. They're doubling the amount of racers, and Crunch is confirmed to be in, which means the racers won't be limited to those who appeared in NST.

Same here.

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There is supposedly a Java version? It's nothing like the original though. It was only released on Xbox and Playstation

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These were enraging to watch. Are the players 8-year olds or is this easy-difficulty AI with mask/warp orb access?

I like Pinstripe not because i'm a tryhard but because i like his design and personality

why is he so angry at his watch? I never got that… does he have OCD and is it behind or something?

Also, should we be able to pick bosses (Bar Oxide) for adventure? when you come to your ''own'' bossfight, it's renamed ''title defense'' and the only thing that changes is that the boss, you technically, is replaced by a rando.


I miss his old voice

Twinsanity marks the one and only time I've laughed at a fart joke.
The humor was god-tier, as was the music. I hated how it personified Crash, but it nailed everything else.
All it's main flaws could be fixed with a remake: unskippable cutscenes, too many instant death scenarios, rushed cutscenes and animations... it'd be great. Sadly, Spiralmouth has been defunct for over a decade, so if it got a remake they'd have to either use a different acapella group, or have VV remake the music (which I think they could do decently with, they did spectacularly with NST's music).

How is Pinstripe a tryhard when N. Tropy exists?

I mained N. Tropy so I'm not dissing here.

It's the same guy that got famous by playing the cuphead tutorial. Cortex had the right idea by staring daggers.

I'd prefer the cookie to fucking Turbo Track. Every theme is unique to its track except the worst one which just so happens to be given to Tiny Area, Slide Colosseum AND Turbo Track

Fake Crash or Pinstripe

It's been confirmed that there's two ways to play adventure mode, one is classic the other is nitro-fueled and lets you change characters and customize your kart between races.
Also in my opinion it should replace the boss with fake crash.

Pinstripe is for the people that talk shit but done have the skill for it.
N tropy is for the people that will not let you have a casual moment of friendlies


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I hope Tiny's get a new theme and the ''stadium'' races (slide and turbo) get some personality. They Always lacked soul. as for the turbo track unlockable? i expected something like hyper spaceway, an amalgam of most the tracks you've been in. I got…. a dorite shaped thing with green pads everywhere. wow.

it can be like CNK, that you got ''teams'' but can't pick everyone.

kek, what's Tiny and Joe for then? I loved these too :^)

I reckon preorder oxide is for snowflakes?

I'm a Dingo main too. He is the character I'm best with

Joe is for people who have to settle for the inferior scalie until Moe gets in.

>It's the same guy that got famous by playing the cuphead tutorial
FFS why did I even assume that he was no longer in the industry (or at least allowed to do gamplay videos)? God damn clickbait truly is fucking everything

It's not unheard of for a remake to get new music added so hopefully it does happen. They do seem to be putting the extra effort into this

Hopefully they'll give Turbo Track a bit more personality in this. The devs said they were reworking some of the track themes.

He's just an angry dude. He gets so mad he literally tires himself out during his own boss fight.

It's a shame Spiralmouth did so little music. I liked a lot of their stuff. I think a OST remake could be done well, but the main thing I want is a full version of Twinsanity, we have the original soundtrack is regardless, and I'll love that either way

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I bet a higher up is gay and gives favors if Dean... you know.

Did this ever happen or is it just an easy joke?

He and Oxide never smiled did they? as I think Oxide is the angeriest in the franchise. (pic of him laughing in the trailer, for a first)

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I didn't use Pinstripe in the original much but that may change in this game since he is one of my favorite Crash characters.

>N tropy is for the people that will not let you have a casual moment of friendlies
>not the penguin

When I was a kid both my childminder and my dad banned me from using Penta against them. Was hilarious

Penta is probably gonna be removed or unlockable. No need for cheat codes for flexing

he still has his machine gun podium animation

a random penguin that Dingodile wanted to eat is extremely good at racing. Who would've ever though.


Evil Twins is one of the best final boss themes ever.
These two songs are also a testament to how truly talented Spiralmouth was.

Probably unlockable but definitely not maxed out. I always loved when devs put secret, gimmicky ways to unlock characters. I hope they do that with penta.

why is penta allowed to exist

also speed characters are better in time trials and some courses

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try the metal or orchestral remixes man. it's ear-heroin.

These here are the real stats, recently released.

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Is this proof Brio will be an accel? do a quick headcount.

Xbox, but only because it's the platform I pay for online access on. Hopefully the online isn't dead on xbox

Why did they make Polar uglier? He was so cute and innocent

>allowing decimals in fractures


(double the fractions, 9/12 is legal)

Probably one of my Hopes is that you can use the cheat codes to unlock stuff offline but still need to unlock it for multiplayer

>Need constant boosting on allround to overtake

nigga, what the fuck? Oxide probably has a magical number of 12 speed.


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his eyes are smaller and he doesn't make that cute ass bark noise

Wait, so is Penta still incredibly overpowered in Nitro-Fueled?

Reminder Crash stole him, and his mother from Unbearable just wanted her baby back.

Those are vanilla CTR stats

oxide is literally perfect though

they are friends who are just hanging out!

so the mom is a helicopter mom that Crash still murdered?

Those refer to playable character stats and since oxide isn't playable the game automatically takes stats from Crash when you cheat him in. At least that's how i think it works.

Is Komodo Joe in NF? If not then Dingo I suppose

Why shouldn't he be?

If you emulate, can you open a file and change the stats? At the very least I want to see boss-oxide stats and very maybe a hack that gets you his powerup. The spamathon cheaterificus!

Which bear is Polar's mom? There are like 4 in that level.

He was literally shown in a race, or well, his icon at least. even in char select. I think think that's deconfirmation for him being in the game.

Heck if I know, maybe he's a difficult foster child.

I think you can change character stats somehow with gameshark but i'm not sure how, i never really used it myself. You can definitely spam powerups with cheats though.

haha sounds about right

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I tried emulating for the first time in the last week, to try playing Twinsanity, and I was actually really surprised by how quick and easy it was to set up even for someone who tends to be terrible with these things.

Go ahead and try emulating it, I'll stay in this thread so ask if there's anything I might be able to help with.

but just by ''class'' like, accel to allround, or by points too?

I only watched the E3 trailer and I don't recall seeing him there. I don't even know all that much about CTR, I started playing somewhat recently with some friends on an emulator and I just used Joe. I can't do the cool advanced stuff tho

Why the fuck did they make the warp orb icon look so much like a shield

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I had this fucking annoying issue where PCSX2 would freeze, consistently, about ten minutes into playing it, every time I loaded Twinsanity. I had to keep saving, quitting, and getting back on, in ten minute intervals.
Eventually I just said fuck it, dug out my old PS2, and ordered a refurbished Twinsanity copy.

needs moar electrons


lol of course that dickhead takahashi is playing the fucking demo. Is there not a single better person they could have chosen????

I hope he comes back, he was my favorite to play even without the overloaded stats

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All the characters from the original CTR are going to be in, that must is confirmed. You can watch a few tutorial youtube videos and try out some tricks by yourself to get better before the game releases.

Weird, I haven't had any thing like. Only probably I have is these weird graphic bars that appear in some lighting situations on the top left corners


I'm investing my free time into getting better at DMC, maybe in May I'll play CTR a bit

Unironically a nigger from Detroit would be better. I think, not 100% sure.

wasn't the Original a wormhole? The 100% ending black orb was a black hole right? that's how I Always saw it.

Reminder he's food that only lives because Crash was on time.

The original is listed as a warp orb, I think it's intended to be the black hole at the end of 3

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A lot of the NST designs are either hit or miss. Hyper realistic textures bordering on uncanny valley, many of which lack the aesthetic of the original designs

case in point

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>still not PC port announced


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So who all is coming back? I haven't kept up with with this.

Why do Acceleration and the others have better speed than the All-rounders?

The original cast + crunch
Thats all thats been announced

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superior intellect

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Jesus I always wondered why Penta was so utterly shit for me when he was supposed to be a broken character, I had no fucking idea the European version was different.

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Zem is all but confirmed too.


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That rating description references a Tommy gun being fired at/around crash, meaning some cutscenes have been altered/added. I am still holding out that he doesnt make it.

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Don't worry, he's in.

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just give me amy

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Fake Crash is the kino main Zemchad also acceptable


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I prefer megumi


everyone seems to

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how'd you unlock him again?

Purple gem cup

Cheat or complete purple gem cup in adventure I believe

Reminder that anyone playing as Zam or Zem are contrarian shitposters that dont actually like Crash or any of the characters but still have good taste in kart racing games


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My main is 60fps, so I guess I'll not main anyone on this trash.

Cool user thanks for your valuable opinion

Always thought I was the odd one out maining Dingo and Ripper but I keep seeing anons here saying they used him too.
Nice to know there are still people with good taste.

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coco or n. gin

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>Unironically a nigger from Detroit would be better. I think, not 100% sure.
user, I...

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I always liked Dingo too because his voice and design is just so cool.

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Depends on the version
In the original CTR he was either cheat code or a Gem Cup unlock
CNK console had a power slide challenge you had to complete to unlock him
CNK GBA you had to go to find an obscure break in a track and go off the map to find him during a race. It's so fucking obscure you'd expect it to be up there with Mewthree and World 10-1.

And since CTRNF is drawing from all three games, there's no telling how this time.

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is there a way to do memory cards for the playstation emulator so I can fuck with ghosts?

haha like finding bigfoot in san andreas

>Full lobby of Fake Crash and Zem


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>Acceleration karts have objectively higher stat totals than anyone else
What did they mean by this?

This nigga
I didn't play Warped when I was younger, so I wasn't familiar with the character, but when racing his ghost I thought his shoulder piston things were exhaust pipes, and that he had a unique kart. I was disappointed when I finally unlocked him, but still my favourite villain.

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green girl is the best

This desu
>epilogue says she becomes a racecar driver after CTR

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That would imply that CTRNF is a sequel to CTR tho

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Who makes these semen demons?

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If you don't main coco, you aren't living your best life

I don't think CTRNF is gonna have anything to do wieth GBA CNK

I mean itll have cnk content so sure

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>that pic

Coco is directly responsible for my bratty sister fetish.

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It already does. The flattening of electron Avenue took a page from gba


secondaries are polar and ripper roo

What do you mean? Are you referring to the fact that there's no antigravity?

Just completed the N Sane Trilogy, excluding time trials for the first two games.
Which game should I move onto next? Was thinking Wrath of Cortex or Huge Adventure. I heard bad things about WoC but It was the Crash game I played growing up

Fucking gorgeous modeling on display here

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They already implied Spyro might be playable, who knows?


Yep, expecting to see alot of based Dingoes online maybe some crunches too.

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>completed the games
>not including time trials

You didnt do shit, user.

Those weren't even in the originals you dope.
Excluding 3 of course, which I did do.

explain me again why this is not releasing on PC? not trolling ta real answer hey ported crash but not this , it it because sales of crash were so bad?

Coco. Though I'd go for Tawna if they add her in.

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Her long legs would give her an unfair pedal reach advantage

They better do. Then I would too.

In-game tawna was always more 'stocky' to me. She's a tough looking chick.

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So what stats do you think the new characters will have?

Kommodo Bro.

I fucking love this cutscene
>Tawna's cut ear twitch
>One of the motherfuckers sliding in on the back right

Attached: crash remake tawna.webm (1920x1080, 2.93M)

The parallel turbo pads weren't anywhere in console CNK, it was GBA's way of doing the rotating turbo pads

She is /bimbo/ as fuck, though

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Only on ps4? What about pc?

You are my brother.

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The man himself

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is that a black guy playing then?

when I beat N. Tropy mains i'm going to tell them that…. I... CLOCK blocked them!
Guys, I want to take the audio files off of a PAL CTR disc. can I just load it in my PC tray and copy or what? I want the textures for uh, something ya'll going to call me an autist if I tell you what I want the 32x32 texts for.

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Ideally you should be playing CTR to prepare yourself for Nitro Fueled, but out of those two I'd go with HA. It does recycle elements from the OG games like level themes, music,and enemies since it's appeal back then was portable Crash, but it's still good. WoC is like a worse version of Warped and with even more lame gimmicks. Maybe if the gimmicks in Warped didn't bother you then you might enjoy it but last time I played it I couldn't bring myself to go past the second boss despite also playing it as a kid.

also, aren't avalanches a tad faster in real life than the one that tried to make Coco cold?

Nah mate just close a door to keep the big mean tsunami from drowning you

Dingo or Tiny
Most of the new voices are awful, these two are the only tolerable ones.

Yeah but you gotta admit she's a lot less thin than the trophy girls

Coco main coming through

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it will be the original method to unlock

Just beat the Purple Gem Cup and presto!

Reminder that Crash was voiced by Steve Blum in Nitro Kart

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I honestly have no idea how to rip textures, but I think they're just reused from Crash 1-3 for the most part and those have dedicated tools I think

what about the new racers?

Quality dialogue as always, Crash

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yeah, 1 to 3 will do. I don't like the autismcraft texture parks on the market. I want to make my own, I hope I can get the textures just by google. I was Always fond of the Dinosaur level lava... looks like lasagna.

unironically the best Crash since the original

Now that I think about it I don't think there's any characters in CTR that are not based

So do I. That will probably be the most nagging thing when playing. I'm so used to the old voices. Not that the new ones are bad, they sound mostly very alike, but it just feels odd.

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I hope they add 5/5/5 characters for offline only, as long as they are hard to unlock.

that's tricky

I suppose the CNK part of the game will be like an expansion for singleplayer or something like that,
like make a new road into the hub of CNK where you play I don't know if the story mode of that game or just standalone races to unlock the racer.

The whole CNK cast is seemingly confirmed by a french article, but we'll see.

>introducing a fucking five stage boss fight out of nowhere

Crash 2 was so based

The internet has ruined me

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trips for electronica at its finest

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Not what I was thinking about but sure. There are like 5 things that come to mind now

>Kart of Choice
Oxide UFO or CNK Hover-Bike

Attached: CNK_Velo_Mask.png (743x1025, 1.49M)

CNK hoverbike would be fucking great, give us the bosses too I want to play as Norm.

>Alt skin for Norm that let's you play as Big Norm
>Velo has one that let's you play as Big Velo too.

Attached: velo-challenge.jpg (480x263, 61K)

''Papu Papu 8th. Oxide hover no hover. Papu mad at bad kart''

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make them two separate characters, the norm boss race had you racing both.

>those picks
You know they'll probably use the cnk stats for those characters instead, right?
Oxide and Ntrance accel since they removed the rounded kart class in cnk

I really hope the switch version isn't trash, still no footage of it anywhere

I hope adventure mode segways into CNK nicely. Id say all of CNK is On Gasmoxia and Oxide, the hard learner, invites the teams to his home planet where Emperor Velo holds a racing tournament with the grand prize being oxide's spacecraft. (he just held it for decades)
He won't mind giving his spaceship to you, I'm sure Oxide is generous and empathic.

whatcha think my dudes?

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which one was the Bronze robot-stereotype that called you filthy and raced you on the scifi world?



thanks, I don't know why but I found his attitude hilarious.

I don't know what's wrong with me but his voice was so melodic in CTR.

Predicted stats for new racers

Komodo Moe, Koala Kong
Brio, Tawna
Spyro, Obj_Motherfucker
Baby T-Rex, Nina

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Make way for the best track in both CTR and CNK combined, can't wait to see Beenox's version.

IMO Tawna should be speed and Moe should be accel

>tfw Hyper Spaceway is an amalgam of all hubs
>tfw Turbo Track is major suckage
>tfw Hyper Spaceway is what Turbo Track should have been

That's fair. Tawna is a big girl and it would make sense to have Moe's stats mirror his brother, but for balance's sake I went with two for each class.

>mfw he gave tiny/crash the succ

as long Brio is on team bandicoot but I can put him in a Cortex kart (they look better) and use him for adventure, i'd be totally satisfied.

I don't think there's teams anymore.

I meant as in mask usage. CNK and Bash had different outcomes based on alignment, but mainly for the mask. Cortex is Uka's pawn and Brio fucked with that pawn. Him being helped by Uka Uka would be dumb.

Not a fan of the new interpretation of crash. They made him too wacky. Crash wasn't that retarded in the original trilogy.

Did you even see his CB2 sprite? CROSS-EYED. It was Always there, he was just way less, uh, hyperactive.

CNK loading screens were the shit

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Source for this one? I couldn't find it

He didn't act like an obnoxious retard. Slow maybe but he wasn't a spaz. He was much more laid back and lazy than current crash.

>No trophy girls

Fuck these devs.

Also, probably gonna play wiht N-word man or coc.

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>>No trophy girls
Don't lose faith yet

Velo's VA was pure ear sex though.
Powerful, intimidating, and an accent I can't place, but I like it.

How about the spin attacks, relic dashes, jumping on random animals…. (invoking the wrath of natives and a polar mom) I do agree it was way more subtle and I do think ''tard'' fans should go to Roo. Roo is adorable in a bizarre way, atleast to me. I blame Twinsanity for ''ruining'' Crash. It also ruined Cortex, made him into a harmless goof.

It's Steve Blum with a Russian accent
of course he's good

Haven't been following this, have they shown any new content? I've already 100%-ed this back on PS1 and I don't really like the new visuals, so not really sold on it yet.

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They showed Papu's Pyramid, Sewer Speedway, Electron Avenue and Clockwork Wumpa recently.

Its on the first page of Tawna on rule34 dude...

Attached: Tawna 004.jpg (650x757, 56K)

bigdad needs to make more tanwa and rouge pics, preferably some we can post on blue boards.

Attached: 20bdd5a80421f0dda08e24c3d9e10911.jpg (917x1023, 670K)

Thanks, did you see the Cortex cutscenes and end?

Tiny got goofified to fuck man.

That would make me a very happy man

Attached: Tawna 005.jpg (678x533, 52K)

Honestly i prefer terminator-eye N.Gin

I think Tiny is perfect here, like the way he behaves towards Bandicoots is programmed and he's actually just a nice guy.

''He hated everything and everyone, but with a good heart nonetheless'' -Cortex

how about that?

I hope it's an alt skin

Well this is after getting his ass kicked by Crash 2 times already. Probably mellowed him out a bit

hey that one is new and i dont see it in any of the rule 34 sites. Where did you get it?

Post yfw the entire CNK adventure is included in CTRNF

Attached: Excitment.gif (398x498, 1.23M)

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>BANDICOOTS!? I can SQUASH bandicoots

worst way to train an animal though. I mean, Ripper Roo is safe to hug, but I'd wait with Tiny.

Every picture I've posted in this thread (which is most of them) I have found on rule34. There's no artist listed, sorry

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I wonder who is smarter and who is stronger if we pit Tiny vs Koala Kong. Their legs are both hilarious.

As a kid I always heard "It's one fuckin road"

Koala Kong took after Arnold Schwarzenegger so I'd say hes smarter than Tiny but their strength isn't really something that can fairly be compared due to Kong's absence past 1.

Would you?

Attached: crashripperrooschoolgirl.jpg (735x1087, 90K)

never stick your dick in crazy
especially if she can maul you with her feet

Ripper Roo is totally harmless, even Cortex says so in CB2.

only if she had a muzzle and a thicc ass

>not wanting oral

I don't have a castration fetish

>implying Roo's tongue is ever in the mouth

which doctor should I main

Fucking constantly

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I tried to find Tiny genderbent, got this.

Attached: crashbandicootdingotiger.jpg (578x800, 94K)

Nothing about dingodiles character design would imply him as a tinky bottom
If anything they'd be constantly fighting for top position and dingo would use hot wax on tinys abs

Does this make up for the above cringe?

Attached: crashdingadila.jpg (553x800, 140K)

You mean after he got his PhD?

What is this abomination of science?

Attached: 1498425861678.png (640x360, 228K)

Got these from with safe filter on. There's way more cringe and there is a pic of DingaDila with exposed tata's. can't show obviously.


I'm carrying the team here lads...
post more

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Why isn't there a Crash general on /vg/?

We're not autistic enough

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plus we're too civil. /vg/ is pure venom.

not much to talk about that hasnt been said already.

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Have all 30 characters been announced yet?

well i was right. once the cheesecake poster started conversation stopped

not officially, no.

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>OP actually picking a great main

haha oh wow

How many skins will they have? I'm only getting my main skinks only.

>her ears keep twitching towards the next ass to move onscreen before she actually turns to face them
Shit, that's pretty good.

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are we really getting Commercials crash?

I hope so but i feel like having a realistic human in a crash costume would break the immersion

no shit exclusive content is used to make the consumers buy their version, what's the point of this video?

How should activision move forward after the successes of these Crash and Spyro remakes?

Make a new Crash/Spyro game without fucking up the formula or adding unfitting characters.

A complete Twinsanity

Attached: Tawna 008.png (670x784, 210K)

We still have to see N-Trophy and Penta Penguin before we move to characters outside the original CTR

I don't understand why people seem to think the original cast might not even make it. The models already exist, and there would be such a backlash if the original characters didnt make it, it would be a stupid idea not to.

Attached: Tawna 007.png (718x902, 47K)

If humanoid dogs were a thing in real life, absolutely.

>Dingodile trailer
>Opens with him smoking Penta with a missile in battle mode and veering off
>N. Tropy trailer
>Comes with the announcement of both Relic Races and Time Trials having online ghost leaderboards.
A man can dream but this is the ideal way to go about it.

do we know if character unlocks work the same as in the original?

We need a Crash Bash sequel/remake

No. More. Fucking. Remakes

People really need to just say 'open-world' Crash. They know how much everyone loves Twinsanity at this point, even the devs contacted VV, but it needs to be a new game.

Can humans impregnate bandicoots?

Doesn't even matter if these semen demons aren't real (are they, anons?)

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Noone knows yet but they probably will work the same way, except for new characters which i don't know how they will be unlocked.

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Don't know yet but probably at least one for each.

It's gonna be like CTTR, bet money on it.

Crash, Coco and Cortex currently have the most skins confirmed, and it's going to stay that way. Every other character is going to get 2 at best.

Of course not.
A genetically-modified anthropomorphic Bandicoot, however...

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>mained crash in crash team racing
>mained crash in crash bash

What can I say? Dude's my nigga.

Fake Crash> Normal Crash