You were the best like no one ever was, Reggie.
Reggies last day as President of Nintendo of America
I love Reggie so much, such a wholesome fella.
>tfw no more Bill skits
What a sweet man
That mii looks nothing like him
Oh no how will I ever bing bing my wahoos?
I love corporations.
That is one big dorf
Just like everyone's Mii then
Awwww man, now who will I look to make unfunny memes out of now?
His last day was the 14th, you're two days late.
It was yesterday, actually.
Not mine
Bull fucking shit on the internet.
I’m deadass senpai
Maybe I'm finding bad news:
>As of today, April 15, 2019, Reggie Fils-Aime is now no longer the President of Nintendo of America.
Not that it even REMOTELY matters.
Is this loss
Bowser time, baby.
why is he so likeable. what's his secret sauce
Being a goofy looking negro.
>Yesterday 4am
He was still President yesterday, it was his last day. Today, Doug is president so technically it's true? The wording is weird, but yesterday was his last day. It's when he took all the photos on his twitter. He didn't come into work today because he is no longer president.
I always thought it was pretty accurate. Miyamoto's is the best one though.
If you wanna call a Haitian a 'negro'.
Fuck reggie all hail iwata.
>muh ceo step daddies
What an embarrassment you guys are.
>All future Mario games are canceled
>Super Bowser Odyssey announced at E3
I hope he keeps embracing his name and leads us to a glorious era of Bowser games.
In a way.
>You were the best like no one ever was, Reggie.
I feel physically ill. You are disgusting and should kill yourself. Reggie nigger was a plight on Nintendo. Fuck that hack.
inb4 pile of dead sodomized children found in mountain cabin of reggie fils-aime
It's called charisma
Although it's not just that, Todd is also incredibly charismatic for a nerd, but Bethesda wants to convey a different image obviously (Todd being a liar aside). Nintendo is a lot more "wholesome" in that sense.
Oh no. The funny "my body is ready" man is leaving my favorite company. :(((
>corn is using her feet to type and answer the phone
why boner why
>handing the keys to the Mushroom Kingdom over to Bowser
>where are the games Reggie?
>you know here at Nintendo we have this wonderful content...
>where are the games Reggie?
>we love our passionate fans...
>where are the games Reggie?
Fuck this soulless robot. I'm glad he's gone.
Well, Mushroom Kingdom of America
girls have feet for a reason
Corporate shills get shamed here yet there are retards right now that think this fat fuck is some kind of saint. Why?
These pictures he's been uploading just make me both happy and sad. It's sad to see him go but he really is getting vuo there in years and I'm really glad about how healthy he looks
>4 fucking watermarks
Jesus are they really that paranoid about someone not crediting their stupid joke?
can't deny how fucking awesome it is that Nintendo found the one guy named bowser and made them king
Funny thing is that he worked for Sony before. And even if many people claim it, he was not given the position he has now because of his name, because he was already pretty successful at Sony and was responsible for the Switch marketing, which went really well.
>yfw he makes Bowsette canon
>getting vuo there in years
He's 58, that's way earlier than most people retire, much less people in executive positions for companies doing well.
he's charismatic
you cannot escape me bill